Griggs' Secret

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"That one. Take that one, too." A quick nod by one if Joker's henchmen called Ned made me look back down at my phone. It's been half an hour since I've received a message from Joker, telling me to get three packs of razor blades, about two hundred playing cards as well as several firearms, including one Colt Gold Cup Trophy, some Norinco Type 56-1 and about thirty M84 Stun Grenades. It was highly likely that I was the one who had to customize all of these things again.

It didn't take us that long to collect all of the requested items from a weapon store more or less in the middle of Gotham so Ned grabbed the rifles and walked towards the broken front door we kicked down earlier while I stayed back, grabbing some magazines for my own guns.

Soon after, I walked out the shop to two more henchmen that guided the car in case policemen were passing by and already walked over to the passenger seat as suddenly, my phone rang. I looked down at it, only to stare at a number I didn't know. My eyes a narrowed at the last four numbers, the combination seemed oddly familiar.

"Yeah?" I asked after answering the call and gestured the three henchmen to hold on for a few moments while I waited for an answer from whoever the person was that called me.

"Frost? That you, man?" A dull voice asked and I frowned, not really recognizing the person while at the same time, they sounded familiar. "Who wants to know?" I growled and rose an eyebrow. It wasn't normal for random people to call me because my phone number was secret, only Joker's henchmen and his most important contacts knew it since they reached out for me first before they could talk to him.

"It's Griggs." The man answered quietly and my eyes widened a bit in surprise. Wasn't he supposed to be dead or at least in prision? And, more importantly, how the hell did he get my phone number?

"What do you want?" Even though I kept my voice calm, I was a little curious about his reason to call me. He was afraid as hell ever since that little...let's call it interview back a couple of months when he provided Joker with information about where Harley was and that she actually had a small bomb in her neck. After that, Joker told some if his men to dump the guy somewhere near a slaughterhouse.

A short moment of silence followed, some voices in the background told me he was obviously trying not to be heard until everything was quiet again which made Griggs talk again, his voice only a whisper.

"I need to talk to Joker. Like, now!" He demanded and I gave him just a snort in derision. Who did he think he was? Calling me, probably from a phone one of Joker's guys lost and wanting an appointment with Joker today? Not on my watch.

"Oh, you certainly don't get that meeting, Griggs, boss has no time for unnecessary talks at the moment." I simply said, expecting him to hang up but he just kept talking which slightly pulled on my nerves.

"It's important! I have some information about a guy...Joker's in trouble."

My strong interest for this conversation and even his voice alone immediately got knocked out and I suddenly ignored every single sound except for his voice. He's not a complete idiot and fools around, I took his words extremely seriously but decided to remain a bit sceptical. "I need more specifics, Griggs, if I should convince the boss to drop his plans to listen to you."

The sound of a door being opened and an unfamiliar voice asking Griggs what he was doing let me narrow my eyes while there was a quick conversation between the two of them and the door was closed again.

"Listen, man, this is serious stuff, I really need to talk to him but I can't come alone, there will be people with me." He whispered but even though his voice was hard to hear, I could tell he was really worried. Or his acting was on point.

Sighing, I placed my pointer finger and thumb between my eyes and squeezed them shut. How annoying this guy was. "Be at the nightclub in Amusement Mile in an hour and a half." And with that, I hung up on him. A sigh that turned into a loud groan rose from the back of my throat as I threw my head back. Now I had to tell Joker his movie night went to hell for a person he hated almost as much as Penguin. And, of course, I'd most likely be the one getting yelled at.

"Everything alright?" One of Jokers henchmen asked curiously and I just ran my left hand through my hair before I turned around to them and simply got in the car, the look on my face told them we were done here. At least they were, I still had to make the uncomfortable call and probably get my ears screamed off.

After a short moment of reassurance, I called Joker, still extremely annoyed by what Griggs told me. And, I swear, if he was overreacting over small shit I'd shove a live rat up his ass.

"The hell?"

Joker's angry voice let me snap out of my thoughts and I stared down at one of the stun grenates in my hand with a slight frown. "There's people that wanna see ya, boss. Hour and a half." I explained and looked out the window, following the bright streetlights that illuminated the dark night with my eyes as the car sped up.

"Are they hookers?" He asked, his voice somewhat dull and shaking, as if he tried not to chuckle. I could tell why that was as I checked on the time on my phone and let out a quiet sigh. Why did Joker always do this? "No." I simply answered with my fingernails scratching down the grenade.

"And like that, you've lost me."

Some giggles could be heard in the background and I just continued staring out into the darkness as we headed off to Joker's place. "Griggs says you're in trouble and he wants to talk to you about the details." My mind drifted off to my conversation with that stupid asshat and my grip tightened on the stun grenade.

"Hey, if he wants to go out for a date night, he could just ask right away." Joker laughed and I almost smirked at this joke, immediately remembering the first time I and Joker's henchmen dragged his cheap ass right out of the club and at one point, things got really...confusing for Griggs.

"You might as well bring some of your toys again." That sentence just slipped off my lips as I wasn't even thinking which resulted in loud, intense laughter as Joker sounded like he was choking on air. "Goddamn, Jonny, you dirty pervert!" He had trouble speaking while I slightly smirked as he tried to calm down.

"I'll be there in five." I forced that annoying smirk off my face and tried not to focus on the pretty detailed sounds in the background as Joker hung up with an annoyed sigh.

'God help Griggs if this freaking meeting isn't important.' My time off work was even shorter ever since Harley died. Sometimes I spent hours looking after Joker because he ran off, shooting people right out of his car, running over children and purposely got into fights. God knows why.

In fact, he struggled more with her loss the more time passed. One of his first attempts to deal with her death was by pretending she was on vacation and would eventually return. Well, that didn't last after I grabbed a psychiatrist off the streets and sat him down with Joker to get him to open up. Not even seven minutes into the forced session and boss shot the guy in the throat. Of course, I had to clean everything up afterwards.

Lately, he has started to spend much time in his mansion, standing in front of the ceiling high windows in his hobby room, quietly drinking a couple of beer bottles and then just giggling for minutes. At least he did that when he wasn't fucking around. Literally.

"We're there." Howard, one of the three men said and I nodded. I totally zoned out over the past minutes and didn't realize the car had stopped long enough for everyone to take the weapons into Joker's house. How much I was thinking about everything that was none of my business these days...

Without saying a word, I handed everyone a bundle of money for their work, then immediately headed off to the front door which was only a few steps away before I entered, skipping the knocking already since Joker knew I was going to get him.

As usual, the lights were on and the tilted paintings were clearly visible as I made my way up to the first room to my right side, which was the one Joker usually was in but as I opened it, the room wasn't only dark but also empty - except for the ring of firearms, knifes and playing cards.

"Looking for something?"

My head turned around to Joker and I closed the door quietly as I stared at the two women that had their arms wrapped around his neck and waist while he just slicked his green hair back, a huge grin on his face.

"Ready to go, boss?" I asked him, not wasting a second to look at the two women because I could care less what he was doing these days, it's none of my business. Although I knew exactly such behavior of his wasn't healthy. I probably had to pick up another psychiatrist tomorrow. Someone had to help him deal with his suppressed emotions.

"Alright, ladies, daddy needs to go now." He snarled and grabbed both of their jaws which made them smile while I tried my best to only internally scream and not actually shoot something right now. I didn't even know why, but his behavior frustrated and angered me, without a damn reason.

"Jonny, these are Amber and Rachel, nice girls." He grinned as the women giggled and I noticed Joker slowly grabbing the guns from his holster and moving them to the back of the women's heads. "Blew my mind."

And with that, he shot them right in the brains, a bump quickly formed on their foreheads where the bullet smashed the skull and the dropped dead onto the floor, blood pouring out of their heads like water.

"Let's go." Joker grinned and placed his guns in his holsters before he stepped onto their bodies without even a second of hesitation before I followed behind him. 'Fantastic. More bodies to hide in burgers.'


Dull music played in the background as Griggs, guided by two tall, almost intimidating looking men, entered the room Joker, I and four of his henchmen waited in. His eyes nervously looked around as Griggs sat down cross from Joker with only a white, round table separating them.

A big smile grew larger on Joker's face as he stared at Griggs who started to slightly sweat, both of the men stood behind him, not saying a word while he started to speak with a surprisingly strong voice, but his words made no sense.

"Hey, nice seeing you again, J, I got the chairs you asked for, they're out in my car!"

As much as I hated him and every single word he said...his hands caught my attention and I realized something odd. Griggs was usually someone who didn't move much, but right now, he continued to make little moves with them. And although they seemed random at first, I quickly realized, he was talking to us in sign language while talking complete and utter bullshit.

Joker must've noticed as well as I looked down at him and he nodded without looking back at me. My eyes wandered off to the four henchmen behind the tall men that watched Griggs but obviously had no idea about sign language. Giving them a tiny node, I watched Griggs wincing of fear at the sound of tasers which got pushed into the spines of the two men.

They fell unconscious which made Griggs sigh in relief, his eyes widened but a grin on his face that immediately faded while Joker's henchmen dragged them out the room and closed the door, only the three of us left in the golden and white room.

"Joker, it's about Waller."

Griggs didn't waste a beat and skipped straight to business as he turned his head back to face Joker who tightened his grip on the cane he was holding. 'Great, so back to day one now.' I could see Joker's eyes sparkling with pure rage at the sound of that one name even I got stomachache from.

"She has some arrangement with Hugo Strange at Belle Reve, they're...they have certain people down there. People that...died decades ago."

My eyes immediately widened and my head shot around to Joker who was just growling, not a growl of anger or frustration. It was a growl of pure disbelief.

His eyes glowed in the golden lights as Joker just stood up without a word and started to walk towards the door while I simply stared after him in confusion, not getting why he reacted the way he did.

"Boss, don't you w--" He cut me off mid sentence and Griggs flinched at the anger in Joker's voice, his teeth gritted and his hands grabbing so tightly onto his cane and the doorknob his knuckles turned red. "I don't care!" Joker yelled and immediately slammed the door shut behind him.

'Well, fuck.' I gulped and attempted to follow him as I stopped right next to Griggs, my cold eyes glaring down at him and I leaned down, my face right in front of him.

"Can you get me down there?" My voice was only a whisper but I made sure he could hear my seriousness.

A quick nod was his only response which made me hand him a paper I wrote down a date and time on. "Send me all the information you got. And, I swear. If this is a joke, Griggs..." I narrowed my eyes at him and gritted my teeth together.

"I will cook your kids and pour them down your throat."

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