Parted Ways

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Ice cold air hit my face as I jumped off the helicopter while it was still about ten feet above the ground. The snow quickly melted around my legs and I made my way towards the front door of our hideout - the snowfall made it impossible to see further than six feet.

Not a word has been spoken between Mister J and me during the flight and although my anger was raging like a fire tornado, I kept it in, hiding it from his henchmen since it's none of their business what was going on between us.

The door quickly sprung open as I turned the doorknob with all the patience I could come up with. Calming colors and the familiar scent of our rooms hit me but not even the tilted paintings all over the short corridor could put out the flame that was burning up every single thought in my mind - except for one.

Seconds passed and Joker entered after me, my head quickly shot around and I glared into his ice cold eyes that didn't seem to care even a tiny bit about my emotions. Did he even understand why I was mad at him? Did he care? Probably not...

"What was Batman talking about?"

My voice interrupted the silence as he closed the door behind him. It was unbelievable how he didn't seem to care at all, a grin stretched across his face - whether it was forced or not, I couldn't tell right now because honestly, his facial expression wasn't what I was focusing on. I wanted an explanation.

"Calm your Tuesday feels." A chuckle rose from the back of his throat and Joker walked past me, his usual, soft smile told me he wasn't taking this situation serious. And as usual, he thought a quick touch of his hand on my face was going to solve this. He thought I was going to forget about Batman's words and my anger by the simple way his striking eyes glowed down into mine.

"Nothing happened. Well. Until she threw a tantrum."

There was a sudden tension that built up between us as I slapped his hand off my face, breaking any kind of physical contact with him right before I took a step back, just in case he was going to try another move with his hand. One that probably wasn't as sweet as the previous one.

"You don't get it, do you?" My voice started to get louder without any conscious intention of mine. It was just the inner voice of the last piece of sane mind I've had left that told me to get my shit together, just this one time. And I let it happen. How bad could that get?

The way Joker glared at me for slapping his hand sent shivers down my neck to my legs, but I wasn't going to let that anger fool me. He was unsure what I was up to, and not even I was sure about it.

"I don't care about the new sidekick, I'm asking you why you had one in the first place!"

It seemed as if Joker actually had to think about his answer. Obviously, it occurred to him that this conversation wasn't one he could just sweet talk me out of and I was sure it frustrated him to lose control of a situation.

"It wasn't on purpose." Mister J responded, and tilted his head, the metal of his teeth blinked in the bright lights of our mansion as he smiled at me. But I couldn't stay as positive about this situation - at all.

My eyes grew bigger and I felt the anger filling my entire body as one feeling was striking me like a truck. "Not on purpose?" I started to lose control of my voice and walked up to him once again, this time stopping just inches in front of Mister J. "You just replaced me! As if I'm just an old towel, right?"

Not even a second passed as Joker opened his mouth to respond, lie, defend himself. I didn't care what he was going to say. For a moment, I blacked out, but the slight pain all over my right knuckles brought me back and I blinked, watching Mister J rubbing his left cheek. "I've never meant anything to you." My voice was quiet as I looked down onto the floor.

Everything I've done for him - every time I got him out of prision. Took punches for him. Or even bullets. It wasn't more than a game to him. All the time's he's helped me or broke me out - these acts just had one purpose.

I didn't get to finish my thoughts as Joker's left palm connected with my face, throwing me right off my feet and almost against the nearby wall, but I was able to regain my balance just in time and looked up, the stinging pain on my face was noting compared to the burning rage in my bones.

"Interrupt me one more time!" Like a firestorm, Joker's anger was burning in his glowing, green eyes with his hands forming fists. Yet I wasn't going to pay attention to these clear signs of me crossing a line, I just wanted to get this crap done with. I wanted my anger to hit him like a train, the same way his rage hit me each time I did something wrong.

"Or what?" I challenged him, my eyes just as angry as his while I walked up to him until we stood so close to each other that out hot breath was hitting each other's face. "You gonna punch my insides out? Well, joke's on you, Puddin'. At least I have something on the inside."

A tension went through Joker's right arm but just before he could knock my teeth out, both of my fists punched the sides of his pale, smooth face so hard I was surprised my knuckles didn't break into a million pieces of smashed bones.

Suddenly, a deep chuckle slipped off Joker's lips as he looked at me, wiping some blood off his lips with an amused twinkle that replaced the bloodcurdling rage within a second. Not surprising, considering everything becomes fun and games for Joker as soon as another person gets hurt. He likes that. Craves it, even.

"Is that what you think?" His smile grew larger and he rolled his head, cracking his knuckles with his captivating eyes locked on mine during the entire time. "You're the one sacrificing things and I'm the bad guy. Got it." My eyes widened and my vision went black as Joker punched me so hard in the stomach the air was just sucked right out of my lungs and every single, tiny bit of strength left my body like a ghost.

"Maybe you want to over think your statement, Harley."

I didn't even regain my vision as fingers grabbed onto my hair and soon after, my forehead got slammed onto the ground. The entire time I already knew why he kept me around - even though my brain temporarily stopped working. There was one reason he'd never admit to anyone for wanting my presence.

The second Joker let go of my hair, I jumped up and punched his head again, his face got pushed against the white wall next to him as I grabbed his soft, green hair and stared straight into his eyes that didn't seem to lose their twinkle of amusement, even after everything that happened right now.

"The only reason you're alive is because I want it." His response to my anger was cold and emotionless, just like a blizzard of ignorance freezing every fiber in my body.

"Sure. I know. But I also know why you couldn't kill me all those years." Though my lips were swollen and I tasted blood in my mouth, I managed to speak clearly, even after Joker had pushed me down onto the floor, his hands tightly wrapped around my neck and slowly strangling the life out of me.

"It's never been about love. You're afraid of being alone." Gasping for air, my voice slightly broke but my eyes were still locked on his pale face that was hiding any kind of expression. Except for that undying smile of his. A smile that haunted me in my sweetest dreams and worst nightmares.

My hands grabbed onto his wrists while breathing became almost impossible under his grip. But I wanted to get this done with. Before I'll be done.

"You once let me in. Just for half a second. But you did." The more I spoke the rougher my voice got and the harder it was to swallow, yet something kept me going. Was it a small hesitation of his to continue to grab my throat tighter? Was it my own two percent of sanity taking over and causing me to talk like this? I couldn't tell, even if I tried to.

"And now you hate yourself for it almost as much as you hate me. You think it's my fault you made that mistake. Which is why you don't care for my feelings."

Just as my vision started to completely blur, the tight grip on my neck loosened up and fresh air finally filled my empty lungs again in a huge gasp of mine. At this point, I didn't care why he quit trying to kill me. What mattered was that he did at all.

"You're right. I don't care about you."

Like sharp knifes, Mister J's words cut out small pieces of my soul and I had to gasp at this kind of pain, my eyes looking up at him, noticing Joker's smile left his face and was replaced by a completely emotionless expression, something I've rarely seen before in him.

"And I'm surprised that you didn't realize this before. After all those 'helping sessions' of yours back at Arkham, even." Joker's voice was quiet, almost soothing but to me, it was hell. This right now was the end of whatever it was we've had. And there was no way back. "Out of all people, you should've known me best. But there's one more thing you didn't get, Harley. And you probably won't ever understand."

Our eyes met one last time in that warm, special way I wasn't ever going to see again. A look of something like affection. A look that usually gave me best, warmest feeling ever. But right now, it froze my bones and shattered whatever piece was left of my soul as Joker leaned down, a small laugh coming from him while a smile formed on his face.

"You didn't feel anything."

The look of irritation built up all over Joker's face as a response to my quiet words. But I knew very well he knew I was speaking the truth while my angry, tired eyes looked up at him and I rubbed my neck in an effort to get rid of the pain.

"Back at Midway City. When I died." My explanation sounded more like a thought I was revealing on purpose. Maybe it was. I couldn't tell if anything I said or felt mattered anymore. All I knew was that whatever I was saying, it had no meaning for Joker.

"There was not a single thought crossing your mind besides yourself. You just watched, sad on the outside, laughing on the inside."

He knew what he did to me. He knew he hurt me, and he liked it. "Let me tell you a little secret, Harley girl." Joker snarled and leaned down, whispering in my ear with nothing but rage in his voice but a smile on his face to cover every kind of tiny, little emotions up. Sometimes, it felt like my pain was the reason for his smile.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment. Whatever he was going to do or say. Whatever I was going to do or say. At this point, we were done with each other. From now on, nothing would ever be the same, and we both knew it. Too much had happened, and I could feel the anger in his voice as Mister J's breath hit my ear.

"Laughter lies."

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