Chapter 4. The Losers Club

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"Oh my god. Open your eyes, Alice." Someone kept repeating my name as I stirred and slowly opened my eyes and clutched the sides of my head. "Holy shit." Was the first thing I said and I heard one of my Mom's sigh and slowly hug me when I opened my eyes. Did they think I was dead? I blink a couple of times and see both of them looking at me concerned and see that the sun is already out.

"What the hell happened?" my mom asks and places her shotgun on a faraway table.

"Did someone attack you?"

"Didn't you hear me shouting your names last night? The lights went out so I came down here and saw something-" I stay silent when I feel something warm behind my head. I reach back and see my fingers covered in blood.

"How did this even happen?"

"Seriously, Alice. Tell us what really happened."

"I am telling you! I saw someone when the lights went out so I-"

"What are you even talking about? The light's didn't go out and we never heard you screaming. I'm sure you just walked around the house while you were asleep." One of them tried telling me but I know what happened.

"But I-"

"No buts. Come on now."

After both of they wrapped my head and cleaned my wound I was dismissed and began making my way towards Beverly's home since I got a call from her. Still confused over what happened last night I rode slowly to her apartment and saw Richie alone up ahead. "Ah my sweet, Alice. What a surprise..What happened to you?"

Richie for once in his life looks concern and gets off his bike to help me walk. "Something weird happened last night. It's best that I explain this till everyone is here. Where are they anyways?" I look around and only see their bikes.

"They decided to leave me alone while they helped Beverly. I heard the entire thing's a bloodbath up there. Shark week perhaps?" I give Richie a look which warns him to stay silent. He fakes a cough and whispers an apology.

"You know? You should've called me. I would've been there in a second." I glance to my left and confused stare at Richie who's looking away from me. "Where's this sudden change coming from, Tozier?" I ask smirking.

"No where! Can't a guy worry about the girl he likes? And trust me princess I would've kicked whoever ass it was if I found out who harmed you." "Stop it with the nick names, Tozier." I warn him and try my best to not laugh when I see him pouting. As I'm looking at him I can't help but remember when we were dating a few months back. 

He'd insist on holding my hand whenever we were out and mostly when Henry was around. "Richie..I.." Before I say something. Everyone climbed down the stairs and met with us. They each worriedly asked me what happened when they saw my head all wrapped up. "Are y-you sure you're not h-hurting or b-bleeding?" Bill asked concerned and reached my hand.

"And are you sure you cleaned your wound up well? Cause you might get a terrible infection if you haven't." Eddie quickly said almost pushing Bill aside.

"She's not gonna get an infection that easily." Stan says.

I chuckle at them so worried "I'm fine, thanks guys. So what happened at your place, Bev?" I turn towards her and she explains to me what happened in her bathroom while we were all riding our bikes.

"Really? You heard voices coming from the drain? Something almost similar happened to me last night which is how I got hurt." I began to explain at what happened and they all listened carefully. "I was surrounded in darkness and saw this figures like shadows staring at me."Bill looked at me a bit afraid and stopped riding his bike.

"I-I saw something, too."

We all stopped and looked at him next, "You saw blood and shadow people, too?" Stanley asks him.

"None of those. I s-saw Georgie." I felt a sharp pain in my chest when Bill mentioned Georgie. "Bill? Are you sure it was him?" I ask being careful in choosing the right words. He looks at me and nods his head, "It seemed so real. I mean, It seemed like him, but there was this..."

"The clown."

We all look at Eddie now when he mentions 'clown' so it wasn't just me who was It. "You saw it too?" I ask surprised and Eddie slowly nods his head, "Yeah, I saw it too." We all look at each other afraid until someone ruined the silence.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" I glare at Richie and flipped him off.

"Did you hear that?" we pay close attention and hear someone shouting. Eddie looks worried and glances at me, "Oh, shit, that's Belch Huggins car. We should probably get outta here." Afraid he tells us and Stan agrees with him.

Bill steps forward and looks at the item next to the car, "Isn't that the homeschooled kid's bike?"

"Yeah, that's Mike's."

Bev and I exchange looks and leave our bikes, "We have to help him."

"We should?" Richie asks not wanting to take part in this.

We all leave our bikes and run into the bushes once we reach to where the Bowers gang is. I see none other than Henry holding Mike down forcing him to eat some kind of dead meat on the dirty ground. "Hey you asshole!" I grab a rock and as hard as I can I throw it at his head. Henry shoots back and falls to the ground.

"Nice throw." Richie compliments and I smile.


Bev and I stay up front glaring at the three of them, wait three? Where's Patrick? I decide to not ask and just glare at the asshole in front of me. Mike trips and runs to our side, we each pick a few rocks and held them in our hands just in case.

Victor and Belch help Henry up to his feet. He just laughs at us, "You losers are trying too hard. She'll do you. You just gotta ask nicely like I did." Henry says looking at me and Beverly. Worried I glance at Bev who stays silent and Ben yells and throws a rock at Henry which landed straight at his head.

We all began throwing rocks at them which lead to Richie shouting. "ROCK WAR!!"

And in an instant he was hit on the forehead and fell backwards. I look back and angrily grabbed another rock and threw it at each of them mostly at my ex. I was surprised to even see Eddie jump in the small water and angrily throwing rocks at the gang when they almost hit my head. Bev also angrily threw a rock at Belch and a few seconds later he and Victor left running.

We all cheer and I hug Beverly, "Nice throwing, Bev!"

"It's not over yet." We hear Stan say from behind us. Henry is on the ground slowly getting up. Bev and I glare back at him and without a word left him alone and followed to there the guys began to leave.

"Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!"

Richie shouts and flips Henry off. I stop and smirk back at the boy. I reach down a little and ruffle his hair making it messier. "You never stop impressing me." I tease and smile over at Eddie who's panting from the rock fight.

"Thank you, Eddie." I smile and see him get all flustered and nod his head. We begin to walk with Mike behind us, "You didn't have to do that. They'll be after you guys, too, now."

"Oh. No,no,no. Bowers? He's always after us." Eddie says walking beside me.

"I guess that's s-something we a-all have in common." My cousin says looking back at Mike.

"Yeah, Homeschool. Welcome to the Losers Club." I tell him with smile.

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