chapter 2:take me with you

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Back at the temple I've been sitting here listening to kimiko blame me for hours now

"I knew she would lose geez why is she even here!" Kimiko said

"we can't win them all kimiko!" Raimundo said angrily

"I am going for a walk!"I yelled and ran out the room

"wait Alice!" I heard Raimundo call after me. Oh great he is Gona chase after me wow how cliche.I ran into the forest dogging trees slowly loseing Raimundo when suddenly I ran into someone, we both fell back on the ground.

"owww."I heard a familiar voice say


"Alice!? What are you doing running around the woods at night?" Jack asked hurrying to help me up

"what are you doing going towards the temple?" I asked him.

"well-"Jack started to explained but then suddenly I heard Raimundo close by behind me I grabbed Jack's chest and buried my face into it I heard him gasp a little from shock

"Jack I need you to do me a favor" I looked up at him with tears building up in my eyes. "can you take me away from here I don't care we're you take me but take me away." I feel wrap his arms around me hugging me gently.

"let her go Jack!" I heard Raimundo yell behind me

"I don't think so im taking her away from you guys your just making her miserable.....anyone could see that."Jack let me go and picked me up bridle style and started to fly I kept my face buried in jacks chest not wanting to move.

"Alice!!!" I heard Raimundo scream

"thank you Jack." I said feeling myself falling asleep, probably from running through the forest but before I was asleep I felt Jack's grip slightly tighten.


When I woke up I was laying in a bed with purple sheets I looked around and saw I nightlight and some posters on the walls I got up and tripped over someone

"ouch why are you so clumsy?"

"sorry Jack I didn't think you would be sitting on the ground beside a bed." I feel around trying to Find him but I only had the dim light from the nightlight. I felt some thing and realized I had some how landed on top of him. "um Jack im on top of you arnt I?"

"y-yeah."I heard him say.

"im so sorry!"I started to get up but Jack pulled me back down and layed my head on his chest. "J-Jack?"

"why did you ask me for help you do realize im your enemy right?"he asked I nodded my head why it laying on him still. "then why cling to me?"we layed there on the ground for a minute wondering then the answer came to me.

"you make me feel safe I-I feel like I belong with you...and I know I don't belong with them."I clung to Jack again for a moment.

"come on let's get up off the ground I'll show you we're you are." Jack sead sitting up with me still holding on to him. I let go and stood up Jack turned on the lights. "this is my room."Oh my God I was just sleeping in jacks bed! I felt my face fluster.Jack grabbed my hand and walked me out of his room and into the rest of the house it was huge he skipped alot of it and went straight to the living room and the kitchen. "ok I saved the best for last."he walked in into what I think is the basement and dragged me behind him I looked around amassed.

"wow is this we're you build your robots?"I asked exited

"yeah this is my lab." Jack said. Suddenly the ghost from earlier wuya flew through the wall

"Jack were have you been and what is she doing here?"she screamed at him

"calm down wuya Alice and I ran into each other in the forest and I ended up bringing her home." He said

"well I hope you used protection." Wuya sead teasing but caused me to blush bright red and Jack to drop something

"that is not what I meant at all wuya!"Jack said with his face just as red as mine

"umm Jack." I sead changing the topic of conversation

"oh yeah Alice?" He said looking over at me

"um im kinda tired where do I sleep?"

"oh crap the guest rooms are getting redone ummmm u guess you have no choise but to sleep with me..but my bed is big so we shouldn't touch or anything."he said blushing still

"ok then will you show me how to get back to your room?"

"Shure im tired to let's go to sleep."with that sead we walked out of his lab and went to lay down.I have a feeling it's Gona be hard to sleep tonight.

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