Just Another Job

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"D'you find him?"

The nearby streetlights lit up the small area where I stood, the rain forming small puddles on the dark road while thick blood from a wound on my forehead mixed with the raindrops that ran down my nose and to my mouth as I ignored the pain in my shoulder where a three inch deep wound was, caused by a sharp piece of metal from the bomb that took down Joker's helicopter.

"No, Mister Frost." Jack - one of Joker's henchmen - answered as he and a couple of other men returned from their search for Joker, together with all of those I called to find the boss.

"Goddamn..." Sighing, I wiped some blood and water off my forehead and frowned, looking down for a moment and just tried to think about places where Joker could've possibly been going.

"Did any of you at least find out where the helicopter went down?"

The rain started to hit my face harder as an oncoming wind sped up the raindrops and I squinted my eyes while my right hand tightened around a black gun, the water drops shimmering in the light of the lamps guiding the street.

"Yes, two blocks east, but it doesn't really look good, Mister Frost." Jack answered and pulled his arm up in front of his face, trying to keep the rain from filling his eyes. "Chopper's crashed into a skyscraper and almost went through it, front's ripped off and on the street. Back's still stuck in the building and there's gasoline and fire everywhere."

My eyes followed his finger as he pointed in the direction where the helicopter was while I licked my lips in frustration. 'I should've been thinking about that situation.' Some mix of guilt and fear made me feel like my bones froze and I sighed one again.

The second that bomb hit the cockpit of the helicopter earlier, half of us were sucked out through the flames, the rest just burned alive. But what actually worried me was that if Joker's still alive, he'd probably blame me for this shindig. And death by angry Joker was the last thing I wanted to think of right now.

"Alright, let's move, everyone, grab a gun or rifle from the van." I ordered and frowned while the sound of guns getting loaded was no help. There were all these strange alien things or whatever the hell they were around so two blocks could actually be a far longer march than I originally hoped.

My job was to keep Joker save and out of more danger than necessary, and failing at this gave me a really intense stomachache. It was almost as bad as the time I almost messed up one of his tattoos. Although it almost never happened that I made a mistake. It was just this one time - which I hoped would stay the only 'almost' mistake in all my time around Joker.

"Frost, can I ask you something?"

My eyes still staring straight forward, I narrowed them while walking through the rain, the scene of Joker in that ring of knifes coming to my head while I tried so hard not to over think it.

But the reason for that ring as well as with Joker's and Harley's...I guess one could call it relationship was, that Harley had been so long around Joker that he forgot what being alone actually feelt like. I haven't worked out how to exactly describe it, but to me, Harley's a drug to Joker. And if you take the drug away from anyone who's addicted to it, they snap sooner or later. So that's what happened to Joker.

"Frost?" Michael - one of the new guys - asked carefully as I growled in annoyance and stared at him from the side. If I wanted him to ask me a question I would've said yes to it minutes ago. Usually everyone here was very professional when it came to taking orders and following them, no wonder, I always hired these guys myself so Joker didn't have to concern himself with that kinda stuff. I wouldn't ever let some incompetent idiots looking for some action get any way near him.

And I did my jobs really well. First few years were a bit complicated though, especially due to the fact that everyone was expandable to Joker, he'd literally shoot some of his best men out of boredom or to get out of a situation. The more of a surprise it's been that it seemed like I was the only one of his henchmen he trusted.

This has gotten to the point of him leaving me alone with Harley back at the hideout when she was sick to take care of her while he was out digging up Bruce Wayne's parents and hanging their almost entirely rotten clothes up in front of one of Batman's Batcaves, waiting for him to return and then dancing with the skeletons.

Once a man only looked at Harley and smiled inappropriately without her noticing, next thing I knew was Joker cutting out his eyeballs, cut them into little pieces and force-fed them to the very same dude. Appropriate, considering that Joker mentioned almost all the time that Harley's not some 'club bunny' that can be looked at like that.

"You think...if Joker's dead...well, who's gonna replace him?"

Michael - once again - snapped me out of my thoughts and I immediately tightened my grip on my gun before I pushed it against the side of his bottom jaw, pulled the trigger and shot him horizontally through his jaw.

A painful scream was the result and I didn't even have to say anything for one other men to break Michael's skull with knuckle dusters. That was not what I called professional. Questions like these were the reason that roughly ten percent of the people I used to kill were actually henchmen. Sure, I didn't have to, but I was very picky with the kind of people I wanted to do jobs for Joker. And every once in a while, some useless brat made his way in here.

"Frost, there's a situation up ahead! Waller's dolls are running around, without Harley."

My head shot around to an arriving group of five of Joker's men led by a man called Danger who handed me his phone that was linked to half the security cameras in Gotham, an idea of Joker so he could keep an eye on Batman's activities.

What I saw were Flag and his flock of random dudes running around, obviously searching for Harley while there were more of the strange creatures approaching them. 'Great.' I sighed deeply and tossed the phone back at Danger in frustration. Knowing where Harley was or who she was with was the only good thing, now I had to start at the goddamn bottom. Again.

"Okay, get yourself as many men as you need, I don't care how you do it, but find her!" My voice lowered to an angry growl and Danger quickly nodded, then gestured twelve guys to follow him, leaving eleven men with me which I split up in two groups, seven to follow Flag and the others and four to walk with me.

The only two things I hoped for were Joker being alive and Harley to not do stupid shit. Like hunt for Waller. But I knew there was like a one hundred and ten percent chance for her to do that exact thing. If there was only some possibility to contact her and tell her to get over to us, but she left her phone in her jacket on the rooftop where we got her from.

Caught up in my thoughts, I simply zoned out and didn't notice that I bit my bottom lip so hard that the blood that dripped down my beard started to soak up my suit, together with the fresh rain. But somehow, I snapped out of my thoughts and concerns the second I and the four men reached a big business building and carefully peeked around the corner.

About two yards across a free area, my eyes scanned the burning front of the very helicopter we hijacked for Joker, the cockpit almost split up in half and broken rotor blades hanging from its top as well as gasoline still dropping down onto the concrete ground.

No sign of the alien creatures anywhere, but as if someone called for it, bright lights coupled with the sound of gunshots let me look straight up to the building right behind the front half of the helicopter.

About fifteen floors above the ground, the rest of the chopper stuck in the steel bars and concrete walls, huge flames all around it while melted iron dropped down onto the street where it immediately hardened.

Only giving the henchmen a sign with my hand, I moved forward, leaving the building behind me with the men following, securing the area around me with their eyes quickly looking around and their guns pointed at every possible danger.

I didn't even question their work, I just kept my eyes on the entrance of the building, hoping the stairways were not too badly damaged. If they were, well, making my way up to the fifteenth floor could take more time than Joker probably had.

The intense heat of the flames hurt my face and wounds as I moved around the destroyed helicopter that almost entirely blocked the front doors, leaving only a crack in the massive door that was made of security glass, about three feet in diameter, tops, with glass edges so sharp that making my way through them would cut me to little pieces.

Another series of rifle shots let me look up to the burning floor, my eyes narrowed at the rain. "Screw it!" I growled at the crooked but still massive door and kicked it as hard as I could, the vibration of my foot hitting the security glass sent a stinging pain up my leg through my spine and into my head, making me gasp for a second but I quickly pulled myself together as the already damaged door broke in half and allowed me to enter, my ears already burning up with the sound of more shots and a deep growl coming from floors above me.

Followed by the four men, I quickly located the door leading to the stairwell and immediately ran up to it, relieved that it was unlocked and the stairs seemed stable and undamaged as I wasted no time to run upstairs.

But as I made my way further up the building - I already reached the eighth floor - I noticed a tiny little vibration going through the building and stopped, the four henchmen doing the same.

My eyes stared upwards to where the helicopter crushed through the building and made it unstable. Now there was a giant hole almost in the middle of the skyscraper which caused the strong wind outside to send those vibrations through the concrete as the building was moving in the slight storm.

"Let's hurry up before the flames melt the last steel beam and the entire building crushes us like bugs." I growled and wiped some more blood off my forehead while I shook my head at the pain in my head and neck that slowly wore off.

Joker's henchmen right behind me, I continued to walk upstairs, a little quicker, yet more careful to focus on the building's movements. Nothing would be more frustrating than arriving at the right floor and not being able to save Joker from the weird creatures just to get crushed by tons of steel and concrete.

Another eruption went through the building and I froze once again, just stairs away from the giant hole created by the helicopter as it crashed through the skyscraper. My head shot up and a couple of small pieces of glass and concrete fell down, drawing lines of gray dust in the hot air.

"Think we got about six minutes before the entire thing collapses."

Growling instead of answering, I tried to ignore the words of one of Joker's henchmen and just kept walking as soon as the eruption wore off.

I grabbed my gun tighter and took a deep breath as I heard two more shots followed by wheezing sounds and immediately jumped up the last three stairs and turned towards the direction the shots came from, my gun pointed at one of these ugly aliens. A pretty big one, too.

Fire melted the last pieces of the helicopter and spread through the entire area, the almost unbearable heat let me start to wheeze and gulp while I noticed four dead aliens all around Joker who stood in front of the remains of the helicopter.

"Boss, are you okay?" I asked and stared at the big thing with like three dozed eyes - some already missing - on its head that turned around to me and Joker's henchmen that walked up to my sides, pointing their guns at the weird creature as well.

"Took ya quite some time to get here, Frost!" Joker complained as the anger made his voice sound stronger than it actually was. "I'm sorry, I had to gather some guys and sear--" My explanation was cut off as Joker gave me one of his death glares.

"Save the jibber jabber for later!" He yelled at me and I as well as his other henchmen immediately started to shoot at the big ass creature that really didn't seem to care much as it protected its head by pulling up its arms so our shots didn't inflict as much damage as they were supposed to.

But that wasn't the main problem as it suddenly started to run towards us and I immediately dodged the first hit as it tried to punch me with the shotgun in its right hand. Sadly, one of Joker's henchmen was hit and the power of the creature immediately ripped off his head.

'Fuck, damn!' My eyes widened and I shot at its head with my gun but somehow, that only made it angrier and it grabbed a giant piece of concrete off the ground before it threw it at me. Not that this was the worst situation I've been in.

The big part if a wall hit one of the steel beams behind me as I was pulled aside by one of the three remaining henchmen and I froze again as an even stronger eruption let the entire building shake. I wouldn't have had a problem with this if we'd have been at the third floor but fifteenth? 'How much I hate heights!'

"Oh, sure, rest a bit, it's not like we're being shot any time soon. Does Master Frost need a tea break or something?"

Joker's harsh sarcasm made me turn my head and look over at him, my body still unable to move while his henchmen continued to shoot at the alien.

His eyes widened in anger and I could hear his heavy breathing, even though he stood like half way across the building. "Get your ass moving!" He almost screamed and I tried to catch my breath from the shock as I suddenly noticed that Joker had really bad burns on the left side of his face and his legs were shaking in exhaustion. Obviously from fighting and surviving attacks from five of the alien things at the same time.

I snapped out of my slight shock and my grip tightened on my gun. 'I'm not gonna fail this job!' My eyes moved back to the alien that had already killed another henchman and I didn't waste another second as I aimed at its head as it grabbed onto another one of Joker's men. "Drop the shit!" I yelled at it and drew its attention to me, giving the guy the opportunity to punch its head with his spiked knuckle dusters.

It growled - or whatever kind of sound that was - as a large piece got ripped out of its head and it dropped the man. Sadly, right into the giant hole where the stairs led down towards the ground.

My eyes narrowed at the alien and I continued to shoot at it, together with the last one of the henchmen. Our bullets hit the alien over and over as it tried to decide which one of us to attack first as suddenly another vibration in the building made it lose its balance. I was quite relieved as it stumbled towards the hole, more dead than alive.

But then it suddenly grabbed onto two already damaged iron beams. "Goddamn!" I gasped as its body weight caused the creature to rip the beams out right before it fell back and down the hole.

The eruptions intensified and the flames grew even more as I quickly looked around to Joker who stared upwards and I followed his look - only to see that the entire building over us started to give in, the iron beams next to Joker started to bend as they were already weakened by the flames.

"Someone called nine one one?" Joker grinned tiredly and I rolled my eyes. "Really? A September eleventh joke? Must you?" I asked as I ran up to him and pulled him away from the first piece of ceiling and steel crashing down onto the floor.

"That kind of opportunity comes up only once a life." He chuckled and I looked around as more and more walls and iron beams around us gave in. "Now what's the plan, Frost?" Joker asked curiously and I ignored the last henchman getting crushed by the top floors of the building crashing into the current one we were on.

"Getting outta here, I'd say." Goosebumps formed on my back as Joker and I started to run towards the other side of the building which wasn't destroyed yet and frankly, our only way out of here.

As we kept running and dodging multiple pieces of the floors above us crashing onto ours, I noticed that Joker was slower than usual, due to his exhaustion. But he was too slow to reach the roof of another, much smaller building across the street. A building that would be safe for him since this building was falling in the other direction or straight down.

'Do your job.' I reminded myself as we came even closer to the edge, more flames and dust all around us and the sound of steel breaking let me growl - only partly because I was about to jump down a high ass building.

There was no way he'd make it to safety. Joker simply was too slow. There was only one way to help him reach that goddamn roof.

Side eyeing Joker, I slowed down a bit so I was almost right beside him and waited for him to reach the edge while inch after inch disappeared in a cloud of dust, smoke and concrete behind us.

'Wait for it...' I watched Joker jumping up at the same time as I did but he didn't put as much power into his jump which would've caused him to fall straight down fifteen floors onto the street. And turn into a puddle of blood.


His left foot barely left the edge of the building as I immediately placed my right hand on his back and pushed him forward towards the roof of the building about fifty feet in front of us.

Joker's head shot around to me as he came closer to the roof while I lost my momentum and, instead of moving towards the building, started to fall down. 'Fuck, goddamn that's high!' I was too much in shock to speak as my eyes stared onto the cars below. 'Someone kill me now!' I internally begged while my heart started to beat faster and faster the closer I came to the ground.

Only looking around one short moment, I noticed Joker staring down at my from the rooftop. With his gun pointed at my head.

"Nice working with you, Mister Frost!" He yelled and I gulped in panic, not because he had a gun pointed at me but the fact that I continued to fall towards the street.

"You did a nice job."

My eyes widened at Joker's words and I almost had to grin before the last thing I heard was a bang. Followed by intense pain on my forehead. And then...nothing to feel.

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