Chapter Ten

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Danny did not have much time to comprehend the situation before he was pulled out of the room and down the hallway. Dick was heading in the direction of Bruce's study while holding onto his arm and it confused him to no end. After a moment he tugged his arm away from Dick's steel grip (Thank you, ghostly strength!) and stopped dead in the middle of the hallway. Barbara nearly ran into him from behind and Dick skidded to a stop in front of him.

"Okay," Danny said. "I am not going anywhere before you give me some answers," he declared.

He noticed how Barbara and Dick shared a glance and he noticed how alert they both were. And he had no idea why. All he had been told was "He is here" and he had no idea what that was supposed to mean.

"We'll explain everything, but right now we need to go," Dick urged grabbing for Danny's sleeve, but this time he dodged the movement.

"No," he insisted. "I want to know what's going on. Who is here?"

Dick sighed, obviously not sure how to answer.

"It's hard to explain like this. But I can tell you that it is someone dangerous and if we don't leave now we'll all be in a lot of trouble."

Seeing just how serious his brother was, Danny gave in and they kept going. His answers would have to wait, it seemed. They arrived at the study and they all hurriedly entered.

"Wait. I thought we were leaving the manor," Danny objected. "What are we doing here?"

Barbara allowed herself a mysterious

"Just watch."

Could he not get one straight answer? But his frustration soon morphed into curiosity as Dick tinkered with the old grandfather clock against the wall. Danny could only stare as the opening revealed an actual secret entry. In a world of superheroes and ghosts, (Heck, he was some weird kind of hybrid species himself!) he really should not have been surprised. As it was, Danny was very surprised. Before he could say anything though, he was pushed inside by Barbara, right after Dick and all three of them stood in an elevator. The clock closed behind them and they descended. He did not know what to expect. Some sort of panic room? A bunker? Maybe a lab, like the one from his parents?

Perhaps if Danny had been more interested in superheroes, he would have taken other things into consideration as well. He knew the city he now resided in had their own heroes, Batman, Robin and Batgirl, but as long as he did not run into one of them, he was not going to pay them much of his attention. Tucker had always been more into these sorts of things. While his best friend had read superhero comics like The Flash and Argas and Fauna, Danny had preferred reading books about the solar system and outer space in general. When he had asked Dick what he thought about Gotham's vigilantes, said boy had adapted a huge grin, then only said that Batman was his favourite hero, but that Robin and Batgirl deserved more credit for everything he did. Despite his claims, Danny had seen more Kid Flash articles in his brother's room than anything Bat-themed.

The reason for this became clear the moment the doors of the elevator opened and they stepped outside. Danny gaped at the giant cave they were in. He realized that Dick did not need anything Bat-themed in his room. He had a whole batcave in his basement. The Batcave, to be exact. Danny might not have been very well-educated in anything Batman related, but he knew enough to understand where they were. From where the elevator ended, a wide stairway lead down to the main part of the cave. Slightly on the right of the opposite wall, Danny could make out a giant computer screen with a wide console underneath that looked too complicated for Danny to ever figure out. There were tables with seemingly unfinished projects, like weapons or other various items and to the left Danny spotted multiple different sized hallways leadig to unnown parts of the hideout. Next to the computer Danny could see three man-sized glass cases. One of them was empty, while the one in the middle held a multicoloured outfit in red, black and yellow with a cape and the one on the right held a more feminine looking costume mostly held in violet with yellow accents. Yes, Danny did recognize them.

He tore his gaze away from the breathtaking view of the Batcave and glanced at Dick and Barbara who started to make their way downstairs, dragging him along. Dick instantly walked up to the computer console and started typing away.

"How quick can you change?" Dick asked without taking his eyes off the screen.

Danny tensed, trying not to panic. How could Dick have known about his secret? But then Barbara responded.

"Give me a minute."

Dick nodded and Barbara walked up to the right case, opened it and took out the costume to go change. Danny did not say a word. He felt like freaking out and shouting things like Oh my god! You're Batgirl! So does that mean Dick is Robin?! Is Bruce Batman?! This is so cool! My brother is a superhero! but he kept his mouth shut. Dick had promised he would get his answers, but after they got somewhere safe. Where they safe here? Or where they going to go somewhere else?

"Alright." Dick closed the windows he had opened on yhe conputer and turned around to where Barbara - now Batgirl - was just exiting the changing room. "I set the cave on lockdown and sent a message to B, telling him we're coming to the Watchtower because of an emergency. Give me a minute to get changed."

Danny watched quietly, in awe, as his brother went to exchange his normal clothes for his hero costume. Batgirl was still the whole time and she avoided eyecontact with Danny. When Dick stepped out to join them, Danny realized why no one ever figured out Robin's secret identity. Dick was almost entirely hidden behind a mask. And Danny was not talking about the piece of fabric covering his brother's eyes. Robin's stance was more confident than Dick's, who, although  having a straight posture, did not radiate the kind of assurance and safety that Robin possessed. His insecurities and doubts were invisible behind his calm features and he radiated a sense of leadership.

Dick gave him an unsure glance but quickly composed himself, presumably focusing on more imoortant matters than explaining that he was Robin (a freaking superhero!).

"Let's go," he said, already walking toward what looked like a fancy telephone booth.

"Wait," Barbara spoke up. "Are we even allowed to just bring him with us like that?"

Dick gave an almost unnoticable headshake.

"We don't have much of a choice. Come on."

Danny awkwardly followed the two vigilantes into the telephone booth. Dick was typing something into a console, Barbara looking over his shoulder.

"Alright, we're ready. Sorry, Danny, but this might feel a bit uncomfortable the first time," Dick warned and Danny prepared himself for whatever was to happen. He involuntarily thought back to the ghost portal and suddenly he was filled with panic. Part of him knew it was not going to be like it was back then, but the panicking part of him was stronger. He shook his head and hurriedly stepped out of the booth, startling Dick and Barbara.

"Danny! Come on, we gotta go, now," his brother urged but Danny barely even heard him.

His breathing grew more frantic and he took a few more steps backwards. He did not know why he was doing this, why he could not bring himself to even respond to his brother. He just knew that he could not do it.

"Danny?" Barbara called carefully, her and Dick now wearing equally concerned expressions. "What's wrong?"

All Danny managed was another shake of the head. Dick shoved himself past Barbara and came to stand in front of him, slightly reaching out with his right hand, then hesitanting and letting it hang in the air between them.

"...what is it? I promise the Zeta-tubes don't hurt or anything. We use them to teleport. They can transport people really fast. And we- hey, it's okay, Danny," Dick soothed and Danny tried focusing on his voice.

Was he having a panic attack? It had never happened to him before and it scared him. Did Dick realize what was happening? Danny tried to focus on those questions and his brother, slowly forgetting about the ghost portal. His breathing became more regular again and he started to calm down.

"Yeah, that's it. Breathe, Danny."

Dick put his hands on Danny's shoulders and looked him in the eyes through the white lenses of his mask.

"You better?"

Danny nodded and suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed about the whole deal. Of course he would be safe if Barbara and Dick (Batgirl and Robin, for goodness sake!) were with him, but for some reason, his mind had just skipped past all rational thoughts and gone straight into panic mode. He was probably blushing by now.

"Guys? We really need to leave, like, right now," Barbara said, eyes flitting over the ceiling as though she were searching for bats.

"Do you think you can do it now?" Dick asked him and Danny glanced at the telephone booth - Zeta tube - before nodding hesitantly.


They went back over to the entrance and Dick went in first. Just as Danny was about to step inside, he heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine and made him freeze.

"Where do you think you're going, Daniel?"

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

I do not own Danny Phantom or any of its characters. Neither do I own Young Justice or any of the DC Universe characters.

I'm sorry. Honestly. But only because this is shorter than usual. It wasn't supposed to be.

Actually, the original plan had been to just let them go into the Zeta tube and go to the Watchtower... but then the ideas just came and here we are. This beautiful cliffhanger is just for you guys! I love you all!

See you next chapter ;)

FaHa :D

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