Love in Area 51

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Lance adjusted his helmet and looked in his car's mirror. He had trained his whole life for this. Now, it was time to act. Time to raid Area 51.

Lance stepped out of his car and walked over the the ever growing crowd. Pidge was already there. They must've beaten him. "Yo, Pidge!" Lance shouted.

Pidge looked at him from the crowd. They were wearing cosplay armor modeled after Captain America. "Hey, Lance! You ready to see some aliens?"

"Hell yeah!" He yelled back. "Gonna clap some alien cheeks!"

Pidge made a face of disgust.

At exactly 3 am, Lance heard a shout. Everyone turned to the entrance and stuck their arms behind their backs like Naruto.

"Charge!" A voice yelled, and everyone ran.

The crowd surged forward, Naruto running past the guards.

The guards started shooting, and needless to say, the raiders were not faster than the bullets. Their saving grace was that, surprisingly, someone had planned for this. A cosplay replica of Thor's hammer hit the heads of the guards and knocked them out.

Even though the guards were unconscious, many had still died from the bullets.

'War is Hell,' Lance thought as he Naruto ran into the building with the other raiders.

After running for a couple minutes, they met a fork in the hallway.

"Those freeing aliens go down the left corridor!" One of their leaders shouted. "Those collecting classified data go down the right!"

"Well, Lance," Pidge said to him, "This is where we say goodbye. May our paths cross again someday."

"Godspeed, Pidge," Lance replied before turning and running with the others freeing aliens.

Eventually they came to a room full of aliens trapped in glass cages. It wasn't a very big room, so there were only about ten aliens in total. All of the aliens looked vaguely human.

One of the aliens noticed the raiders and stood up in their prison. "Who are you? What do you want with us?"

"We come in peace!" One of the raiders said. "We've come to free you."

A cheer went up amongst the prisoners.

"Wait!" An alien cried, "There are others." She pointed to a metal door at the end of the room that the raiders hadn't entered through. "They're being kept there."

The leader of the raiders turned to his team. "You all go free the others. I'll take care of these ones."

Lance ran with the others into the room behind the metal door.

Surrounding them were rows of aliens of different species, most contained in tall, greenish blue glass tubes. A few of them were in purple glass tubes, and a couple were in clear glass tubes. Lance wondered if there was any significance to the colors.

Unlike in the last room, every alien here was sedated. They were all standing up. It looked like they had been frozen in place.

The raiders with him began breaking open tubes and shaking aliens awake. Lance walked toward the end of the hall where no one was yet. He heard the glass crunching beneath his shoes and hoped that the aliens that were being freed had shoes.

Lance looked at the tubes toward this end of the hall. The glass over here was all purple.

Lance's eyes landed on one of the aliens. 'This guy's cute,' He thought, 'I'll break him out and then I can finally clap them alien cheeks.'

Lance took the crowbar from his backpack. It didn't look like the tube could be pried open, but the crowbar could be used to smash the glass.

"Hee-yah!" Lance yelled in triumph as he swung the crowbar. The crowbar made a small crack in the glass. "Hm. That's not ideal. This'll take a while."

After several minutes of hitting, the glass finally shattered. 'Thank goodness. I don't think I could handle much more of this.' Lance thought. 'My arms are so damn tired.'

Now that the glass was gone, Lance was finally able to properly look at the alien he was freeing. His skin was purple, which Lance was not expecting. He had thought that the skin had just looked that way because of the colored glass, but he didn't really care. He figured it would be racist to not date an alien because they were purple.

Lance gently shook the alien's shoulder. "Wake up, man. We gotta get you outta here!"

The next thing he knew, he was pinned to the ground. The alien he had saved had tackled him, and now his arms were pinned above his head. Lance looked over to the other raiders, none of whom seemed to notice his predicament. They were busy with their far less violent, far less purple aliens.

Lance looked up to the alien he had saved. "Hey, the name's Lance. We doing this now? Figured I'd have to take you out to dinner first, but I've got nothing against fucking in Area 51."

The alien above him made a face. "What the ever loving quiznack?"

"Oh," Lance said, feeling both slightly led on and mildly disappointed. "You weren't straddling me?"

"I mean," The alien said, "I guess. I was attacking you, so not really, though."

"Hm," Lance shrugged, "I guess I could be into that."

The alien got off him completely. "You don't seem interested in experimenting on me. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to free the aliens," Lance explained, "And get an alien boyfriend."

"And.... you chose me?" The alien looked taken aback.

"Yeah, but you don't have to be my boyfriend if you don't want. What's your name?"

The alien looked at him suspiciously for a moment, scanning his face for a hint of dishonesty. "Keith."

"Well, Keith," Lance said, "How would you like to free your friends."

Keith looked around at the other aliens in tubes. "They aren't my friends. But I'll help your crew free them."

Lance looked over to the other raiders. Many of them were still freeing aliens and drawing closer to the place Lance had wandered to, but none of them seemed to notice that Keith was much less out of it than the other aliens who had been unfrozen.

"Why are you purple?" Lance asked.

"I'm Galra," Keith answered. "We're purple."

"Oh." Lance said, feeling a little stupid. "And the other aliens we've freed so far have just been different species?"

Keith nodded. "If they weren't purple, then yeah. Probably."

"Then that's why you're more alert than them?"

"Yeah. Galra are better at recovering from poison than other species."

Keith walked over the the tube next to his. "I got it," Lance said, holding up his crowbar.

Keith didn't listen. He lifted his fist and smashed it against the glass, shattering it instantly.

"Woah," Lance said, "That's hot."

Keith didn't respond. He just moved onto the next cell.

"We've got all of 'em!" A raider shouted. "Let's go before Area 51 reinforcements get here!"

Everyone ran out. The aliens who were still recovering from the anesthetic were being carried by others. It was truly the image of unity.

They passed through the room where the non-sedated aliens used to be. No one was there anymore. Lance hoped that they had gotten out safely.

Lance saw Pidge running with their group, holding a box labeled 'confidential.'

"Yo, Pidge!" Lance yelled. "We saved the aliens!"

"Don't be so sure yet," One of the other raiders said. "We've got company."

An Air Force agent was standing there, holding a large gun. "Nobody move!" He yelled. "I have the clearance to use deadly force!"

Keith's ignored the man's warning. He stepped forward. "Shiro?"

The man with the gun looked shocked. His mouth was gaping. "K- Keith? You're alive?"

Keith ran toward Shiro. Shiro ran toward Keith. "Keith, I'm so happy you're alive. They told me you were dead. What happened to you?"

The other raiders took Shiro's momentary distraction as a window to flee. Shiro didn't go after them.

"I was being kept here," Keith said. "With the other aliens."

Shiro put his hand to his mouth. "I had no idea. I wasn't allowed to know about anything other than data necessary to my missions. If I had known aliens were being kept here- If I had known you were being kept here-"

"It's fine," Keith assured him. "But we need to get out."

"Yeah," Lance piped up, "If I die here, Hunk will never let me here the end of it."

Lance realized that neither of them knew who Hunk was, but he figured he'd explain later.

"So," Lance said as they ran, "How do you two know each other?"

"We're brothers," Keith said, sounding far less out out breath than Lance was.

"So you're both aliens?"

"Half-brothers," Keith clarified.

"And, Shiro, you didn't know what they were doing to your brother?" Lance asked.

"I don't come to Area 51 often," Shiro explained. "Just here today to get information on my prosthetic, actually. It's been working better than any others I've had."

"Galra technology, probably." Keith said, "Some of the Galra I was experimented on with said Galra technology is better than human's."

Shiro stopped cold in his tracks. "You were experimented on?"

Keith grimaced. "We can talk about it later."

They reached the door Lance had entered through. He saw his car in the distance. The guards that had been taken out earlier were still laying on the sandy ground, along with the fallen raiders.

Lance, Keith, and Shiro took off running toward Lance's car, hoping to get there before any reinforcements could get them.

"Hey!" A man yelled. Lance turned and saw a guard. He must have woken up from earlier.

"Dammit!" He cursed. The guard wasn't holding a gun, but he was still muscular and tall. Lance wasn't sure he'd be able to take him down.

"I'm on it," Keith said, running toward the guard.

Lance watched as Keith and the guard wrestled with each other for a moment before Keith hit him in the jaw and knocked him back out.

"Nice," Lance said when they were in the car.

"Small talk later," Shiro said, "Right now we need to get as far away from here as possible, as fast as possible."

"No problemo," Lance assured him. He patted the dashboard of his car, "This baby can go up to 120 miles an hour."

Lance sped onto the highway, hoping no one noticed that his car actually only went about 80 mph. Either no one noticed, or they were too polite to point it out.

"Yo, Hunk!" Lance shouted into the restaurant's kitchen. He walked in with Keith trailing behind him. They had dropped Shiro off at Lance's apartment so he could call his husband and let him know what was going on.

"Adam's going to be pissed at the Garrison for taking Keith," Shiro had said. "I need to tell him as soon as possible so he won't be pissed at me for not telling him right away."

"Good call," Keith had said, "A pissed off Adam is a scary Adam."

Lance didn't comment on any of this, because he didn't know who Adam was, but he figured that if he and Keith were going to get together, he would probably meet him eventually.

Now, though, he was taking Keith to meet Hunk. Hunk was going to be shocked when he found out about Keith and Area 51.

"Hey, Lance," Hunk said without looking up from the food he was making, "How was Area 51?"

"It was cool. Woulda been better if you had gone."

"I'm surprised you didn't get killed by a guard," Hunk replied.

"They tried, but they couldn't shoot this face." Lance said, "Right, Keith?"

"Who's Keith?" Hunk asked. He looked up and screamed, dropping the spoon he had been using to stir his food.

"Hi, I'm Keith," Keith said, sticking out his hand for Hunk to shake, "I'm Lance's alien boyfriend."

'Nice,' Lance thought, 'I guess he's my alien boyfriend.'

Hunk just stood there gaping for a second before regaining his composure. He shook Keith's hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

Hunk looked at Lance in disbelief, "You actually got into Area 51?"

Lance nodded, "Yep."

"And there actually were aliens there?"


"And you actually freed them?"


"And then one of them was actually willing to date you?"

"Don't sound so surprised!" Lance protested, "I'm a catch."

"Lance is a beyond suitable mate," Keith interjected.

Hunk looked uncomfortable, "I'm just surprised that aliens exist."

"We do indeed, although I am half human."

"How does that work?" Hunk asked.

Keith shrugged. "I was not privy to this information during my period of captivity, and I was unaware of my heritage until this period. You could ask my half-brother, Shiro. He knew our father better than I did."

Hunk nodded. "Neato. Want some Palusami?"

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