[R!S!] Finland, Estonia

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·Romance, modern age, school;
·Finland — woman,
Estonia — woman

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

The Estonian rolled her eyes at the words of a friend. She tried not to listen to her, but she spoke too loudly for anyone to succeed. Estonia unlocked the phone and started to lock at the screen. She kept walking forward, not looking in that direction. The school hallway was buzzing because new students had arrived. Was she interested in them? No, but she found out that they were mostly men, although there was one girl in their company. Estonia turned and left her friend alone in the middle of the hallway. She headed towards the dormitory, or rather her room. It never paid for her to stay at school during her free period or even two like that day.

A grimace of discontent appeared on the Estonian's stone face when she noticed with the corner of her eye that she had chosen the most crowded corridor. She walked against the wall to avoid the crowds as much as possible. Staring at her phone, she did not notice how close to her a girl was running. Due to the lack of space, the girls gently touched each other with their fingers. They felt a cold chill pass through their bodies. Estonia lifted her eyes, catching eye contact with a beautiful woman with white skin and a blue Scandinavian cross on her face. The tricolor for the first time had the opportunity to look into the eyes of a beautiful miniature shade of blue. Little did she know, however, that the taller girl could not help admiring the blue eyes of the European woman. The cold chills passing through the women and their attractive eyes stopped time. None of them knew how many minutes had passed. For them, it could have been hours. The truth was, however, that their incredibly close contact lasted for less than a second. When they passed, and at the same time stopped feeling their hands, they returned to reality, directed towards their destinations.

The Estonian woman, after reaching the door of the dormitory, began to run to get to her room. She came in and slammed the door and caught the attention of all the girls she shared the flat with. She entered the living room connected to the kitchen and fell on the couch. She curled, hiding her face in her hands. She didn't get any questions or whispers from her roommates. She woke up when she felt the hand of the oldest woman on her shoulder.

-Est? Everything okay? - asked the American woman, crouching at the couch. She did not receive a reply, although she was the only one who managed to attract the attention of the European. Estonia smiled gently and allowed her blushes to cover her cheeks. She was not aware enough of what was happening to wonder how she had managed to hide it all the time.

-She was so beautiful! Or rather she is beautiful! - squealed the girl, jumping up and down on the couch. She grabbed one of the pillows lying near her and covered her lips with it, silencing her squeak.

-Last time I heard her say that someone was beautiful it turned out to be a crush for like five years or something - said Germany, sitting in the kitchen and watching a movie on her phone.

-So she's in love... - said America in an empty voice. Sje got up and went to the window. The room was filled with silence.

-Estonia in love is the last thing I expected - revealed the German, coming into the living room. While doing this, she heard a silent confirmation from the United States.

- Who's the lucky person? - asked the American woman with a smile. The shorter European looked at her, then shrugged her shoulders.

-I don't know her name, but... - she began glowing. - She's beautiful, she has unearthly eyes, her body is like a glacier, and her face doesn't show any emotion - she described, getting up from the couch and coming to the counter, where she got a bottle of juice.

-Finland - Germany said - One of those new students. I walked her around school today - she said calmly, though she had to refrain from giggling - And what Estonia said is true. That girl's really cold.


- How are your impressions after the first day? - asked the Russian, looking at Finland, who had not spoken at all.

The girl opened her mouth, but she could not make a sound out of herself. Other than that, she didn't know how to answer. She expected to feel the eyes of others on her and hear their whispers speculating that she was infecting everyone around her with her cold. But nothing like that happened because no one took the Federation's question seriously.

-How to put it... - whispered the European - I've met someone interesting and… beautiful… - she smiled at the thought of the tricolor, and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

-What... - said the Canadian, who was the only one listening to his friend. - Repeat - he loudly ordered, forcing the others to look at Finland.

-I've met someone interesting and beautiful… - she repeated, feeling butterflies in her stomach. - And before you ask - she said - I don't know her name, I don't know what class she belongs to, but I know she has beautiful azure eyes and a pleasantly cold body.

-Okay, that was unexpected, said Greenland - putting his cell phone aside. - Do you have any details that will help us determine who the unlucky, I mean happy girl is? - he corrected himself seeing the angry Canadian.

-There are three stripes on her flag - said the European. -From the top, it's I think blue, black and white - she squinted, trying to remember as much as possible of one second of her life.


-How could you mess with my head like that? - asked Finland in her mind, watching the girl sitting at the other end of the class. She attended this school for only a week, and she could not stand one hour of class without even looking at the Estonian.

-Just tell her - advised quietly Canada, who was beginning to be disturbed by her friend's behaviour. He kept writing the text from the board.

-No... - she whispered - I can't even stand in front of her - she blushed slightly - How am I supposed to stand in front of her and say something like that to her?! - she asked in despair.

The European put her head sideways on the bench. She watched the whole room and the students at the same time. No one has attracted her attention as much as Estonia. She felt that every day her, as her friends recognized it - infatuation, turns into true love. It hurt her that she couldn't find out if it was one-sided or two-sided. Finland looked at the teacher's desk, which was empty and tidy. When she heard another whisper, signifying the transcription of the note by most people, she turned her gaze to the Estonian woman. To her surprise, she stared at her, but after catching eye contact, she turned her head. Finland smiled gently and rose to a normal seat.

- Do you have a piece of paper? - she asked her friend. He gave her a white paper, but his question about the woman's intentions was ignored. Canada chose not to ask unnecessary questions, but only to observe her actions.

Finland took a black pen in her hand and wrote three simple words on the piece of paper. Without asking permission, she grabbed a Canadian's pencil case and took out a blue marker. In the lower right year of the card, she drew her cross. In addition, she tried to get a black frame, thanks to which she obtained a signature, in the form of her flag. The girl crushed the paper into a ball and leaned over to Canada to ask him to put the ball on Estonia's desk. He agreed and after a while the message was in the hands of the Estonian. Finland looked the other way, unable to force herself to observe the situation.

Estonia hesitantly took the bullet in her hand and stretched it. After reading the message, she didn't show any feelings. She was going to throw away the card, but the smiling German woman she was sitting with pointed to the signature of the person who had written the information. The Estonian blushed heavily and looked towards the bench of Finland, who was forced to look at her. The taller girl smiled gently, which was immediately reciprocated. The three-colour girl took a pen and added two more words to it. She handed the paper to Germany, who just got up. She took the paper and took it to the other girl with a smile. Finland's eyes saw a large inscription saying "I love you" and the answer, written in smaller letters "me too". She looked again at the Estonian woman, who, like her, was heavily blushed.

-So you only needed so little to make you warm…? - Canada said, observing what was on his piece of paper.

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