I want my turn.....

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Author's Note: I hope this helps make things make more sense.


"Don't. Call. Me. That," Jace snaps. I can't hold the tears back anymore. He thinks I'm pregnant with Asher's baby. "Let's go to my room." What are we going to do up there?! Is he going to hurt me? No, Jace wouldn't hurt me! He's not going to hurt me. He's not going to hurt me. He's not going to hurt me

We walk past Alec and Mangus and they look at Jace sympathetically. "We'll keep Willow while you two talk," Alec offers. Jace simply nods. We get to his room and he closes and locks the door. He locks the door! He locks the door! Next, he comes towards me. "If you're going to give it to some random guy, it's only fair I get some too," Jace says. He walks towards me. H....he's going to rape me?! No! Jace wouldn't! 'But he is!' a voice booms.

"Jace, please let me go," I plea. Jace looks at me and then smiles. He takes my phone, my last chance for help and he set his, with mine, in his nightstand drawer.

"I want my turn first," Jace responds. His turn? He takes my hand and practically drags me to the bathroom. He closes and locks the door. He turns the fan on and the tap water from the sink.

"Jace, please this isn't you. Y...you're angry. You just don't know how to handle the news, so you're trying to make it feel better, please," I beg.

"Clary, get in the bathtub," Jace responds calmly. T....the bathtub? I'm trying not to be scared, but he's scaring me....... I slowly get into the bathtub and put my knees to my chest. Jace gets in and practically does the same. He holds his finger to his lips, telling me not to make a sound. What is he doing? I want to ask, but I'm too scared.

He comes closer to me. "Clary, I need you to look at me please," Jace asks gently. What is this?! Is he bipolar?!

"Jace, please don't make me do this," I plea. Maybe I can work with his nice side.

"Love, I'm not going to hurt you. I was just playing along. I got the message. Someone's blackmailing you with your mom, right?" Jace confirms.

"Y.....yes," I manage. H...he's not going to hurt me......but I'm alone with him in a locked bathroom......

"I'm sorry I had to scare you, but it had to look real. Do you forgive me baby?" Jace asks nervously.

"Jace it's okay. We were both just acting," I reply. It clicks. His room is more private, but just in case, he made it look like he was about to rape me. The phone the blackmailer is using is in the nightstand. The fan is on and the water is running on low in the sink to drown out the sound of my cries, or in reality our conversation.

"I....I know, but I made you cry baby. I wasn't trying to make you cry," Jace explains, his face stricken with guilt.

"I....I though you were actually mad at me......that you were going to.......hurt me," I confess.

"Shhh," Jace pulls me into his arms. "It's okay baby. I've got you, and I would never hurt you."

"Jace, what are we going to do?" I cry into his shirt.

"I've got to ask some questions and I need you to answer them. Then, we'll figure it out together, okay baby," Jace responds.

"Okay," I reply.

"How long has this person been blackmailing you?" Jace asks.

"H...he called me when we were coming in to this house just a bit ago. Remember, I took a call outside," I answer.

"Okay, do you know for sure it's a he?" Jace questions.

"The voice was a males voice," I confirm.

"Good, now what did he say?" Jace asks.

"H...he said that if I told anyone he'd kill my mom. He said I have to do everything he tells me to do," I reply.

"What was your first task baby?" Jace asks gently. I start crying into his chest again.

"I.....I.....h....had to......b...break us up," I confess. "A....and it had to be on your terms. Y....you had to not want to be with me anymore."

"That's why you told me you were pregnant," Jace whispers to my ear as he kisses the crown of my head gently. "You thought it would make me not want to be with you anymore."

"Sort of........I....I knew......or at least hoped you wouldn't believe me. My blackmailer doesn't know about my......intimacy issues, but I knew you would, I just hoped you'd see through the lie. Then, you got mad and I thought you actually believed me," I explain.

"I did catch on almost right away. I thought about your.....intimacy issues and how you came in crying. That you whispered you were about to lie to me. So, I tested you. Asher never stares at you, so when I asked and you said yes, it was the last piece I needed to figure it out," Jace responds.

"W....what do we do now?" I ask nervously.

"We're going to make out and you're going to have sex with me one way of another of course, love," Jace responds.

"What?!" I choke. He is so bipolar? What is this?


"We're going to make out and you're going to have sex with me one way or another, love," I joke. I start laughing, but then Clary looks scared.

"What?!" Clary squeaks.

"I....I can see you're still nervous. We're just going to sit in here for a while. We'll have to make it seem like we're having sex. Don't worry, it'll be an illusion, like everything else. I'll wait a few minutes, and then I'll loudly tell you I need to have some time to think," Jace explains. "I.....I won't be able to go to you, but you can come visit Izzy.  Not too frequently, I don't want this psycho to get suspicious. As soon as I can safely go, I'm going to talk to my friend at the police station and have him help me track down your mom. As soon as your mom is safe, I'll tell you and then we can stop pretending," I explain.

"What if he finds out were pretending?" Clary nervously questions.

"Love, do you trust me?" I ask.

"Y...yes," Clary stutters. S...she really doesn't trust me......

"We are going on be really careful. I'll talk to my friend and make it look as if I'm just visiting his house. If you want, we could, nevermind," I stop, thinking better of it.

"What?" Clary questions.

"I was going to say we could kiss a bit and it'd be more realistic, but I figured......you wouldn't feel comfortable.....cause of the whole acting to get you in here" She still thinks I'm going to hurt her, after everything. I....I can't ask her to do that........ "I don't want to make you do something you don't want to. " I can believe I'm going to say this, but Clary is more important. "I guess if you really aren't comfortable.....we could maybe just get Izzy in here carefully, so you don't have to be alone.....with me," I just keep talking and looking away from Clary. I....I just can't look at her fear of me...... I'm such an idiot. After all of these months, one hour messes it all up. I'm just stupid and Clary's going to leave me. Maybe she'll be better off without me.........

"Jace," Clary quietly whispers. "Look at me please." Tears fall from my eyes and I just can't..... "Please, just look at me." I raise my head a little and sorta make eye contact. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you hurt."

"D...do you want m....me to get Izzy?" I ask between tears. I don't want to make her anymore uncomfortable......

"No baby, come here," Clary quietly whispers. I lay my head on her shoulder. "It's okay baby. I'm so sorry. I trust you and I know you aren't going to hurt me. I'm sorry, I know you would never do that. I want to stay here with you for awhile. Just because I get anxiety doesn't mean I don't trust you......I....I just can't control it when I get anxiety. My body goes to fight or flight mode and I just.....try to survive. A.....after so many years with Jonathan.....it's an instinct."


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 6/2/18

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