Anger And Its Aftermath

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Wrapping my blue hairtips around my finger, I watched Joker having a talk with someone called Jimmi Konner - a guy who apparently had some information about Amanda Waller and where she currently hid - at a private area of his nightclub. Well, at least I hoped - for the sake of her mind not being completely wrecked - that she was worried about me coming back for her dumb face.

I circled the glass of red wine placed in front of me as Jimmi proceeded to sweet talk Mister J into sparing his life if he cooperated to the point of willingly revealing secret government projects and locations. As far as I could tell, he used to work with Waller, but out of some mysterious, in many ways twisted reason, he decided to drop out of the whole stuff and look for ways to make money with the information he had. How unpredictable.

It's been about two hours of completely meaningless chitchat of his and I could tell that J was close to falling asleep of boredom. We didn't even necessarily need him, Frost would find everything out for us, anyway, it'd just take longer, and, to be honest, I didn't have the time nor patience for weeks of unproductive happenings.

Some other guys sat around the round, golden table that had a tabletop made of massive glass without a single scratch, they belonged to Jimmi-guy and were probably meant to protect him from hitmen and the police that hunted for him.

The - to me - pointless jibber jabber continued between the men while I stared over to Joker who sat right next to me on the white couch that surrounded the table half way. His perfect profile couldn't hide the utter annoyance he felt by listening to Jimmi trying to convince him in working together. What a poor, lost soul.

What many people couldn't seem to understand was the fact that no matter how important they thought they were, no matter how powerful or intimidating they felt, there was always one rule that applied to every single situation when it came to working together with Mister J:

He makes the rules. He is the one in control. There's not gonna be anything like 'why not like that' or 'I think we should do it the other way'. When Joker told his henchmen to get him a dead pig and a black box, there is no questioning. He wants it, and he gets it. No matter how long it takes or what he needs to do for it. Everyone even attempting to ignore that rule quickly came to learn that they were nothing in this game. Just a fly on the wall, maybe. But sometimes, it was just boring to watch people completely riding themselves into hell.

"When's this cringefest going to end?"

My eyes were locked on Mister J as I leaned over to whisper in his ear, although I knew pretty well to never ever interfere with his business, yet I was sure he'd understant, at least this one time.


His voice was deep and quiet while he kept his eyes narrowed at Jimmi who had a quick conversation with his men. They all didn't seem to pay much attention to us so I quickly decided to make this torture of a meeting a little more entertaining for Joker.

"But I'm bored." I whispered and kissed his cheek while I placed my left hand on his knee under the table, my right arm wrapped around his neck.

"Not now, Harley." Joker's stern voice almost growled as he continued to stare at Jimmi while both of his hands rested on the golden handle of his purple cane.

Despite him being in a bad mood, I tried to get him out of this seat earlier than planned, even if it meant him being angry for the rest of the evening. But basically everything was better than sitting here and doing nothing productive. At all.

Moving my hand slowly up his inner thigh, I let my lips brush against Joker's ear as I slightly tilted my head aside with a small grin on my face. "Come on, play with me." I whispered with a hidden giggle in my voice and slightly bit his earlobe as I continued to gently stroke his thigh, my fingernails slightly dug into the fabric of his black pants.

A sudden tension in his body let me open my eyes, just a second before I felt the back of his left hand hitting me right in the face with such a power I fell off the couch with a surprised yelp, my back hit the floor and I groaned at the pain all over the middle of my face.

"The hell did you just do, Joker?"

My face felt numb but I was pretty sure a big frown formed on my face at Jimmi's words and I quickly sat up on the floor, only to notice that he had jumped up and was staring from me to Joker and back.

"You can't treat your woman like this!"

Joker's eyes widened and he stared down at me as my frown - as well as Mister J's expression - quickly changed to total confusion. The fuck was this guy on about?

"Did...did he just throw an order at me?" J asked and looked at Jimmi whose henchmen all staid in their seats, perfectly knowing not to say or do anything at all, one even held his breath as his face was turning slightly red from not breathing.

"Yes. It kinda seems like it, I guess?" I answered, shaking my head in total irritation and started to regain the feeling in my face, my eyes narrowed at this random dude who obviously had no damn idea what he just got himself into.

"Was that an order?" Pure confusion dominated his voice as Joker narrowed his eyes at Jimmi who - out of some crazily ignorant way - continued to look at me with worried eyes.

And then the dumbass even had the nerves to not answer Joker's question.

I quickly got up and was just about to walk up to Mister J as all of a sudden, Jimmi walked aside and stared directly at Joker, his eyes glowing with anger.

"Men like you, Joker, don't deserve women like her! You psychopaths sicken me!"

And the situation continued while Joker's grip on his cane tightened, a green firestorm raged in his beautiful eyes as he slowly got up himself, Jimmi's henchmen still tried to stay completely invisible by not moving an inch at the crushing tension all over the place.

"You...ooh, you!" Joker calmly chuckled and shook his head no while he stood up straight, a giant smile stretched across his face while my own anger took over my mind, wiping out ever other emotion as I grabbed a gun from Mister J's holster, already pointing it at this giant piece of slug slime.

Black shadows surrounded my vision and I was almost unable to control myself as Joker made my emotions go wild by walking up to my side, his enraged eyes never leaving Jimmi's who seemed to get slightly uncomfortable.

"You must have a huge fun gun because there's no other way for you to bang my mood like this!" Joker screamed the last word at the top of his lungs while stomping so hard with his cane the vibration it sent through the floor made the glasses on the table tremble. The sheer energy he gave his sentence, all his actions and look aside, caused Jimmi to gasp and gulp at the dull realization of what he's gotten himself into.

While Joker's face lost the ability to turn red, even by extreme anger, from the chemicals, his eyes got a red shimmer in their white part, sometimes to the point of being so red one could think he cried when in reality, he was just beyond rage over a certain situation.

Who the freaking hell did this guy think he was? Telling Joker what to do, walking up here and behaving like the king of the world? If it wasn't for Joker's pure presence, I would've already taken Jimmi's face off while him being fully conscious. What a dumbass this person was!

Finally, the current situation seemed to hit him like a bullet to the brain as he blinked and nervously looked around, his voice shaking and his blue eyes glassy in panic.

"Mister Joker, sir, I'm s--"

His pathetic attempt of an excuse got immediately turned down as Joker threw his cane aside, it hit the glass window through which we could look down at the dancing people all over the club with such intensity, a crack in the safety glass was left, Jimmi's henchmen flinched so hard it seemed they were going to pass out of shock.

"No!" Mister J screamed and I placed my finger on the trigger of Joker's gun, nothing but despise for the man who thought he could talk to Puddin' the way he did.

"Don't start sucking me off now! Not like that!" It was obvious how hard it was for Jimmi to keep his shit together and not break down right away as Joker slicked his soft, green hair back and took a deep breath. The game just started.

Knowing what Mister J was up to, I pulled the gun back, slammed it onto the table right next to one of Jimmi's henchboys and sat down on the table while playing with the gun right next to me, my eyes met Jimmi who's face had turned blank, not a single emotion displayed.

"Try again." Snarling like a tiger, Joker walked up to Jimmi, both of Mister J's hands grabbed his shoulders and smiled at him in the - to other people - creepiest way possible. Granted, I could feel his rage sending waves of tention through the entire room, even Frost who still stood next to the only exit of the room looked uncomfortable.

"I-I didn't mean t--"

Faster than he could react, Joker's hand threw a powerful slap at Jimmi's face - the kind of slap he'd almost never uses on me - and the guy quickly gasped with giant eyes as his head was turned aside but Joker kept him from falling down by grabbing his shoulders even tighter.


Jimmi was shaking head to toe as he stared at Joker, obviously surprised and frightened about the strength Mister J's hits had. But I still didn't get why this candyboy tried to get a word on my relationship with Joker. Mister J warned me. I ignored it. Simple as that.

"Pl-please forgive me!"

Another slap turned Jimmi's pale face red again as a second hit to his face made the look in his eyes fade for a moment while he fell unconscious for a few seconds. Again, Joker kept him from falling down and stared straight into his eyes as Jimmi regained his consciousness.

"Who's in control?" Mister J growled and I couldn't help but smile devilish at the mindgame he was playing with Jimmi.

"Y-you." With a voice barely more than a whisper, Jimmi answered and didn't break eye contact with Joker for even a moment.

"Do you know what I will do to you?"


"Well. Listen closely..."

I watched with satisfaction as Mister J mentally tore this bunch of meat and bones apart for being such a disrespectful piece of shit. As for myself, I didn't want this opportunity to have some fun just pass like that. But what I wanted was a little less of word fights than this guy's blood all over me.

I jumped off the table and walked up to Mister J, gently placed my right hand on his shoulder and stared right into Jimmi's eyes with my a diabolical smile on my face.

"Can we skip the talk and start a little clowning around?"

And just like that, Joker grabbed my face with his left hand and shoved me out of his sight with nothing more than a growl. Apparently, he was more angry than I thought, but that wasn't until I noticed how his hands grabbed onto Jimmi's throat and began strangling the life out of him.

Jimmi's face turned red at first and his legs quickly gave in while I rubbed my looked from this irrelevant moron to Mister J who gritted his teeth as he continued to wrap his hands tighter around the guy's throat whose eyes turned dark red from the blood that filled them.

That's the aftermath of angering Mister J. If you get him angry, he's gonna kill you.

"Where's Waller?" Joker's soothing voice coupled with his widened, outraged eyes caused Jimmi to shake - and not only from the lack of air or the blood that filled up his brain and caused it to swell - which brought a smile to my own face.

His mouth opened and he gasped for air, trying to form a sentence but Mister J didn't even think about loosening up on him, instead, he just shook his head no and grinned evilly at the sight of Jimmi's face turning slightly gray with a hint of blue around his lips.

"No, darling. Mouth it for daddy."

The thin man did as he's been told with all the strength and consciousness he had left as Mister J carefully watched his twitching lips moving. Two words made Joker frown and he turned his head over to Frost who still stood where he was since we arrived, across the room.

"Get the car ready." Mister J grinned and finished Jimmi's agony by pushing his thumbs up under his bottom jaw, then immediately jerked his head back, breaking his neck and letting the body drop onto the ground.

"We're going to visit Bruce Wayne."

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