Apex Predator Part 2

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(Height of Fem All Might: 6'8)

The body that fell from the sky slowly put itself together, painful sounding cracks occurring every now and then. The apparent female stood up, her eyes scouring around for an unknown assailant.

The demonic shriek resonated across the sky again, now much closer than earlier. The slime meanwhile released Izumi, who quickly scrambled past a barricade to Death Arms, leaving the slime to try and run.

As soon as the slime moved in a direction, a bolt of lightning struck a few feet in front of her, halting her advance. She tried another direction, only for another bolt to strike much closer to her. Realizing she couldn't escape, the slime accepted the fate she knew would await her momentarily, praying it would happen quickly.

It did.

Mere seconds after she gave up, three continuous bolts of lightning struck her from the heavens, bathing the area in hellish golden light for a few seconds. The slime didn't even have time to cry out as she was disintegrated near instantaneously, the excess energy used to annihilate her spreading out in a radius, arks of stray electricity dancing outward.

When the light died, all that remained was the bubbling asphalt where the lightning struck. After a few seconds of cooling, one more bolt, no a heavenly pillar of light struck, obscuring everyone's vision.

Nobody made a sound, not even the birds and insects that were bound to be nearby. The ground started rumbling, gently at first until the ground under the former slime's grave started breaking apart, chunks of rubble and road falling into a seemingly endless abyss, gray smoke bellowing upwards.

A shrunken Mt Lady leaned next to Death Arms and whispered.

"Who's the lady in green?"

After looking at her for a few seconds, Death Arms' eyes widened in recognition as she whispered back.

"That's Karin Chisaki; she's rumored to be one of The Eight Precepts of Death of the local yakuza. I heard that she fears not even All Might herself."

(AU Liberties)

As a news chopper approached the newly formed hole, the rain slowed to almost nothing, as if allowing the camera to see what was within.

The smoke surged steadily forward, stopping inches from Karin, as if beckoning her to enter. Foolishly, she stuck her hand into the fog, giving in to her temptation. It was calming in a way, its presence wafting to the crowd around it.

Then there was a light, a crunch, and the scream.

With a brief flash of yellow, Karin scrambled from the fog, cradling her wrist against her body as copious amounts of blood stained the pavement and ran down her clothes.

She stood motionless and silent, ignorant of the slowly panicking crowd. Her head shot up, eyes wide in terror.

"It took my Quirk. IT TOOK MY QUIRK!!!"

The crowd went ballistic, the knowledge of a Quirk being taken sent the masses into panic, all while Karin just stood there in shock, muttering over and over.

"It'll take them all. It'll take them all."

As the crowd panicked, one women, her skeletal body and sunken blue eyes contrasting with her large clothes, felt terror form in the pit of her stomach.

"She can't be back already."

Izuku and Eri were flying high through the air, the setting sun looking beautiful, as Izuku dispersed the storm as soon as he flew off with Karin's hand.

Which was about halfway through down his throat. With one final swallow and head jerk the hand went down, the little energy within the limb just enough to last a day or two.

Seeing a decent place to land, Izuku looked back towards Eri, who was looking across the heavens in wonder.

"Alright hatchling, we're going down now."

Slowing his wing beats, Izuku slowly descended onto an nice looking rooftop, with a decent sized pool with a balcony and coupled with night lights of the city, an overall calming aura.

Reaching over to grab Eri, Izuku didn't hear the glass door slide open and voices chatting.

"It was real nice of you to let us stay the night Momo."

"Yeah Yaomomo, it's been months since we did this."

"I don't know why we wait so long to do this. It's always fun whenever we stay over."

"If we did this all the time we'd get sick of it."

"Its my pleasure girls. I always look forward to these sleepovers."

"And now, to go swimming in... the...pool...kero..."

The six mystery voices stopped, as did Izuku and Eri, both parties looking either down or up at the others respectively.

Izuku's tongue darted out quickly, as his wings shifted onto the ground, taking a defense position whilst defending Eri.

"I'll say it right away, it's not a Quirk, I'm an alien."

"Ok, kero."

AN: Alright, I think I'm the first to have Izuku save Eri from Chisaki AND have the slime incident at THE SAME TIME! Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I hope I did the 1A girls justice in a manner of speaking.(writing?)

Just to clarify, Izuku WILL be OOC (Out of Character)

Hence why he took off Chisaki's hand, ate it, and took her Quirk.

In King of the Monsters 2019, Ghidorah was shown to be draining energy from Godzilla and from the city itself. So it stands to reason Izuku Ghidorah can take certain types of Quirks

He is arguably the most powerful creature on the planet and he knows this, he is not going to be shy.

Next time, peace.

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