Chapter 28

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Hey people......
Some mysteries to be revealed now.....
Are you ready for it?

Baby for you..... 😉

*Oberoi mansion *
Dadi was making preparations for welcoming Anika and Shivaay. Pinky (rather Rinky) saw everything and irked.

Pinky: What's all this mummyji?
Dadi: Aare woh... Woh....
Janvi(came at the right moment) : Woh, just preparations for the upcoming party.
Pinky: Party?
Janvi: Small private party with the business associates.
Pinky(thought something) : Oh that's goods. But where are the kids?
Janvi: They are coming back don't worry.
Pinky: But where did they go?
Dadi: Vacation because I sent them. Now no more questions and help me out with it.
Pinky(escaping): Actually Mummyji, I have some works so I need to go.

Pinky escaped while Dadi and Janvi heaved a sigh of relief.

Dadi: What is this party about?
Janvi: Shivaay had called me this morning and said that he wants to organize a small party with the business associates. He will introduce Anika and the other Obrohus.
Dadi(scared): Media?
Janvi: It will stay but won't post the news until said.
Dadi: Thank god. Okay then let's get everything done.

Dadi and Janvi with the help of the Helpers got everything ready.

*2 hours later*
The honking of the car indicated the arrival of them. Dadi stood by the door with the Aarti thal waiting for thr newly wed couple. Shivika along with the others came and stood in front of the door. Everyone seemed to be happy except Rumya. Rudra was angry while Soumya had a blank face. Rudra wasn't able to understand how to say this to the Family. Seeing everyone happy, he thought of revealing the matter later. Dadi welcomed Anika and Shivaay.

Dadi: Anika... Puttar kalash ko girake grihapravesh karo.

Anika remembered her first grihapravesh. As if sensing her, Shivaay held her hand. She looked at him who assured her to go ahead. Holding each others hand, she kicked the kalash. Janvi brought her in. Dadi did aarti for others too. Everyone except Shivaay was surprised seeing the whole mansion decorated.

Om: Dadi, any special occasion?
Dadi: Billu didn't say you all?
Mahi: What will Shivaay say?
Dadi: That....
Shivaay(cutting her in between) : Dadi.... We are very hungry. Let's have lunch. Please (indicating her not to say anything)
Dadi(understood): Haa let's go.
Rudra: Par Dadi aapne bataya nehi yeh sab kis liye?
Dadi: Woh...
Janvi(completing her words) : For Anika's welcome. Nothing else.
Om: But just now Dadi said Shivaay...
Shivaay: Om... You hear a lot. Aren't you all hungry? I am very hungry. Let's eat naa. Dadi, what you made for lunch?
Dadi: Haa, let's have lunch.

Everyone agreed and left the matter but Anika being Anika knew that something was definitely fishy behind all these. She thought of asking her baggad billa later in her own style. Everyone was enjoying the family time except Rumya. Anika looked through them and found some sort of tension. She thought of asking them later. She was happy seeing the increasing closeness of Rikara and Mohi. She has many things to settle.

*Shivika's room *
Anika locked the door of the room and stood in front of Shivaay with hands folded on her chest. He gave her a confused look while she gave a 'spit out the truth look'

Shivaay: Why such look?
Anika: Will you speak out now?
Shivaay: What should I say?
Anika: What are these decorations for in the house. It's definitely not for my welcome. So speak out.
Shivaay(caging her within his arms) : Why are you so intelligent? It's for a party at the night where I will introduce all the Obrohus and invite everyone for Priyanka and Raghav's marraige.
Anika(scared): Shivaay... Media will be there? Why? I don't want them...
Shivaay: Sshh.... Don't worry, they won't show the news until I say them to do so.
Anika(sighed): Thank god.
Shivaay: But why were you so scared regarding media?
Anika(covering it) : You see.... I am still not accustomed with the fame and popularity of being Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife.
Shivaay: Only Shivaay....
Anika: But Shivaay, you also know that you are an Oberoi. Then why aren't....
Shivaay: I'm not an Oberoi. I am not..... And I am just in this house, because you said so. Otherwise....
Anika(cutting him) : Okay... Okay... Let's forget it. Why didn't you inform OmRuHi about this?
Shivaay: Surprise for everyone.... But seems like you can understand me too well.
Anika(encircles her hand around his neck) : Aakhir biwi hu mai aapki.
Shivaay(nuzzles his face in her neck) : Biwi... Haa...
Anika(giggles): Shivaay.... Chodiye mujhe.... I am feeling ticklish. (he leaves) Aacha I am noticing something is wrong between Rudra and Soumya. Did you notice it?
Shivaay: Hmm... I have noticed. I thought they have again fought on a very petty issue.
Anika(serious): I don't think so. I guess this time matter is very serious.
Shivaay(tightening his hold on her) : And I know that my Khidkitod wife will sort this out within no time.
Anika: That I will surely do. Leave that on me.

He smiled at her and kissed her forehead lovingly. She closed her eyes to feel his love.

*Rudra's side*

Rudra was punching his punching bag and his every hit was stronger than the previous one. Sweats were dripping from his forehead and he had anger in his eyes.

Rudra(while hitting): How could you do this to me Soumya? How? You were my best friend but you never said me about your connection with Swetlana Kapoor. Why? You have cheated me... Cheated me , my Family, everyone.... But not anymore....I will not let you cheat us Anymore..... No..... I will give you a divorce.... I will....

He kept on punching taking out his anger unaware of the fact that someone heard him.

*Soumya's side*

Soumya was seen crying sitting by the poolside. She had a photo frame in her hand and was talking to it.

Soumya(crying): Rudra.... Believe me... I didn't cheat you.... I agree that I have relation with Swetlana Kapoor but I am not a part of that family anymore. I have broken all the relations with that family. Please believe me. I really love you Rudra.... I never faked my love for you.... Please believe me .... Please......

Her phone rang and seeing the caller id made her angry.

Soumya(angry voice): Are you happy now? You not only broke my marriage but you made me loose my best friend also. Why don't you allow me to live peacefully? I have broken all ties with that family long back.... For the past 10 years where was this family when I had broken the ties... That time you all didn't bother to find my whereabouts then why now? Just because i am an Oberoi bahu..... Then listen to me very carefully Ms.Swetlana Kapoor I will never let you harm my family..... Never.... And even if you try to harm them.... I won't think twice to kill you with my bare hands.... You have done enough damage to this family by having relation with Tej Uncle.... Now just back off and leave my family in peace.....

She threw the phone in the water in anger and was breathing heavily. Her anger was clearly visible in her eyes.

"You could have told me about your 'Family'.... for once", a voice startled her. Her eyes widened in shocked hearing the voice. She turned back slowly to see Anika standing with a very calm and composed face.

Soumya(gulping in fear): An...Ani...Anika bhabi.... Aap ..... Woh... I was just....
Anika(sitting on the side of the pool): Come sit. Why are you standing? (seeing her shocked) Come on sit down (pulls her hand and makes her sit) Sit down and let's talk.

*Rudra's side*

Rudra was breaking everything present in the room. He was very angry. He looked around to look for his phone. He found it and was about to make a call when someone took it from him and threw it breaking it into pieces. (And we all know who is so famous in breaking phones 😂😂)

Rudra(angry): Bhaiya.... Why did you stop me? Why?
Shivaay: Because you were going to do a blunder. You were calling the lawyer for your and Soumya's divorce. Have you gone nuts?
Rudra: You don't know Bhaiya what she has done. She has cheated all of us. She is a fraud. She is not what she is. She is... She is....
Shivaay: Soumya Kapoor and not Soumya Tendulkar.... Am I right?
Rudra(raged voice) : She is the sister of that Swetlana. She was in our house for so many days still she never told me about it. And I being a fool was going to propose her for my love. How can I be such a duffer person? How? (hitting the wall hard)
Shivaay: Rudy.... Rudy listen to me. Will you? (he nods) Good. Now, first change your cloths and freshen up. Then we will sit and talk. Go.

Shivaay pushed him inside the bathroom. He looked around the room and saw the mess. He called a servent to clean it.

*Soumya's side*

Anika: I and Shivaay know everything that is going on between you two. Now tell me everything from the starting. Your family... Your actual identity. Everything. If you want to save this relationship with Rudra then don't hide anything. Okay?
Soumya: I'm Soumya Kapoor not Soumya Tendulkar. I am the youngest daughter of the Kapoor family. I was always in the path of humanity and I was never in any of their revenge plans. Once I tried stop them and they said me that if I don't want to stay in their plan then I should leave the house. I not only left the house but broke all ties with them. For the past 10 years I didn't have any connection with them. I even changed my surname. I met Rudra, he became my best friend. We got married in unusual circumstances , I know. But it wasn't my plan at all. We were intoxicated during the whole time. When I saw Swetlana here and that to being Tej Uncle's.... I felt so disgusted. I tried to warm her to leave the family and go. But, she didn't listen. And when she was finally kicked out, she started blackmailing me, that she would reveal my real identity and break my relations. During our stay in Goa, she had called me. I got scared. And I first thought of hiding this matter from Rudra, that I am a Kapoor. But, I then thought I should be loyal to you all. And I said everything to him. But.... (tears rolled down her eyes) He thinks that I am cheating him and family. (holds her hands) Believe me bhabi, I didn't cheat anyone. You might be thinking why didn't I say about my real identity because I have broken all the relations broke with that family. I don't belong to that family anymore and I won't till the last breath of my life. That is why I didn't say about my real identity. Please believe me bhabi. I am not cheating anyone.... Please believe me.... Please.....

"Bhabi.... Can you leave as alone for sometime.... "

Anika turned to see Rudra and Shivaay standing. She looked at Shivaay who indicated her to leave them alone. She patted Soumya's cheek lightly and gave an assuring nod. She walked towards them. Rudra's expression was blank. Anika looked worried.

Anika: Rudra.... Listen to Soumya first. Then decide. Please don't any decision in haste.
Rudra(smiled lightly) : Don't worry bhabi.

She nodded and Shivaay took her while hugging her sideways.

*Shivika's side *

Anika was visibly very tensed. Seeing her, Shivaay sighed.

Shivaay: Anika.... You are stressing yourself unnecessarily. And you know right that stress is not good for your health.
Anika: I know, Shivaay. But.... I can't stop thinking about it. I could see the honesty in Soumya's eyes. She wasn't cheating on us. She is.... (rubbing her forehead)
Shivaay(calming her down) : Anika.... Calm down. You will stress yourself more. Calm down. And don't worry I have already spoken to Rudra and I have tried to make him understand.


Shivaay: Rudra... Listen to me carefully and attentively. Okay? (he nodded) Rudra.... I can understand what you are going through. You are feeling betrayed and cheated. But have you ever thought if Soumya had to cheat you or us, she would never have said about her real identity. (Rudra looked at him) Don't look at me like that. I am stating the logical fact. Just think about it once. If Soumya really had to cheat on you or our family, then she would have never said about it and that too when you were telling about your feelings to her. If she was fraud or a cheater, she would have accepted your love and the title of Oberoi bahu long before only. But no... She didn't. Think about it.

Rudra went into deep thoughts. He thought about it and said.

Rudra(blank face) : I want to talk to Soumya.
Shivaay: Let's go.

They reached the poolside and at that moment only, Soumya was telling about her family and everything. In short, everything was heard by Rudra.


Shivaay: I just hope, afte hearing me and her, he takes wise decision.
Anika(getting tensed): Shivaay I am getting very tensed. I had almost brought the family together. And now if they part away then how will I.....
Shivaay(trying to calm her down): Anika...why are you getting so tensed. Please calm down.... Please.....
Anika(walking to and fro): I can't..... I can't..... Until I hear their decision I can't.....
(holds her head)
Shivaay(sees her): Anika... What happened? Are you fine?
Anika (holding her head and eyes closed): Yaa, Shivaay.... Just..... (looses her balance)
Shivaay(holds her on time): Anika..... Are you fine? What happened? I told you not to take stress but you won't listen to me. And why would you even listen to me. Who am I ? (sees her trying to talk) Now keep quite and you will only rest. (picks her up and put on bed) No more words. (giving her water) Drink it silently. And stop worrying. At least not for yourself but me at least. You can do it right. Please.
Anika(sighs): Okay. I won't take stress. Now stop showing this frown. It doesn't suit your handsome face.
Shivaay (smirk): Handsome face.... Aaha.... So you find me handsome?
Anika(stammering): Yaa, I mean.... You look good.... You....
Shivaay(brings face close to hers whispering): Just say it Anika. I would love to hear it.
Anika(shy and blushing): What are you doing Shivaay?
Shivaay(coming near her lips) : Trying to see my blushing queen. Your blush always makes me crazy.....
Anika(feeling his hot breaths) : Shivaay......

He was about to kiss her when a voice interrupted them.

"Bhaiya.... At least close the door and romance.... "

Shivaay(not moving away) : And you should know that you shouldn't enter a couple's room without knocking. Now leave us alone. Go....
Anika(trying to push him away) : Shivaay.... What are you doing? Move away. Rudra must be having some important talk.
Shivaay: Rudra.... Hearing your voice, I think I know what happened. Now go to Soumya and romance with her. And please close the door before you go.
Rudra(twisting his lips) : No-one cares about me now. My Soumya only understands me so well.

He complained like a baby and went not before closing the door.

Anika: Shivaay, what was that? I wanted to talk to them... You.....
Shivaay: And if you don't allow me to kiss you then I will stop talking with you.
Anika: But...

He cut her words by placing his lips on hers. She got lost in it and started kissing him. Slowly and passionately full of love. Her hands in his hair messing it up and pulling it more in the kiss. His hands on her waist slowly carenessing it. He pinched her and she opened her mouth in gasp. Taking the opportunity, he entered his tongue in her mouth and explored each and every corner of it. She tried to enter but he dominated her. Fighting for dominance for sometime, they broke the kiss after 10mins. Both of them were breathing heavily. He kept his forehead on hers and eyes closed.

Shivaay: I can never get over you and your kisses. Stop blushing now otherwise I won't be able to control myself.
Anika(opens her eyes) : How do you know I am blushing?
Shivaay(opens his eyes) : Because we are one and I know (rubbing her cheeks) My Blushing queen, very well.
Anika(blushing more) : Shivaay....
Shivaay : God! Anika..... (kissing her blushing cheeks) You are so cute..... Why didn't you come in my life before? Why did I meet you so late and why did I take so much time to understand you?
Anika: It's nothing like that, Shivaay. Whenever we had to meet, we met. Whenever we had to fall in love ,we fell in love. Everything has a right time and we have came to each other's life in the right time. (carenessing his cheek) Now stop thinking about the past. Please Shivaay. I don't want to remember it anymore. I want to make good memories with you and everyone. Can we?
Shivaay(bowing his head): As you say my Lady.
Anika(smiles): You won't change.
Shivaay(raising his eyebrows) : You want me to?
Anika(teasing him) : No.... But...
Shivaay: But?
Anika: But.... I like that Tadibaaz Baggad billa of mine. Whose every words spoke Tadi and that SSO style.... (dreamingly) Hai.....
Shivaay(leaning towards her) : So my jagli billi like me as Tadibaaz Baggad billa?
Anika(blushing lightly due to proximity) : Shivaay....
Shivaay: What Anika? Say naa.... You like me being Tadibaaz SSO?
Anika(whispered and looking into his eyes) : I love you in your every shade Shivaay. Whether you are Sadu Singh Oberoi or Sweet Singh Oberoi.
Shivaay(whispered): And I love my Anika forever and ever.

He kissed her forehead lovingly and her eyes closed instantly feeling his love. He forgot all his works and slipped beside her into the duvet. He held her close to his chest and she closed her eyes feeling at peace.He ran his fingers through her hair making her relax. Slowly, sleep took over her and he let her sleep. He kissed her hair and kept on looking at her peaceful face and promised himself that he will always make sure that she always get such peaceful sleep every time.

*Rikara's room *

The couple was sitting in front of each other and was staring.

Gauri: Omkaraji... What are you doing?
Om: Looking the world's best creation.
Gauri(shies): Omkaraji.....
Om: Gauri... Omkaraji sounds so old type. Can you please call me Om or just Omkara?
Gauri: How can I do that Omkaraji? I... I can't.... (blushing)
Om: Gauri please.... You can try at least once... For me.. Please... Once try naa.
Gauri: Okay... I will try.
Om(excited): Yes.... Please.... Try... I am dying to hear it please....
Gauri(smiles): Omkara.... Ji....
Om: Gauri.... Okay try once more.
Gauri: Omkara... Ji....
Om(sighed): Gauri.... Never mind... I guess I will never hear it from you.
Gauri(sad): I didn't mean to hurt you.... I....
Om(cupping her face) : You can never hurt me, Gauri. I can understand you need time. I will wait for you to be comfortable to take only my name. Don't be sad now. I don't like this face of yours. Please smile. (she smiles) Just like that. Just keep smiling. I will come back in sometime. Okay?

He left her and was about to exit the door when.....

Gauri: Om....

His steps froze. He turned towards her who was blushing uncontrollably and her eyes were down due to shyness. He went closer to her and pulled her face up. She was blushing and her eyes were closed.

Om: Open your eyes Gauri. (nods no) Please.

She opened her eyes and looked at his eyes. Time stopped again. They got drowned in each other's eyes again. He finally broke the trans and hugged her tightly.

Om: You have made me so happy. I was waiting to hear my name. I love you.... Love you so much.
Gauri: I love you too Om......

He tightened the hug and she covered herself in his embrace.

*Mohi's side*

Mona was way too happy. Finally.... Finally her stubborn husband spoke the words she was waiting to hear since ages.

Mona: Mahi finally said what I wanted to hear. But.... (with fear) I am scared. If he thinks that.... Whatever he said is wrong. He shouldn't have done that and if he leaves me.... No... No... I...

"I will never leave you.... And I will never think that whatever I said is wrong....."

She turned around to see Mahi. She composed herself and faked a smile.

Mona: When did you come?
Mahi(moving towards her) : When, my silly wife was thinking about silly things.
Mona(stammering): No... I wasn't. I was just....
Mahi(coming in front of her) : You don't need to hide anything from me. You remember what I told you yesterday. (holds her shoulders) You are my wife... And now... My Love.... Then why such wierd thoughts in your mind?
Mona: I... I... I am just scared. I am scared that you will leave me again. I can handle anything but I am lost without you.... I can't live without you.

Her eyes got filled up by the end. He understood her inner turmoils. He made her sit on the bed and sat in front of her on his knees.

Mahi: Mona..... (holding her hands) I know I am a bit reserved and I can't express myself so well. But I can assure you one thing..... I am not leaving you anymore.... In whatever situation it be. You are my friend,my wife,my better half..... My Love.... I will try to give you everything that is in my hands. I am trying to change myself.... I am trying..... For you.... For us.... I am trying. (wiping her tears) I am sorry for all the sins and mistakes that I have done on you. I can't bring back those time but I can assure you that I will make our future full of love and happiness. I promise....

The smile on her face was not leaving at all and even her tears were betraying her. He was wiping her tears and nodding no.

Mahi(wiping her tears): Don't cry please. I can't see your tears. Please....
Mona: I am not crying.... I am not crying.... These are....
Mahi(completing her): Tears of happiness. You, all girls are so complicated.
Mona: We are complicated. You, boys can't understand us.
Mahi: Really?
Mona: Of course.
Mahi(moving closer to her face): You will help me understand you?
Mona(blushes): Mahi... What are you doing?
Mahi: Trying to understand my wife.....

He smirks seeing her red cheeks and kissed them. Her eyes widened in shock and she looked at him.

Mahi: What? I can do that. I have that much right on you. Right?

She was too shocked to respond. He smiled seeing her expression and went out of the room. She touched her cheeks and felt hot. She smiled like an idiot and covered her face in shyness.

Mahi(peeping in the room): Waise.... You look cute when you blush.

She looked at the door shocked and he winked her before leaving.


The whole Mansion was decorated grandly. All the members were dressed up in western outfits - ladies gown and men suit. Janvi was looking around the arrangements. Everything has to be point perfect, not hers but Shivaay's words.

Tej: Janvi, everything is set. Why are you stressing yourself out?
Janvi: Tej, you don't know. Shivaay has strictly told that the party has to be grand and up to the mark. This is the first time I've handled such a grand party. Otherwise everytime, it was handled by Pinky.
Tej(holding her shoulders): Don't worry. Everything is just perfect. And you have done a great job. And I trust my wife's ability. She is just flawless.
Janvi(smiles): Thank you so much Tej. Your words always have an effort on me whether it was praise or taunt.
Tej(guilty): Janvi.... I'm very guilty for whatever I have done with you. My 1000 sorries will not mend your heart which I have brutally killed so many times. I am amazed that you have forgiven me and want to give me another chance. How can you do it Janvi? How?
Janvi(holding his hands) : Because I still love you Tej and I will keep loving you till the end of my life. Forget all the bitter past and let us start afresh.
Tej(kissing her hands) : Of course Janvi. Of course. I'm sorry.... Sorry for everything....
Janvi: No more sorries from now on. And if at all you want to say sorry.....(blushes) Just say what is there in your heart for me.
Tej: That I can say whenever I want. (whispers) I love you Janvi.... I love you.....

She blushed more hearing his confession after so many years. He smiled seeing her. They just hugged eachother tightly. Everyone saw them but didn't want to break their moment. They smiled wholeheartedly and Anika sighed dreamingly and leaned on Shivaay's shoulder.

Anika(dreaming): Just see the amount of love in their eyes. Haa.... So romantic.
Shivaay: You are sighing as if I am not romantic.
Anika: Who said you are not romantic? Of course you are. And now I understand where all these romance comes in you.
Shivaay: You mean to say... I am romantic because Baade papa is romantic?
Anika: Of course..... You didn't hear about genes which gets transferred from parents to children. But in you they were hidding under rocks of ego and tadi. And me baachri nenhi si jaan had to break those rocks with my small small hands and bring out that Love in you. (sighed exhaustedly) Haa.... So much work I had to do.
Shivaay(turning her towards him and holding her by the waist) : Oh... Is it?
Anika(trying to free herself) : Shivaay, leave me. Someone will see us.
Shivaay(tightening the hold) : No. Why should I leave you? You are my legally wedded wife. I can hold you whenever I want. And (nearing his face) can romance whenever and wherever I want.
Anika(blushes): Shivaay.....

They were lost in their moment when Our Rudy boy had to enter.

Rudra(closing his eyes) : Bhaiya... There are small kids in the house. Here you are romancing with bhabi and there Mom and dad are romancing with each other.
Soumya(hitting his head) : Duffer! You shouldn't interfere.
Rudra: But...
Soumya(goes away) : You will always remain duffer.
Rudra(scratching his head) : Now what did I do?
Shivaay: You are really a duffer. (goes away with Anika)
Rudra(confused): Hai.....

Media was covering the whole event after all it was the grand reception party of Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi. All the couples were present. Seeing around,he saw almost everyone was present.

Shivaay(whispering in her ears): Anika, I will just make the announcements. Come with me.

She nodded and went up to the stage alone with him.

Shivaay: Ladies and gentlemen.... I'm very much thankful that you all have come here to become a part of our happiness. Thank you so much. (holding Anika by the waist) As you all know, (looking at her) I was married to Anika but our marriage wasn't on a good note. Anika never got the marriage she deserved. So, We got married again in private and I am happy to introduce my wife.... My better half.... Anika .... (kissing her hand)

Camera flashes went crazy. The perfect photo was being clicked. They smiled.

Shivaay: That's not the end. I would love to introduce you all to my sisters.... Mona Mahendra Singh Oberoi, Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi and Soumya Rudra Singh Oberoi....

They moved to the stage and stood along with Shivika. Shivaay called his brothers too on the stage who stood beside their wives. Everyone smiled and click click.....

Everyone moved down leaving Shivika. Shivaay looked at TejVi who nodded at him.

Shivaay: Now, I want to make the most important announcement for the evening. (indicating PriGhav to come up) The Oberoi princess.... Our sister Priyanka Singh Oberoi is all set to tie knots. Yes.... You all have heard it right. Priyanka is getting married with this young man Raghav Sighaniya, doctor by profession. And today is their engagement.

Everyone became shocked hearing it.

Shivaay: Surprise.... Everyone..... Now let's not waste time and complete the ritual. Don't worry Dadi, I have looked after everything very carefully. And panditji is also here. Now shall we?
Raghav: Bhaiya.... I want to ask something from Priyanka before this.
Shivaay (smiled): Sure.... The stage is all yours. (to Anika)Let's go.

Shivika stepped down from the stage. Anika was still in daze of her husband's surprises.

Anika(surprised): How? I mean... I thought you....
Shivaay: Don't be shocked so much. Still a lot is left.
Anika: What is still left?
Shivaay(whispering in her ear): That you leave to me wifey..... I bet you will be over the moon seeing it. (kissing her cheek)

Though Anika's brain wasn't working seeing all this and after the kiss,her brain got hanged. She could just blush and wait for more blasts.

Meanwhile, Arnav and Khushi had also arrived for the party along with Arshi.

Arnav: I need to find a good time and tell Aru everything.
Khushi: After the party, you can talk.
Arnav(tensed): Yaa.... Now even Priyanka's wedding is coming up. I don't think she will be able to.....
Khushi: As far as I remember,Anika wanted to sort this matter before Priyanka's wedding. So I guess she will do something or the other. Don't worry. Just tell her everything.

He nodded and looked at Shivika , who were smiling wholeheartedly unaware of the upcoming storm.

(The upcoming scene will be like once Raghav and Priyanka and then simultaneously Shivaay and Anika. I hope you all could understand)

Priyanka was looking at Raghav with amused face. He sat on his one knee and forwarded a yellow rose towards her.

Raghav: Every relation begins from friendship and it is said that yellow rose represents friendship. So,today in front of everyone I am asking you.... Will you be my friend..... Will you be that only best friend of my life?
Priyanka (with tears): Of course..... I will always be your best friend. (took the rose)

Simultaneously, Shivaay gave a yellow rose to Anika also. She was confused.

Shivaay(whispering): For,the one and only best friend of my life..... (kissing her ears lightly)

She blushed and took it.

Anika(kissing his cheek): Thank you for being that friend in my life who was always beside me in every thick and thin situation.

He smiled.

Raghav (forwarding a pink rose): The pink rose is often given as a token of admiration and appreciation. But for me.... It is the sweetness that makes me remind you. Just like this pink rose, I want you to always fill our life with sweetness.
Priyanka (taking it): You will make me diabetic today. (chuckling)
Raghav(winking at her): I will cure you in my way.

She blushed.

Shivaay (forwarding a pink rose and whispering): For, the most sweetest person in my life who made me what I'm today. (kissing her cheek lightly)
Anika(taking it): Thank you for being Sweet Singh Oberoi (kissing his cheek).

He smiled.

Raghav(forwarding a purple rose): You know the meaning of this rose? (She nodded no) Purple rose stand for enchantment. And if I'm giving this means.... I have fallen in love with you in the very first sight.

She gasped in shock hearing it.

Priyanka: Really?
Raghav: Swearing on my life,yes.
Priyanka: Don't say like that.
Raghav: Okay, My Lady. So,do you accept my love for you?
Priyanka (taking it): I accept.

Shivaay also forwarded a purple rose and Anika's eyes went big in shock.

Anika(shocked): You are kidding me right?
Shivaay(whispering): When, you broke my windshield , I feel in love with your attitude.... But I being SSO acted like an idiot. So... My Lady.... Accept my love for you all over again....
Anika(taking it): You are making me feel so special all of a sudden. Why Shivaay?
Shivaay: You will always feel special.... Because all your wishes will be fulfilled by me .....
Anika(confused): Which wish you are talking about?

He just smiled and kissed her nose tip.

Raghav: Am I boring you all?
Rudra: Of course. You all forget that a kid is present in the house and everyone is romancing openly.
Soumya: Shut up Rudra. No not at all Raghav. It is actually so sweet.
Raghav: Well, I will take a little more time. I hope you all don't mind.
Janvi(smiles): Not a problem at all.
Priyanka (whispering): What else is left? Wasn't this enough?
Raghav: Just wait My Lady. (forwarding an orange rose) This is symbolic for enthusiasm. Just like this vibrant orange color of this rose, I want you to all stay super active and enthusiastic. I never want to see you fade away.
Priyanka (taking it): I know you won't allow me to fade away.

Shivaay(forwarding an orange rose and whispering): For my khidkitod biwi.... So that you always stay khidkitod.
Anika(taking it): I might turn darwajatod one day.
Shivaay: I would still love you.

He kissed her hand and she smiled.

Raghav (forwarding a blue rose): This is a symbol of immortality. I want us... Our story to always remain immortal for ages and ages to come.
Priyanka (taking it): I am speechless. (with some tears)

Shivaay(forwarding a blue rose and whispering): I will make sure that our story always remains immortal.... For ages and ages..... Whenever Shivaay's name will be said Anika's name will automatically be remembered.... Just like Shiv and Parvati.
Anika(taking it): Now I am totally speechless.... (with some tears)

He kissed her hair lovingly and she felt the love.

Raghav(forwarding a white rose): White means purity and innocence. I am giving you this rose so that you can always remember that you are pure and innocent like a new born baby.
Priyanka (taking it and complains): I'm not a baby.
Raghav: For me, you will always be.

She smiled.

Shivaay(forwarding a white rose and whispering): For the most purest and innocent Lady of my life.... You know the actual meaning of white rose?
Anika: No.....
Shivaay: White roses are a symbol for true love..... And with this I promise to love you forever and always.....
Anika(taking it): Love you too....

He smiled and kissed her eyes. She smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

Raghav(forwarding 2 red roses): You know what red roses mean..... It is Love.... But 2 of them mean engagement. With these roses, I seal our engagement in front of everyone. So, Ms Priyanka Singh Oberoi will you marry me?
Priyanka (smiles with tears): Yes... I will marry you.
Raghav: Accept the roses and be mine today officially.

She smiled and took it. But a small thing came in her hand. She looked at him and then at the roses. A beautiful solitaire ring was tied to the roses with a note - For my bahu with blessings from your Late In Laws.

Priyanka (amazed): Raghav,this....
Raghav: My mother's ring which she wanted to give it to her bahu ... But....
Priyanka: I loved it.
Raghav (smiles): Thank you.....
Priyanka: Now, get up.

He smiled and got up.

Anika looked at Shivaay who was just looking at the stage.

Anika(thinking): I guess he forgot about the red rose. Nevermind. I am happy with whatever he gave me. (seeing all the roses) He worked so hard just make me happy. His every word always makes me feel so special. I shouldn't be sad that he forgot something. I should now concentrate on PriGhav's engagement.

She smiled at the couple and was about to go when a tug stopped her. She looked up to see him stopping her.

Anika: You want something, Shivaay?
Shivaay(sighed): Why are you like this Anika?
Anika(confused): What did I do?
Shivaay(holding her hands): Anika,I didn't give you red roses and you are just walking away like that. Why?
Anika: Shivaay, your love and care is enough for me. And (showing all the other roses) you already gave me so many. I am happy with it.
Shivaay: I just now said that I will fulfil all your wishes. Right? ( she nods) Then how can can you think that I will forget about the red roses. Wait a minute.

He left her and ran away. She kept looking in his direction. He returned back shortly with his hands behind.

Shivaay: Red depicts love and red roses is the symbol of eternal love. Just like Raghav gave 2 red roses to Priyanka and sealed their engagement, just the same way (bringing his hand forward) And today, I'm giving you 50 red roses which depicts My Unconditional Love for you...... Mere Chaand....

Her tears were continuously flowing down her eyes and a sweet smile adoring her lips. He wiped her tears and nodded no.

Shivaay: I didn't do all these to make you cry even if it is tears of happiness. I can't stand your tears you know that very well. (wiping her tears) Please...
Anika: Okay I'm not crying...... I'm not crying.
Shivaay: So will you please accept my love ..... My Lady?

She smiled and took the bouquet of roses. But something caught her eyes. She looked through the branches of the roses and a small round object emerged out. She looked at him and then at the object. A gasp escaped her lips seeing it.

Anika: It can't be true?
Shivaay(whispers in her ears): Each and everything that My Chaand loves will be a part of her.... And (taking the ring from her) With this ring I'm again claiming you as my fiancee..... Anika... Will you do the honour of being my wife again? Will you allow me to hold your hand again? Will you allow me to be your better half again? Will you marry me ....... Again?

Her tears again started flowing down. Her lips were fully curved into a beautiful smile. She doesn't even remember what she had said in flow of her words ..... She doesn't even remember which wish he was talking about.

Anika: Shivaay, I am always ready to be your wife as many times as you want. But I seriously don't remember which wish you are talking about?
Shivaay: Remember when we were leaving for our honeymoon and you were complaining to Dadi.....

"Dadi: Every ritual is done according to your wish. But the post marraige rituals will be according to my wish.
Anika: Of course Dadi. I didn't knew that that Baggad billa was planning something like this. Otherwise I would have always thought of a Punjabi wedding. "

(Refer to chapter 26 for it👆)

Shivaay: Remember?
Anika(remembers it): I remember but... I had just said that in fun.... I .... I... Shivaay..... (shaking her head) I really said that in fun...I never thought you will take it seriously.
Shivaay(carenessing her cheek): Whatever My Chaand wishes will always be fulfilled and now that My Chaand had wished for a Punjabi wedding... Her prince will surely fulfil it for his princess.

(The scene is happening simultaneously)

Raghav took the ring from Priyanka and slid it into her left ring finger. While Shivaay slid the kundan ring that his princess had liked it once along with their previous two engagement rings.

Anika(chuckled): Now I have 3 engagement rings. We will be the first couple to be engaged 3 times.
Shivaay: Because we are not like others.

Janvi gave the ring to Priyanka which she slipped it in Raghav's ring finger. They smiled and everyone clapped for the newly engaged couple.

Shivika saw them and smiled. But suddenly.....

Anika: Shivaay... you bought a ring for me. But what about me? You planned everything but...
Shivaay: Check the bouquet. (sees her face) Arre see naa once.
Anika(searching): What will I find here.. there is....(feels something) Shivaay....
Shivaay: Pull it out Jaan.

Another ring came out and he forwarded his hand.

Shivaay: Let's complete our engagement.

She happily slipped the ring in his finger along with his other 2 rings. She smiled and without wasting time hugged him tightly and he to reciprocated. Breaking the hug,he kissed her forehead lovingly while she closed her eyes feeling his love.

Rudra(taking up the stage): Well now that the engagement is over.... How about some couple dance? DJ wale babu zaara gaana chala do.....

All the couples took their position looking into each other's eyes.

(Song- Dil diyan gallan
Movie- Tigar Zinda hai)

Kacchi doriyon, doriyon, doriyon se
Mainu tu baandh le
Pakki yaariyon, yaariyon, yaariyon mein
Honde na faasley

Eh naraazgi kaagzi saari teri
Mere sohneya sunn le meri
Dil diyan gallan
Karaange naal naal beh ke
Akh naal akh nu milaa ke

Dil diyan gallan haaye...
Karaange roz roz beh ke
Sacchiyan mohabbataan nibha ke

Sataaye mainu kyun
Dikhaaye mainu kyun
Aiven jhuthi mutthi russ ke rusaake
Dil diyan gallan haaye
Karaange naal naal beh ke
Akh naal akh nu mila ke........

Tenu lakhan ton chhupa ke rakhaan
Akkhaan te sajaa ke tu ae meri wafaa
Rakh apna bana ke
Main tere layi aan
Tere layi aan yaaran
Naa paavin kade dooriyan (x2)

Main jeena haan tera...
Main jeena haan tera
Tu jeena hai mera
Dass lena ki nakhra dikha ke

Dil diyan gallan
Karaange naal naal beh ke
Akh naal akh nu mila ke

Dil diyan gallan...

Raatan kaaliyan, kaaliyan, kaaliyan ne
Mere din saanwale
Mere haaniyan, haaniyan, haaniyan je
Lagge tu na gale

Mera aasmaan mausamaan di na sune
Koi khwaab na poora bane
Dil diyan gallan
Karange naal naal beh ke
Akh naal akh nu mila ke

ataa hai mainu kyun chupa ke dekhe tu
Mere naam se naam mila ke
Dil diyan gallan
Karange naal naal beh ke

Akh naal akh nu mila ke

Dil diyan gallan...

The song ended but not their romance. All of them were lost in each other's eyes. Claps and hoots brought them back to present. They parted away and the girls blushed.

Shivaay: Thank you everyone for joining us this evening and making it grand. Please don't leave empty stomach. Dinner has been served. Please everyone.

The guests went towards the dining area. Shivaay signed Anika that he will take care of it and went leaving her.

Khushi: Arnav, Anika is alone. You can tell her now.
Arnav: Yes. You go with Arshi for dinner.... I will talk with Aru and come.

She nodded and went with Arshi. Arnav took a deep breath and proceeded towards Anika.

Arnav: Aru....
Anika(turning back): Bhaiyu....(hugging him)
Arnav(hugging her back and carenessing her hair): How is My Aru? I hope Shivaay is taking good care of yours......
Anika(breaking the hug): He is very sweet bhaiyu. He is always thinking about my well-being. He loves me so much bhaiyu. (showing her ring) See, before going for honeymoon I had said to Dadi that I wanted a Punjabi wedding. Trust me bhaiyu I said that in fun but .... (admiring the ring) He took it seriously. And now, (chuckled) Your Aru is getting married again in Punjabi style. (she smiled)
Arnav(thinking): Aru is so happy today. I don't want to spoil her mood by saying her about the Lady. What should I do now?
Anika(shaking him): Bhaiyu... I am asking you something.

rnav: Haa...
Anika: Did you find any information regarding Pinky aunty?  I am not able to see her for many days.
Arnav: Aru.... I have found something.
Anika: Really? That's fantastic. Please say bhaiyu. Please. I want to solve this mystery before Priyanka's wedding. Please bhaiyu.
Arnav: Pinky Singh Oberoi is not actually what you all know.
Anika(confused): Means?
Arnav: The one living in the Oberoi Mansion for the past 25 years as Shakti Singh Oberoi's wife, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's mother, is Rinky Singh..... Pinky Singh Oberoi's duplicate.
Anika(shocked): What?

Precap: Full mystery of Pinky and Rinky.....
Wedding preparation starts.....
Rinky's final attack....

Slowly mystery will be unfolded....
Are you all eager?
And giving warning from before....
Someone will be in hospital after the mystery is solved.....
Think think....
Run the cells of your brain....

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