An Evening In The Cell

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Why? Why was Harley so different now? She's never looked at me like this before. Never talked to me the way she did. No matter how hard I tried to break through her walls. She wasn't giving in. It was irritating and I hated it!

My eyes were locked on the blank ceiling of my cell, my thoughts oddly clear and my arms still inside this goddamn straight jacket no one was getting me out of. And no matter how loud I screamed, how nice I tried to seem, no one was buying it!

Surprisingly enough, I found out Harley wasn't joking when she told me she modified my cell. It was so damn different, no concrete to cut through and hide things behind, no fabric except for a blanket on the hard bed that was the floor and no real door to kick in. Everything was hardened plastic and the door was metal. I was glad to have a sink with cold water.

On top of everything, I also came to learn that the guys that took care of me during my sessions with Harley really weren't those I knew - my henchmen were gone, the attention I got when I slammed my head against a wall to get out of here was gone, everything was gone!

Not even the time Harley planned the sessions with me were the same, they could be literally every moment. At three in the morning, six in the evening, there was no rhythm to anything in here, how should I adapt to this? Why couldn't Harley be the crazy, naive woman I met in here anymore? Why did everything have to change?

I sat up on the floor.

She wasn't acting. She was legitimately doing what she said. Got me a hit or more with the tasers. Arranged some stuff so doctors would give me shots that turned my body and brain into a pool of pudding. That girl was crafty, yet everything wouldn't have been too bad if it weren't for the news I received today.

The reason why Harley wasn't having a session with me today was causing my eyes to narrow and my bones to burn with rage simply thinking about what the guardsmen let me know upon her own request.

She was having a date tonight.

A date.

My Harley was having some other guy!

Needless to say I blacked out from a taser as I bit the guardsman immediately who told me the news. How could she do this to me? After everything I've done for her? She was literally forgetting about me, dropping the session to be happy with someone else! What in the hell?

Shaking my head, I snorted as I turned my face towards the door of my cell, my eyes narrowed in anger and my neck hurting from the never ending contacts with tasers.

Why did I even care? Because she was mine! My property no one else was allowed to even look at the wrong way. I would boil everybody alive who dared to touch her. Miss me with the thought of someone else kissing those perfect, red lips.

Again, I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to let these kind of thought come up, I had to get information about the scumbag who was taking her away from me. So I got up from the uncomfortably cool ground and walked the few steps that separated me from the door.

"Hey, pretty boy!" My voice couldn't have sounded more annoyed as I stared at the guardsman to the door's left side through the bulletproof window of the iron door. "Would you be so kind and tell me more about the person who's making my girl smile?"


As usual.

"Come on, I know you can hear me, be nice and just tell me a name, it'll stay between the two of us." Slowly but steady, I started to lose control. Not a single idiot in this goddamn hellhole of an asylum even talked to me without Harley next to them, another one of her dumb, ridiculous rules she tried to force down my throat.

"Fine, don't!"

Finally, I gave up on trying, ignoring the vibes of amusement I was getting from the man. Oh, he just loved seeing me desperate, didn't he? Everyone in here seemed to be not scared of me anymore because I was inside this freaking straight jacket all the time, how perfect this actual helplessness played along with my emotional helplessness!

That's what Harley wanted, didn't she? She wanted me to feel the same I made her feel, apparently.

Sitting down on the black blanket, my eyes looked down onto the clean, white floor.

Maybe, in some twisted, comic book world kinda way, I did say some things that probably inflicted something like pain upon her. So what? I've been hurt before, too and I didn't pout like a girl and ran off. I yelled at her and killed her friend at work while I took over Arkham. Like a normal person.

But...her eyes had changed, too. They were clear, not a sign of the storm of insanity going on behind them, just...normal thoughts, even though I highly doubted she was undergoing therapy to reset her brain, too.

She also smiled differently when she talked to people. Never did she let any kind of emotion slip by while talking to me, but I did catch a glimpse of her having a conversation with some women in here. It's been a while since I saw her smile like this before.

Slowly, I lifted my head up and looked at the bright lights of the ceiling that were shining down at me.

Could it be that Harley was happier...better without me? Was the night we had this intense fight really going so hard on her she just wanted a normal life to forget about it? Forget about us? Maybe that was the reason for her not hesitating to get me down into the electroshock therapy room. She didn't feel sorry for me. She really didn't care about me anymore. Did I really hurt her that much?

Suddenly, my mind shut down and an outraged growl rose from my chest. What in the world was her therapy doing to me? Why was I feeling guilt at all?

I stood up once again.

No one talking to me outside of our sessions made me think. Too much. That's what she wanted, making me over think everything and wanting me to feel guilty about things she has done!

How often did she flirt with other men just to get the attention from me she demanded? How many times did she mess with the guns and my cars which resulted in explosions and her getting arrested. Did she properly apologize? No.

Worse, when I behaved wrong, didn't give her enough attention or, god forbade, forgot a date with her, I had her fist in my face faster than lightning. I didn't care about that. Yet she did when I said a few things. It were just words, why in sanity was she so butthurt over this?

Then again. She never called me useless. She never told me I didn't mean anything to her. All she did was lifting my mood when I was down. Telling me how much she loved me every damn day. How pathetic. How annoying.


When will my mind stop over thinking everything? My past with her...the things I said. What was happening to me?

"You think you're smart enough to control me." I spoke to myself as I started to walk up and down the cell. "You think you weakened me, well, newsflash, I'm just getting started, either!"

Knowing no one was listening, I let out a frustrated growl that immediately filled the room. I needed a plan. Something to get to her, break her walls down, break her. So she would come back to me. And I'd have the life back I wanted...the life I needed.

Currently, I started to feel kind of sick, just thinking about our next session. She would stare at me with those cold, emotionless eyes. Ask me questions that made no sense to me. Get me tasered if I behaved wrong. We just had about one hour and a half together. Somehow, I had to get to her within this short time span.

One last time, I sighed. Nothing was helping. My mind was solely circling around her, and I did have to admit I had some kind of obsession with her. It's been way too long since I've felt her hands on my skin. Her lips on mine. Even smelled her perfume. I didn't need this stuff, I just wanted it back. I wanted her back.

But the problem was that she was more confident. More filled with hatred. All because of the person she was with now. That was the reason she was so different!

My head shot around to the glass window on the heavy door.

I had to find out who the hell had the balls to touch Harley! Whoever that person was, I'd make sure his life would come to a quick, painful end gruesome death for trying to steal my stuff. But how would I do that? I was locked up in here, with no possibility to escape whatsoever. There was no way I could communicate with any of my henchmen and...

Hold up a damn second.

My eyes widened and my muscles flexed inside my straight jacket as I took a deep breath.

There was one particular henchman I told to stick around Harley as part of my plan. But that plan should've been finished a week ago now, yet I was still inside this sick asylum, locked up like an animal.

Gritting my teeth in total rage, I narrowed my eyes at the wall in front of me as the name hit me like a punch to the throat.


It must've been him, Harley had no connections to anyone around Gotham and he was the only person she knew from her time on my side. But why, the freak show?

Something must've happened between them.

I do remember telling Frost to be nice to her. Sweet talk her into trusting him. But as a friend, not some goddamn boyfriend! Did she take him so serious she...?

No. She wouldn't get a crush on someone just for helping her out. I refused to believe this! Then again. She fell for me for less. Maybe, I didn't think the plan through.

But...were As in being in a relationship?

Cringing physically, I tried to push that thought away, but it was already too deep implanted in my mind. It made too much sense. What if he already told her about my plan and that was the reason Harley wasn't falling for my words?

No. That couldn't be it, there was no way she'd stay with him if he told her he was told to act like he cared about her. She'd kill him if she found out about that.


A smile grew on my face, so big that my lips began to hurt and my cheeks started to sting.

That's it, I'll tell her about the entire plan! Tell her the truth about Frost and get him killed right away. Her hate for him would make her come back to me again and everything would go back to normality, that plan was just perfect!

The details started to form in my mind and I chuckled deeply. I would destroy both of them, I would kill him physically and Harley emotionally, I would get both, my fun and my Harley.

Oh, how hilarious my next joke would be, I already had to laugh about it! I'll have her back soon, we'll be happy together again and everything would be back to normal.

But then, I paused for a moment.

Did I have the right to cause her so much pain, now that she was starting to be happy again? Was that the right thing to do? Could I be sure Harley would be able to take it? Should...should I just talk to Frost instead?

"What is wrong with me, for hell's sake?"

My words were just screams of confusion I let out, my hands ripping on the straight jacket from inside. I couldn't understand how different my emotions and thoughts were ever since Harley started to have the sessions with me. I felt waves of guilt and sadness, emotions I've never really had before. Except that one time back at Midway City. But those memories better staid locked up in the deepest corner of hell - I couldn't take them.

"What has this blond clown done to me?"

My face felt warm from the anger that took over and my world turned black as I ripped the straight jacket in half, even the leather belts that were supposed to keep my sleeves closed and my arms around my body.

The fabric dropped onto the ground to my sides, my lungs burning with rage and I turned towards the metal door. I wouldn't let any kind of emotion hold me back from my plan. Screw her and everyone, I'll just kill them all for locking me up here, ignoring me, messing with my mind.

"Open the goddamn door!"

I slammed my fists so hard against the bulletproof window that I could feel the vibration spreading through the floor. Jumping in surprise, guardsman outside froze for a moment the second our eyes met. I made sure he felt my anger clearly while I punched the window once again.

"Don't make me repeat myself, darling!"

Of course, he didn't open up, he called more guards for help and not a minute later, eight of them stood in front of the door, the tasers with four electrodes in their hands.

"We need some mood stabilizers and anti-psychotics!" One of them ordered and a few others took out shots from their pockets while I just punched the window again, the skin on my knuckles broke and left red spots on the clear glass.

"Come in and fight me, ladies!"

I didn't even know why I was so mad right now. I just knew that I was mad, didn't matter at who or what. All I wanted was getting out of here and to Harley. I wanted her to know how much I despised her for the shindig she's done to my mind.

The door sprung open and the men immediately entered while I grabbed the first person's head and twisted it aside, breaking his neck just to feel the other seven tackling me to the ground.

"Get me my Harley!"

The first taser connected with my neck, the intense pain made my vision fade immediately but I refused to give in to it. I wasn't going to let these weak people bring me down like this!

Sinking my teeth in someone's throat and biting as hard as I could, I quickly ripped the skin open, blood streamed all over my face and a dull yelp made the shock of the taser wear off as the man dropped it. These dumb people may think they are protected by their helmets, well, they certainly aren't and I'd make them feel it!

"You goddamn motherfucker!"

Some guardsman screamed at me and I soon felt a fist punching my face whil le the other five men grabbed my arms and legs, trying to keep me down while I stared up at a tall guy with two of those uncomfortable tasers in both of his hands.

"Do it and I'll show you what a bloodeagle is!" My voice was deep as the unfamiliar blood ran into my mouth and I quickly felt two shots being injected into my arms.

But I didn't care about those. The buzzing of the tasers made me stare up at the man who had G-03 written on his safety clothes. He had that outraged look on his face, probably because I just killed two of his colleagues.

"Fuck you, I'll be the one having fun now!"

Not even a heartbeat later, he stabbed the pointy electrodes into my body, one into my stomach and the other one under my chin where they cut through the skin and slightly touched my tongue inside my mouth.

I didn't know if I've ever felt such a pain before, my entire body felt like a hammer was sinking electric, half melted nails in my bones.

Screaming through my closed jaw, my eyes rolled back into my head and I barely noticed anything anymore, just this awful pain I wanted to stop. But it didn't end. The shocks kept coming and I couldn't even breath straight anymore while I felt the taser on my stomach being twisted and pushed even deeper into my body.

No one could've put this situation into words, but right now, I would've done anything to make the goddamn pain stop - even beg for it. Every single vein inside my body was twitching, my heart was skipping beats and I felt my brain growing inside my skull from the sheer heat the electric shocks were creating.

I continued to groan and scream for several moments that felt like hours until I finally slipped off into unconsciousness, releasing myself from this awful pain.

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