Chapter 10 Goodbye

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It has been months since my mother's funeral and I was having a really tough time going back to my usual self. I was quieter and would spend most of my days locked inside my temporary room. Bill wrapped an arm around me since he insisted we'd go for a walk and here we arrived at a field and met up with the rest of the losers. Everyone said hi to us and Bev wrapped her arm around me when I sat down close to her and it felt nice to have her hugging me. She gave me a gentle smile and we all began to talk about some things.

Today Bill and I are moving away from Derry. Since I am still a minor and Bill's parents are my relative I am forced to live with them, so since we've been through a lot of tragedy. Bill's parents decided it was time for a change and leave this pain away. I fought back the tears fearing that this will probably be the last time we see each other.

Since I've met all of them my life has changed. I feel better about myself and who I have become, I took Beverly's advice and began to even show some skin by wearing shorts. Since I used to harm myself and grew embarassed by my many scars. She reminded me that no matter what I can still be beautiful and kick ass.

We were all moving away and the only one who was staying was Mike. "Say. Have you had any more of those weird dreams?" Ben asked looking at me and slowly I nodded my head and sat up straight. "I thought they would end once this was over but it hasn't. I can only remember parts, I saw all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older like, our parents' ages." I mutter looking down and fighting back the tears.

"You n-never told me about this. What w-were we all doing there?" my cousin looks at me and I shake my head not quite remembering a lot.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were." Are these dreams I'm suddenly having some sort of look into the future? I had one of the past but that doesn't make any sense. Bill stands up and holds a broken glass in his hand.

"Swear it. Swear. If it isn't dead, If it ever comes back, we'll come back, too." We look up at Bill and one by one we stand up. Bill exhales and cuts open the palm of his hand and passes the broken glass to me, I wince in pain and hand the piece to Stan who hesitates but grabs it and we all do the same. A blood oaf. I grab Beverly and Stan's hand.

We stay like that for a few seconds and we let go of each other. "I hate you." I hear Stan speak and look at Bill. We all laugh and smile at each other. "I'll see you later." He says and starts walking away.

"Bye, Stan." We each say and watch him leave.

Eddie and I exchange looks and we embrace each other, "I'll miss you, Eds." I whisper and fell him hold me tighter. We both know we gotta end our relationship cause we'll be far away. "I'm gonna miss you too." I lean down and kiss his forehead and wipe my tears when he says goodbye to us and glances back to look at me one last time.

"I'll see you guys around then." Richie says this time and hugs each of us then gave me a bone crushing hug. "I'll miss you too trash mouth." Richie chuckles and begins to walk away. "Hey, Alice." We all look back to him. He pushes his glasses up and points at me, "Next time I see you you better not be married ,cause I promised I'd put a ring on that finger." He warns and I begin to laugh and wipe my tears again.

"Beep Beep Richie." I wave back at him and watch him leave.

"You guys better take care of each other." Mike steps forward and hugs us. "You too." "Bye losers." He says walking away too.

"I look forward to meeting you all again." Ben says and I turn to give him a big hug. "Glad we met you, Ben." "Take care or yourself." "Bye." Bill, Bev and I say when we see him leave. It's just the three of us.

Bill looks over to Beverly sad she's leaving too, "You a-all packed for Portland?"

"Yeah, pretty much. I'm going tomorrow morning." She says now that she's leaving to live with her aunts since she beat the shit out of her dad, which I'm super glad she did and won't have to worry constantly about him watching her every move. She'll be able to stay however long she wants. "Just so you know. I never felt like a loser when I was with all of you." Bev says trying to break my heart some more. "See you around guys." She stands up so I do the same again and hugged her.

"I'll miss having another girl around." Bev chuckled and hugs me back.

"Same goes for me. Take care, Alice."

I smile and we unwrap our arms and take a step back. I see Bill stand up and without hesitating he leans closer to Bev and kisses her. Beverly looks surprised but smiles and gives him a final kiss before turning her back to us and leaving. We look at where everyone left in silence and turn to look at each other.

I grab Bill's hand and give it a squeeze, "We'll see each other someday. They'll be fine."

Bill slowly nods his head up and down, "I know they will." He turns to me and I see a single tear escape from his eye, "Let's go."

I swallow nervously and started walking side by side by Bill and took one last look at the familiar spots we used to hang out. We reached his house and saw his parents packing the last thing in the car and turned to us, "Ready?"

Bill and I take deep breaths and nodded, we got into the car and glanced back to see the house one last time. I look over to Bill and see him cry, I smile warmly and continue staring back at the road. I'll look forward in meeting our friends in 27 years... 

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