That's A Grown Man

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"I want that one, please," Keith said.

Shiro looked to where he was pointing. He was expecting to see a dog or a cat, or maybe a lizard. They were, after all, at an animal shelter.

What Shiro was not expecting was for Keith to be pointing at an animal shelter volunteer. "Keith," Shiro said, "You can't have that. That's a grown man."

Keith frowned at him, confused. "But you said we could take someone home."

"Yes," Shiro sighed, "But I was thinking something more along the lines of animal adoption, not blatant prostitution."

Keith nodded. "Well, you should've been more clear."

"I didn't think it was a necessary specification, and I didn't know you knew about that kind of thing to begin with."

"You adopted me and now I'm your brother. Why can't you adopt that guy and make him your boyfriend?"

"I adopted you because you're a child. That guy's an adult."

"Age is just a number, Shiro."

"It's absolutely not. Especially when it comes to this."

"Then why do people say they're something years young?"

"Because they're insecure about their rapidly aging bodies."

"Are you?"

"No. That's why I don't dye my hair."

Keith nodded again. "So you can't make that guy date you."

Shiro let go of Keith's hand and rubbed his forehead, trying to figure out how to explain to Keith that that wasn't how it worked. You can't date someone you adopted.

Unfortunately, when Shiro looked back at Keith, he wasn't there. "Keith?"

Shiro looked around the animal shelter and saw Keith tugging at the volunteer's shirt. "Excuse me, Mister Grown Man?"

The man looked down at Keith and laughed. "Hey, little guy. What can I help you with?"

"My brother dad thinks you're cute but he's too scared to tell you. We really appreciate all the work you do here for the animals, and we were wondering if we could take you out to lunch. What's your name?"

The man ruffled Keith's hair. "My name's Adam. Where's your brother dad?"

Keith pointed to Shiro, who was positive he was blushing. "That's him. His name's Shiro."

Adam let Keith lead him over to Shiro. Shiro was beginning to regret bringing Keith here, along with not explaining what dating was.

"Shiro? I'm Adam W." Adam said, sticking his hand out for Shiro to shake.

He obliged. "Takashi Shirogane. I'm sorry about Keith, he doesn't understand what's acceptable to say to people yet. We'll get there."

Adam raised his eyebrows. "So you don't want to take me out for lunch? Because my shift ends in a couple minutes."

"Oh!" Shiro realized out loud, "Um, yeah! I'd love that."

Once Adam had gone to clock out, Keith looked up at Shiro. "That went well."

"Thanks, Keith. You're the ultimate wingboy."

"Just make sure not to mess this up."

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