Yorak Is A Snitch, Allura Is A Klance Shipper, And Lance Is, Well, Lance.

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"I just don't know, Yorak." Lance said to Keith's wolf. He would never understand why Keith named her Yorak. What a terrible name.
"I mean," Lance continued, "I think I might love him, but.... no. I do not love Keith Kogane. We're rivals. Enemies to lovers. Just, not lovers quite yet. You and Kaltenecker are the only ones who know how I feel." Lance paused a moment and laughed softly to himself. "Thank Quiznak you guys can't communicate with anyone." Yorak hopped out of Lance's bed and ran off to an unknown destination.

"What?" Keith asked his wolf as she pulled him along. "You want me to go train? Why, girl? Everything okay?" Yorak, being a wolf, didn't answer. She just pulled him along until they arrived to the training room, where Lance was. "Haha! Suck it!" Keith heard Lance yell. He was slightly alarmed (although not surprised) until he saw he was yelling at a training bot. "Why'd you bring me here, girl? Huh?" Keith asked Yorak.
"Um, are you trying to insult me?" Lance looked incredibly offended. "By calling me a girl? Have you met Pidge?"
Keith took a deep breath. "I was talking to the wolf, Loverboy." Keith somehow didn't notice the other boy's blush.
"Oh." Lance squeaked. "So... Wanna train?"
"Sure." He nodded to Yorak. "Go away, Darling. I'm about to kick Lance's butt."
"Um," Lance said, "You wish."

"How many times do I have to kick your butt before you stop underestimating me?" Keith swung his sword as he looked to Lance on the ground.
"I don't know how many times you'll have to kick it, but I know something else you can do to it." Lance smirked.
"What?" Keith asked, painfully oblivious. Lance was about to respond when they heard a cough. It was Pidge and Hunk, hiding. "What are you guys doing?" Keith demanded angrily.
"Not spying on you." Hunk said as Pidge shakes her head in frustration.

"Operation failure." Hunk says, moving the map around on the table.
"What plan?" Allura asked. "Is Voltron needed?"
"Not quite," Responded Pidge. "We're trying to get Lance and Keith to admit their love for each other."
"They love each other? Where was I for this? I thought Lance liked me?"
"He was in denial." Pidge explained. "He was afraid of his feelings toward Keith, so his brain made him think he liked you. He misdirected his love to someone he had a slight chance with. Chances are, if you liked him back, he would stop liking you in a few days."
"So he liked Keith, but thought he liked Allura?" Coran asked.
Pidge nodded. "Exactly. And now it's our job to get them together."
Allura smiled. "Well, I for one am elated! Lance is over me, and won't walk up to me and talk about," She smiles charmingly and struck a pose. "'You activate my particle barrier, Allura.' He'll say 'Keith, you activate my parti- well, you've all heard it. But still, I'm overjoyed." She sat down next to Hunk and smiled maliciously. "How can I help?"

"What?" He asked, "I don't like Lance." Keith looked to the side and laughed nervously. "I'm in love with, um, Pidge. Smart is the new sexy."
Allura sighed. "Keith, you're gay."
"And I'm aromantic." Pidge added. "Neither of us like each other that way."
"Wrong." Keith said. "I am straight. I enjoy women. Breasts and such. Nothing is better than a sexually and romantically enticing woman. I love women in a romantic and sexual matter." He cringed at his own statements as he mentally chastised himself.
Pidge took a deep breath. "Keith. Stop. You're not fooling anyone." The dark haired boy banged his head on the table. "Ugh. I'm sorry. I can't like him. He's straight."
"Boi, with an i, of course. Boi, have you seen his pajamas? Have you been in his room? He's got pj's in the bi colors. He's got a large, shirtless poster of the guy from from that detective show."
"Oh." He said, looking nervously from side to side. "Okay. That's..... something. But it doesn't mean he likes me." Allura made the face. The face she makes when Coran is all, "You can't go to the space mall" and when Lance hits on her. "Keith, Lance likes you. Yorak told me." Keith's eyes snapped up. "Yorak can talk? And you can understand her?" Allura nodded. "Obviously. Do try to keep up."
"The only question is," Pidge said, "Do you like him back? And that's answered because Yorak told us you do. She told us some of the things you said about him." Keith's pale face flushed with pink.

"Oh, Yorak," Pidge re-enacted atop the table, "Lance looked really good today. I can't believe how someone could be so annoying, yet so charming at the same time. Sometimes I wish you could talk, Girl."
"But what about his eyes?" Allura interjected, now also standing on the table. She was so tall in comparison to Pidge. "His eyes are the color of the sea, of the sky, of forget-me-nots, the color of love." Keith was now a complete blushing mess. "Guys, please. Stop."
"Not until you tell Lance you like him."
"Can you at least get off the table?"
"Why are you two on the table? Why's Keith's face red?" Shiro asked as he walked in.
"We're teasing him about his crush on Lance." Allura explained. "He's useless right now, just look at him." She gestures toward the red paladin, but he was gone.

Keith looked to Yorak angrily. "What the Quiznak? You can talk to Allura? I'm not surprised she can understand you. I'm shocked you would tell her!" He flopped onto his bed, pillow falling on the floor. Yorak jumped up next to him and started kneading his stomach as if she were a cat. Maybe she was part cat. Keith didn't know the science of Space wolves.
"Yorak, please stop." The boy moved his friend off of him, still angry. "I'm still mad at you."

"I've had just about enough of this." Shiro said. "First Keith and Lance, then you guys." Shiro sat down and crossed his arms in front of him. "Sorry, Shiro." Hunk said. "I know you don't want us to try to get them together, we just-"
"What?" Shiro asked. "I'm upset no one let me in on this. Not that you're trying to get them together. Those idiots definitely need a push. How can I help?"

"Keith, can you come here?" Keith got up and quickly put back on his boots before walking toward Coran's voice.

"Lance? Please could you help me?" Lance groaned and patted Kaltenecker. "I'll be back in a minute. I gotta go help Allura."

"I can't believe it actually worked." Coran said, standing outside the supplies closet in which Lance and Keith were trapped. "Paladins these days. In my day, we didn't have to trap people in closets to get them to kiss. We just said, "If you two don't start smooching in 30 ticks, I will have your heads. It usually worked."
"Wait, what if it didn't work?" Lance yelled from behind the door.
"Then you have a headless person standing next to you! It's a win either way."

"Ugh. We've been here for hours." Lance complained.
"We've been in here for, like, ten minutes." Keith groaned. "And we've got to stay in here until I say something or until Voltron needs to be formed. They can't leave us in here when they need us to pilot two of the lions."
"What do you have to say?" Lance raised an eyebrow. Keith didn't know (obviously), but they had told Lance that the only way out was to say he likes Keith. Those words weren't exact, what they actually said was 'admit your undying love for one another and we'll let you out.' Then Coran implied that he would chop off their heads. Lance, for one, liked his head.

"So...." Keith said. "This is awkward, and it would be no matter the setting. Although being locked in a closet does not help, because when you reject me I will have no where to run."
"Wait, rejection?" Lance joked and raised an eyebrow. He did that way more than the average person. "Are you asking me out?"
Keith blushed. "Kinda."

"It's been a while. Maybe they're making out." Everyone walked to the supply closet, where Lance and Keith were sitting as far apart as possible. Coran opened the door a smidge, just enough for them to see the boys not making out. Unfortunately for Coran, Lance had skinny forearms. He stuck his arm through the gap and punched Coran so he stumbled back, letting the boys escape. They ran to their respective rooms and locked the doors.

"So, that didn't work." Hunk said. "Neither told the other, and they still aren't dating." Pidge groaned and banged her head on the table in frustration. The table had not been treated well the last few days.
"What else can we do? We told them both the other liked them, but neither believed us. We locked them in a small space together. We...." Pidge stopped talking for a moment and looked around the room. "Well, we did some other stuff. But none of it worked! I'm about ready to give up."
"Give up?" Allura said in outrage. "Did we give up when Zarkon destroyed Altea? Did we give up when Lotor betrayed us? Did we give up when Shiro was thought to be dead? No! And we will not give up now. Voltron!"
"Yeah!" Everyone cheered. They would not give up until the Keith and Lance kissed.

If only the rest of the team could see what was going on across the ship in Keith's room. Then they would know their trap-them-in-a-closet plan worked.
"How long until we tell them?" Lance asked, his head on Keith's shoulder.
"I'm sure they'll find out eventually, but until then, they'll keep bribing us. Do you not want fabulous bribes?" Keith asked.
"You know I do." Lance took his head of the other boy. Keith stood up abruptly.
"What's wrong?" His now-boyfriend asked. Keith's face looked slightly surprised.
"I just got what you said earlier."

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