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Like a hungry dog staring at its prey, the witches piercing red eyes glared right through mine as she took a step towards me, her body swaying from one side to the other and I just looked right back at her, watching her odd moves. 'Does the woman have some hip issues or...?'

I quickly blinked as the Enchantress stopped right in front of me, the black, ice cold smoke felt like acid on my skin and I slightly gasped at the feeling of air being sucked right out of my lungs.

"Now where do you think you're going, human?"

The way she spoke made my arms shake even more than they already did under Harley's weight. Yet, I couldn't just back out and try to run for it, who knows what the witch had in mind, I'd probably be dead before I could even turn around.

"Lady..." My raspy voice caused the Enchantress to grin for a short moment, so short I thought I was just imagining it. So I just continued to speak, slightly afraid of her appearance, though. "I don't know what you want and frankly, I don't care. But I will be taking Harley home now."

Seriously, I didn't expect to get away with it but as I moved around her and didn't feel anything but nervousness, maybe slight relief with every step I took. Maybe something distracted the witch so she wasn't focusing on me - whatever it was, I didn't want to turn around and find out.

I almost reached the big ass hole in the wall again as suddenly, I heard someone calling out my name and I just turned my head as the person sounded kind of alarmingly nervous but all I saw were the blood red eyes of the witch and her devilish grin right in front of my face.

"Oh, but I want you to stay." Her dark voice and ice cold smile made me gulp.

"I know what you want."


A strange, cold wind was the first thing that woke me up, the back of my head hurt as if a train struck me but somehow, I managed to open my eyes at the uncomfortable temperature that surrounded me.

My eyes blinked up at the familiar face of Jonny, I almost didn't recognize him behind all that dry blood that covered half of his face. And even though I knew him for years now, something about his presence just...didn't feel quite right. It wasn't the fact that he held me and that his entire body was shaking as hell.

But there was something. Something about the squad...and Waller. Wasn't...wasn't Jonny supposed to be dead?

That's it! I quickly gasped and my eyes widened as the sudden memory hit me and I jumped off his arms, slightly dizzy from the pain at the back of my head.

He was at the helicopter that J hijacked to get me back but later crashed! Jonny was...I thought he was dead, but here he was, looking. Well. Not too bad for someone who survived that bomb to the chopper.

And the fact that he,was alive...could that mean Mister J, too, was still alive? Did he tell Frost to get me again?

As much as I loved that thought, something about Frost's look irritated me. I expected him to tell me to get going, like he always did when he was ordered to get me out of some situation.

But he didn't do anything. He just stood there, in from of a giant hole in one of the walls of the building, doing nothing but blankly staring into nothing and holding his arms as if he didn't notice I moved at all.

"Frost? What's going on?" I asked and looked around, my eyes immediately noticed Deadshot, Diablo and my other friends fighting something that transformed into black smoke or disappeared completely at times but the harsh rain made it impossible for me to get a clear view at this thing.

The only response I got from Jonny was something like a chuckle, the only sound I never heard of him while his eyes quickly looked around, as if he was watching someone jumping or running.

I walked up to him again and narrowed my eyes at his expressions. He looked right through me, not realizing I was standing right in front of him and waved my hand in confusion as I tried to get his attention. But it just seemed like he was hallucinating, completely zoned out.

That's not what I wanted. I wanted to ask him about puddin', I wanted to know if he was still alive and if so, where was he?

"Frost! Freaking say something!" I now yelled at him and clapped my hands right in front of his face. But besides a fading smile, he didn't react in any way.

"Harley?" His raspy, deep voice made me wince since I wasn't used to this weird sound of his but I quickly ignored that, at least he was responding in some way. "Where are you?"

At this point, I was one hundred percent positive that he was having some kind of hallucination that kept him from realizing what was happening all around him. But how should I get him out of it?

'Well, this is what countless sessions with psychopaths and schizophrenic guys were about.' I reminded myself of what my job used to be. And there was only one way getting people out of their illusions that always worked.

Both of my hands shot up to his face as I slapped him once each side before pushing him back. "Focus, you nutso!" My voice got louder and I frowned as Frost stumbled and fell down, his back hit the floor made of heavy stones and a loud, painful growl escaped his throat.

Surprised at first about his whiny behavior since he usually took bullets without as much as an annoyed sigh, I walked up to him as he slowly and carefully got up, his eyes quickly looking directly into mine. So at least he was out if his zone now.

"Where's Mister J?" Barely able to hold my impatience back, I stared at Frost who struggled to stand up straight and look at me as I completely ignored my friends still fighting the Enchantress.

Jonny shook his head as if he had to get rid of a headache and focus on the conversation before he took a deep breath, probably to calm himself down a bit. "I don't know, Harley, I didn't see him ever since the skyscraper collapsed."

Almost immediately after his sentence, Frost continued as he noticed my eyes widening in fear.

"Don't worry, he's alright, we managed to escape just in time, but after that, I lost him. He's probably on his way to meet you here." His eyes looked up and down my face, making sure I wasn't going to kill him for such incompetence but I was actually sceptical. Something told me there was a bit more to his story than what Frost just told me. He wouldn't just lose J like a puppy.

But instead of asking more questions - which I knew would get answered by Frost saying things like 'I can't tell you', I just gulped in an effort to think straight as there was a whole bunch of questions raging inside my head.

"Let's go then."

Obviously confused by my sentence, Frost turned his head around to me as I walked past him and towards Deadshot and the others. Who said I was going to abandon my friends? If Mister J was going to come to me, anyway, it'd be stupid to run around the city like some confused lab rat.

"We'll help them, of course, go grab your gun." I grinned and slightly punched his arm which immediately made Frost wince a tiny bit, barely enough for me to notice but definitely strong enough to make me frown.

Not that I was concerned about him, but Frost was the only henchman capable of getting me and Joker out of situations when things looked really complicated, so he was like our backup and I needed to make sure he could do his job.

Since he was slightly having trouble to stand, I just grabbed his left arm tightly and moved his sleeve up to his elbow, just to check what he was dealing with. And what I saw wasn't what I expected at all, in fact, it's something I've never seen before.

The skin on the inside of his forearm was completely torn off in small pieces, leaving the muscle exposed while the entire area around the wounds was badly bruised, the colors varied from dark red to slight blue on the edges of it.

I carefully touched he bruised part, cringing as the muscle felt like it was smashed and unattached to the bones as the tissue moved like freaking pudding under my touch which made Frost bite his bottom lip in pain. It was also weird that it seemed like he didn't feel the pain at every area I touched, some of them were obviously numb and without pulse.

Again, I never saw injuries like these before, they didn't match stab- or shot wounds nor did they look like they were caused by acid or some chemicals. I narrowed my eyes at his twitching hand which I let go and looked up at Frost again. "What the hell happened?" I asked him and watched Jonny rolling his sleeve back down, his bottom lip twitched as the fabric of his suit and shirt touched his arm.

"Nothing big, just...fell and landed on a car." He explained and grabbed his gun from his holster with me stopping him from walking. If his left arm looked that bad, I wasn't quite enthusiastic about what was going on on his back and legs.

"You stay here and recover a bit, if I need help, I need you to be relaxed, not that wobbling, bleeding mess that you ate now." My voice got a little more quiet and I frowned, impressed that he was able to still stand even carry me after he got his muscles crashed by a car.

'Crash syndrome!' A grin grew on my face as the name of this type of injury hit me. I read about the symptoms a long time ago when Mister J got his hand crushed by Batman but I had no idea that the article wasn't lying about how the overall injury symptoms could be 'quite disturbing' for many people. And since I've only seen a small part of Frost's injuries, I started to believe that.

"Alright." His answer sounded like he didn't want to stay here and do nothing but fortunately, he was smart enough to listen. "Should I give the guys a call in case you need them, too?"

I shook my head no and picked up a piece of the wall that laid on the ground. "Nah, I got this." An eerie, big smile creeper its way over my face as I turned towards the witch and, without wasting another beat, walked up to the squad who continued to fight her but - other than them - the Enchantress didn't seem to get exhausted at all.

The second I reached her and dodged one of Boomerang's toys, I hit her over the head with the big piece of a stone. "Will you stop messing with my friends, old lady?" I asked as the stone broke into a thousand pieces as it hit the back of her head without causing damage at all.

She slowly turned around to me, her black hair barely covered her glowing eyes and I kind of regretted what I did while she smashed one of Deadshot's guns with her bare hands.

"" My eyes widened at her as she walked towards me, totally ignoring the bullets from Deadshot's remaining gun hitting her. "Sorry." Slightly chuckling, I tried to light up the mood but quickly realized that this woman wasn't going to simply calm down like that, even a strike from Katana's sword didn't hurt her as she was probably protected by some spell.

"You speak as you think, child." The way her voice sped my heartbeat up made me gulp while I continued to walk away from her but she followed me, anger made her eyes glow brighter and she gritted her teeth with a deep growl that came out of her mouth.

Something about her presence alone made me get nervous and my breathing intensified as dark smoke formed around her hands and suddenly, she was holding two swords, their blades dark as the night.

As Katana and the others ran towards her to help me, the witch only waved her hand and immediately made them fall unconscious, leaving me worrying about this situation even more.

"Now you will learn to watch your mouth." She growled and I gulped, panic took over and I gasped as she pulled the swords up above her head, about to slice my head clean off.

"Touch her and I'll gouge your eyes out with your own teeth!"

That voice!

My heart skipped a beat and my head shot around to the person speaking. For a tiny second, I thought I was hallucinating again. But those emerald green eyes twinkling in the darkness and the silver teeth that blinked in the light of the machine thing the witch was building couldn't lie.

"Puddin'!" I yelped and within half a second, I turned around to him, my legs weak from happiness as I started to run towards him, my arms stretched out as I couldn't believe he was actually alive. And he came back for me!

My joy over simply seeing his face again made my brain freeze and I just continued to run, overhearing the voices of Killer Croc, El Diablo and even Frost.


"Watch out!"

"Get away now!"

But then, everything became quiet. No calls, no whispers, not even the slight rain filled my ears with sound. It somehow made me feel uncomfortable. And I eventually stopped running.

Something wasn't quite right. I knew it. I felt it. My eyes locked on Mister J's face, I sensed something in his green, clear orbs, but I couldn't explain what it was.

Everything around me, the wind, the rain, everything was cold, yet there was a warm feeling spreading through my stomach, back and chest. No. It wasn't spreading, it was covering.

An unexpected gasp escaped my mouth and I tilted my head down to see what was going on. And I suddenly understood what was happening, why I felt that warm, comforting feeling all over my body now.

My eyes widened and my vision became blurry, but I could still look at the two, black blades that were stabbed through my chest and stomach from behind. And how the warm, red blood quickly soaked up my clothes and ran down my legs.

A wave of thoughts hit my mind like a lightning. Thoughts about everything and at the same time, nothing. I was in complete shock, unable to understand what was going to happen next. But it was just this one sentence that grew louder inside my head the longer I stared at the black blades.

"Puddin' me!"

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