Therapy Session

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There were screaming people everywhere as the two men guided me down the hallway, a few more weird men with masks running around, one guy was wearing a Batman mask as he used a machine gun to shoot some policemen as he jumped over a table.

I winced at the random gunshots and yelling of dying and injured people with blood being literally everywhere. "What do you guys want from me?" My eyes looked up and down the guy with the panda costume right behind and I received nothing but ignorant silence - well, other than the random sounds of dying people.

We kept walking for five minutes, maybe more, I didn't really notice because I completely zoned out, shaking from head to toe at the feeling of a rifle being pushed against my back. Of course I considered running away, but how far would I get before one of the two guys would shoot me? Two feet? Maybe three? I had no knife or a gun to defend myself, so I figured it'd be the best to just follow orders instead of acting all frightened.

At one point, the two guys stopped and I finally snapped out of my slight shock to realize that I was inside one of the therapy rooms. Not just some of them. The room used for patients that needed to be treated with electroshock therapy. Slowly but steady I started to realize what all of this was about.

Staring at the table in the middle of the room, I gulped as panda-guy walked over to the other side of the room and another man wearing a red iron mask walked in. The man who walked in front of me the whole time turned around as suddenly the lights started to go out and sudden gunshots lit up the darkness.

They came from somewhere outside the therapy room and as I turned my head I saw a policeman walking along the bog safety glass. I already wanted to scream for help but couldn't make a sound at the person swinging a baseball bat at the policeman's head.

A lightbulb exploded, the quick flash making the person's green hair visible and my eyes widened. "Fuck, damn!" I stared at Joker as he repeatedly hit the policeman's head with his baseball bat, making the poor guy stumble and fall down. Not that this made Joker stop to hit the man's head.

And between all the gunshots and screams, the loud, intense laughter of Joker. It sent cold shivers through my body and I snapped out of my shock, staring at the guy with the Packman mask and quickly tried to run out of the room.

As I took a step aside, the man immediately grabbed my arms and pushed me toward the table behind me. "Oh, no, you ain't going anywhere!" He chuckled and pushed me down onto the table while I heard more gunshots from outside.

My eyes widened in fear and although I desperately tried not to let him push me further down on the damn table, I felt that he was much stronger than I was. So my last hope to get out of this misery was to act tough.

"Take your goddamn hands off me or I swear to my mother, I'll fucking punch you!" I glared at him, hoping he'd back off. Well, key word being hoping because I knew he wouldn't. Because who'd be scared of me?

A slight chuckle rose from the man's throat as he stared down at me through the eyes of mask he was wearing. He immediately tightened his grip on my arms as more shots could be heard, those awful sounds echoing through the hallways followed by the yelling of frightened and wounded people.

Somehow - god knows how - I remembered that I had legs and almost immediately kicked him between his legs, making the tall guy groan and cringe because of the sudden pain. Luckily, he let go of my arms so I could sit up on the damn table before I glared at him.

Not that I liked aggression, but a slight grin made the corners of my mouth twitch as I grabbed the collar of his black suit, pulled him closer and headbutted him point blank between the eyes, immediately knocking him out before he fell down onto the ground.

'I want more money.' I thought to myself as I realized that there were still two guys inside the room but the second I turned my head around to the man in the panda costume, I gasped.

Joker smiled down at me and I suddenly felt his warm hand tightly grabbing my throat which made me gag, trying to breath. It was the first time I've been this close to him without a safety glass between us or him wearing a straight jacket. Or handcuffs. And it scared the hell outta me.

"Aaaand..." His dark voice made me shiver with my body just becoming numb, leaving me unable to even blink while Joker smiled at me in an evil way.

"...good night!"

He said right before he slammed my head down onto the table, making my world go black and quiet.


"Wakey wakey, sleepy head!"

A soft voice let me groan and U slowly opened my eyes, my head hurting as well as my throat. It took me a while to get used to the darkness all around, not realizing where I actually was.

I wanted to move my hands up to my head to massage my temples but I couldn't move them. Neither could I move my legs and I quickly gasped as I felt a leather belt on my forehead which kept me from lifting my head up or even turn it. There were about seven more of those belts that I felt on my body, all of them so tight that I couldn't move but not tight enough to keep the blood from floating through my legs and arms.

Suddenly, a bright light from a lamp right above my head went on and I squeezed my eyes shut with a quiet whimper of surprise. "Just put it out already." I groaned and tried to get used to the situation when I suddenly noticed a person moving over to my right side. Unable to turn my head, I had to wait for them to speak and reveal their identity.

"Why'd you let me down, Harleen?"

'That voice...' Still a little dizzy from getting slammed down on the table, it took me a moment until I realized what was going on and immediately gasped, trying to free myself from the leather belts that held my body down.

Joker bent over me from behind to look into my eyes, his emerald green eyes glowed down at me, making cold sweat of fear build up on my forehead and my eyes widened. My mouth felt dry and I couldn't bring myself to even make a random sound, his intense glare made me stop from trying to get off the table and I remained motionless with my eyes widened until my eyelids hurt.

"I thought you were different than all the white, thick-minded lemmings running around through those corridors." Joker's hot breath hit my skin as his face was only inches away from mine. "You said you'd help me gettinh outta Arkham."

I gasped and immediately shook my head no, my arms and jaw started to twitch in panic. "I was trying! I swear!" My voice sounded higher than usual, I was almost yelling in shock and serious fear.

"Tomato, tomatho, the important part is that you didn't do it. It'd have saved both of us a lot of trouble." He growled and grabbed two electrodes that were used in electroshock therapy.

Tears built up in my eyes as he pushed the electrodes against each other, creating sparks and a glowing bow of white lightnings as he pulled them apart.

"Please! Please, don't kill me!" I begged, my body starting to feel numb of all the stress. The first tears started to run down the sides of my eyes and dropped town my temples while Joker turned the electrodes off again, his hands tightening on them while he quickly shook his head, not taking his eyes off my face.

"Kill you?" He asked, his calm, deep voice almost making fun of my question while he put the electrodes down, each one at a side of my head. "No, no, no, Harleen." Chuckling, he turned around and walked away. I couldnd see what he was doing since I was unable to move my head. But honestly, I didn't want to know.

"Then what are you going to do?" I asked quietly, my voice staring to shake again and more tears streamed down my face as I was already done with my life, expecting Joker to return with a knife in his hands or picking up the electrodes again.

But I didn't receive an answer. In fact, I didn't hear a single sound. "J-Joker?" I stuttered and waited for some sign of him but there was nothing. No sound, no shadow. Everything was so quiet that I could hear my own heart beating and I slowly started to calm down.

'Good.' I thought to myself and relaxed a bit. 'He's gone.' A slight smile of relief made its way over my face and I stared aside towards the door, hoping for someone to walk in and free me from these belts.

"Jazz hands!!"

Joker yelled and jumped up from the ground, right in front of my face, making me scream in pure fear and I started to tear up again, my heart skipped a few beats and I gasped for air. I began to whimper as he frightened me so much I actually blacked out for a minute.

"I was trying to lighten the mood. Crybaby, god damn!" Joker grinned and adjusted the lampover me, bringing his face closer to mine while I couldn't stop crying, my heart racing and my palms starting to feel ice cold.

I didn't even try to pull myself together anymore, just remained a sobbing, shaking mess on the table without even a single attempt to speak or move.

Joker placed his hands behind his ears and closed his eyes before he moved his fingers past his ears and stretched them out to his sides, blowing out some air as he turned his head. Was he trying to relax or what?

"I'm not gonna kill ya." I heard his voice but just stared up at the lamp. "I'm just gonna hurt ya." He had that maniacal smile on his face, his eyes opened widely and he picked up the electrodes while he stared right down into my eyes. "Really. Really. Bad."

Instead of reacting, I just zoned out in panic, trying to tell myself that all of this was just a nightmare and I was going to be fine. But that failed as Joker dropped the electrodes, making me wince and looking up at him, my eyes burning from the tears and I tried not to panic as he grabbed another leather belt with both of his hands, giving me an annoyed look and making the belt flick as he quickly straightened it.

"You're pretty but so. Damn. Annoying." He growled angrily and started to place the belt in my mouth, keeping me from whimpering as he tightened it on the table. The most disturbing part was that even though I kept crying like a baby, I felt like smiling because he called me pretty. 'The fuck, Harleen?'

"Look, it's not like I wanna do this. Well, I do, but I got better things to do than listen to your pathetic sounds of fear and shit." Joker glared at me, both of his hands placed on each side of my face as I tried to stop crying.

"I already told ya that I'm not going to kill you but I will cut ya open and gut you like a fish if you don't quit the whimpering, it's not even Wednesday." He looked down at me and started to move his hands down my face and neck to my shoulders, making me shiver in a strange mix of fear and slight comfortability.

There was a short moment of silence before Joker placed his right hand on my bottom jaw and chuckled while I started shaking in panic. I tried to speak but the let her belt kept me from actually doing so.

"Sssh-sh! Shut up for a moment, I'm thinking." Joker said, kind of zoned out and I immediately held my breath, keeping myself from distracting him.

Two minutes passed and I stared up at Joker who had his eyes locked on the lamp while he narrowed them. Still having tears in my eyes, I caught myself looking down his body as far as I could since I was still unable to move my head.

"My eyes are up here."

I blinked and immediately looked up at Joker's face again, quickly feeling my face getting warm as I blushed so hard I actually started to hope he was stabbing a knife into my forehead to end the misery. 'Scared like a deer in a cage of wolves only minutes ago, now I'm grinning.' Good thing I was already inside an asylum.

"Are you smiling?" Joker asked confusedly and tightened his grip on my bottom jaw, maybe checking if it was just the belt in my mouth that made my lips look as if I was grinning. Attempting to pull myself together and stop to smile, I blinked once instead. That wasn't even on purpose, though!

Joker brought his face down again, his eyes narrowed while he tried to tell if I was acting up or not. He then moved his right hand from my jaw down to my right upper arm, carefully watching me as I lightly sighed, still trying to hold back my grin.

"Well." He started and looked into my eyes, then down at his hand and back into my eyes again. "That...changes things." Joker said and I bit the leather belt as he suddenly grabbed my arm tightly.

My eyes widened as he walked to my side and suddenly started to loosen the belts that held me down, then removed every single one of them. Joker didn't look like he was worried about me yelling for help or jumping up and punching him. And even though I wanted to run away as fast as I could the second he removed the last belt from my mouth, I actually started to calm down pretty fast.

I slowly sat up on the table and stared at him as Joker threw his head back and walked up to me as I remained on the table, tilting my head in confusion, wondering why he let me go just like this. But the second I opened my mouth to ask him about his action, he immediately placed his hands on my knees and leaned towards me with a straight face.

"Rule number four..." Joker said and slowly moved his hands up my thighs, leaning further towards me, causing me to lean back down on the table again, not taking my eyes off his as I felt hypnotized by his intense stare.

"Don't ask questions." He started to grin and placed his hands on my hips. I quickly nodded, carefully placing my hands on his shoulders as I tried to figure out if he was okay with me actually touching him.

Joker didn't show any kind of reaction and I just laid down on the table with my feet still on the ground while Joker leaned over me, his left hand moving up my body under my shirt, making me slightly gasp.

'I don't care if he's going to kill me. I don't care about anything anymore.' I thought to myself and just kept my eyes on Joker's face with a smile.

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