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Chapter five
The Medjai
Angelica's POV:
"So, what do you think he died from?" Francisco asked. "Did you ever see the man eat?" Jonathan said. I shook my head and Jonathan grabbed his bag and said "even though he was a smelly fellow, let's see what he was carrying on him. I turned to look at Rick who was adding more wood to the fire. I slowly caught myself staring at him and Jonathan yelled out in pain. Evelyn and I immediately looked over. "It was just a broken wine bottle. It's a good wine too." Jonathan pulled the cork off of it and it was practically full. He then passed it to Evelyn who took a sip. We all passed it around. I took a sip and offered some to Rick who shook his head. "Not a wine guy?" I said. "I'm staying alert." He replied. Francisco snatched the bottle from me and took a quick swig. Loud hoof beats were heard and I turned around to see where they were coming from. "Mr. Henderson! Wake up! Wake up!" Chamberlain yelled as he ran around their area. Rick stood up and rushed over to see the commotion. The same men that attacked our boat were now attacking us here. Everyone was scrambling around and trying to protect themselves. I grabbed a gun that Rick had left behind and decided I'd use it to protect myself. Jonathan hid behind a rock, aiming his pistol at the men who rode past him. I was trying to get to Rick but I couldn't. My eyes widened as a man rode towards me, no plans on stopping. I aimed the pistol in my hands at the man, shooting him. I was then knocked down by another man on a horse. "Angel!" Jonathan said as he went to approach me but realized he couldn't get to me. Naomi shot a couple of the men and Evelyn had been knocked down as well. I noticed Rick grab a stick of dynamite and light it. My eyes widened as one of the men on the horses stopped. "Leave this place or you will be cursed. We don't want to hurt any of you. But you must leave this place. You have until tomorrow." Everyone rode off and Rick pulled the wick off the dynamite, throwing it to the ground. He looked at me and immediately rushed to me. "Angie." He said as he helped me up. I stared up at him in awe at the nickname he used. "You ok?" He cupped my cheek and examined me for injuries. "You're bruised up now." He turned my head to the side and I said "I'm fine." "They hurt you." I looked down and he saw another bruise on my arm. "Bastards." He said softly. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah. I don't even have a scratch on me. You're the one they hurt." "Angelica, what'd they do?!" Francisco said as he came over. "I'm fine. They knocked me down." I said. Rick shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. We all then went back to our respected areas, much to Chamberlain and Beni's dismay.

Rick's POV:
We all sat around the fire, passing the bottle of wine around. Evelyn was drunk and Jonathan had passed out, holding the bottle. Francisco was a lightweight considering he was still a teenager. Angelica and I were currently talking and she was drunk. I could tell she had a lot to drink. I kept staring at the bruises on her arm and the one on her face. The one on her face wasn't that bad but the one on her arm would be there a couple of days. "I can't believe we're here. And the fact that I know ancient Egyptian and nobody wants to hire me for anything because I'm a woman, makes me so angry." She said. "Because you're a woman?" I said. Angelica looked at me and said "yes. Men don't like that women can be smart or be in charge. I'm so smart, Mr. O'Connell. And I could be of great importance to museums or expeditions like this one that we're on now. Don't you think?" I nodded and said "I do. One day I'm sure you'll have a great job." "I would hope so. And what do you think of me?" I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what do I think of you?" "Yes. Are you threatened by me? Because I'm a woman and am educated and could possibly be smarter than you?" I shook my head and said "no." Angelica grabbed the wine bottle from Jonathan and took the cork off, taking a swig. "I feel like I get on your nerves." I took the bottle from her and said "you don't." "Are you sure?" "No. Not at all." "Most men can't stand how smart I am. They hate it." She reached for the bottle of wine in my hand and I said "Angelica, you've had enough." "Mr. O'Connell, I am perfectly fine! I can hold my liquor very well! And we were having a nice conversation, please don't be such a downer." I chuckled at her and let her have another sip and then took it from her again. "And I'm sure you're wondering what's a place like this doing in a girl like me." I bit my lip and said "yeah, something like that." She then looked at me, her eyes going to my lips, to my hair. Her eyes then trailed down to my biceps and her lips parted. "Like what you see?" I said. Angelica licked her lips and said "I'm going to kiss you, Mr. O'Connell." She leaned in slowly and I did the same. She then collapsed onto my chest, passing out. I clicked my tongue and said "wow." I hid the bottle of wine so nobody else would have any more. Naomi and Troy were talking quietly across the way and I scooped up Angelica into my arms. "Mr. O'Connell." She mumbled. I rolled my eyes and laid down on the sand, pulling Angelica onto my chest. She nuzzled her face into my chest and I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her close.

Naomi's POV:
I noticed Rick holding Angelica as she slept. She was beyond drunk and needed someone to look out for her. Troy was currently babbling on about Hamunaptra but then started talking about girls he had been with. I rolled my eyes as he slurred about this girl that had gotten away. "Nobody cares." I said. I was buzzed but didn't want to deal with the drunkenness. "Wha..?" He said. "Enough with your past girlfriends. If we're going to talk. Let's talk about something else." Troy nodded and said "ok, well, how do you like being here with us?" "I'm doing this for Evie and Angelica so I don't really like it." "You don't like having a prince in your midst?" He asked with a smirk. "What exactly are you a prince of?" "A small little village in England. Nothing fancy. But, I am a prince. And am very wealthy. You should be honored to have someone like me in your presence." "I could care less. All you princes are stuck up and care about money. You're probably a dick once you get to know the real you." "I am not a dick! I'm very respectful! I'm sitting here chatting with you aren't I?" Troy said. Rick shushed him and said "you're going to wake them up!" Jonathan rolled onto his stomach and Angelica held a fist full of Rick's shirt. "Sorry, sorry." Rick sighed deeply and closed his eyes, trying to go to sleep. "I'm not a dick, Naomi. I'm trying to be gentlemanly here and you're biting my head off. I was only trying to start a conversation. And you have every right to think I'm a dick. You don't know me. And I get that. But, I've only treated you with respect the few days we've been together, haven't I? I mean, of course I have. I'm not rude. I'm a nice person. I've never been one to be condescending. I'm very conscientious." Troy rambled on and on and on. I grabbed him by his face and pressed my lips to his. Troy immediately kissed back, trying to deepen the kiss. I was going to kiss him to shut him up but ended up getting caught up in the kiss. Our lips moved against one another, Troy's hand going to my cheek. A soft moan left Troy's lips and that's when I pulled away. He stared at me in awe and then fell back onto his back, passing out. I looked around at the group, everyone was asleep. I rolled Troy onto his side in case he were to throw up and I went to lay next to Evelyn, the wine making me fall asleep rather quickly.

Here's the update!! There's some chemistry going on. Oooooh

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