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Chapter four
The Sarcophagus
Angelica's POV:
Evelyn was currently leading the race to Hamunaptra. Beni was currently hitting Rick with his whip that made the horse go faster. Rick kept exclaiming in pain and finally grabbed Beni by his shirt. "Bye, Beni." He threw the much smaller man off his horse. Jonathan and Francisco had to steer their camels away from him so they didn't run him over. I was now alongside Rick who looked over at me. He gave me a smile and I smiled back. "Go, Evie! Go!" Jonathan cheered on his sister and she was the first one to set foot in Hamunaptra. Because of the tensions between our two groups, we both went to different sides of the city. We made camp where Evelyn saw fit. She knew a lot about city so she'd know the perfect spot. Supposedly, something very important was buried at the base of Anubis. She was hoping it was the Book of Amun-Ra, a solid gold book supposedly capable of taking life away. "Here. This is for you." Rick handed me a rucksack. I opened it up and saw tools and knives inside. A smile appeared on my face as he turned his back and walked back over to the tomb entrance. "What're you looking at?" Rick said to the warden who didn't answer. "I think he likes you." Naomi whispered. I shook my head and said "no. I'm sure he likes Evelyn. Which is fine. She's beautiful. I think the rich prince over there has a soft spot for you." Naomi scoffed. "No way. Why would he want someone like me when I'm sure he could have some royal princess? I'm basically a peasant to him." She rolled her eyes. "Well, even though you don't believe it, he definitely thinks you're a pretty peasant." Naomi pushed me playfully and I giggled. "And just what exactly are we giggling about?" Troy asked with a quirked eyebrow. "None of your business." Naomi replied. We then went down into the tomb. It was dark and filled with cobwebs. Rick, Jonathan and Troy held torches to light the way. Francisco walked alongside me, waiting for Rick or Evelyn to find something. A skittering sound was heard, making all of us jump and stop in place. "What was that?" Francisco said. Rick looked around and said "it sounds like...bugs." Then he kept walking. "Bugs? I hate bugs!" The warden said. We kept walking on until we found Anubis' legs. We noticed there was something buried in between his legs. As we went to walk around the large statue, Beni and his group were there. Everyone immediately drew their guns. "You scared the shit out of us, O'Connell." Mr. Henderson said. "Likewise." Rick replied. Everyone then put their guns down. Chamberlain declared that they get to dig there. "We were here first." Francisco said. "Kid, we were definitely here first." Mr. Daniels said. Everyone drew their guns again and Evelyn said "oh please. Now, children, If we're going to play nice then we'll have to share." I took a step towards Rick, looking up at him. His arms were extended out in front of him as he aimed his pistol at Mr. Henderson. I noticed how big his biceps were. "Mr. O'Connell, there are other places to dig." I said. I knew we could just go underneath the statue and Evelyn knew the same from the way she smirked at me. I reached up to touch Rick's bicep and he looked down at me. I nodded and he put his gun down. Jonathan and Troy did the same. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Daniels lowered their guns extra slowly. Beni glared at Rick who glared right back. We exited the way we came and went back down into the tombs another way. We had to repel down using a rope. I sighed as my feet touched the ground. Jonathan was behind me coming down the rope. "Good lord, what is that god awful stench?" Jonathan said as he got off the rope. He turned around to look at the warden and then said "oh." I stifled a laugh and hit him in the chest. "What?" I shushed him and shook my head. Evelyn instructed Rick and Jonathan where they should start digging. Troy and Francisco were helping as well. Evelyn was saying how good she felt. She knew we were going to find something. Francisco pushed his hair out of his face and I stepped away from the men as they continued to dig. After twenty minutes of digging and not finding anything, we all took a break. Evelyn was explaining the process of mummification. Jonathan was using a stick he found to hit rocks, as if he was playing golf. "They use a hook and stick it up your nose, scramble things around a bit and then pull your brains through your nostrils." Francisco gagged and Rick made a disgusted face. "You're already dead when they do this." She confirmed. "If I die, don't put me down for mummification. "Likewise." Jonathan said as he swung his stick. The sarcophagus then fell from the ceiling in front of us.

I jumped and Rick pulled me out of the way. Evelyn stumbled back and Troy's eyes were wide, Naomi was behind him as he shielded her. Francisco was in the corner of the room, he had hauled ass. Jonathan turned around slowly, in fear of what he had done. "It's a sarcophagus." Evelyn said as she approached it. Rick kicked it lightly with his foot, his hands still holding me. "We should open it." Francisco looked at Evelyn and said "are you crazy?" "We should see who's inside. He must've been of great importance." Naomi looked at the sarcophagus and said "possibly. If he was so important, why is he buried under Anubis?" "I feel like you have to be important to be buried under someone like Anubis." I said. Naomi shrugged and said "well, we won't know unless we open it." Evelyn walked over to Jonathan and grabbed the box like key from him. "Hey, that's mine." He said. "Let's open it. And find out who's inside." Evelyn said as she went to out the key into the lock. Just as she went to turn it, the prison warden's screams were heard. Rick immediately grabbed his gun and we all headed to where he was. He quickly ran past us and into a wall, killing himself. Jonathan gulped and we all stared in shock, not knowing what to do.

I know these chapters are kinda short but I'm doing it so there's more chapters!! They'll get longer, I promise!! The next chapter should be pretty lengthy.

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