Kids Are Worse than Kaiju

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(Before we begin, I just want to say 2 things:

1: I'll only be actively working on 2 stories at a time. Currently, the 2 stories are Izuku: King of the Monsters(Toho) and Izuku: The Death Song of Three Storms.

That means I'll be focusing primarily on these two, but that doesn't mean the others wont be updated: they'll just be updated ALOT less.

2: A beta would be greatly appreciated, mostly just to double check grammar and make sure the chapter makes sense to others.)

Anyway, if anything seems similiar to anything out there, say something so i can make sure its different.


The first five years of Godzilla Junior, now Izuku Midoriya, went fairly well in his opinion.

Despite being born with four fingers, a fact the doctor didn't notice until Inko pointed it out, Izuku was perfectly healthy and normal.

For the first five years of life, Izuku learned what he could within the confines of the modest apartment he called home.

From what he learned so far, women would mutate around age 4 and gain a superpower called a Quirk. Ranging from near useless to unbelievable, these Quirks were incredible to Izuku.

Especially All Might, the Number One hero in Japan, and one of the heroes Izuku admired the most and the one who inspired his goal in his new life.

To be a hero.

The other being Ryukyu, but that made sense considering he used to be a kaiju.

Unfortunately, this caused the female to male population ratio to be ridiculously one sided.

A few years after his birth, Izuku met the first human his first age; Katsumi Bakugo, the daughter of Mitsuku Baguko, a friend of his new mother, and her husband Masaru Bakugo.


Izuku, wearing a green shirt and black shorts, was in the living room(wierd name considering he lived in the entire, and not just that room) reading a small book when he heard someone knocking on the door. Saving his place, Izuku opened the door only to have someone crash on top of him and pin him. Looking up he saw a girl with short ash blonde hair and red eyes grinning down at him, wearing black shirt and blue skirt.

"Hi, I'm Katsumi, my mom said to play with you while she talks with your mom for a bit."

As Katsumi's mom walked in the door, looking just like her, she closed it behind her and smiled at both of them.

"You must be Izuku. I'm Mitsuki and I'm a good friend of your mother's. This little monster-

Izuku and Katsumi growled at that.

"Is Katsumi. While me and Inko catch up, I want you two play nice, OK?"

With Mitsuki walking off, Izuku took Katsumi into his room, which had a few posters of All Might and Ryukyu adorning the walls.

After playing kid games for a few hours, Katsumi decided to show off her Quirk, which allowed her to generate explosions from her sweat, creating little firecracker sized explosions.

Excited, Izuku grabbed one of his notebooks and a pen, and started jotting down notes about Katsumi's Quirk.

Curious as any child, Katsumi ripped the notebook out of Izuku's hands and flipped through the pages.

"Why are you writing about all these Quirks? You wanna be a hero or something?"

Izuku responded proudly.

"The first male hero actually, but yes, I do want to be a hero."

Katsumi laughed at him.

"Hehehehe, that's funny Izuku. Everyone knows boys can't be heroes. So don't be stupid."

Katsumi proceeded to set his notebook alight as she stared into his narrowed orange eyes.

Izuku stood unflinching as Mitsuki called Katsumi to leave, who dropped his charred writings onto the floor.

Izuku didn't like Katsumi.


It was about 6 months into preschool for Izuku and Katsumi, and they were an OK 6 months for Izuku.

Considering he was the only boy in his class, coupled with the fact he had 4 fingers, 95% of the class seldom interacted with him.

To be honest, he preferred it this way. Except for the 5% that was Katsumi Bakugo, which assured that Izuku remained alone.

Whenever they would go outside to play, Katsumi would follow him and attempt to annoy or hurt, using her explosions or fists. Ever the instinctual being, Izuku would know when she was coming, making her angrier and angrier every day.

Until the class got a few new students, Izuku got best friends, and Katsumi got someone willing to keep her in line.


It was Monday so Izuku and Katsumi were at school, where once again Izuku was isolated from his peers, sitting at one of the group tables alone, while the other tables were fully occupied.

He didn't mind, as he was currently drawing a radically abstract version of his father.

As the teacher was late, the kids were chaotic, using their Quirks in small amounts until the teacher walked in.

Shizuka Nekonome or Ms. Nekonome had a straight forward Quirk, which gave her cat ears and tail, wearing a brown skirt, orange shirt and white blouse daily along with red rimmed glasses.

"Alright kids settle down."

The class went quiet quickly, lest they suffer the teachers cat wrath.

"Today we're getting a couple students. They moved into the area fairly recently and today is their first day. So be nice, nya."

Ms. Nekonome opened the door and ushered in six girls one at a time.

The first had brown eyes and short brown hair with two long strands in the front along with a permanent blush. Wearing a large yellow SUPER sweater and blue jeans, her hands which had pink pads on her fingers were barely exposed.

The second girl was the tallest of the six, with long black hair tied into a ponytail with a tuft of it framing the right side of her face while she wore a white dress with pink laces on the front.

The third, well, all that Izuku could see was a frilly purple dress and large yellow sun hat.

The fourth girl had short purple eyes and lazy looking eyes and a pink dress with a flower design on it. Looking closer, Izuku saw her earlobes were longer than average and ended in headphone jacks.

The second to last girl had pink skin and darker pink hair with yellow horns coming out of her head. Wearing a black sweatshirt and a white skirt, Izuku saw her sclera was black instead of white with yellow pupils.

The last girl had long green hair, darker than Izuku's, which was tied into a bow. She had large eyes and a wide mouth, and out of the corner of his eye, Izuku saw a tadpoles tail poke out from under her green dress.

"Alright, these are Ochako Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Toru Hagakure, Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, and Tsuyu Asui. Now I want you all to be on your best behavior. Now go find a seat and we'll begin our lessons."

The six girls looked around the room for a place to sit until they saw Izuku sitting alone. The group worked their way over to him, unaware of the disbelieving faces of their peers, the proud smile of Ms. Nekonome and the murderous glare of Katsumi.

As they approached the table, Izuku looked up to look at the encroaching girls, whose hearts melted looking at his face.

(Ignore the food.)

The girl with brown hair, Ochako if he recalled correctly, stepped forward.

"Do you mind if we sit here?"

Izuku thought it over for a few seconds before he nodded.

The girls sat down on either side of him, Ochako, Tsuyu and Mina on his right, while Momo, Kyoka and Toru were on his left.

"So what's your name?"

The girls were silent for a few seconds before giggling due to asking the same question at the same time. When he felt he could answer he did.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you."

"Alright kids, get ready because we're about to begin today's lesson, nya."


Hours later, the kids were outside on the playground for recess.

Ochako, Momo, Mina, Tsuyu, Kyoka and Toru stayed behind with Ms. Nekonome to go over a few more things with them, leaving Izuku to be outside in the sun.

Izuku himself was sitting at one of the little tables scattered around the area, adding the finishing touches on his drawing, when a shadow blocked the sun and his view.

Unamused, he looked up to see Katsumi looking down at him, a manic grin on her face.

"Can you step aside please, you're blocking the sun."

Katsumi grabbed Izuku by his shirt with one hand and brought his calm face up to her grinning one.

"You've been avoiding me for six months you four fingered freak. I've been waiting a long time to do this."

Katsumi's free hand punched Izuku in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him along with some saliva. She followed up with a right hook to his jaw, saliva mixed with blood oozing slowly out of his mouth.

Teetering slightly on his feet, Izuku grinned at Katsumi, his bloody teeth unnerving most of the crowd that gathered around the two.

"Was that the best you can do?"

Katsumi let out a shriek of rage and punched Izuku in his ribs, finally sending him into the dirt.

The explosion that broke two of them didn't help either.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, Izuku barely saw what was happening.

He saw Ochako and Momo yelling at Katsumi while Mina, Tsuyu, Kyoka and Toru were being beat up in the background by Katsumi's lackeys.

Next he saw Ochako and Momo get blown away by an explosion as Kyoka screamed in agony at the loud sound.

"To hell with this."

Izuku slowly forced himself up, being careful to not draw attention to himself. Once he was standing on his feet, he shuffled to behind Katsumi.

Gloating at her victory, Katsumi didn't notice Izuku until he tapped her shoulder. Turning around, the last thing Katsumi saw before being knocked out was a four fingered fist coming for her.

After Katsumi hit the dirt, Izuku shouted to the heavens-

and glared at the crowd, which slowly backed off from him and the six girls.

Izuku limped over to the girls, making sure to step on Katsumi as he limped over to his saviors.

His features softened once he made it to the girls, who had various scuffs and scrapes on them. Once he was a few feet from the girls his injuries caught up with him as he collapsed unconscious.

AN: This chapter/start of the story/plot element is inspired by:

Deku's Angels by Sonnie Celanna on

In which kid Izuku/Deku becomes friends with Kid Ochako, Momo, Mina, Tsuyu, Toru and Kyoka.

Good story so far.

Next Chapter: A 10 year time skip, a tragedy, All Might, living sewage, and a blonde vampire.

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