A Secret Revealed

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The car stopped right next to the entrance of Wayne Enterprises and I quickly hopped out of the back seat of the black Chevrolet Frost drove, my eyes glowed at the sight of the tall building's lights illuminating the early night.

Snow continued to fall and remained on the cold ground as clouds covered the bright moon, the chilly wind made my lips feel a little stiff from my red lipstick. My head turned around as I stretched my arms above my head and watched Mister J getting out of the passenger seat and frowning at the snow all around.

"Now that really is the icing on the cake, isn't it?"

I giggled and slammed the door of the car shut after picking up my bat from the backseat while Mister J checked on the black lapels of his golden suit jacket, both of us decided to throw on more appropriate clothes for this very important meeting.

"Bird's gonna be up there in forty, I'll cound on ya, Frost." Joker smiled warningly down at his main henchman who nodded in assurance and drove off as Mister J and I turned towards the entrance of the giant building where we hoped to find Amanda Waller.

"She's on top of it, isn't she?" I asked and blinked at the sharp wind that hit my open eyes while the ends of my jester jat that was attached to the rest of my outfit slightly waved in it.

"Of course, dear. They always are on top of everything. Buildings. Opinions. Even FBI watchlists."

We both shared a crazy laughter at the reference and I quickly followed after him as Mister J opened the front door for me and I smiled at him, knowing exactly he was letting me go first in case there was some trap in the room with three workers in it but I appreciated the gesture as a whole. At least, I took what I could get.

Our entrance was immediately followed by a woman's stare of shock and the two men next to us reaching for their walkie talkies - not fast enough to alert whoever they attempted to call as Joker let a crowbar slide out if his sleeve and into his hand.

I immediately jumped across the room, a smile stretched across my face as I saw the horror in her eyes, only seconds before my bat bashed her brains out of her skull and all over the counter.

Meanwhile, Mister J stabbed the straight claw of the crowbar through the first man's throat, shooting the second one right into the mouth with one of his guns, silencing them before they could dial a number or connect with anyone.

A smirk grew larger while I watched both of the men dropping dead, their wounds created large puddles of blood on the clean, white floor made of marmor.

I almost forgot how much fun it was to drain life from worthless pricks - it's also been so long since I've killed next to my Puddin'. The feeling of power when people saw us together. Our laughter struck fear upon every single person that heard it. And it felt amazing!

"So where're we going now?"

Watching him pulling the crowbar out of the man's forehead and tossing it aside, I looked around the room and made sure no one was passing by unnoticed while a sudden rush of adrenaline ignited in my stomach, quickly spreading through my entire body and eventually making my hands shake in excitement.

His teeth blinked under the lights as Mister J smiled back at me, a small chuckle sneaked its way through his words while I followed him towards an elevator, my bat thrown over my shoulder.

"Bruce Wayne's office. You're gonna love it. It's so...cinematic."

He entered the open elevator and so did I, the bright, white lights and poor design quickly made me frown. Grey and silver dominated the small room that had a white carpet with the Wayne initials in it's middle covering the ground. The lack of colors quickly gave the elevator something cold and unfamiliar and I started to feel uncomfortable.

But mine and Mister J's reflection in the mirrors to our right and left side distracted me from the horrible emptiness the room resembled as the silvery doors closed and the elevator started to move up the building.

Quiet jazz music was playing from the ceiling and I couldn't help but smile about Mister J's plans for tonight - after we would be done having fun dumping Waller in a special kinda hole Puddin' prepared just for her.

"How long do you think this will take?" My head turned to Joker as my eyes studied his perfect facial features from the side.

No matter how much time I've spent looking at him, every second I took in his glowing, soft hair, his ruby red lips and beautiful, bleached skin I couldn't help but smile. Of course, I tried to hide my fascination for him but every once in a while, my look at him slipped through my self control and that caused very unpleasant situations.

"How many times did I tell you to stop looking at me like that?"

Joker's rough but at the same time soothing words made me flinch in surprise, a quiet gasp escaped my mouth and I shook my head as I quickly straightened my back in an attempt to hide my nervousness. That wasn't gonna fool him, obviously.

"I'm sorry, Puddin'." Not that I was scared of him, but I wanted everything but ruining his mood tonight. After all, it was Christmas Eve and it took me half a year to talk him into spending it at home instead of getting him arrested - again.

Maybe hunting down Waller wasn't the most helpful plan but it was something both of us were looking forward to way too long. The thought of my hands around that woman's throat while I slowly watch the life seeping out of her eyes until her heart would stop beating gave me a feeling of excitement, power and joy.

"We're not gonna kill her."

Scoffing, I forced myself to nod because I knew I had to keep the plan in mind Joker and I worked out over the past days. It was a true masterpiece, but first, we had to drag her worthless ass out of here.

But all of a sudden, a thought hit me. A thought that never occurred to me up until now, which actually surprised me.


His striking, green eyes stared down into mine as Mister J turned his head and I was captivated by the uncontrollable storm of insanity raging in his twinkling orbs that always seemed to be capable of reading my every thought like an open book.

Surprisingly, he didn't say anything, waiting for me to ask my question so I took a deep breath in order to maintain a strong voice before I blinked once and rested my bat on the floor.

"What if something dumb happens and Bats takes me away from you again? You know how he and Waller are working together."

I could see how utterly irritated my Puddin' was by this question, his eyes quickly shut down, denying me any insight into his emotions and I got the slight feeling he tried to turn the thought of me being away down.

"I don't wanna go back to prosion. It's so boring and dark."

Memories immediately caught me off guard and I mentally got dragged back to the months and months of solitary confinement at Belle Reve, the cold concrete floor being the only thing I could sleep on. All these therapy sessions and not to mention Griggs' ugly face smiling down at me while these guys force fed me all kinds of gross stuff...

"You won't."

The confidence Mister J spoke with made me snap out of my thoughts and look at him in confusion. How could he be so sure about this?

Before I could ask anything else, the elevator stopped and its door opened, revealing a short hallway and I quickly shook my worries off, following Mister J out of the elevator.

Two big glass doors blocked our way, but not for long.

As I stepped closer, I could see a very familiar face behind them and my slight anxiety was suppressed by a burning rage for the woman I was looking at.

I hit the doors with my baseball bat and watched the broken glass fall to the ground without a hint of interest, I just glared Waller down and took a step through the doorframe, a giant smile all over my face.

Her eyes widened at the sight of me and my Puddin' while she jumped up from her black seat in front of an office desk - without anyone to talk to.

"Quinn!" She exclaimed in surprise and already reached for the gun that was placed between her black belt and pants. But Mister J wasn't going to let her get that far as he quickly threw his gun at her. It hit her in the throat and dropped together with Waller as she gasped for air but the intense power of the barrel almost crushing her laryngeal kept the oxygen out of her lungs.

All she could do was staring at us while Mister J and I walked up to her, the baseball bat tightly in my hands and a look of pure rage all over my face.

"So you're the parasite that took away what's mine?"

Groaning and gasping, Amanda desperately tried to regain control of her shaking hands as J and I glared down at her. There was absolutely nothing I wanted more than beating her teeth out and ripping her face off before feeding it to her, piece after piece.

This woman was the reason for all the misery I had to go through - and maybe my absence affected my Joker in the same way. She has kept us separated and was responsible for everything that happened back at Midway City. Everything was her fault, every punch I took from the guards at Belle Reve, every night in the 'therapy rooms', every lonely minute I've spent alone in prision.

And suddenly, the temptation of getting my hands on her stupid, ignorant neck became too overwhelming.

In a matter of seconds, I threw my bat aside and grabbed the collar of her white blazer before I pulled her up, my eyes staring directly into hers. All I saw was fear. A little bit of regret. And also some attempt to look brave. If she wouldn't be such a bitch, I would've almost felt a bit impressed.

"You wanted me dead!"

My strong, eager voice echoed through the room as the silence that followed was broken by the sound of her body getting slammed onto the massive glass table.

"Now I'm gonna hurt you for that. Really bad!"

Just as she regained control over her body and her breath calmed down from the gasping, I grabbed her face, pulled her head up a bit and couldn't help but smile widely as I repeatedly slammed it back down.

Each time her head hit the glass, new cracks formed, spreading all over the clear, crystalline tabletop and she mumbled something like stop, it just made me go even crazier.

Waller was barely able to keep her eyes open as she was slowly rendered unconscious and just as I was about to break the glass with one last move, my vision turned black from a powerful punch to the face that threw me off my feet and onto the ground.

"I said enough!"

Joker glared down at me as I blinked my way back to consciousness before I stood up again. I must've missed his words in my rage.

"I'm sorry." My voice was quiet and soft as I watched Mister J walking up to me, his eyes burning with anger at me ignoring his order for the second time today. "Are you doing this on purpose?" He asked and I noticed his grip tightening on the purple gun in his right hand - I was in serious trouble right now.

"N-no!" My eyes widened at the outraged look of his while he stopped right in front of me. "I was just...I got carried away a bit too much." Hoping he'd understand, I gave him a quick, shy smile but sadly, it didn't affect him at all.

"You listen to me, Harley!" Joker's eyes narrowed at me and he stepped even closer to me, so close that I felt his hot breath on my face. "I'm the one giving the orders! When I say enough, you don't ignore me! When I tell you we're not going to kill her, you don't disobey me, do you understand?"

Just as I wanted to answer him, the ceiling high windows to my left side shattered and I flinched in surprise as Batman landed right next to Waller who had alreadypassed out. His eyes had something extremely threatening as he aimed his batarangs at Joker and before I could react, I felt an arm being wrapped around my neck and a gun pushed against my temple.


Of course he showed up. I didn't expect any less of Batsy. But now was really not the right moment! I was in the middle of something here, how dare he interrupt me?

And why was that? Because Harley wasn't listening! We could be gone right now. But no, that little wildcard wanted a fight. And now we're in trouble. All of it is her own fault.

"Careful with those bat-o-rangs, you might get someone hurt!"

Bursting out laughing, I pushed the gun harder against Harley's head. This was on her, so she'll have to accept the consequences.

"Drop the gun, Joker!"

How cute. He still thinks I'm a somewhat reasonable person. He still thinks I'll not kill anyone and anything because in his twisted world, I'm sick. I am not! I know how the world works. I know everything's a joke. So why not laughing at it?

"Don't make me blow her brains all over the windows."

He tries to take me back to Arkham. No. Not this time. I came here to get Waller. This dumb cunt that took Harley away. And I will not leave without her. I will gut her, take out her liver, cook it and feed it to her before I'll lock her into a cell underneath Belle Reve. There's nothing anyone can do about it.

"Puddin', what are you doing?"

Harley's scared voice made me snap out of my thoughts. She knew it. She knew I'd kill her without hesitation. A bullet to the eye? Definitely. One day. One day, she'll cross the line. And I'll make her pay for it. She's nothing to me. Nothing but a tool. A sidekick. A comedic relief.

That's what I told myself. Over and over again. She thought I'd miss her. Pfff, miss,what? Her melodic laugh every time I tell her a joke? Her ocean blue eyes staring at me in a way I've never seen before? Her soft hands tightly wrapped around me whenever I was upset but she didn't even know the reason? She thinks I'd miss her warm breath on my skin, her joyful squeals during one of our victims begging for mercy?

There's a million girls out there that will do the same job as her. Literally nothing was special about Harley. Nothing. She was just another shirt in my closet, and when the time's right, I'll throw her away and get a new one.

I really kept telling myself these things. Every minute I craved her touch. Every moment during her absence. Whenever I became irritated after waking up in our bed - alone. I wanted her to be nothing. Every fiber of my body wanted Harley to be worthless.

Maybe I was upset when she died in my arms. But only be cause I wasn't the one taking her life. Someone else was the reason for her death.

Was that the reason? Was that the reason I was upset? Did it explain my palm-twitching anger at myself? It did. It had to. There was no other explanation I'd allow crossing my mind.

"Shut up."

Batman still pointed his little toys at me as I growled at Harley but I already heard the approaching helicopter, ready to take us out of here. But I wanted to get Waller, too.

"Last chance, bat-brain. I'll smash her skull if you don't back off."

He didn't believe me. I could see it in his eyes. He thought I was weak. No, I wasn't the weak one, I'll proof it to him!

Pulling the hammer of my gun back, I noticed Harley stopping to breath like a nervous cat. She won't stop me because she knows she couldn't change my decision. No matter what she'd say or do.

"Joker, I believe you. I saw what you did to your other sidekick."

And just like that, Harley's body tensed up in my arm while I gulped. The fuck? Did Bats just say that on purpose? Of course he did!

"What's he talking about?"

What a delight. A true masterpiece of his, blabbing about stuff that was none of his business. That dumb face of his will get some punches for that.

But first of all, I had to get out of here.

"Nothing." I simply answered and turned around as the black helicopter Frost and some other henchmen hijacked appeared behind me outside the building. It was time to leave.

Machine guns destroyed the barrier of glass that kept us from escaping and Batman immediately grabbed Waller before he proceeded to flip the desk made of safety glass - the only useful item to protect him and this useless piece of shit from getting shot like ducks.

"Let's go. We'll get her another day."

Without wasting a beat, I let go of Harley and turned around, jumped through the broken windows and onto the chopper. Harley right next to me as the helicopter flew off.

We didn't get Waller. But we escaped. Yet this was everything but a success.

Harley knew something was up. And I knew I was about to get my butt kicked when we get home.

The outcome of this was going to be a whole different story.

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