The Hero is Revealed

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*Lloyd's POV*

I woke up early the next morning to find M already in the kitchen cooking breakfast. She still had her cloak on.

Why didn't she want us to see her appearance?

Was she hiding something from us?

I was desperate to know who she really was.

I thought about going up behind her and pulling her cloak off, but that would be wrong.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her speak.

"Good morning, Lloyd."

I smiled as she turned towards me. I was glad we were alone. Maybe I could get some answers from her.

"Morning M!" I replied.

I sat down at the table and watched M continue to cook.

We were both silent for a few moments until I spoke.

"M isn't your real name is it?" I asked.

She stopped cooking for a moment.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"No it's not," she answered reluctantly.

(2 hours later)

*Kai's POV*

M was crazy! She had brought us back into the city, but why?

Was she trying to get us killed?

I had a feeling that bad things were going to happen.

*M's POV*

I knew what I had gotten myself into would end badly, but I didn't care.

We walked through the city until Shadow, Misty, Jay and Anna all appeared in front of us.

"Well well well, look who returned." smirked Shadow.

I gripped the hilt of my dagger. Something wasn't right with Jay.

Then it hit me but I was too late to react.

The clone disappeared as the real Jay from behind me pulled off my cloak.

Oh no!

*Lloyd's POV*

Jay just pulled off M's cloak!

But it wasn't who anyone expected to see.

Standing in front of us was a girl with dark hair and a purple highlight going through it, blue eyes, black pants, combat boots and a purple shirt.

It was none other than Serene.

She was alive.

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