Chapter 9. Reunion & An Offer

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Chewbacca growled at Lando in annoyance as the man fidgeted in his seat.

"Well of course I'm nervous Chewbacca!" Lando replied with a frown. The planet before them looked like nothing but fog, surely Leia was not here of all places. But Chewbacca insisted and when a Wookiee wanted something, it would be in your best interests to do as the Wookiee said.

They began to work their comms, hoping to find some sort of signal if Leia was down there.

For several minutes they waited patiently.

Sudden Threepio's voice startled Chewbacca and Lando, nearly scaring them right out of their skins as the droid spoke excitedly. "Chewbacca! There is a weak signal coming through the fog! It is indeed a Rebel frequency, it must be Princess Leia!"


Leia practiced her stances, looking for steady footwork and balance when she looked around, frowning as a noise in the wind alerted her to something unknown.

She felt cold for a mere second before hearing Artoo whistle excitedly. Leia quickly ran towards the little droid as he beeped and rocked back and forth excitedly.

"Hold on Artoo, I can't understand you when you ramble." Leia replied with a grin. "Just calm down."

Artoo whistled when suddenly the X-wing's transmissions switched on, a familiar roar coming from the speaker.

"Chewie?" Leia exclaimed in surprise, as well as delight as Chewbacca roared in joy and greeting. "Chewie! How did you find me?" Leia demanded, though her voice was cheerful and glad. She had begun to miss the furry Wookiee.

Chewbacca growled, saying it was a long story while also expressing his relief that Leia and Artoo were alright.

"Yes we're fine." Leia said with a smile before Lando's voice came over the transmission.

"Is your X-wing disabled?" Lando asked in concern.

"No, we've been here for a reason, laser brain." Leia scoffed. "Chewie, I found a Jedi Master." Leia continued, becoming fully serious.

Chewbacca roared dubiously.

"Let me finish!" Leia snapped in exasperation. "He's been helping me, I may be able to find Han and Luke if I stay here just a few months longer."

Again Chewbacca's response was dubious and worried. He didn't like what Leia was doing at all.

"Trust me Chewie." Leia implored. "Please, this is the only way."

Chewbacca whined but after a moment agreed. If Leia believed that staying on Dagobah for a few more months was the only way to save Han and find Luke, then he trusted her. Leia never made a decision without thinking first and having a greater goal in mind. Chewbacca trusted Leia.

After a few hours of searching Chewbacca was able to find a suitable place to land the Falcon. He may agree with Leia, but he was not going anywhere without her. Chewbacca's promise to Han was still fresh in his mind. He would not fail his friend again.

Leia ran out from the forest, smiling when she saw Chewbacca descend the ramp and roar in greeting.

Leia quickly came forward, hugging the huge Wookiee with joy as Chewbacca wrapped his furry arms around the small human.

Finally they released eachother as Lando and Threepio joined them.

Artoo came along and whistled gleefully upon seeing his golden counterpart.

"R2-D2! How I've missed you!" Threepio exclaimed to which Artoo bleeped.

"No I am not falling apart!" Threepio retorted defensively. "In fact you were not needed to fix me, the Rebels did it, and they did a marvelous job."

Artoo beeped doubtfully.

"How dare you!" Threepio said in annoyance as Artoo chuckled cheekily.

Leia grinned as the droids continued to bicker before turning to Lando. "Han will be at Jabba's Palace, but we need to figure out a plan before we go to rescue him. And I need to stay here for a while longer."

Lando nodded. "I could infiltrate their ranks and do reconnaissance." He offered immediately. Lando regretted turning Han and his friends over to the Empire and was more than willing to put his life on the line to help Leia and Chewbacca rescue the former smuggler.

"You sure you can handle that?" Leia asked with an uncertain frown.

Lando grinned. "Don't worry about me, besides I have to prove myself some how."

Leia glanced at Chewbacca who nodded his furry head vigorously, over the last few months he had come to trust Lando enough to give him such an assignment, he saw no harm in doing so.

"Alright Lando, but don't go to Tatooine until I say." Leia said seriously, leaving no room for argument.

Lando nodded quickly in full agreement with Leia. "Yes ma'am!"


X-1 sat cross-legged in the middle of his room, his back straight, hands on his knees, his head bowed and eyes closed.

Vader stood behind X-1, watching as the lightsaber before the boy began to float into the air, ever so slowly as X-1 tilted his head slightly, his forehead crinkling. The lightsaber began to come apart, revealing exterior and interior components, material and finally, the red crystal on the center.

X-1 began to feel, something. Emotion? This was foreign to him as he raised his hands towards the disassembled lightsaber. He felt as if dark, feelings, called to him, anger, fear, aggression.

Vader nodded slowly as he felt the change slowly coming over X-1. Against the Emperor's will Vader was secretly teaching X-1 how to gain emotion again. Besides, Vader had no use for a secret apprentice who could not feel emotions, or have his own thoughts as a true Sith should.

X-1 did not remember who he had been, all he remembered was the cold cell. Luke Skywalker could still exist, but Vader counted on that to help give X-1 back at least some of his free will.

And once this was done, Vader and X-1 could destroy the Emperor, and X-1 would rule at Vader's side. After these events Vader planned to reveal himself to X-1, reveal their blood ties and their bond. Together they could rule the galaxy, as father and son.

Vader snapped out of his fantasy as X-1 began to breathe quickly, frantically. The lightsaber parts shook in the air as X-1 tried to understand himself, what were these, things he felt? He wasn't supposed to feel, he wasn't supposed to have a free will or his own thoughts. But here they were, and it frightened X-1 as he envisioned the dark, cold cell. He didn't want to go back.

The lightsaber parts fell and clattered to the ground as X-1 slumped back, catching himself on his hands as Vader knelt beside the boy, looking at him closely.

Yes, there it was. Fear and confusion clouded X-1's blue eyes as he shied away from Vader, expecting to get punished.

But Vader only placed a hand on X-1's shoulder, gentle yet firm. "Well done, you've taken your first steps into becoming free again."

X-1 furrowed his brow. "A-again?" He whispered softly, confused beyond measure and frightened so badly he was at his wits end.

Vader nodded. "Listen to me. I will help you, you will not fear Sidious, you have the power to defeat him. He has foreseen this and fears you for it. Learn from me, help me destroy the Emperor, and you will rule at my side as my apprentice." Vader reached out his other hand for X-1 to take as the boy became conflicted. But, what Vader said was enticing, somehow it felt as though this was the only way. He wanted free will, and Vader offered it to him and so much more.

X-1 lifted his hand and placed it in Vader's who nodded in relief. "Good, do not speak of this to Sidious, you must remain as he meant for you to be, a slave." Vader spoke solemnly. "But when you are ready, we will overthrow him."

X-1 nodded slowly, turning back to the disassembled lightsaber he closed his eyes. Vader stood and watched as X-1 slowly but surely reassemble his lightsaber.

X-1 took hold of his weapon and stood, turning to Vader before he bowed his head, his voice finding an inner strength as he spoke. "I will not fail you, my master."

Author's Note.
Sorry for the short chapter! But the next one will be a little longer, don't worry! So what do you think of everything that has transpired? So much fun I know XD. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment your thoughts, vote and point out typos if you see any. Thank you so much for reading and as always, may the Force be with you.

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