Lance Gets Scammed

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"Lance, this is a scam."

"No, Keith. Your face is a scam."

"Oh, wow. Venomous burn." Keith rolled his eyes.

"It's not a scam! I get the car, they keep the title. It's the perfect deal! I pay less and I don't have to lug around a piece of paper. Why would I want the title, anyway?"

"Because the title is what says you own the car," Keith explained patiently.

"I don't care what other people think. I know in my heart that it's my car. Why won't you trust me?" Lance asked, making a pleading face.
Keith couldn't tell if this was annoying or cute. He wished there was a word that was in the middle. Cutnnoying. Yes. Lance was cutnnoying.

Keith sighed. "Fine. I support you."

*two weeks later*
Lance was hungry. He needed to buy a snack, because he swore that if he didn't eat in one second, he would die.

"Fine, drama queen," Pidge said from the backseat, flipping through her magazine.

Lance went into the gas station's shop. He loved gas stations in the morning. The smell of gas, the sound of hot dog and taquito warmers, the aura of calm. He grabbed some chips and a soda and checked out, his mind wandering to places that he would later forget he thought.

He looked around the parking lot for his car, but it was gone. Pidge was gone. Lance immediately took out his phone and called Pidge's cell, stumbling a bit as he frantically dialed. No answer, so he texted instead.

Lance: PIDGE! Where are you?
Pidge: I was sitting in the car, when this REPO guy came and took the car. I told you not to do a title scam.
Lance: Pidge, you need to get out of that car.
Pidge: Nah, man. I need to see how this plays out. I'm gonna have a great story to tell.
Pidge: Gotta go. I'm about to attack him. I have the element of surprise on my side.

Lance wasn't sure if Pudge won the fight or not. At the moment, he didn't really care. As long as Pidge got a few good punches in, he was happy. He was not happy about the fact that his car was now totaled.

"See, Keith." Lance said, "It's good that I didn't own the car. Now I don't have to pay for the damages."

"You still have to pay, Lance."


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