Chapter 6. Neibolt House

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I looked around the entire house and saw no sign on Bill's parents which meant the coast was clear. Because I don't want his dad scolding us again. I step out of the house and into the garage and see Bill placing the images of Derry into the projector. Ben and I pull the door to the garage down so everything's dark inside. Stan and Eddie pinned the map up so we could all get to see it clearly. Bill adjusted the image and we all sat down.

"Look. That's w-where Georgie disappeared." I closed my eyes and blinked back the tears, still remembering that day clearly. "There's the Ironworks and The Black Spot. Everywhere It happen, It's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at..."

"The well house."

"It's in the house on Neibolt Street."

"You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asks as soon Stan said where the house is located. Eddie seems nervous and takes his inhaler out, "Eddie, is that where you saw the clown?" he nods his head multilple of times and tries to calm down.

"Yeah. That's where I saw the clown." He responds and I see Bev shiver. "I hate that place. It always feel like it's watching me."

"That's where It lives."

Stan looks straight at the map and scoffs, "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there."

Eddie shoots out of his seat and stands in front of the projector. "Can we stop talking about this?" he says annoyed and frightened. "I-I can barely breathe. This is Summer. We're kids. I-I can barely breathe. I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack. I'm not doing this!" Eddie grabs and tears the map up.

"Quit being such a pussy!"

"Don't shout at him!" I shout at Richie and slowly stand up trying to reach Eddie. "Come on, Eddie you need to calm down.

"What the hell? Put t-the map back." Bill says already wanting this to be over

"Mmm mmm." Eddie shakes his head to the sides. A

A click is heard behind me and the white clear image on the wall turns to black, then it changes to an image of Georgie and Bill when they were younger playing baseball. "What the fuck?" I take a step back and see the machine moving the pictures on it's own.

"What is going on?"

"I got it. Hold on." Mike walks behind the projector and tries fixing it. Tons of images are shown and it stops at one where it's Georgie's birthday. I'm there holding his and Bill's hand with both of our parents behind us. Slowly the image gets closer and closer until it focuses on Bill's mother who hair is blowing in the air and the image starts to move like it's real.

"Bill! Turn it off!" We all shout. Bill stays petrified so Mike kicks the projector to the floor and the image of a clown suddenly pops out. We all jump back and scream when he starts crawling to us and I scream louder when it tried grabbing me.

The boys open up the garage so it's entirely brightened up, "You okay?!" Bill asks rushing to my side on the floor. I can only nod my head slowly and wrap my arms around him.

"It saw us." Eddie says looking at us both when Bill helps me get off the floor. "It saw us, and it knows where we are."

"It always d-did." I respond catching my breathe and holding onto my cousin.

"Let's go." He walks past us and stand by his bike.

"Go where?" Bev asks and we all stay closer to each other still shaken back from the hideous clown. I look down and realize Eddie and Richie are both holding my hand tight.

"Neibolt. That's w-where Georgie is."

Stan says and we stare at him then Richie. "Yeah..It's summer we should be outside."

Bill next looks at us annoyed and in anger, "I-If you s-say summer one more f-fucking time..." he looks at us one last time, turns his back to us and starts riding down the street. H-He can't go there alone, I'm the older one so I should be the one to keep all of us safe."

I sniff and take my hands out from the two boys who are holding it tight and begin to follow my cousin down to Neibolt.

"Bill! This is crazy." I start off and see him glare at me then all of us.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me just because we're family."

"Yeah. Like you said. We're family so I'm no way in hell letting you roam around a dirty ass house like this and on your own." Bill from above the stairs looks at all of us.

"What happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but...He isn't. So walking into this house for me. It's easier than walking into my own." We carefully listen to what Bill said, who's determined to walk in. I take a deep breathe and see him slowly walking up to the door.


"What?" Ben and I ask Richie who seems to be astounded.

"He didn't stutter once."

I begin to walk up with Richie, Ben and Beverly following me. "Wait!" we look back when Stan stops us. "Umm. Shouldn't we have some people to keep watch? You know, just in case something bad happens?"

"W-Who wants to stay out here?" Bill stutters holding onto the doorknob ready to enter. I look back and see everyone raising their hands up except for me and Bev. Richie sighs and whispers "Fuck" before following me and Bill inside.

Bill slowly opens the door which creaks loudly, I look down and notice Richie looking at his surroundings in horror

"You know you don't have to come inside with us."

He nervously puts up a laugh and tries standing up straight, "And leave you here all alone? No way."

"I'm coming with you guys too." We all look back surprised to see Eddie come in the house. "Since when aren't you afraid dude?" Richie tried making a conversation up so we don't get more frightened.

"Alice, has given me the confidence to enter the house." Was all he says and see him looking at me so I smile warmly.

"You guys are lucky you aren't measuring dicks."

"Shut up Richie." Eds and I whisper slowly walking further inside.

The place smells horrible so Eddie starts to gag when Richie told him to not breathe through his mouth, as quick as he can he takes his inhaler out and starts inhaling sharply. I was into a room with a piano and many spiderwebs on it and saw a single sheet of old paper that caught my attention. I read the paper and took a deep sharp breathe, trying my best to not get scared.

"What you got there?"

I hid the paper behind my back when Richie came in to check what I was doing. "What are you hiding?" Bill steps into the room and grabs the sheet out of my hands. He sees it so Richie takes it from him and he begins to panic, "Holy shit. It...It says I'm missing?"

Slowly I try to grab the paper back from him, "Richie, calm down. This is why I didn't want you seeing this. You're not missing, Richie."

"Police department, City of Derry. That's my shirt. That's my hair. That's my face!"

"Calm down, this isn't real."

"That's my name and my age! Oh, god am I gonna go missing?! " I raise my hand up and slap him hard across the face. "This isn't real god damn it!" I say shaking his shoulders roughly and tearing the paper from him. I can see Eddie holding onto his face and taking deep breathes.

"Richie. Richie. Look at me. That isn't real." I assure him and his face in my hands. "This house is playing tricks on you. I won't let you or anyone else in our team go missing." Richie slowly relaxes and behind us we hear a noise. The four of us glance up the stairs and slowly start following there that sound came from, "Stay behind me." I whisper and yelp when I see Betty on the floor being being dragged away.

We stay still and breathe shakily before we continued to walk further ahead. "She was just here. Where the fuck did she go?" I hear Richie ask Bill. The door slams behind us and I let out a small scream. I turn back and run for the doorknob quickly turning it around but it doesn't open.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Eddie?!" I pound on the door and shout his name. A door to my right opens so I run in trying to find an escape. "Eddie?!" the door behind me shuts itself and I'm left inside a pitch black room. My legs begin to shake and I hug myself when I feel the room getting colder each second.

A single light turns on in the middle of the room and brightening up what seems to be the only thing in the room, a cradle. Slowly I walk over to it when I hear a baby crying. I step closer pull the sheets off and find nothing there, there I hear three sounds in front of me. Candles light up in a path and I walk past them and see an open casket. I see a skeleton in the first two . I brace myself and peek down to see nothing there either.

Someone pushes me into it and before it is closed I see once again a girl who looks like me but it turns into the clown, who laughs when the coffin is closed. "Bill!!" I scream my cousins name and slam my fists against the wooden coffin. I begin to cry until luckily I hear Bill and Richie running and breaking the coffin open.

Bill and Richie both grab my hand and we run back to where we were. There s boy who looks like Eddie emerges from the mattress laying on the floor, blood ink pours out of his mouth before he disappears and the liquid comes closer to us.

Suddenly three doors appear in front of us instead of one, one reads: Not Scary At All, Scary and Very Scary. We reach for the Not Scary At All and are met with Bev's lower half gone. The three of us scream in terror and open the next one.

I press my ear against the next one and hear Eddie yelling for help, "We're coming!! I run out first and stopped right when I entered the kitchen area and saw It. "Holy shit." I stare in terror and lean back against the wall where Bill and Richie are staring back at the clown.

"You're not real.." Bill whispers.

"Am I not real enough for you Billy? It was real enough for Georgie." The clown says with a wicked smile and laughs. He launches himself straight towards us. I scream but still kept Bill and Richie behind me just in case.

I open my eyes and see Bev appeared with a spear like weapon and aimed it at It's head. "Holy fuck!!" I run towards Eddie and try keeping him safe when the clown faces us again. His face this time deformed when he stares at us, slowly his hand begins to transform into one of a werewolf. I look back seeing Richie afraid since he was always scared of them when he was younger. We all scream when he gets closer and attacks Ben with his claws and he does the same to me which was meant for Eddie. I cry in pain and hold my side.

Bev stays in a corner terrified by the clown while the rest of the boys shout my and Ben's name. "SHUT UP!! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" I yell when they all stay still and snapped Eddie's arm into his place. He screams and we all begin to run as fast as we can towards the house.

I fall down to my knees once we get to the pavement and can only imagine how I must look, all bloody with my shirt all clawed off, hair like a nest and sticking to my forehead. "You! You did this." I look up and stared at the large woman in annoyance.

Eddie's mother is here somehow. "You know how delicate she is." She says tightly holding onto Eddie. I slowly get back up and walk closer. "We were attacked, Mr. K." Bill tried to reason with her but she isn't having it.

I worried look at Eddie who's inside the car and doesn't dare to say a thing to his mother. Since she's angry and in a hurry her car keys fell and Bev reached to help her. She gave Bev a nasty look, "Get back! I've heard about you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

That's it. I take a step closer still holding onto my side which is bleeding and stepped up to her ugly face, "Don't you dare talk to her like that! Like my cousin said, We were just attacked! I did everything I could to take care of Eddie."

"And look what happened to him." She says with a wicked laugh.

"He can take care of this own! Eddie is a sweet guy and to be quite honest he doesn't deserve a woman like you to take care of him-" before I could finish she slapped me hard. I looked away and fight back the tears when I hold the side of my face.

"You think you can take care of him? Please, Miss Torrance. You aren't a woman, you're a slut who's just after my baby."

Bill steps closer and holds me tight away from her, "Mrs. K, I..."

"No! You are all monsters. All of you." I hear her tell my cousin. "And Eddie is done with you!" She gets her fat ass in the car and I can see Eddie's heartbroken face through the window and they ride off.

"We know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill starts telling us. I lean back and wipe my tears away to look at him then Stan who isn't agreeing with Bill. "No next time, Bill! You're insane."

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything." Beverly says siding with Bill.

"Eddie was nearly killed! And look at these motherfuckers." Richie says exasperated and pointing at Ben and I. "He's leaking Hamburger Helper!" he continued now pointing at poor Ben.

"We can't pretend It's gonna go away! Ben, You said it yourself. It comes every 27 years." Bev looks at Ben who continued holding his large wound.

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here." I rub my face tiredly. "Shit I'm gonna be so old, 43." I mutter under my breathe and glance at them.

"I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town, too." Ben continues arguing with Bev. "Because I wanna run towards something. Not away."

"Can we just stop arguing! This can wait! It's tearing us apart as a team don't you see?"

"I'm sorry but who invited Wednesday Addams and Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie shouts so Bev flips him off too.

"Richie stop this-" Stan tries to tell him.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed, too." Richie gets closer to Bill who gets defensive

"Georgie's not dead. T-Take it back. You're scared l-like the rest of us, but take it back!" He roughly pushes Richie and Richie does the same. "Guys stop this!!" I shout. If I weren't wounded I'd slap both of them. Bill punched Richie straight at his face and I run over to help him but he pushes me off too and Bill luckily catches me

"You're bunch of losers!"

"Fuck off!"

"You're a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed trying to catch a stupid fucking clown." They continue to shout. Stan and Mike hold Richie down and Ben and I hold Bill so they would stop fighting.

"STOP! This is what It wants. It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt It. That's why we're still alive." Bev looks at us and Richie starts to laugh.

"Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way." Richie says walking past us.

"Richie..Richie! come back here! Damn it I need you." I say out loud. He gives me the finger without looking back at me. "Fuck off, Alice! You never needed me." I frown and feel the tears pouring down my face when I see him and the rest go out separate ways. I stare down at the ground and feel Bill wrap his arms around me.

"Don't w-worry. We don't n-need them, Alice. Let's get y-you home." Slowly the both of us begin to walk back to our homes.

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