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Chapter twelve
Breaking into the Tomb
Angelica's POV:
Hamunaptra. We had made it back. "Everyone stay close. This might be rough." Rick said. He led us inside the tomb and we had to venture through many cobweb filled hallways. I stared at the ground as we walked, completely forgetting about my surroundings. I hadn't realized Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth had stopped. I bumped into the much taller man. Rick turned around and looked at me. I took a step back, muttering an apology. Rick frowned and went to say something but was cut off by Jonathan's gasps of shock. "Wha..? Wha-what is..." I looked around the room and noticed it. Gold. Tons of it. "Gold. It's gold." Francisco gaped. Jonathan spun around in a circle, looking at it all. Ardeth's eyes scanned the room, looking at different items. "Can we?" Jonathan asked. "No." Rick replied. "Can't we just-" "No." Jonathan rolled his eyes and we slowly made our way through the room of golden artifacts. We stopped at a door and Jonathan said "go ahead. Put your backs into it." Rick and Ardeth turned around, glaring at him. Troy wiped some sweat off his brow and Jonathan grimaced, looking away from them. Rick huffed and continued to pull the rocks away from the door that was currently blocked. Jonathan picked up a scarab beetle and was examining it. The beetle itself was very pretty. "Johnny, don't." I said. Jonathan shrugged and the beetle came alive, going inside his skin. Francisco screamed and Jonathan started to yell in pain. Troy's head whipped in our direction and Rick said "what is it?!" "It's one of those things! The beetles!" Jonathan whined. Ardeth rolled his eyes and pulled me out of the way as he he held Jonathan. "Do something!" Jonathan yelped. Rick pulled out a knife and my eyes widened. "No! Not that! Anything but that!" Jonathan tried to wiggle free from Ardeth's grip. Rick sliced Jonathan's arm open, pulling the scarab beetle out. Jonathan's legs started to wobble and I knew he was most likely going to pass out. Rick threw the beetle away from us and I grabbed his pistol from his holster on his hip, shooting it. I panted and Troy's mouth hung agape as he looked at me. Ardeth quirked an eyebrow at me and Rick looked at me in shock. "What? It needed to be killed." I said nonchalantly. Jonathan blinked a few times before passing out. I handed Rick back his gun and I reached for a piece of Ardeth's cloak. He immediately moved it away from me. "His arm is bleeding. I need to patch the wound. Or do you want to explain to Evie that her brother died of blood loss." Ardeth scoffed and said "he'll die from stupidity before he dies from blood loss." I rolled my eyes at him. Ardeth handed me a piece of the cloth and I quickly wrapped Jonathan's arm. I stroked his head gently as Rick and Ardeth continued to get the door open. "I don't know what's going to happen when we get in here. Everyone should be on high alert." Rick said. Francisco looked up at Rick and said "we might die, won't we?" Rick's eyes met mine and I looked away from him. "I might. But, you guys won't." That made me look back up at Rick. "You'd sacrifice yourself for us?" I said to him. "I'd do it for you. And for Evie. And you're brothers. And for Troy and Naomi." He replied. "Why?" "Because you all have things to live for. I don't. I don't have anything. And anything I have, I mess up." I knew he was talking about the situation between him and I. I nodded and didn't say anything else. "Angel?" Jonathan mumbled. "Are you ok, Johnny?" He nodded and I smiled down at him. The sounds of mummified soldiers were heard. Rick and Ardeth approached them slowly. Jonathan pulled himself up to his feet and exhaled. I kissed his cheek and said "be careful." Jonathan looked at me and said "I will." The followed the other men, Troy doing the same. I watched as they started to massacre them, reinforcements started coming their way. Francisco looked to the door and said "should we?" I looked at the men and nodded, Francisco and I going through the door. My eyes widened as I saw Naomi and Evelyn on slabs of rock, ready to be sacrificed. Imhotep no longer wore his cloak, he stood in shorts that were unbelievably short. Francisco looked at the mummified remains of Anck Su Namun and gagged. Imhotep turned around to face us. "Shit." I said. Naomi looked at me and said "Angelica, help!" Evelyn pulled at the ropes on her arms and Troy ran in behind me, nearly knocking Francisco over. Troy watched Imhotep stomp his way over to us. "Damn it." Troy said as he realized he'd have to fight Imhotep. Rick came in and Jonathan did the same. Imhotep reached for me and Jonathan quickly pulled me away from him. "Princess, why are you against me?!" Imhotep yelled in ancient Egyptian. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "I'm not a princess. You've got me confused with someone else." Troy and Rick started to fight Imhotep while I went over to Naomi, trying to untie her. But Anck Su Namun beat me to it as she sat up, swinging a dagger at me. I jumped back and said "whoa!" Evelyn screamed as the mummy next to her was now alive and moving. Naomi's eyes widened. Jonathan pulled at his hair and Francisco said "hey!" Anck Su Namun looked at him and he said "do you know how crusty you look? I mean, that's a really bad look for you. I'm sure you were some smoking hot Egyptian princess or something back then but, jeez, you're ugly." Anck Su Namun tilted her head at Francisco and swung her dagger at him. Francisco quickly grabbed a spear off the floor, trying to hit her. Anck Su Namun was quick to retaliate and knock him down. "No!" I said as I blocked her from doing anything. "You're making me angry, princess." She spat in ancient Egyptian. I rolled my eyes and said "so are you, bitch." I picked up the spear Francisco had and fought the love of Imhotep's life, doing anything I could to kill her. Rick was thrown across the room by Imhotep and Troy was trying to untie Naomi, succeeding. Evelyn called for him to do the same. Troy untied her and then they scurried away. Anck Su Namun yelled out in frustration as she couldn't get me. I dodged her again and I thought I had gotten away from her in time. But I felt hot liquid running down my arm. "Angel!" Jonathan said. Anck Su Namun's attention went to Evelyn and I looked down my arm. I had a huge scratch in my arm. "Angie!" Rick's voice said as his eyes widened at my arm. Rick tried to get to me but Imhotep grabbed him. Troy rushed over to me and pulled me aside. "Bloody hell, you're arm." He said as he reached for some cloth. "Angel..." Jonathan said as he looked down at my arm. "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere else?" I shook my head at Troy and Evelyn told Jonathan to read a scripture from the book of Amun Ra so we could kill Anck Su Namun. Jonathan stood up and began flipping the pages, not knowing what to do. "He's in love with you." Troy said. "Jonathan? I know. We used to be together." I replied. Troy shook his head and said "what? No, I'm talking about Rick." "No he's not." I looked down at my arm, remembering the words that were said. "Yes he is. He said those words to protect you. He doesn't want you to get hurt and he thinks he could mess it all up with you. I've never seen him like this. He's deeply in love with you." I looked over at Rick who was fighting Imhotep. Francisco and Jonathan were trying to read the scripture and Evelyn and Naomi were fighting Anck Su Namun. "What do I do? He doesn't really want me." I didn't look at Troy. "He does, Angelica. I promise. Tell him that you love him. Just do it. He'll tell you he feels the same way." Troy went over to help Naomi and Evelyn. I made my way through the battle, calling Rick's name. "Rick!" "What?!" "I need to ask you something! Just in case we die!" "Now?! You need to ask me a question now?!" "Yes, you idiot! Is it true?" "Is what true?!" Rick pulled me away from a mummy. "Is it true you love me?" Rick looked down at me, ignoring the chaos in the background. "Angie..." I grabbed fistfuls of Rick's shirt and said "is it true? Tell me now." Rick cupped my cheek and said "yes. It's true." "Princess, there you go once again, being with someone you shouldn't." Imhotep spat in ancient Egyptian. I was so confused as to why they kept referring to me as a princess. "Angie, I've wanted to be with you this whole time but I was trying to protect you. I don't want you to get hurt." "I won't, Rick. I promise you I won't."

Ooof cliffhanger! I'm not sure but this might be the last update until after Christmas. It's possible I'll update again before then but I'm not sure. I'll have a lot going on. But, I hope everyone's enjoyed this book so far!!

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