Chapter Six

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"Very well. If you believe this to be best for him..."

"I do. This is not the first time I take in a child that has recently been orphaned, Gordon."

Jim Gordon sent a worried glance behind him where his chair was currently occupied by a twelve year old boy with a tear stained face. He was wrapped up in a blanket and looked rather lost in between all the strangers around him. Gordon sighed and nodded towards Bruce.

"Alright. We're done with the boy, you can take him with you now." Bruce was about to walk past him to talk to the boy when Gordon stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Bruce," Gordon fixed him with a serious look. "Be careful. Not everyone mourns the same way. Don't think he'll be just like Richard."

"Thank you, Gordon," Bruce replied and finally made his way to the Commissioner's chair, kneeling down in front of it to appear less intimidating. Trying to look friendly, he put on a careful smile. "Danny? I'm Bruce Wayne. We met a few days ago, do you remember me?"

Danny's eyes searched his face and after a moment he seemed to recognize the man in front of him. Slowly, he nodded.

"Danny, I need to ask you something, okay?" Danny nodded again and Bruce continues speaking in a soft tone. "You told the police that you were adopted, is that right?" As predicted, Bruce received another nod. "Do you know who your birth parents were?" Danny did not seem to have noticed the past tense he had used, or maybe he simply chose to ignore it. Either way, he shook his head this time. "Alright, Danny, I just spoke to Commissioner Gordon and told him that I found out the names of your birth parents. Do you want to know them?"

This time the reaction was more obvious than a simple nod or shake of the head. Danny's eyes widened slightly and his previously dull and purely sad eyes now held a small spark of curiosity, hope and... fear? His answer came as barely more than a whisper.

"Yes, please."

"Their names were Mary and John Grayson. They were famous trapeze artists in a traveling circus. Only a little over a year after you were born, someone took you from them."

Despite just having been told that he had been kidnapped as a small child, relief showed on the twelve-year-old's face. His parents had not given him away willingly. He had not been unwanted. Taking this as a positive sign, Bruce continued.

"Not long after that you were adopted by the Fentons, unknowingly to them that you had been taken against your biological parents' will. Unfortunately, Mary and John Grayson became the victims of a crime and died three years ago."

Danny seemed to be a little sad, but he had never met his birth parents, making it understandable for him not to feel too bad about their demise.

"But there's another thing. It is one of the reasons I would like to ask you if would like to come live with me from now on."

Danny raised his eyebrows in surprise and curiosity.

"The Graysons left behind another child, Danny. A boy named Richard. He is your twin brother."

Bruce was not sure if the expression on Danny's face was just one of shock or if he was actually happy to hear that he had a brother.

"Now the reason I would like to take you in is that I did the same with Richard after your parents passed away. I think it would only be fair if the two of you got to live together as brothers, don't you think? What do you say?"

Now Danny stared at him as though he had just asked him to come live in a huge mansion with a billionaire, which – unbeknownst to him – was exactly what he had been asked. Hesitantly, Danny nodded and Bruce could swear he even saw the hint of a smile play at the corner of the boy's lips.

"I would like that."

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It had taken some time, work and a good number of favors to get everything solved in basically one night, but in the end it had paid off. The revelation that Danny and Dick were really twins had shocked both of them, but if the excitement and utter happiness his ward had shown could be any indication Bruce guessed it was all for the better. Bruce had made a couple of deals to assure a few weeks of privacy so Danny would have the time to adjust without a mob of nosy reporters following his every move. As soon as they had been out in the car, alone and away from all the people inside the police station, Danny had awkwardly asked for his friends. Bruce had immediately promised that he would be able to call them as soon as they reached the manor. This seemed to satisfy the twelve-year-old for the time being and they rode the rest of the way in silence. Bruce decided to leave the boy to his thoughts while tending to his own.

He tried to imagine what it would be like for Danny and Dick to meet for practically the first time and what it would be like to have another person roaming the halls of Wayne manor. It had taken quite some convincing to get Dick to wait at the manor instead of coming with him to pick up his brother. Bruce also wondered if they should tell Danny about their nightly activities. He supposed it would be best to wait some time to see how well their new family member adjusted. And who knew, if he was like his brother he might just find his way into the batcave all on his own.

The drive to Wayne manor did not take very long and Bruce could soon watch the boy on the passenger seat stare out of the window with wide eyes. Sure, everyone has probably had the chance to see a house this big, but knowing they were going to live in one? Less likely.

"It's bigger than Sam's house," Danny breathed out and Bruce would not have heard it had he not been paying close attention to him.

Bruce was starting to worry. Every time he had heard Danny speak it had been so small. He hoped it was just the circumstances of the past events and Danny would soon be himself again. Although maybe this really was him. Despite this, Bruce found himself smiling openly as he steered the car into the long driveway. He was relieved to see that Danny actually looked a little excited to enter the house and Bruce found himself honestly admiring the boy's ability to still find pleasure in the little positive things instead of letting himself be forever weighed down by the death of his adoptive family. However, Danny's excitement did not stop him from waiting patiently in his seat until Bruce made the first move to exit the vehicle. Only then did he open the passenger door, waiting on his side for Bruce to make his way around the car. From there on the older of the two took the lead in going up the rest of the way to the front entrance which opened without either of them knocking. Danny unconsciously took a small step backwards as one of the heavy doors swung open - easily and without a sound - to reveal a certain British butler. Noticing the uneasy tense in Danny's posture, Bruce did not wait long to introduce the two strangers.

"Danny, this is Alfred Pennyworth, he is a good friend. Alfred, this is Danny."

"Nice to meet you, sir," Danny mumbled awkwardly taking the offered hand of the man in front of him and shaking it.

Alfred did not quite smile, but it was close to it anyway.

"The pleasure is mine, Master Daniel."

Danny flinched slightly at the name. Bruce guessed he was used to being called Danny.

"Um, if you don't mind, I prefer Danny," he said.

Alfred nodded in understanding.

"As you wish, Master Danny. You may also call me Alfred."

Danny, too, nodded, then tried glancing past the butler after hearing another voice ringing out from inside the manor. The voice belonged to Dick who had obviously waited long enough to meet his last living member of his blood family. As he came down the stairs and approached the front door, Alfred took a step to the side and Bruce carefully ushered his new ward through the doorway. Dick had crossed the center of the large hall by now. The moment both boys were close enough to properly see each other, they froze. For what felt like eternity, all they did was stare at each other, not saying a word. Alfred and Bruce shared a worried glance as they waited for something to happen. After a while though Alfred decided to simply leave them be and vanished soundlessly into the manor's kitchen. Choosing to follow his lead, Bruce told the two boys that he would leave them alone for some time and to call him or Alfred if they needed anything. Bruce knew Dick could show Danny to his room, so he went to take care of a few things in his study.

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Dick had not told Wally that Danny was coming yet. For some reason he felt like he should do this on his own first. Now he wished Wally was there with him. He could not remember ever being this nervous before. He tried to reassure himself by repeating in his head that this was his brother and he should not have anything to worry about over and over in his head, but did it work? Yeah, no. So, he just kind of stood there, hoping that Danny would make the first move. He mentally hit himself. He was Robin for goodness sake! He should not have thoughts like that. Alright, okay, good. He could do this. Just say hi, he told himself, I can do that, yep. He opened his mouth, struggling to get a few words out. I can't do it. Why was this so hard?! It was just like talking to a mirror! ...Oh. Okay so maybe that was what made it so weird. But still, he had to say something.

"Um, hi."

Well, it was something, he thought grimly.

Danny blinked, silent, and Dick feared he was not going to answer. He had made the first move, Danny better help him out now and at least respond. Verbally.


Well, that was something, too.

"Um, I'm Richard, but everyone calls me Dick."

Dick hesitantly crossed the awkward distance between them and held out his hand. Danny looked at, brows furrowed, as though trying to figure out what he was supposed to do with it. But then Dick saw the corner of his lips twitch upwards into an almost smile as Danny took his hand.

"Daniel, but everyone calls me Danny."

Now Dick felt the urge to smile, too. They had just found their first similarity. After the hand shake, Dick let his hand hang unceremoniously by his side while Danny used his to scratch at the back of his neck. Must be a nervous habit, Dick noted. He immediately thought back to all the tricks Bruce had taught him how to stop with those kinds of things. It would be inconvenient to have his secret identity compromised by a telltale nervous habit. Maybe he could help Danny let go of his, too. But first things first.

"I can show you where your room is so you can settle in a little. I put some of my clothes on your bed so you can change, if you'd like. They... uh, they should fit you well enough."

The last statement seemed a little obvious, but he felt the need to say it anyway. Danny nodded somewhat shyly and followed Dick as he lead the way upstairs. They stopped in front of a door and Dick pushed down the handle, opening it.

"This is it. Bruce said you can change it whatever way you want to later. My room's just next door. So, if you want to you can come over once you're ready and we can... talk some more?"

Danny smiled a little.

"Sounds good to me."

He peeked into his new room, seemingly searching for something. After a moment he appeared satisfied and with a grateful nod towards Dick, entered the bedroom. Dick sighed, heading to the room next door, trying to mentally prepare himself for the oncoming conversation of awkwardness and more awkwardness.

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I do not own Danny Phantom or any of its characters. Neither do I own Young Justice or any of the DC Universe characters.

YAY!!!! I finished another chapter! Do you know how good it can feel to work? I do. Anyways, hope this story doesn't feel too rushed. Please, please tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

FaHa :D

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