Chapter Twelve

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Hazel Levesque

After hearing the stuff with Thalia meeting them, we had the idea that hey, we could have a date night or something. Even those who aren't dating can like, bring a buddy! It'd be fun.

So I think it was Grover that texted Percy about it and he responded fairly quickly, saying that they were about to text us and ask whether we wanted to do a game night tonight or tomorrow. With Paul moving out and being back and forth, Percy is avoiding the apartment from the hours of like 3-whenever.

Excited, we were all getting ready, and I don't know what was going on because I guess we're not really that close, but Nico seemed a little off.

While I was just relaxing with Frank in the living area, though, I could hear Jason talking with Nico in his room.

"Are you feeling alright, man?" Jason asked Nico, sounding a bit concerned. "that's... One way to find out."

"I mean... I kind of knew," Nico responded. "not about Luke, obviously. I fucking never would have guessed that. I never knew the guy before. Personally. But I... I don't know man, I don't think I should go."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'll feel like shit?" Nico suggested, which grabbed both of our attentions. "I mean, not that bad, but... I mean, what am I supposed to say? He knows about a good deal of it, Jason, that's fucking weird."

"So?" Jason responded, which seemed a bit wrong. "Nico, it's not like... Yeah, it might be a little awkward or a little tense at first. But that's only if either of you make it awkward tonight. You said it yourself, your entire friendship has been weird. You've gotten through it before. If anything, I'm sure Leo will make something embarrassing happen tonight far worse than you ever would."


"I'm just saying, Nico," the son of Jupiter pointed out. "you'll only make it worse for the situation if you're the only one who doesn't go because you know they're dating. I mean does... Does Hazel even know? Are you planning on telling her?"

"Well... I don't think she does, I was hoping that she just won't care so I don't have to tell her until there's a reason."

He's hiding secrets from me?

Explicitly from me?

"If you skip out, it's a reason," Jason reminded him. "I know you still aren't the best with it, Nico, but just letting it sit and manifest won't make you feel better about it. You can get out there and even if you don't directly tell people, learn to slowly not be anxious about it. Hang out with people who are more comfortable than you are, that could help, and maybe you'll get over the situation in the meantime."

"That's hard to do when you give off the bad energy I do."

"No, it's hard because you're not trying anymore." Jason corrected. "I don't want to sound rude, Nico, but now that this happened, to avoid you just going back to where you were before I knew, you have to do something. This is New York City! The streets are probably crawling with at least a few people who would be your friend and help you out while being a nice friend. To give you the confidence boost I can't seem to because I don't really know what it's like, but I try to."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Nico, I will literally set you up with like, a Grindr for not dating." The son of Jupiter insisted, which really... Seemed intense. "I mean, yeah, it sucks that he doesn't like you and that he didn't say much about it because he was in another relationship that we didn't know about yet. But, but but but, it doesn't mean that you guys can't suck it up and be friends like you always sort of kind of have been. He invited you, too. He's making dessert for all of us."

Nico sighed, it was quiet.

"I do really like their cookies."

So Nico did come with.

We actually ended up going to Luke's, place, though, which was interesting. I mean, it was a pretty nice apartment seeing as he lives alone.

But Thalia met us at the train stop, Rachel went home apparently. But Thalia kind of had to take a train to meet us on the train so she didn't know how to get back. Which meant we had to send an IM. Which, I think Iris just answered? I'm not sure who answered it, because neither of them were aware of it. So we got to see Luke and Percy just like, be themselves for a second. And personally? I thought it was really sweet.

"I mean," Luke said as he was leaning against the counter, a spoon in hand as Percy was putting cookie dough on a pan. "do we even have to bake these? I think they're good like this."

"That's why I put the extra in a bowl," Percy told Luke, making another ball. "I don't know what size cookies my grandma made for this to be 3 dozen cookies, but we don't have the pans to support those big of cookies."

"Pfft, it's not 3 dozen," Luke remarked, taking a scoop out of the bowl and sticking it in his mouth. "It's three dozen and a snack while you wait."

"Hey!" Percy said, trying to not laugh. "You have to wait for that part!"

With the spoon still in his mouth, Luke challenged that statement.

"Says who?"

"Says the person making the cookies," the son of Poseidon insisted. "Spit it up."

Covering his mouth after taking the spoon out, Luke himself started to chuckle, handing over the spoon.

"Look, as much as I'd love to give you whatever you want," Luke responded to the command. "I'm not a bird. Once my food is on my stomach, it's staying there. So I have a spoon for you. Happy Birthday, sweetheart."

After putting the cookies in the oven, Percy did actually accept the spoon.

"Why thank you, babe, it's everything I wanted and more."

"It's everything you need in life." Luke joked, and Percy smiled. "Well, you might need to eat or have something to drink occasionally. Shelter. But I mean, that's overrated."

"You want to know what isn't overrated, though?"



"Oh yeah?" Luke questioned.


"It's a good thing that I can provide that, huh?" Percy's boyfriend remarked as they shared a short kiss and Luke gave him another kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to call Thalia and make sure she didn't get lost with the others."

"Didn't she only have to go down to the 77th and take it to 5th and back?" Percy asked, which is where we were.

"Well yeah, but she's also from a small city where they didn't have any public transport. I lost her twice in Philly because she took the wrong subway."

We all looked at Thalia.

"In my defense, I was 13, didn't have a phone or map, and I had a 7 year old with me."

"Excuse me," Annabeth stated. "the seven year old is the one who found Luke. Both times. Now let's get on the next train heading to 77th and hopefully you can remember you way back from there."

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