Chapter Fifty Two

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Luke Castellan

The doctor and nurse took a while to get back, and they waited for Sally to show up because he's a minor and they wanted to tell her the whole plan before we started anything.

So when Sally showed up, I did the non alert button and Sally was just talking at Percy and he was completely lost because he hasn't been told that this is his mom for sure. So he doesn't know. Tyler was also here with the kids. So it's a full house.

"How are you feeling, kiddo?" Tyler asked him after Sally gave him a hug.

"What... Me?" Percy asked.

"Yes, you," Tyler insisted. "Who else would I call kiddo?"

He looked to me for a little help.

"Um..." Percy answered. "I don't know. I'm feeling okay. Kind of confused but... Okay."

"Confused?" Andrea asked. "You made us all be up this early so you could be confused."

"Well..." He said, still not knowing a good answer. "I uh... Yeah?"

Sally looked at me for an answer.

"He uh, he's got amnesia, from what we can tell." I told the family. "When he woke up he didn't know his name, much less anything else. The doctors are waiting for a scan back to see what kind it is and what they can do."

They thought about it for a second before Percy leaned over to me.

"Who are they?"

"This is your family," I told Percy. "That's your mom, Sally, your dad, Tyler, and your siblings Jace, Andrea, and Estelle."

"Oh.... Okay."

Sally got taken into another room by the nurse to ask a few questions, and I got a call from Grover, so I told Percy that I'd be back, I can run and grab him food if he wants. And he said sure, so I grabbed my wallet.

Stepping out of the room, I answered the call from my boyfriend's best friend.

"Grover, hey!" I said, closing the door behind me, walking down the hall. "what's up?"

"Luke, thank gods you answered," the satyr responded. "Percy and Sally aren't answering their phones. Is uh... Is he doing alright? I woke up with an absolutely massive headache and it definitely wasn't mine. He also seemed like, extremely overwhelmed or something last night but it was later. After I left for sure. I've been generally sore, but it could be just how much walking I've done? I don't know."

"Oh yeah he uh..." I started off, getting in the elevator to go down to my car to get us breakfast somewhere nearby because hospital food sucks. "he stayed over last night and like was in a super shitty mood, just a lot of little things. But he woke up in the middle of the night to either go to the bathroom or get water or something. I don't really know? But either way he tripped and hit his head and I woke up and brought him to the hospital where they gave him stitches."

I paused for a second.

"He's awake, if you want to visit," I told Grover. "His parents and siblings just got here."

"So... Any damage? A concussion or...? That shit hurt."

I sighed.

"Amnesia," I confirmed. "Again. So you'll have to introduce yourself. I don't think anyone has mentioned the gods or anything being Poseidon isn't there. Uh... Yeah. I'll send you the room, I'm just getting breakfast quick so I'll let you go."

So I sent him the info and he must've sent it to others who would like to see him without sending the message that hey, he has amnesia and is prone to anxiety. Be nice and quiet.

Because when I got there the nurse told me that his parents and their other kids were getting breakfast to give him a mental break, but a few friends popped in.

It was more than a few and they obviously just arrived because they're just talking and Percy is lost and visibly overwhelmed.

Grover isn't even here yet.

I also grabbed him a sweater from my car for him to wear because they put him in those stupid gowns and washed the other stuff. So it'll be a while before he wears they again. It won't smell like me.

I'm not sure what I smell like, but he knows.

"Hey, Percy, how are you feeling?" Piper asked as I handed him some food, which he seemed glad to have in possession. They must've just gotten here if they're just not talking to him?

"Um... Alright," he answered, shrugging for a moment. "I don't know, I have a headache still?"

But that means nothing to them.

"Just a headache?" Leo questioned, trying to think of a plausible reason to him being here for a headache. "What are you here for? Like, Grover made it sound urgent."

"Grover?" Percy asked, because that's a new name to him.

"Yeah, he called me a bit ago and told me that you were in the hospital, he was on his way and he'd tell us what's up when we got here, but we beat him here."

"Oh, okay."

"So you're here because...?" Thalia repeated Leo's question.

"Oh, yeah, um..." My boyfriend went on. "I got stitches."

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