Red Lips

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There was something odd about the way Barman glared at me. Something threatening. Not his usual look of hatred and disinterest at the same time. They were totally emotionless, and that's what scared me as he used a key to unlock the door of our cell, his eyes never leaving mine.

I wasn't supposed to be scared, but I couldn't hold back a gasp the second he unlocked the door, a creepy smile formed on his face and he took a deep breath. Not a single flinch or even a twitch went through his body as Jonny punched him in the neck, knowing Batman was protected by his batsuit and barely felt the punch, but he tried anyway.

It was the second that Frost grabbed a gun he had stolen from a guardsman during one of his many fights that made Batman turn toward him, a stern look on his face while his brown eyes narrowed at Frost the second before Batman grabbed his wrist and tried to grab his weapon, but my eyes widened as Frost just blocked his arm by grabbing Batman's wrist himself.

"You wanna play?" The way Batman spoke sent shivers down my spine. Never ever did I hear him speak in such a crazy way, and the fact he looked like he wanted revenge for what Joker did made me feel sick. Jonny was the only help I had, since I wasn't in the physical condition to fight.

"Harley, get outta there!" Frost ordered and I watched him dodging and blocking Batman's punches and kicks, having no clue how to unlock the door of the bars that separated the cell. "And how am I supposed to do that?" I yelled back at him, quickly looking around and searching for even just a tiny piece of iron or something to open the freaking door.

Sighing, Frost jumped aside as Batman attempted to punch him straight in the face, quickly grabbing the key that still stuck in the keyhole and turned around, his eyes as big as mine as I realized Batman had a gun himself which he pointed at Jonny with such a big smile that his white teeth blinked in the lights all over the ceiling.

"I wouldn't do it. Frost." Batman gave him a wink which made Jonny narrow his eyes at him. "I'm not you." He joked and with a quick turn of his arm, he tossed the keys over to me through the space between two bars as I struggled to catch it. But somehow, I managed to grab them right out of the air the second Batman grabbed Jonny's throat so tight his head immediately turned red.

"Don't kill him, he's gotta drive me!" Although I was scared if Batman's brutal behavior, I wanted to unlock the gate that separated the cell but was stopped as Batman lifted Frost up and slammed him against it, a beep, intense groan let my bones vibrate.

Without moving, Frost dropped down as Batman let go of his neck, the big grin returning while he grabbed the iron bars that kept us apart, my eyes looking up at the word Damaged which was perfectly written right in the middle of his mask as his facial expression showed nothing but a crazed smile. The hell did Joker do to him?

The way he stared at me made me walk back in my cell, causing him to slam his forehead against the bars with an even bigger smile spreading all over his face. "Oh, where are you going, Harley?" Batman snarled and let my name roll off his tongue right before he grabbed the bars on both sides of the door tighter. "I wanna play a game. It's called hide and seek." His eyes widened with that be g grin still working n his face while he jumped and kicked the massive iron door down. "And it looks like I'm winning already."

"If you get any closer, I'm not sure if my meds will still do their job." A smirk on my face, I his the keys behind my back, ready to gouge his eyes out if I had to but being a little slower from all the mood stabilizers, I couldn't quite react as Batman grabbed my shoulder with one hand and grabbed the keys out of mine. So much for reflexes.

Even though I immediately attempted to punch him in the face, he just dodged it by turning aside, his right arm grabbed my left one and he spun me around so I was facing him, only about two inched between our faces and his eyes glaring down into mine.

"You have no idea how much I wanna stick this into your brain." His voice was deep and stern as suddenly, his right hand shot up to my face, a batarang with the word Joker written on it with a red permanent marker. I managed to hold back a gasp but flinched a bit in surprise, my eyes not able to leave his.

"Sounds fun, but I'd rather have your head mounted on my wall." I smiled evilly and quickly tried to punch him in the face as, once more, he just moved aside, his white teeth showing as he chuckled. "Amost had me." He mocked me and continued to dodge every single punch and kick I threw at him.

Even though I wanted nothing more than beat him to death with an axe, I couldn't help but notice how his moves became smoother the longer I tried to hit him. The way Batman moved his body, his arms and legs almost had something of a dance. Kind of irritated, I watches his legs and realize I started to move in sync with him, my eyes quickly looking up into his.

Slowly but steady, I stopped trying to hit him. Maybe, if I played along, I'd get close enough to break his dumb jaw. So instead of keeping on fighting him, I calmed myself down and let Batman continue his movements, allowing him to move closer to me. It was weird, I actually got so focused on watching his facial expressions that it took me a while to realize his arm was wrapped around my waist at one point.

I wanted to jump back and get away as quick as lightning...but there was something inside me that felt...a bit comfortable. It was odd how the lights from the ceiling seemingly went away and my left arm moved up to his shoulder while he held onto my right hand, slowly stretching our arms out to our sides as we started to slowly dance with reality slightly slipping away.

Having no idea how long I mentally went away and that I actually slightly smiled, I suddenly snapped out of my zone and my eyes widened at the realization how close our bodies got over the past couple of minutes. Disgusted, I quickly moved back from him, only to feel the cold iron bars pushing against my back.

Batman realized the sudden change of my behavior and quickly grabbed onto the bars on each side of my head with such power that I flinched a bit. I was cornered between his arms and his dark, brown eyes locked on my face with a smirk on his.

"You know, I want to tell you what's what right now, but..." Batman smiled and moved his face closer to mine, I could even feel his warm breath on my lips while I was still slightly panting from fighting... dancing... whatever this was we've done.

"...I want you to find out yourself." He closed his eyes and I gulped while he moved his lips to my ear, his voice barely more than a whisper. "Baby." Batman's hands slowly moved down the iron bars, his cheek slightly brushing against mine before I felt his hands on by waist.

Something about the way he touched me made my knees feel weak and my heart skipped a beat. It's been a long time since someone touched me like that at all. And even though it was most likely the meds, it felt familiar. The way he moved, the way he talked and grinned. It was hypnotizing and intoxicating, my breath quickened every time he stared at me, but why?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not your baby!" The words were out before I could think, his smile grew and a deep giggle rose from the back of his throat. "I already belong to someone. I mean, I could try and fix you up with some other girl." I smiled at him, trying to distract him but only received a soft chuckle of his.

Surprisingly, Batman tilted his head and moved even closer to me, his left hand now right next to my head again and his other one still on my waist as his face got an extremely serious look. "Do you love Joker?" He asked and I frowned at his question while he continued, his body slightly pushing against mine.

"Are you ready to live through all the misery life throws at you - all the pain and suffering. Would you do that for him?"

Of course I would do all of that, it's what I promised Mister J a long time ago, and nothing changed ever since. And I had absolutely no problem telling Batman that even if something happened to Puddin', I'd still be there to kick his ass to hell and back.


A slight grin left his face as Batman put his left hand over my mouth and my eyes widened at his white teeth blinking while he spoke, our faces only an inch apart.

"I'd be careful with that answer." He snarled and removed his hand, leaving me unable to move. What the hell was happening right now?

"If you desire something, you're surrendering and giving it power over you." Batman spoke with a hidden smile in his voice but I just stared into his eyes, unable to say even a thing. "Do you really want this?" He asked and I had to take a deep breath, sorting my thoughts out about his questions because they reminded me too much of a certain situation. One he could impossibly know about.

"Of course, you douchebag!" Surprised by my own voice and how strong it sounded, I narrowed my eyes at him as a smile creeped its way over my face. "I'll kill for him, I'll die for him and I'll live for Mister J, and nothing's ever gonna change that, nothing!"

Slowly, Batman squeezed my waist and ran his fingers through my hair, something I tried to simply ignore as he looked up and down my face. "They kept you and him apart for how long?" He asked quietly and I shook his hand off as he cupped my face with it before just looking aside, a frown growing on my face and I didn't even attempt to answer this question.

"Every second's been too long, am I right?" Batman grinned softly before I gasped in shock and surprise as both of his hands shot up to my face and not even half a second later, I felt his lips on mine.

My fist quickly connected with his face, throwing his head aside and sending him back a couple of steps while he held his cheek. "Mister J's going to rip your lungs out through your mouth for that!" I yelled at him and quickly wiped my mouth in disgust.

A sudden laughter echoed through the room as Batman stood up straight, facing me with his hand still right where I punched him. His eyes couldn't have been twinkling more with amusement and my eyes narrowed at something red on his lips.

"Oh, Harley, you really don't get it, do you?" He asked and removed his hand from his cheek, revealing white skin. My eyes looked down at my hands, a gasp escaped my mouth as I noticed some color on them. Was

Looking back at Batman, I watched him slowly walking up to me, his teeth grabbing onto his right, green glove and he pulled it off, only to reveal two sleeves, one black and the other one underneath it being white, obviously belonging to a tuxedo - as well as a white glove he was wearing.

"I threw so many hints, I'm surprised you didn't notice anything at all." He continued and easily kicked his light green boots with blood red spots from some color off. I didn't notice his black and white shoes and black pants as he ripped his cape off which had a giand red smiley face all over its back right before he took off the purple bat-suit.

My jaw dropped. Was this real? Did that really just happen?

"Thought you'd notice by the kiss, baby."

Only the dark mask remained as he took off one of his white gloves and removed his brown contact lenses before he stopped half way through the cell, a smile on his face and his arms stretched out to his sides.

I had no idea if my smile has ever been this big as my eyes grew bigger, my heart pounding in my chest at the sight of Mister J's green eyes that were glowing like the clearest emeralds in the bright lights shining down at us.

"Puddin'!" I yelped with a voice that broke half way through the word but I couldn't care less, I just ran up to him which made his smile even larger, the white teeth didn't distract me for even a second as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my lips crashing into his and my eyes squeezed shut, only focusing on his touch.

His arms were wrapped around me so tight I could barely breath but all I could do was smile, anyway, as I felt the fingers of his right hand bending down on my left shoulder blade. The soft pressure his arms created on me gave me a feeling of safety, something I haven't experienced in months as well as being this close to someone at all.

As we finally found time to take a breath and pulled away from each others lips, I immediately felt tears filling my eyes, even though I tried to hold them back. And for the first time in years, those were tears of pure happiness, not even a hint of pain or sadness.

"How did you...Where...What...?" There were a thousand questions in my head which needed to get asked all at once but before I could continue, Mister J placed a finger on my lips, making me shut up immediately.

"Calm down and take a few breaths, Harl, or ya gonna pass out. Again." Joker smiled, his voice remaining an exact copy of Batman which I figured was because of the mask.

It took me a moment before I let out a long, deep breath after he removed his finger to wrap his arm around me once more. I myself slid my hands down to his collar, slightly tugging on it with my eyes looking into his.

"I thought I'd be locked up in here for the rest of my life." Still not able to get rid of my smile - not that I tried to - I got lost in Mister J's clear orbs and my body almost completely gave in to every single touch of his. But it was the look on his face as he moved his face closer to mine that shut me up once and for all while he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Daddy's here now, honey." His voice was barely more than a breath brushing against my ear as he leaned forward to whisper these words for no one else but me to hear.

"Daddy's gotcha."

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