Do I Know You?

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"Remember guys, this is a major rebel group," Shiro reminded the paladins, "They'd be a great ally against the Empire, so you all need to be on your best behavior. No incidents like last time, please."

"I was defending our honor!" Coran protested. "The Maronian king said Alteans had no rhythm. What was I supposed to do but to challenge him to a rap battle?"

"Coran, this alliance is bigger than your pride, and bigger than your terrible rapping. We all need to focus on diplomacy." Shiro said, grimacing at the reminder of Coran's rapping.

"For the hundredth time, we'll be good." Pidge said, "We're not little kids."

Shiro pointed to Lance, who was attempting to balance his bayard on his head. "Lance, that's exactly what you won't do."

Lance groaned, but put his bayard away nonetheless.

"Our scanners have picked up their ship," Allura said, pressing buttons on her giant Altean keyboard. "I am opening the landing hatch for them. We will all meet in the conference room in 55 ticks."

The paladins all stood when the rebel leader entered with his group.

"Hello, bravest warriors," Allura said. She then gestured for the warriors to sit.

Once everyone was seated, their leader looked at all the paladins.

"The rumors were true, then." The leader said in a voice far too familiar for Shiro's liking. "The paladins of Voltron are from Earth."

"Indeed." Allura confirmed, nodding. "Would you and your team mind removing your masks for this meeting? Simply for safety reasons, I assure you."

The rebel team looked to their leader. He nodded. "Of course. My team will be happy to."

The team waved their hands in front of their faces, disabling the masks. Shiro counted two Lovinopens, one Ameranian, and one person whose species Shiro didn't know. The leader didn't take off his mask.

"Would you take off yours as well, please?" Allura asked.

"I would rather not." The leader said. Shiro frowned. This guy's voice was way to familiar, but he couldn't place it. It also made him uneasy that he refused to remove his mask.

"No offense," The leader continued, "I would love to in most circumstances, but I'm afraid I can't in this meeting."

"Do I know you?" Shiro blurted out, unable to stop himself. "I feel like I've heard your voice before."

"Shiro!" Allura quietly scolded.

The leader didn't seem offended. "I don't know. Do you know me, Takashi?"

Shiro froze, eyes wide. He knew who the voice belonged to. But... no. That was impossible. How could Adam be up here?

"Adam?" Shiro asked tentatively.

The rebel leader waved his hand in front of his face. Shiro heard Keith gasp.

"Hey, Takashi." Adam said coldly. "Long time no see. How was Kerberos?"

Shiro gaped at him. "But- how?"

Adam waved his hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter."

Adam looked to the princess. "You wish to speak about forming an alliance against the empire?"

Shiro wasn't listening to everyone else discuss terms and strategies. He was lost in thought. Adam looked different. His hair was longer and he had a deep, jagged scar on the side of his face.

How had Adam gotten into space? How had he become the leader of one of the largest anti-empire rebel groups? How had he gotten that scar?

"What do you think, Shiro?" Allura asked.

Shiro looked at her blankly.

"Um, sounds good." He said, hoping that was an acceptable answer. Apparently it was, because Allura nodded.

"I believe it's settled, then." Allura said. "An alliance will be formed."

"Fabulous." Adam said. He looked to his group. "If there's nothing else, we'd best be going. We don't want to take any more of your time."

Adam and his group stood up and left the room, walking back to their ship. He had a robotic leg that Shiro hadn't noticed earlier. He wondered how he had gotten that.

"Let me escort you there," Coran said. "It's only polite."

"Was that... Mr. W?" Shiro heard Lance ask Hunk once the rebels were out of earshot.

"I think so," Hunk responded.

"Think he remembers that test I cheated on?"

"Probably, but I doubt that's his main concern right now."

"Shiro," Keith said, placing his hand gently on his brother's shoulder. "You okay?"

"I need to talk to him." Shiro replied.

Keith nodded. "Yeah. You should go before they've left."

Shiro left the room and hurried down to the castle's landing room. Adam and his crew were standing there, looking uncomfortable as Coran talked and made wild hand gestures about something.

"And I told Alfor, 'there's no way a mouse could leave a footprint that large' and he said back to me- and I'll never forget what he said- 'maybe it was a big mouse.' Can you believe it?" Coran laughed.

"Coran," Shiro interrupted, "I was wondering if I could speak to the rebels for a moment?"

"Of course, my dear boy! We were just wrapping up!" Coran smiled at them all and then left the room.

"So," Shiro said, feeling very awkward. "I wanted to talk to you."

"I figured you did." Adam replied, expression steely and cool.

"Is that the same Takashi Shiro that Captain Adam mated with?" An alien rebel whispered to another.

"I think so. That would explain the tension." The other alien answered.

Shiro pretended not to hear their speculations.

"Adam," He said, trying to keep his voice even despite the strong emotions rising within him, "Leaving you was the biggest mistake I've ever made, and I'm sorry."

Adam stood there for a moment. "Thanks, Takashi. I accept your apology."

Both men just stood there for a second before Adam spoke again.

"I missed you, you know. Came out to space to find you."

Shiro blinked. "You did? How did you know I was alive?"

The side of Adam's mouth quirked up just enough for Shiro to notice. "You've never made a pilot error in your life. The Garrison was obviously lying."

"How'd you get to space?" Shiro asked, still puzzled and craving an explanation.

"Stole a ship," Adam admitted casually, as if this were the sort of thing he did every Tuesday before dinner and after he got off work.

"I- what? You stole a ship?" Shiro demanded. "But you love the Garrison, and you're so.... I don't know, law abiding."

"Helped Pidge sneak into the Garrison, too." Adam said, "Stole classified government files. Snuck supplies to Keith when he was living in the desert. "

Shiro smiled. "Damn. Who knew you were such a bad boy?"

After another moment of silence, this one less uncomfortable, Shiro spoke.

"Do you and your crew want to spend the night at the castle?" Shiro asked tentatively, "We've got a ton of extra rooms, plus you and I can catch up."

Adam looked to his crew. They all nodded enthusiastically.

"Go get your man!" One rebel whispered loudly.

"We'd love to." Adam replied. He took Shiro's hand, and for the first time in far too long, Shiro felt safe.

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