Chapter Fifty Four

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Nico di Angelo

It's been like, a month or so since Percy lost his memory and of course they're adjusting and they're worried about how he'll come out of it.

Jace was just really stressed, though. So I, completely forgetting that he's in off training session for volleyball, was going to stop by the apartment and give him a cute little self care gift.

I've been avoiding going over there because like, when he didn't even like... Last time he lost his memory he thought that maybe he recognized me. Maybe. And he did but I said no. Because that was the job.

This time he didn't even do that. It just... Nothing.

So I went to the apartment and like, it seemed like nobody was home. Door was locked, nobody answered the door.

Figuring I could double check, I decided to make my way to my old entrance, Percy window.

Yes, I could shadow travel in, but I wanted to make sure that I could be invited in first.

Percy was definitely in his room, though, on his bed, laying down and facing the wall so I couldn't see him. Just the blanket and some hoodie. But like, something felt off. It didn't feel right and being the son of Hades and something feeling off aren't good together.

So I shadow travelled into his room being the window doesn't open from outside anymore (sadly), and put the little gift bag down.

"Percy?" I asked the older demigod, hoping that this wasn't a depressive episode, but knowing that he's been in a depressive slump for like six months now. "hey, what are you doing in bed just—"

But I put my finger on part of it.

He felt like he was slow. To me, he felt like his body was going slowly. Not moving, but functioning wise.

"Dude, are you alright?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't respond. "can you respond? An anxiety attack or panic attack or a nightmare or..."

My voice trailed off as I saw his sketchbook was open on the floor next to his bed and I picked it up because I was curious. He doesn't sketch a lot but be carries it for doodles so he doesn't mess up camp files and homework and stuff. I asked about it once.

Picking it up, I saw some sketches that were from pretty recent in the last few pages (definitely within the month) of things and people we don't have photos of. There was one of me when we first met at the place where Annabeth fell (I knew because of the background), a drawing of Tyson, of him, Grover, and Annabeth maybe before I even knew them. Some more recent of stuff with the ship. His room in the ship.

Things he hasn't been able to recall whatsoever lately.

But the last two pages were nuts with the sketches and doodles and writings and it looked like he was losing his mind on paper. A lot of apologizes.

And then it clicked.

He's getting his memory back.

But it's not through... It could be nightmares? Some of them? Others just glimpses or...

Either way he's not getting good memories back. Or even if he is, he's not taking it very well because when I touched him he didn't respond and I realized that he was passed out, but he was all scratched up. I just pulled his one sleeve up to see and his body flinched naturally and it was scraped and nasty.

So I didn't... Really know what to do because nobody else was here and Sally's in a meeting, Luke is working I'm sure if he's not here.

His most recent sketch had been Misery. Which, I didn't even know that they ever met, but I'm not surprised. I'm sure she he'd something to do with this.

Not knowing a better option, I called Apollo. He's not a god, but he's got some power now. Like, slightly more than his kids, I believe.

So maybe he could do something.

"Nico, hey!" The semi god remarked as he answered my call. "What's up?"

"Hey so I'm at the Jackson's right now—"

"Ooooh, boyfriend help?"

"Uh, no," I insisted. "medical help. Jace is probably at volleyball practice but I had a bad feeling so I came over."

"Is everything alright?" He asked, sounding kind of worried. He's been trying to stay humble as his powers are coming back to him day by day. He got his trials and will be back in Olympus in like April full time.

"I mean it's not super urgent," I assured him as I looked over at Percy. "Percy's the only one home and he's out cold right now, but he's getting his memories back and—"

"He lost them again? We're the gods that upset that he didn't find back?"

"What?" I asked in return before his questions clicked. "Oh, no, it was a genuine accident. He tripped getting water or something in the middle of the night and like, hit his head on something or another just in the right way and that was a month ago. So like, it's been rough for the family."

"Oh, okay, continue."

"Yeah," I went on. "But I showed up and he's the only one here, out cold, but his sketchbook from the last few days is filled with a bunch of sketches and what not of things he can't have photos to replicate from. Ones of me before you even came to get us and pop us off at camp. Some of like him with others when they were younger, Annabeth being one of them. And like, he drew Misery."

It was a silent moment because I have a bad connection with her. Most people that meet her do. I live now to spite her.

"So he's remembering again, which is amazing after a month." I continued after that moment. "but he's not... Coping well and his depression has been destroying him this month and his arms look like a war zone and—"

"I can't cure his depression, Nico, he's a demigod," Apollo reminded me of the rule I most hated. "You know the rules."

"Fuck the rules."

"Nico, you can't just—"

"Apollo they have a plan set in place for what they'll to if he tries to kill himself," I snapped at him. "this isn't just depression. This is Percy being in the hospital twice this month because of suicidal tendencies. One of those times was talk, the other wasn't. This is Sally about to lose her son. So I'm saying fuck the rules and give him some fucking serotonin before we lose him forever! If Poseidon can't have the decency to show up and talk to him during all of this, you can. He saved your life, return the favor."

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