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[Okay. So y'all been triggered by Deadshot's and Harley's kiss. Well, I'm just here like: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just joking! I assure you, nothing like that will happen again........ (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ]

The dull light inside the pub slightly flickered as Diablo ended his story. My hands tightly grabbed onto the cocktail in my hands while my heart sunk but not because of much empathy. There were a thousand thoughts raging inside my head but I couldn't seem to grasp even one of them while I felt this intense sadness pulling my heart down, making me feel as of someone just shattered a small piece of my soul. How come people still thought Chato was some sort of brutal monster? Why was no one giving that poor guy a hug for once?

"And the kids?"

Captain Boomerang's voice let me snap out of my zone and I slowly turned my head over to him, staring into his dark eyes while Killer Croc just circled the glass of beer in front of him with one of his claw-like fingers, creating an eery, blood-curdling sound before I somehow managed to speak, my voice quiet as I explained what everyone here thought.

"He killed them." Like a knife, these words seemed to stab everyone in here, making Boomerang slightly wince and he took his eyes off mine before he looked down at his half empty beer can. He wasn't a man of much seriousness or emotion but the fate of Diablo's family seemed to even touch him, at least to some point.

"Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh?" Narrowing my eyes at Chato, I crossed my arms on the bar and a sarcastic chuckle escaped the back of my throat at Deadshot's request to stop right there and be a little careful.

"What, you ju... Thought you could have a happy family and live a normal life? Normal? Us?" Without realizing how much Diablo triggered me, I quickly felt a smile of derision growing on my face, my last piece of common sense being pushed to the back of my head and I completely lost my shit on Chato.

"Normal's a setting on the dryer! People like us, we don't...we don't get 'normal'! And we never will!" The corners of my mouth already began to twitch as I started this sentence, waves of sadness slowly filling my eyes with tears but before I could continue, Boomerang interrupted me as I took a quick breath.

"Why is it always a knife fight, every single time you open our mouth?" The roughness in his words let me look down, realizing how stupid I've been to throw my emotions on Diablo who already had enough to deal with. I really shouldn't have done that but...I actually had no damn idea what to do at all.

"Excuse me, I left something upstairs." And with that, I immediately turned aside, quickly making my way to the back of the pub where a small, dark blue door covered a few stairs that led up towards a private room for those that drank a bit too much and couldn't make their way back home themselves. Because knowing ones own limits is too fucking hard these days.

Without turning on the lights, I slammed the door shut, locking it by using a key that still stuck in the keyhole and bit my bottom lip in an effort to hold my oncoming tears back.

"You fucking bastard!" I yelled as my right hand tightened around a vase that stood on a nightstand. Anger burning like Diablo's fire quickly spread through my body, making my hands go numb and every breath hurting like a thousand little needles in my lung.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks, drawing blue and red traces of my makeup while I smashed the vase by throwing it at the white wall across the room, causing it to shatter into a uncountable pieces that created a quiet echo as they fell onto the floor.

"You said you wouldn't leave me! You promised!"

Not giving a damn if anyone heard me, I walked up to the wooden nightstand, ripping it off the floor it was attached to by screws and lifted it up before turning around to a window right next to me. "Liar!"

Starting to sob, I just threw the nightstand through the window, ignoring the sound of breaking glass and the nightstand hitting the wet concrete outside on the street. An immediate, cool wind mixed with some raindrops hit my face and I stared out through the broken window into a dark, burning city.

"Who's gonna drink the grape soda with me now?" My voice broke and I gulped, my shoulders relaxing and I felt my head sinking while I gave up trying to stop crying. It was at this very moment that I started to realize that he was really gone. Dead. Forever.

"I didn't even get to say Goodbye."

Barely more than whispering, I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice calling from outside while I subconsciously turned away from the window and walked up to the bed in the darkness, my knees weak from the shock.

"Harley, you alright?" Deadshot asked and I grabbed one of the two pillows, quickly ripping it open and making the feathers from inside dance around me in the wind, covering me in a soft cloud before they fell down onto the ground.

"I'm fine!" I called back, a big frown on my face as I forgot about the tears that were still streaming down my face and dropped onto the blankets. There was no way I would let anyone see what a crying, whimpering mess I was right now. Puddin' always hated to see me cry, he even once punched me point blank between the eyes and knocked me out just to get me to stop crying. He just hated negativity.

He liked to cover himself with smiles and hide how miserable he was at times, leaving no one but me looking behind that fake facade and see his vulnerability. But what mattered was that he trusted me to the point of getting on a level with me, letting me see a tiny little piece of the human part of him. And I basically killed him.

"Harley, what are you doing?" Deadshot's concerned voice echoed in my head and I had squeeze my eyes shut to try and banish it from my mind. How come he wasn't downstairs, anyway? Did he want to hear me cry? Why can't people just leave me alone for once? Was that too much to ask for?

"I told ya, I left something up here!" Without wanting it, my voice turned into an outraged groan while I picked up a small, shimmering item from the ground before I grabbed the other pillow and set it on fire, using a lighter that fell out of the nightstand. "Just having trouble to find it!" I yelled while I broke a picture in half that was hanging above the bed.

"Harley, please, ju--" Deadshot's attempt to get me to open up the door was interrupted by me throwing a drawer from the other nightstand at the door, making it vibrate and creating a loud explosion as the drawer hit the ground, together with a couple of items that were hid inside.

"Leave me alone!" Screaming at him, I watched the blankets catching fire as well and turned around towards a tall bookshelf, barely noticeable in the dark room that was only lit up by the flames devouring the bed.

"You wish!"

Seconds later, the wooden door broke in half as Deadshot simply kicked it open, causing me to turn around to him and locking eyes with Floyd. His eyes started to wander through the room, the flames reflecting in his dark, brown orbs before he looked at me again, a frown growing on his worried face.

He began to slowly walk up to me, his eyes not leaving mine while he started to stretch his arms out a bit. "Harley, we're all here for you, you don't have to p--" A gasp escaped his nose and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me pointing my gun at his head.

Using my thumb to pull back the hammer, I placed my pointer finger on the trigger as I continued to look at his face, the heat of the burning bed hitting the left side of my face and drying it from the tears that still streamed down my face.

"If you don't get out right now, I will blow your brains out!"

No matter how hard I tried to keep my voice strong and confident, it just broke after the first word as my bottom lip and corners of my mouth started to twitch. I was only half serious about killing Floyd but even though a part if me just wanted to get a hug, I didn't want anyone around me. I didn't want people to see how bad I was right now.

"Okay." Deadshot simply answered and moved his hands back down while I blinked in confusion at his following sentence: "You can shoot me right away because I'm not going anywhere and leave you alone." My heart skipped a beat and I held my breath for a second.

"We're on this mission together, all of us. But we're not just some random people anymore, we're your friends. Your family. And all of us will do whatever it takes to help you through this." Deadshot continued to look me in the eyes, his intense stare sending goosebumps of all kinds of emotions down my back.

"You're not alone with this."

Trying to speak at least a few words, I gave up as my voice became a quiet whimper and Floyd's face turned blurry behind my watering eyes. I was so overwhelmed by emotions that my entire body felt numb and paralyzed in a storm of sadness and pain, but there was also a tiny part of me that was touched by Deadshot's kind words.

My hand subconsciously dropped the gun as its wright became a seemingly unbearable pain in my arm and big tears escaped my eyes, streaming down my cheeks in a colorful river of unbearable sadness.

Only a second later, I felt Deadshot's arms around me as he pulled me into a tight hug, the frown on my face growing as I started to sob into his shoulder, my tears soaking his clothes as I squeezed my eyes shut, just letting my emotions take control over my body.

Deadshot kept his arms around me, slowly stroking my back while my body was going numb from the shock in my veins and the pain in my heart. I always had that thought in mind of losing my puddin'...but I never ever would've thought that it'd be this soon...this way.

"You know what the worst part is?"

My raspy voice sounded dull as I mumbled into Deadshot's shoulder, not able to control my sobbing, but who said I wanted to?

Floyd shook his head no and I gulped as my burning eyes hurt at every blink of mine while I looked over Deadshot's shoulder to the broken door behind him.

"We had an argument. He was angry with me. I...made him hate me."

Just as I wanted to continue, Deadshot's hands shot up to the sides of my face, pulling my head back from his shoulder and making me face him while he stared at me with worried eyes.

"Harley, don't blame yourself for anything."

I knew he tried to cheer me up, but if I would've escaped sooner, Mistah J wouldn't have had to come and save me. But instead of talking back to him, I just ignored his words and acted like I listened.

"His plan would've been working and if Waller wouldn't have called that chopper to shoot Joker's down y..."

Suddenly, Floyd stopped and squinted, his breath quickened while my eyes widened and I started to narrow my eyes at him in rage while I immediately stopped crying and sobbing.

"Waller's behind this?" I asked, surprised at how fast I regained my voice. "She wanted to kill me and puddin'?"

Just realizing that he made me snap, Deadshot quickly gasped and widened his eyes. "Harley, don't do anything stupid, she'll kill you befo--"

Before he could finish his sentence, I punched him in the throat, my knuckles almost smashing his bottom jaw. Everything turned blood red before my eyes and I ignored the way Deadshot groaned in pain as he spit blood, the flames of the bed starting to light up the wooden floor and spread around him. Not being able to move because of my punch he just wheezed in an effort to get my attention. Without any success.


I spat that damn name while I jumped downstairs, causing everyone to look at me in surprise but all I saw was my baseball bat, laying on the bar, all clean and not even a single drop of blood or brains on it.

"Let's change that!"

My hands tightened around its grip and faster than my friends could react, I ran out of the pub, the strong rain hitting my open eyes as I jumped over a broken car and didn't take my eyes off the colorful ring in the dark sky.

"You'll wish you never made that call, bitch!"

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