Baked Bird

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The loud sound of the helicopter turning around right next to the rooftop made me wince a bit but I kept a straight face, only turning my head with my baseball bat still on my shoulder.

"Boss, they're not talking to me."

I checked on the soldiers and my friends, trying to not smile or let my insanely overwhelmed joy show. There could be only one reason this chopper wasn't reacting to Flag's or Waller's calls.

Rick's face got a dark look in sudden enlightment as he whispered: "The bird's been jacked." Which caused everyone to stare at the helicopter with giant eyes.

"Light it up!" Flag yelled and everyone started to shoot at it but somehow, they quickly jumped as someone used a machine gun that looked like a Dillon Aero Minigun from the open back of the helicopter, making all of us hide behind things like containers just to stay out if that deadly, laser-like gunshots.

Peeking over the edge of the container, I noticed Jonny Frost who shot at the soldiers, killing one after another. "Yay!" I gasped, never been happier to see Mister Frost but there was something next to him that drew my attention to it.

A tall man with a black tuxedo and silky, green hair. His hands - wearing white gloves - tightened around a golden-white Norinco 56-1 which he lifted up and I pulled my head back down behind the container. 'Baby!' I thought to myself, hearing Joker's laughter as he randomly shot around, obviously enjoying the wild gunshots all around him. But I knew he was also making fun of all the soldiers because they couldn't freaking aim.

I plugged my ears with my fingers and looked at Deadshot as he hid right beside me but stared at my neck in shock.

"What?" I asked and moved my fingers to it. "I got a hickey or something?" My fingers moved over my skin with Floyd still staring at my neck in confusion as I received another message from my puddin'.


As if all my worries about leaving my friends were wiped away, I looked at Deadshot who slowly shook his head, trying to tell me that it'd be a bad idea to jump up and run over to Joker but my look at him was more of overwhelmed happiness than actually asking for his opinion.

There was a big smile forming on my face, making my cheeks hurt as I stood up and stepped onto a long platform, locking eyes with Joker who immediately stopped shooting and kept his eyes on mine, pure relief all over his face while he kicked a long rope down to give me something to climb up.

"Come on, baby."

His deep, strong voice sent an electrifying feeling through my veins and o continued to smile, completely zoning out and seeing nothing but his face. I quickly took off my jacket, dropped my bat and started to run towards the helicopter as explosions and the sound if bullets hitting metal were going on all around me.

"Come on, baby!"

Smiling his beautiful smile, Joker stretched his arms out to his sides and I just kept running towards him, not caring about much, not even about any of the seldiers shooting me because I knew Mister Frost took care of that.

'I'm coming to you, puddin'!' The fresh wind caused by the rotor blades hit my face while I reached the end of the metal platform and jumped, both of my hands grabbing onto the rope and wrapping it around my left foot.

Only seconds after I reached the rope, Joker's helicopter took off and Frost rolled the Minigun back from the open back. But I still had to be nice to the squad so I just turned around and sent all of them one big kiss with a sarcastic smirk on my face.

Of course, Waller would hire someone to shoot me down so I just wrapped the rope around my right leg, hanging upside down to stare straight back at him and looking back at the roof as I noticed Deadshot aiming at me. How predictable.

After a moment of hesitation, Deadshot finally pulled the trigger and I heard a loud 'bang'. 'Well, why not making a little show of it?' I was in such good mood right now, so what the hell?

Relaxing my body as if I was dead already, I let my wight unwrap the rope from my leg and let my head fall forward but still grabbed onto the rope with one hand. 'Let's give Waller the feeling of triumph for once.'

Letting a couple of moments pass, I looked back at everyone, a high pitched laughter coming from my throat and I threw my head back, my eyes locked on the open back of the helicopter. 'Enough with fun now.'

My entire body started to shake and my heart felt like it was going to explode as I made my way up the rope, coming closer and closer to Joker with every move until he stretched his right hand out and I grabbed it tightly while he held onto a hand strap with his left hand before he easily pulled me up onto the chopper.

"Puddin'!" I squeaked as my eyes became bigger at the sight of his warm smile because I just knew he was as happy to finally have me with him again. It actually felt hard to get used to the fact that now, after months of separation, we were finally reunited.

I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, my lips connecting with his in a deep, passionate kiss. My heart started to burn up with emotions as I felt Joker's arms wrapped around my waist, my body giving in to his touch and Joker leaning over, his knees becoming weak for a moment before he regained his balance. The way he moaned against my lips actually sent tears into my eyes, I was just so unbelievably happy to feel him again, to feel the warmth of his body and the touch of his lips.

Five seconds later, we pulled away from each other at the same time, Joker dreamingly staring at me with a tiny, barely noticeable smile as I unwrapped my arms from his neck and looked up into his beautiful eyes. "You got all dressed up for me?" I asked and ran my left hand down the side of his body, smiling at how comfortable the fabric of his tuxedo felt.

"Oh, you know I'd do anything for ya." Joker answered with a huge smile across his face and I brought mine so close to his that our noses almost touched and Joker's warm breath hit my mouth, my arms moving around his body and staying as close to him as possible. God forbade anything or anyone to ever separate us again.

"By the way..." He started and moved his head around to my right ear, his warm cheek touching mine. "I got some grape soda on ice and a bear skin rug waitin'." He explained, a little more quiet and my eyes lit up with a joyful spark. "Yeah?" I asked, unable to get rid of my smile.

"Of course, baby." Joker smiled and continued, his right arm still around my waist. "You can decide who you wanna use it with, all up to you." He added and I frowned in slight confusion, my smile slowly starting to fade because Joker's facial expression became a sarcastic note.

"I don't understand." I began while I tilted my head and started to stroke his back, still not getting what he meant.

"Oh, I was just thinking, and, I don't know." Joker moved his head slightly back, opening his mouth and stating up at the top of the helicopter. "Maybe you'd rather take a night out with Deadshot than me." He finished and looked back down into my eyes in a way that gave the tears in my eyes a whole new reason.

My heart sunk and I shook my head in complete disbelief. He couldn't know about that incident back at the building, could he? I Could he look through walls or something?

But that didn't matter right now, what mattered was that I had to fix this up. So instead of tearing up right away, I pulled one hand back from him, wiping an oncoming tear away and looking up at Joker.

"Puddin', there's only room for one man in my heart. You know that. I'd never want anyone else." Somehow, I managed to keep my voice strong and not sounding too desperate. "The only reason this happened was because I missed you so much that...I thought he was you. I don't love anyone bu--"

Joker quickly spun me around, shutting me up and letting go of the handstrap while he grabbed my left wrist. "You listen to me and you listen carefully." He began and pointed with his pointer finger at me, staring deep into my eyes with a slightly angry look.

"You belong to me. You're my girl, not anyone else's." The way he spoke kept me from speaking as his anger mixed with jealousy. He wasn't hurt or anything else, he was just way too jealous at my behavior. "So those lips better only touch mine or you can jump off the chopper and run back to Deadshot already."

Even though Joker was mad at me I had to internally smile at his last statement. As if he'd ever let me go, he's as obsessed with me as I was with him, only difference was that I admitted my love for him. "Yes, sir!" I said and managed an awkward, crooked smile after gulping but obviously, that was enough to calm Joker at least a bit down.

"That's my girl." He narrowed his eyes at me and grinned, moving his hand up my arm while I still looked at him, a bit worried. Until suddenly...

"Boss, we got a problem!" Frost yelled and Joker turned his head aside, looking through the windshield of the helicopter and so did I.

What we saw was big ball of fire, obviously a bomb, being sent towards our helicopter by another one, an intense vibration going through it as the bomb hit the cockpit, flames bursting through it and turning everything to ashes.

"This baked." I heard Joker's calm voice as I frowned, worried about this entire situation. But the way he spoke calmed my nerves as he looked around, obviously thinking about what to do.

"Okay, honey, it's me an' you." He finally looked at me, a serious look on his face while we grabbed onto each other's forearms with our right hands. "Let's do it!" I smiled and leaned towards Joker to give him a quick kiss but suddenly, something inside the cockpit exploded, lifting he front of the helicopter up and causing me to lose my balance while the flames quickly moved towards both of us.

"Remember the time you jumped into the chemicals?" Joker asked and I nodded, already feeling the heat of the flames. He grabbed my forearm tighter and stared back into my eyes, the bright flames glowing in his green eyes.

"Good." He whispered and grinned, then, to my pure horror, pushed me back and out of the chopper.

"Puddin'!" I screamed and stretched my arms out, trying to grab onto something, the chopper, the rope, no matter what. "No!" My voice was covered by the sound of the rotor blades while my eyes were locked on the chopper as I fell further down towards the ground.

A frustrated groan of Joker was the last thing I noticed before I hit...water?

'No, no, no!' I gasped as I sunk down in the cold liquid that quickly covered my body and streamed into my nose as I tried to somehow move up to the surface, unsuccessful as I couldn't swim. At all.

Pure pain on my heart made me wince as I heard the dull sound of some explosion, followed by a bright fire lightening up some building above the surface of the lake I fell into.


More water streamed down my nose and I just gave up trying to get up to the surface, there was no way I could make it since I continued to sink while I ran out of air. So I just closed my eyes, letting the water fill my lungs while I started to feel the ground of the lake on my back.

"Live for me."

A voice at the back of my head whispered and the flames burning the building down that Joker's helicopter crashed into and I opened my eyes a bit.


The voice repeated and I suddenly remembered what I promised my puddin' a long time ago. That I'd pull through all the crap, sadness and misery life would throw at me. That I'd live on no matter what. For us. For him. And I had to keep that promise. I just had to. Who else would beat Bats to bloody pulp? Penguin? Or Mad Hatter? Pfff.

Someone had to make sure Joker wasn't forgotten. Someone had to keep his name in people's minds, keep them scared of the greatest criminal of all time.

'Let's fucking do this!' I pulled myself together, standing up from the ground of the lake while I held my breath, that tiny bit of air in my lungs as I tried to keep myself from coughing the water up.

Looking up at the surface, I tried to realize how far I actually had to make it. Without being able to swim. Or climb up anything, there was no ladder or even a simple wall anywhere near me. How was I supposed to move up about sixty feet?

My vision already got blurry as my lungs cramped at the need for air when I suddenly heard a splash, like something fell into the water.

Looking up once more, I noticed a dark figure swimming down towards me but I couldn't see who that person was. Until that someone grabbed both of my arms and pulled me up towards the surface.

"Mistah J!" I said, immediately regretting it as those two words made two bubbles of air escape my mouth, leaving my lungs empty except for the water in them.

Joker's head shot around as he heard me mumble those words and he quickly stopped swimming, pulling me up so my face was on a level with his before my eyes closed as I was about to fall unconscious. But then I felt Joker grabbing my bottom jaw and opened my mouth before he pushed his against mine, immediately blowing air into my lungs so hard it made part of the water leave through my nose.

Soon after, I felt a little better, holding my nose before Joker wrapped his left arm around me and continues to swim up towards the surface. And I couldn't believe he was alive, that he was saving me once more. And that he was alright so far.

Still feeling weak, I smiled as Joker picked me up and carried me out of the water and to the nearby side of a street, laying me down and giving me a huge smile before he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down against the hard street as he straddled me and brought his face down towards mine.

"Um, puddin', what are ya do--" I started but was interrupted by him opening his mouth and speaking in a voice I didn't know.

"Puddin'? Who the hell is puddin', sweetheart?"

Suddenly, I snapped out of my illusion and Joker's face faded, revealing some twenty one year old guy staring down at me.

"Enough for you!" I growled and grabbed a switchblade from the heel of my shoe, quickly stabbing him into the throat which caused his eyes to widen right before he fell aside, remaining twitching on the ground until his eyes got an empty look and he stopped moving around in a puddle of his own blood.

Instead of paying any more attention to him, I slowly stood up, coughing up water and tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked up at the burning building to my right side, half of Joker's helicopter laying on the ground, entirely burning.

"Baby..." I sobbed and slowly took my eyes off it while it started to rain. "Please, don't..."

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