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The dull sound of people screaming in their cells far above us was only a small distraction as I got pushed toward my cell I had to share with Jonny, my head tilted down and some blood from the left corner of my mouth dripping down my chin.

Silently, I let the guards open the cell up as well as my side of it, standing in the middle of my small room without moving until I heard the typical clicking of the doors closing, a sound that became like a soothing song to my ears. Not a sound was to be heard, I enjoyed the short moments of only me standing there, with nothing to distract my thoughts. Until, too often in the past weeks, a deep, mocking chuckle grew behind me.

"Told ya they'll catch you."

Squeezing my eyes shut, I violently tried to ignore Frost while I took a deep, calm breath, my right thumb wiping away the blood on my chin as I just took in his words. My mood was far too bad to even say a single word about his stupid statements so I tried my best to control myself.

"I told you to take the taser, did you listen?" I could hear the smile and despise in his voice as Jonny continued to talk, breaking my wall of self control, brick by brick. "Of course not, you got this, you said. I'll be out in a minute, you said. Well. I guess you're back because you found it too chilly out there then."

That's it. I didn't have to take the criticism from this guy, he was such an unbareable piece of meat and continuously tried to outrage me because it amused him. Gone was the joy over a familiar face joining my empty life in here as I turned around, my hands wrapped around the cold iron bars, the only reason he was still alive.

"Fucking shut that mouth of yours, Frost!" Kind words were something that belonged to the past, only hatred and contempt dominated our mood and an end wasn't even close. "Don't act like you could do it, you're still here, too!"

Frost's legs were up the bars as the smile on his face suddenly dropped and his breathing increased right before he rolled aside and jumped up, a dark shadow covering his usually clear eyes while he walked up to the iron bars that separated us.

"Oh, no, I'm not taking this crap from you, you worthless piece of shit!" An unexpected, intense anger coupled with rage burning in his eyes caused his words to sound much more intimidating, Frost's eyes glaring straight into mine without even blinking.

"I could be outta here within an hour because I actually have skills!" Every word he spoke sounded louder and was more intense than the last one which actually slightly scared me as I've never seen this extreme side of his before. Sure, we had yelled like angry teens during the past weeks but now it seemed like Frost reached his breaking point.

"The only reason I'm still here is because Joker will rip my arms off if he finds out you're alive and I left you alone!" His bloody and damaged hands from all the punches he has thrown at various guards in here grabbed onto the bars as well. "You can't do shit, you're helpless without me and no one fucking needs you! Joker on--"

Ignoring his words, I quickly started to yell back at him, his words caused my eyes getting soaked with tears that blurred my vision.

"This isn't ev--" Before I could finish my sentence, Jonny reached through the space between the iron bars faster than I could react, my eyes could only widen half a second before his open palm connected with my cheek, a burning sensation ripped through my face as my head got turned aside from the surprising power his hit had, my grip slightly loosened on the bars but I still held onto them.

"You don't get to interrupt me!"

Warm tears dropped down my cheeks, leaving dark gray spots on the concrete while I was unable to react in any way, neither physically nor emotionally.

"This is the exact same behavior that annoyed the shit out of Joker! You think he likes it and he needs you, you're wrong!" Jonny yelled, ignoring the guardsmen telling him to step back and sit down while he grabbed my hair, slamming my head against the bars which sent an electrifying pain through my forehead while he kept it pressed against them, only a yelp escaped my throat.

"He's already having a new henchgirl, he replaced you months ago just like that, you. Are. Nothing to him." His tight, strong trip on my hair loosened as the guardsmen yelled a final warning, their weapons pointed at him. I was unable to move or speak, just let the tears stream down my face and soak up my clothes.

Frost stepped back from me and I felt my legs giving in, moments before I dropped back onto the ground, sitting right next to my bed and staring down at the conctete. Was he right? Did Joker just replace me? My thoughts were raging like a hurricane and the pain in my heart made me sob uncontrollably.

"You keep talking about everything you lost, everything you miss and all the shit, I can't fucking take it anymore!" My eyes closed at his words and I didn't dare to move an inch. I was used to hits, but it's been a long time since someone slapped me with such utter anger.

Frost struggled to control himself, it was clearly noticeable in the sound of his voice and the way he walked around, I could feel his raging eyes on me.

"Sure, cry, cry you little baby, because it's oh so awful what you lost!" Something deep inside me told me his anger was only partly about me but instead of trying to speak, I just pulled myself together and looked at him.

"All you lost is a house on a hill and a crazed clown! You're so fucking ignorant and stupid, Harley, you don't even think about things I gave up to protect your sorry ass that it didn't even occur to you I have a life, too!"

My eyes slowly looked down again as Frost still glared at me, no emotion reflecting in his eyes while his fists tightened at the way he spoke, too much feelings slipping into his words.

"I have a wife, I have parents, I have a child! I ain't seen any of these people in years because why?" Jonny got on his knees to be on a level with me which forced me to look into his eyes, his right hand grabbed an iron bar so tightly I felt like he could crush it.

"Because of you!" He pointed at my face, speaking through his teeth with eyes that looked like he was internally ripping my face off which made my heart skip a beat.

"Because I had to search for you, day after day, week after week, month after month. For two damn years!" My arms started to shake but I tried to stop sobbing, as I figured this sound outraged him even more - just like Joker.

"Your problems are about avoiding to anger Joker and get your job done. How cute! Wanna know what my problems are?" Not waiting for an answer, Frost immediately continued, only a second of gulping separating his sentences.

"I'm trying to give my family enough fucking attention, most of the time just calling them for six minutes! My son's seven, you have any idea what I'm missing out by getting you back from shit? I'm not even sure if my own kid recognizes me, last time he saw me, wanna know what he said?" Barely noticeable, his voice broke and I could almost feel his pain, even through the distance between us.

"He turned over to his mother and asked 'mommy, who is that man?' My wife had to explain to my own child that I was his father, that was two and a half years ago!"

Within a second, he jumped up and punched the iron bars so hard I flinched in surprise, my eyes never leaving his face and I slowly got up from the ground.

"Now I am trapped in here for god knows how long! So shut your mouth about your stupid ass problems, no one cares because those aren't real struggles, you never had a normal life 'cause otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting here, ranting on and on about how horrible life treats you!"

And with that, he turned away, walking up to his bed and sitting down, the entire room so silent one could've heard a hair drop and I placed my hand on my cheek that felt hot and sensitive to the touch. I knew his bad mood wasn't entirely my fault, but I was the one triggering him. The time in here wasn't going well on both of us and our personal struggles didn't help at all.

Probably an hour passed and I forced myself to calm down, still standing where I was and looking down, unsure what to say and think. He was right. I never thought of his problems, regardless of the fact that he's just another henchman aside. He helped me and Joker out so many time, I wasn't sure if either of us would be still here if it wasn't for Frost. And I didn't even waste a single second to even thank him.

"I'm sorry."

Jonny's quiet voice broke the silence and caused me to look at him, not saying a word - since I had no idea what to say myself, but also not wanting to outrage him again.

He slowly turned his head from facing the wall across the room to his left side so he was looking down onto the floor. "I know it's not your fault. I didn't want to say the things I said. And I certainly didn't want to hurt you. In any way."

It was the first time in, like, years someone apologized to me for something and actually meant it. It'd be a lie if I said I didn't like it. But I also felt kinda sorry for Jonny.

"It's alright, we're all stressed out. I'm not calmness itself, either." Chuckling, I tried to lighten the mood as I ignored the pain in my forehead and sat down onto the bed right behind me. "You have done so much to keep things straight and help Joker and me out, and even if he doesn't recognize it, I wanna say thank you. From both of us."

Jonny just looked at me, a forced smirk on his face as I continued to speak.

"If we ever get outta here, I'll talk to Mister J. You deserve a vacation once in a while." I grinned and watched Frost actually smiling for the first time in. Like. Ever.

As he opened his mouth to answer, his head shot around towards the front door and his eyes narrowed while he got up, a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he immediately put his finger on his lips, telling me to be quiet before I tried to listen.

Sounds could be heard through the corridor, but it weren't the usual screams of angry guardsmen trying to control the inmates. No, those were screams of panic and pain as gunshots could be heard, only partly hiding the bodies that got slammed against gates and walls.

"What's going on?" My head turned aside and I watched all twelve guardsmen that stood around our cell pulling up their weapons, an alarm went on and the heavy iron door shut down.

Footsteps and screaming people came closer to it and I only could catch a few sentences, barely words:

"Send more men!"


"Back off!"

Necks snapped and bones got broken, something big got slammed against the door and after a few more shots, silence followed.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I realized there was nowhere to hide, the twelve guys were our only defense against whoever was fighting their way toward us, as if he knew exactly what the person wanted.

The door vibrated as something got attached to it, seven men quickly ran up to it as suddenly, the entire door exploded, dust and pieces of iron and concrete buried them while the other guys pointed their weapons at a big shadow that emerged from the thick dust.

As I walked back in my cell, my back already pushed against the bars, my eyes widened as I got a clear look at who was walking towards us.

A dark, long cape.

Two pointy ears on each side of a black mask.

'Goddamn!' I gasped as Batman grabbed two guns he held tightly, starting to shoot at the remaining five guardsmen. But after I rubbed my eyes from the dust that brought tears to them, I noticed something about him that let my heart skip a beat.

His suit wasn't black, it was purple, the bat on his chest was painted yellow and the word Joker was stamped on it. The usually vanta black gloves of his were a light green, as well as his utility belt while splashes of red color were spread all over his body. As I took a closer look at his mask, I recognized the word Damaged on his forehead, the letter J on his left cheekbone and a star on his right temple. Did Joker do that to him?

His dark brown eyes met mine and I flinched as he smashed one of the men's faces by punching him so hard was was immediately dead. Even Jonny stepped back while Batman continued to fight these people off with no problem until all of them were a bloody, broken mess.

He easily kicked down the door of the cell surrounding ours, only pure rage in his eyes and I started shaking in fear, his voice being a painful sound in my ears.

"This ends right now!"

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