Solangelo Crossover

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Klance & Solangelo
Nico POV
"Keith! Wait up!" A tall, lanky man yelled as he ran up to me, calling for 'Keith.' He touched my shoulder, which is obviously unacceptable. I grab his hand and twist his shoulder, bringing him to his knees in pain. "Aaah! What the Quiznak?"
"Stop touching random boys in malls!"
"Oh my god, we're boyfriends. Why is your voice weird? And why are you hurting me? Is this because I filled all your clothes with peanut butter and you had to fight in Pidge's?" I sneer at this liar. "Did Leo put you up to this? Jason?"
"What?" He asked, "It's me, Lancey-Lance. God, if I wasn't in such a vulnerable position right now, I would slap you. In a way where you knew it was playful but it still kinda hurts a little because you just dislocated my arm and you deserve a little smack right now."
I open my mouth to speak when I hear a voice from behind me. "Nico, look what I found! It- Nico, let him go." I turn my head to see my boyfriend standing there, holding a small notebook and two food court milkshakes. I let Lancey-Lance go, but only because Will told me to.

He hands me a milkshake and starts apologizing to Lancey. "Hi, I'm Will. I apologize for my boyfriend." Aw. That's what he said when his dad arrived at camp. I have a strong urge to say, "Could you not?" Oh gods, that when we first started dating.
"Yeah, he totally just broke my shoulder!" Lancey says angrily. Will smiles uncomfortably. "You're arm's fine. Um, don't ask how I know. I just do." Will stands there next to him for a while as Lancey glares.

"So im guessing you aren't Keith?" Lancey asks in an angry voice.
"No. I'm named Nico. Sorry about the whole almost breaking your arm thing, Lancey."
"Just Lance is fine." Lance says, disregarding the name he had told me previously. He plucks the milkshake right from my hand. "This is payment for the medical bills."
"Lance, why are you stealing milkshakes from this guy?" We hear a voice from behind us . I turn around to see a man holding a Victoria's Secret bag full of knives and meat tenderizers. "You can't take people's shakes because they bother you."
"There you are! This guy," Lance points to me, "Looks just like you. I thought he was you, and he broke my arm."
"Your arm is fine." Will says.
"I don't see the resemblance." The man I assume is Keith says as he looks at me with squinted eyes.
"Neither do I." I say.
"Are you kidding?" Will says, grinning mischievously, "Y'all are twins. You have the same mullet."
"I don't have a mullet!" I groan, pulling at my non-mullet hair. "Not every slightly long hair style is a mullet! Dear gods, I swear, if you say I have a mullet one more time, I will pull a sword on you so quick you'll really regret ever meeting me."
"I could never regret meeting you."
"Dammit, Will. That's so sweet and it makes my threat sound cute somehow."

Keith POV
Why's this kid being so defensive about his hair? Embrace the mullet.

"Oh my god, Keith." Lance says, rubbing his forehead after the other couple had left to get the smaller one another milkshake. "This is not what I meant."
"You said I should get something sparkly from Victoria's Secret. These knives are shiny and silvery."
"You know this was not what I..... Why do they even sell knives in a lingerie store?"
"They were under some underwear that said 'Rooster Teeth' on them."
"Why were you looking at rooster teeth underwear?"
"I thought it was cool!"

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