Jaith Highschool AU

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Jaith & backround Adashi
This situation sucked. Keith had to move half way across the country because his brother got his dream job. That part wasn't so bad, Keith was happy that Shiro was happy. Plus, it's not like he was going to miss anything about Ohio. The part that sucked was that now he had to start his life over at a new high school, with new people. Keith hated people.

"James, can you help me with my math homework?" Nadia asked.
"Sure," James replied, "I'll help you tomorrow after school."
"Thanks, that would be great."
"No problem." James took his bag out of his locker and left the school, waving at his peers as he passed them.

"Class, we have a new student." Mr. W said, "Keith, tell the class a little about yourself."

"Um," Keith said, "I'm Keith, I like conspiracy theories and podcasts. I don't want to make any friends, so please just everyone leave me alone." He turned to Mr. W, "Can I sit, now?"
He sat at the back of the room.

"What do you think of the new kid?"
"Nadia, can't I just help you with math?"
"I think he's hot."
"I think he's a no good emo punk who thinks he's better than others because he smokes against his new motorcycle and doesn't have any friends. He seems chaotic and unruly. And he is above all else, not hot."
"You don't sound convinced."
"Remind me why I'm helping you, again?"
"Because you're a nice person, even if you are way too by the book."
"I'm the perfect amount of by the book."
"You once gave a dime to lost and found."
"Someone had lost it."
Nadia pulled her hair in frustration. "James, can we just focus on how hot the new guy is?"
"How about we focus on math instead?" James opened Nadia's book to the correct page.

"Keith, how was your day at school?" Shiro asked.
"Adam made me tell the class about myself." Keith complained, hanging his backpack on its hook.
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"I had to call him Mr. W."
"You'll be calling him Mr. Shirogane soon."
"You guys are so lame."

"Keith Kogane and James Griffin." Mr. W said, reading off the list.
"What?" James asked loudly.
"Is something wrong, James?" Mr W asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No, sir. Sorry, sir." James sat down quietly, but inside, he was very upset. He did not want to do a project with Keith.

"Keith, I swear, if you're looking at anything other than- is that mothman?" James said.
"Yes. My husband. I love him."
"You know what I love? Getting good grades. I love not getting a bad grade because I was paired with someone who isn't doing any work."
"James, chill. I'm looking up the right things, I'm just taking a break."
James took a deep breath. "Fine. Just get back to work."

"Adam," Keith whined, "Why'd you pair me with James?"
"What do you mean?" Adam asked, stirring cheese into the pasta he was making. "James is a nice person."
"He's too smart and disciplined. It's annoying."
"I think you could learn something from him."
"It's true though. Can you go get Shiro? Dinner's ready."

"Adam, this mac and cheese is so good. I can almost forgive you for pairing me up with James." Keith said.
"What's happening here? I feel like I'm missing something." Shiro asked.
"There's this kid named James that Keith doesn't like because he's too 'smart and disciplined.'" Adam explained.
"Aren't those good traits?" Shiro asked. "Keith, why don't you like him?"
"He's boring and prudish. He's too perfect."
"That's what Adam thought about me, and now we're engaged."
"I do not like James."
"I didn't say you did."
"You implied it, though."
"I'm just saying you should give him another chance. He sounds like a good influence."

Unknown: Hey, Keith.
Keith: who is this
Unknown: James :-)
Keith: how did you get this number
Unknown: Mr. W gave it to me so we could talk about the assignment.

"Adam! Did you give my number to James?"
"Maybe," Adam said, leaning his head into Keith's room slightly.
"Dammit, Adam. Why are you like this?"
"It's part of my charm."
"I will sneak into your and Shiro's bedroom and I will replace your shoelaces with black licorice."
"I'm flattered. This is why I paired you with James."

Keith: what about the assignment do you want to talk about
James: How much of your part of the essay have you written?
Keith: 3/4 of it
James: Should we meet up tomorrow after school to discuss and merge our essays? My sister is at band practice then so you could come over to my place.
Keith: sure

"Shakespeare seems like the kind of guy who would draw dicks on the bottom of desks."
"Why are you thinking that? It's a math essay."
They had been at it for hours. It was dark outside. Playful banter on the verge of downright bickering.
"Even math can't stop the truth."
"Keith, what the actual heck?"
"Heck? Really?" Keith raised an eyebrow. "You could choose any word in the entire human language, and you chose heck. What would Shakespeare think?"
"Why do you keep bringing him up? It's a math assignment."
"What, you don't think Shakespeare did math?"
James took a deep breath. "I just think that-"
James didn't finish his sentence. The lights flicked out.

Keith screamed.
"Are you seriously telling me that you're scared of the dark? For real?" James asked.
"No, I- ugh. Fine. Yes, I'm scared of the dark. Fight me."
"Hm. Keith Kogane, the loner badass is scared of the dark. Plot twist."
"Okay, I swear, I will break something."
"Don't do that. Breaking stuff is bad. I know a place where we can find some better light."

"Good influence my ass." Keith laughed as they snuck onto James' roof.
"Hey! I am a good person who just happens to like bringing his friend onto roofs to look at the sky."
"You know we can see the sky from the ground, right?"
"It's more fun this way."
"You're less of a stickler than I thought."
"A stickler? Who even says that?"
"I say that, idiot."
"You wound me," James placed his hand on his heart in faux turmoil. "But... you're less dark and mysterious than I thought. You're pretty cool."
James and Keith locked eyes. "You're pretty cool, too. Can I, um, can I kiss you?"
"Did I get you flustered? That's cute."
"So.... that's a no, then?"
James moved his face closer to Keith's. "That's a yes, Kogane. An absolute yes."

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