Return of the King: Part 1

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Disclaimer: If there's something in here that looks like it's from something else:

PLEASE let me know so I can change it.

I remember things without meaning to, and it MIGHT be subconsciously put into my work. So please, let me know so I can change things.

Alright, here we go.

When Izuku woke up, the first thing he saw was Ochako and Momo hugging his body, which was on a cot in the nurse's office. On the guest chairs were Mina, Toru, Tsuyu and Kyoka, sleeping in various positions.

Grunting as he forced himself up, with Momo and Ochako waking as well, Izuku saw that the school day was almost over.

His chest feeling lighter, he saw all six girls standing on the side of the bed, looking at him with care and adoration. Momo stepped forward.

"I want to say, on behalf of the six of us, we thank you for standing up to that bully."

The girls all bowed in gratitude as Izuku waved them off.

"Girls it's fine really. I was just doing the right thing. Besides, Bakugo had to be taken down a peg anyway."

Izuku hopped off the bed and stood in front of the girls.

"I just want to let you know I had a fun day today. Thank you for that."

Mina was perplexed.

"What are you talking about? You're talking like we never play together again?"

Izuku adopted a forlorn expression.

"This happens every day. Not the fighting, but Bakugo trying to beat me up. I avoid her but I got careless today."

Mina and Toru gave him a hug.

"We don't care. You defended us against that bully. You're our hero."

Izuku looked at everyone.

"So you'll still be my friends?"


After that day, Izuku had a great next six years. He and the girls did almost everything together; birthdays, playing at the parks, going to amusement parks, sleep overs, etc. It was great, until he went home one day.

6 Year Skip
Izuku's Age: 11

Izuku, age 11, was walking home after making sure his friends got home safely. Things were okay the past six years.

After he got home after his first fight with Bakugo, his new mother Inko, starting being indifferent to him. It hurt at first, but he eventually got over it, and he treated her indifferently as well, with it eventually evolving into being strangers.

He got into a few more fights with Katsumi, an incredible 58 fights; 42 wins, 7 losses, and 9 ties, with the losses and ties only due to her ambushing him with a decent sized group.

(This is actually the record of ALL Toho Godzilla fights so far, excluding:

Godzilla's Revenge: Dream Sequence
Destroy All Monster: 10 V 1 on King Ghidorah is NOT fair.)

As Izuku walked down the sidewalk, and the sun started to go down, he smelt smoke. Looking up he saw it was coming from the direction of his apartment. Fearing the worst, he ran the next few blocks, only to have his suspicions confirmed with the building up in flames and smoke.

As various firefighters and water based heroes fought to put out the fire, Izuku sat on the curb, watching as nature destroyed years of memories.

Minutes or hours later, he couldn't tell, the weight of the day caught up to him and Izuku fell asleep on the sidewalk, the beautifully destructive nature of fire keeping him warm.

Hours Later

Izuku awoke with a jump, breathing erratically. He saw he was in a hospital bed, with an IV tube in his arm along with the standard robes. After a few minutes a nurse came in.

"Ah, your awake. I'm Nurse Haruno, and I just have to give you a quick check up and you'll be free to leave, alright?"

After being given a clean bill of health, save some bruising, Izuku was free to get changed into his cleaned street clothes. After he got out of the bathroom, his nurse was talking with an apparent hobo in the hospital lobby.

"Ah, Midoriya, there you. This is one of the pro heroes that was at the scene of the fire, and she wishes to speak with you."

The doctor left, leaving only Izuku and the hobo.

"Mr. Midoriya after we put out the fire we discovered it originated from you and your mothers apartment, however we could not find a body. We believe your mother was either incinerated with a type of Fire Quirk or she was never there in the first place. I'm sorry for your loss."

Izuku ran a hand through his curly hair and sighed.

"It's fine actually. Me and Inko were not close at all. She didn't abuse me or anything, we were just strangers who lived in the same apartment but stayed apart. Considering I have nowhere to go, what's going to happen to me?"

"Mr. Midoriya you have two options. Option one is foster care and option two is thankfully adoption. All Might was one of the heroes to arrive first and brought you to the hospital. However, one of her closest and most trusted friends, as she recently found out, is unable to have children. If you are willing, she would like to adopt you."

Izuku was floored and started to cry a bit. Some random woman, one of All Mights closest friends was willing to adopt him. It was almost to good to be true.

"Can I meet her first before I make a decision?"

"You're in luck, she was coming in today to make sure you were recovering and should be here any minute-

Izuku heard the automatic doors open to his side and someone walking towards him and the hero.

"Or now."

Wearing a large light blue shirt and baggy green pants, she was almost bone thin, with a mane of long golden hair and sunken blue eyes, yet she a comforting aura and smile.

Despite her thinness, she was actually quite tall, at around 5'8.

"Hey there bud, you feeling better?"

Izuku broke down and started crying, years of numbing out maternal neglect being undone by this kind stranger. He rushed forward and hugged the woman, knocking her back slightly as he buried his head into her shirt.

Uncaring of the tears staining her shirt, the blonde woman simply held Izuku close as he cried. After a few minutes, his tears died down into a few sobs.

"Izuku, my name is Toshiko Yagi, and if you let me, I want to be your mom."

Izuku still kept his hold Toshiko, but angled himself to look at her smiling face.

"Yeah*sniff*, I'd like that. Can I keep my last name though, because if Inko is still out there, I'm going to ruin her reputation in the best way; passive aggressively!"

Both Izuku and Toshiko shared a small laugh at his response.

"I can work with that."

6 Years Later
Izuku's Age: 17

Izuku was struggling to stay awake, the teachers voice monotone and hypnotic. It was the last class of the day, and it was only his refusal to give into sleep that kept him awake as he kept his head held high.

Not even looking he could tell Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, Mina, Kyoka and Toru succumbed to mental exhaustion, along with most of the class.

His concentration was disturbed by the teachers voice breaking the deathly silence.

"All right, as you all know, you're all reaching the end of high school,"

His final teacher of the day stated, causing Izuku to start paying slightly more attention as to what was coming out of her mouth. 

"Now's the time you all think about your future. Eh, who am I kidding? All of you are planning on becoming heroes, correct?"

Upon saying that, most of the students began cheering in affirmation, some of them even displaying their quirks in a non-destructive manner, with only his six female friends not participating, still to tired to pay attention.

"Hey teach, don't lump me into the same category as these crappy side characters,"

Katsumi stated, the girl being in Izuku's homeroom much to his irritation.

"I'm off to be the best damn hero you've ever seen."

"Ah, right, you're applying to U.A correct?"

His teacher asked the human firecracker, surprising most of his classmates. U.A Academy was considered to be the best hero development school in Japan, and was considered top five throughout the world. The chances of anyone getting in were slim, yet this didn't seem to faze Katsumi, the girl having a smirk on her face.

"Damn right I am, I even aced the mock test!"

As his classmates began fawning over Katsumi, Izuku began to hum a random tune, with Kyoka quietly humming along as well, not wanting to acknowledge his classmates stroking the ego of his biggest annoyance.

"Midoryia, aren't you applying to U.A as well?"

At this point, Izuku glared at the teacher as she brought him back to the unforgiving real world, lips curling back slightly to bare his teeth.

While it was true Izuku wanted to get into U.A as well, scratch that, WILL get into U.A, it was obvious the teacher did this to stir up drama. After all, to almost everyone else, him applying to U.A was a stupid and hilarious idea.

"Really? How does he possibly think he can get into U.A?" One of his classmates asked, everyone else laughing. The only individuals who didn't were Katsumi and his friends, who were now fully awake.


Katsumi growled, not liking the fact the boy was applying to the same school as her, with Deku being a nickname the girl gave him out of mockery. Deku was a word meaning useless, and Katsumi latched onto it, using it to mock the boy, though it's not like he acknowledged it in any way shape or form.

Honestly, he felt Katsumi could have more variety when calling him names. For someone who was supposedly the 'greatest student' in the school, her creativity and imagination was clearly nonexistent.

"All right, all right, that's enough,"

The teacher stated to regain control of the class, though Izuku knew that if it wasn't for the fact that the bell was about to ring, they would've continued their attempts to mock him.

Thankfully, the bell did end up ringing a few seconds later, causing everyone to flood outside the room with Izuku moving swiftly ahead of the rest of the class.

For a tall guy at 6'0, and the tallest kid in the grade, he was surprisingly the most nimble, dodging and weaving through the sea of estrogen.

Back in the classroom, Ochako, Momo, Tsuyu, Mina, Kyoka and Toru were huddled together, whispering to each other over something only they would know about.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

Katsumi growled at the back of the young giant.

Behind her were her two main lackeys, a girl with wings and a girl who can elongate her fingers, and the rest of his class AKA people Izuku honestly never paid attention to unless they were annoying him. 

Izuku, never one to fear Katsumi, answered truthfully.


Katsumi narrowed her eyes in anger, stopping Izuku as he tried getting around her. With Katsumi a head shorter than Izuku, it was a comical sight.

"Oh no you don't. We're going to have a nice, 'friendly' chat."

Knowing he wouldn't be going home without trouble until Katsumi ended her rant, Izuku sighed.


"Behind every hero is a story about their uprising,"

Katsumi explained.

"I want mine to be unique. I'll be the only person to have graduated from this shitty school and get so high in the pro rankings that they won't even know your 'friends' are heroines. I'd rather not have any setbacks, so don't apply to U.A, got it?"

Izuku snickered.

"Those are some bold words Bakugo."

If Katsumi was angry before, she was now ballistic.

"Well, how the fuck are you going to get into U.A you fucking Deku? You think a boy can compete with someone like me, huh!?"

Izuku opened his mouth to retort, only to be cut off.

"Just do us all a favor and take a swan dive off the roof. You'll be far more useful dead, and who knows? You might even be a girl in your next life."

It was Izuku's turn to be angry. However, he smirked and chuckled in a way the most evil leaders word be jealous of..

"Tch, got something to say?"

Katsumi mockingly asked, thinking Izuku was going to back down. Even though she should've known he isn't one to back down and he was outnumbered fourteen to one, the boy didn't waver, laughing like he knew something they didn't.

"You do realize there's a detective my mom is friends with that has a Lie Detecting Quirk."

Katsumi and her 'gang' all paled significantly, forgetting that crucial piece of knowledge. Izuku started to slowly walk around Katsumi, each step calculated, almost like a predator sizing up its prey.

"All it takes is asking my mom for a favor and or make a complaint to her friend, and *boom* all of your futures are gone. No being a hero; living with your parents because you can't get a good job due to a criminal record. As it is right now, your very lives are in my four fingered hands. Except for you Katsumi."

Izuku was in front of Katsumi now, practically on top of her, who was looking up at him in fear. He never used her first name unless he was serious.

"For you Katsumi; I'll do nothing. You'll crash and burn all by yourself. On the chance you get into U.A, and the much slimmer chance you even graduate, the public. Will. Hate. You; and deep down, you know it."

Izuku patted the shocked Katsumi on the head and walked away, leaving the class in the aftermath of Izuku's terrifying threat.

As Izuku was walking around, passing the time before he met up with the girls for whatever they needed to speak to him about, he decided to take a shortcut through an underpass. Nearing it, he heard a girl giggling in a somewhat crazy manner. Looking into the shadows he saw a girl in an oversized sweater huddling in on herself. With her blonde hair tied into two messy buns, he could see various spots of red on her face, while her hands were covered in it while her eyes had tails of red running down her cheeks.

"That's blood. She has a blood dependent Quirk. Must've been repressed very badly for this to happen."

He saw the girl grab a knife hidden in her sweater and bring it to her throat. Rushing forward, he barely knocked the knife away and held onto the girl, who started to panic and cry, struggling to escape his grasp. Izuku took one of his arms and jammed his wrist into her mouth, where he immediately felt fangs against his skin. Not hesitating, he took his other hand and forcefully uppercutted the girls jaw, grimacing as his blood flowed in and out of the girls mouth, staining both of their clothes.

After a few minutes, Izuku was beginning to feel lightheaded when the girl thankfully stopped, his wound barely bleeding at this point. At this point, Izuku and the girl were simply sitting in the center of the alley, simply trying to calm down from the suicide attempt, they never noticed the sewer lid move but they did hear the faint sound of something coming at them from behind. Before they knew it they were enveloped in a slime of sorts. As they started to lose consciousness, a voice and outline famous throughout Japan called out.


"Mom?" Izuku thought to himself.

AN: GOD. FRAGGING. DAMNIT. That took FOREVER to write. This is the first half of this segment/chapter where Izuku/Junior comes back full force.

Anyway, as you might've guessed, I'm going with a Mom-Might fic/ Fem All Might adopts Izuku. I've never seen one, and I hope I'm the first to do this.

Now, to clarify a few things you might be wondering about:

Q: Why is Izuku standing up to Katsumi? He's supposed to be a wimp.

A: Not this Izuku. He's been a kaiju in a human body since Day One and for kaiju, giving in is weakness which leads to death, so Izuku is acting on his old life's instinct, using every resource at his disposal.

Q: Why is everyone aged up?

A: So prudes reading this wont get offended by 'implied underage sex'.
(Not gonna write a lemon, to squeamish)

Q: Will Himiko be a Hero?

A: Honestly, I don't know. I might make her a Hero, or a just a regular person temporary for potential plot, I don't know.

Q: How does Izuku know All Might is his Mom.

A: Will be revealed next chapter.

Q: Why was Izuku so quick to accept a new Mother?

A: He's been denied motherly love/affection for 5 years, who is he to question where he gets it from.

Alright, you guys have been wanting either Battra or Gigan at USJ.

So this is what I'm doing with them:

Gigan, Battra, Megalon, Baragon, and Megaguirus are a 5 man/woman squad, with Gigan as leader, cause to me, I see Gigan as a tactician/ a thinker/ someone who is a sadistic torturer.

Off topic, Magic The Gathering is doing a crossover event with Godzilla. The art is beautiful.

Anyway, see you guys next chapter, and here's a Godzilla meme I made.

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