Chapter Twelve

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True to her word, Ryu wasted no time in sharing the truth of the situation with Himawari. From the beginning, she had been committed to being open and honest with her daughter, not keeping any secrets from her.

As she spoke, she could see the mix of emotions flicker across Himawari's face, from confusion to shock, and then concern.

When Himawari was left with a slew of questions after the truth was revealed, Ryu did her best to answer all of them as honestly and completely as possible. The little girl's insistence on addressing the inner voice as "Dragon" brought a fit of laughter from within Ryu, and soon the amusement infected her as well. The entire situation had become so surreal but humorous.

Since her encounter with Akito, the family head, there had been no further contact or summons. It seemed as if that one meeting had been sufficient, leaving Ryu in a state of limbo. While others would find it a relief, it only served to heighten Ryu's suspicion. She tried to push her concerns aside and focus on the tasks at hand, confronting the things she had been evading for many years.

Despite the fact that she still had a long way to go in facing the actions of the past, Ryu was making a conscious effort to feel less compelled to hide. In order to make this place feel like home again, she knew that getting to know those around her—namely the Sohma family—was a crucial starting point.

Ryu frequently visited Shigure's home, giving her opportunities to get acquainted with Tohru and, to some extent, Yuki. She noticed that Yuki still maintained a certain aloofness towards her, likely due to his ability to see through her attempts to rein herself in.

Despite his natural inclination not to ask questions, Yuki found himself consumed by a strong sense of curiosity about Ryu's situation. Having learned that she was an outsider who had been adopted into the Sohma family, he understood that her circumstances differed somewhat from Tohru's. This only heightened his desire to know more, leaving him grappling with a single burning question: why had Akito even allowed it?

As Ryu observed Tohru enter the kitchen, she turned to Yuki, who was preoccupied with watching TV.

"You know, you remind me of someone," she said, leaning against the table that separated them.

Yuki's composure faltered momentarily as Ryu's comment caught him off guard. His thoughts immediately went to his brother, Ayame, for a fleeting moment before his face paled slightly.

"Who... who do I remind you of?" he asked cautiously, his voice laced with a hint of anxiety.

"Just someone important to me," she explained with a smile, reaching out to pat his head. Startled, Yuki couldn't help but flinch at the unexpected gesture. She quickly withdrew her hand and apologized, confessing, "Sorry... it's a force of habit."

As Yuki struggled to respond, his cheeks reddening bashfully, Ryu continued, "She usually holds back what she needs to ask, always hesitant about the right moment. So, I usually take the initiative and ask. So, Yuki, is there something you wanted to ask me?"

Despite keeping his face averted, Yuki couldn't resist letting his eyes move subtly towards Ryu as she smiled at him. He was undeniably tempted to ask, as he had become accustomed to holding back his thoughts. After years of experiencing fear, he was aware that this habit had seeped into his daily life.

Acting cheerful, behaving like a prince—Yuki relied on these daily personas as a shield to conceal his vulnerability. He didn't want to show weakness, fearing that others would take advantage of it. He dreaded the thought of more fear taking root in his already anxious heart.

Yuki's voice was barely audible as he mumbled, "I wonder...if I ask, would you be able to answer it?"

Ryu looked at him, her smile still in place, encouraging him to ask his question. She could sense that whatever he wanted to know weighed heavily on him.

Ryu's response was casual, her smile never faltering as she replied, "Depending on if it's something I want to answer or can."

She then glanced at Tohru in the kitchen, her tone becoming firmer as she continued, "One thing you can have my word on is that I am not her enemy. If it's within my power, I will ensure her safety. As someone who is an outsider myself, I am acutely aware of his capacity for cruelty."

Yuki finally faced Ryu, his expressions guarded and lacking any emotion. His voice was steady as he asked, "How many times have you personally met with... him?"

Ryu turned her gaze outward as she responded, "I've only ever met Akito once..." Her tone held a hint of weariness. She wondered if Yuki saw through her lie.

Yuki continued to tap his finger on the table, his anticipation building as he finally asked the question that had been on his mind, "So, why does he allow you to know?"

Ryu took a breath before responding, "Well, it's definitely not because I was adopted, because many in the family are still unaware of the curse. It might be due to my connection with Kyo, seeing as I found out when he transformed." Her hidden hand tightened into a fist as she spoke, aware that her answer was only part of the truth. Deep down, she knew her curse also played a role.

Ryu had turned to her inner voice for answers, but Dragon remained stubbornly silent, providing no insights. Realizing that she would have to find the answers herself, Ryu was determined to untangle the complex web of secrets surrounding her.

Though not fully satisfied with her answer, Yuki could sense that there was more to the story. He observed her carefully and realized that she wasn't sharing everything. Perhaps there were secrets that she wasn't ready to reveal, and he respected those boundaries.

His hope was that one day, given enough time, she might choose to open up, and in turn, he would do the same.

Tohru's cheerful voice broke the silence, apologizing, "Sorry for the wait! I ended up cooking a little more than I had planned."

The room was instantly filled with her contagious energy, prompting Yuki and Ryu to both smiled at the sound of Tohru's cheerful voice. Her apologetic words were immediately overshadowed by her infectious energy, making it impossible not to feel at ease.

Tohru approached the table, a tray of food in her hands. "I hope you're both hungry," she added with a sweet smile.

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