jack Spicer loves me!

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Chapter 1:the encounter

"wake up Alice your so lazy!" Kimiko yelled she hated me for no reason I think she is just jealous that Raimundo likes me or probably that even though we are the same size im a b-cup why she is a a-cup. I rolled over and brushed my short blood brown hair, it looked like blood mixed with chocolate to me, and then walked out side we're Raimundo instantly came over to me making kimiko mad not like I cared.

"morning Alice." Raimundo said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"morning."I replied and removed his hand

"I bet you are happy that you get to finally look for shen gong wu with us." He said grinning. It was true I had been at the temple for a whole month training as ordered by Master Fung and today I am officially allowed to go.Just then Dojo came in breaking me From my thoughts.

"look alive people a new shen gong wu has appeared!" He said opening the scroll to show us.

"wich one little buddy." Clay said ripping his hat.

"the Medusa comb."

"sounds girly." Raimundo said

"well let's go and retrieve the comb."Omi said

"all aboard the Dojo Kanojo Cho express!" Dojo sead growing huge. We jumped on and off we went.


When we got to the place were the  Medusa comb was supost to be I noticed a guy around my age (15-17) with red hair and alot of robots

"wow who is that?" I asked pointing at him

"of course you would be impressed by jack spicer." Kimiko said rolling her eyes she sure can be a BITCH I thought to myself.

"that's is jack Spicer and come on someone is being rude." Raimundo said picking me up bridle style and jumping off of dojo's back and landing using his wind.

"must be nice to controls wind." I said fixing my hair

"nah lighting is cooler." He turned around and started looking for the shen gong wu.I walked the other way and peeked through a bush but suddenly I heard a voice so I ducked down to hide.

"wuya this is taking too long." Jack said to a ghost who im guessing is wuya.

"quit whining jack and look for the Shen Gong Wu!" Wuya said back.

Suddenly a light shined in my eyes I looked at the direction it came From and saw the Shen Gong Wu I jumped out from the bushes and ran passed Jack towards the shen gong wu but he caught up with me and we grabbed the Medusa comb at the same time.

"who are you?" Jack asked looking confused, just then the others came running.

"oh great Alice found it"kimiko sead upset

"oh your with them."suddenly the comb stated to glow it was a xiaolin showdown oh great.

"Alice use this!" Raimundo threw me the third arm sash

"hey newbie I challenge you to a xiaolin showdown my changing chopsticks for your third arm sash"jack said smiling

"your on ,name the game!" I said holding the sash

"Hmmmm truth it dare first one to skip a dare or lies looses." He sead smiling

"fine I've never lost at t'or d'." I sead smirking

"Gong Yi Tempai!" We screamed and suddenly the ground lifted and we were high off the ground and the others were on a different piece of ground watching nervously

"don't worry guys I got this."I said trying to comfort them.

"ladys first." Jack said sitting down.

"ok then t or d?" I asked sitting down across from him

"I think I'll choose t first." Jack said

"ok did you make those robots or buy them?"I asked I had wondered that since I saw them.Jack looked at me a little confused

"I make them....."he said."ok my turn t or d?"

"d" I sead instantly

"ok I dare you tooooo Hmmmm......oh oh I dare you to take your dress off!" Jack sead with a evil grin.

*O[]O* "what!!" I yelled I turned to look at every one kimiko was enjoying this, omi and clay looked away, and Raimundo wow he looked pissed.

"are you giving up?"jack said  happily

"never!" I began taking off my dress jack looked shocked. I threw my dress over and I was left in my bra and underwear. Shyly I tryed to cover myself with my hands

"Victoria secret nice" jack sead giving me a thumbs up.

"ok my turn t or d? I asked with a smile

"hmm d I wanna see what you got."

"ok I dare you to......take off all your clothes."I said it was the only thing I could think of.He turned red

"fine!"he stood up and took off everything but his underwear I haft to admit he was cute he wasn't buff but he was in good shape I caught myself staring at him which he noticed. "like what you see?" He said smugly. I blushed and turned my head away looked over at my team mates and saw that Raimundo was infuriated. "hey pay attention it's my turn." Jack said "t or d?"

"ummmmmmm.....d." I said I was kinda paranoid about his dares but I didn't want him to know any thing about me.

"ok I dare you to kiss me and not just a peck eather full on French." He said

"WHAT YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Raimundo screamed from were he was

"mind your business!"jack said "so what's it Gona be do you give up?"

"I won't lose to you." I sead then I jumped at jack wrapping my arms around his neck and French kissed him he looked shocked and then kissed back it only lasted 3 seconds before I pulled away and sat back down he has propping himself up with one arm I had knocked him over he looked dumbfounded.

"GRRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Raimundo screamed man he is so mad. I liked kissing jack actually though he is a good kisser.

"my turn t or d?"I asked

"um t." He sead still a little shocked

"what did you dare me to kiss you?"

"I thought you would give up."jack said

"jack didn't I already say I never lost at t or d." I smiled

"my turn t or d?" Jack said determined

"d" I said thinking there was nothing left for him to dare

"take off your bra and panties" Jack said kinda red dame it is that the only thing you could think of jack really

"uuuuhhhhhhh.......gaaaaahhhhh to much I skip."dame it.

"yes I win!!" Jack jumped up and down the the ground went back to normal and I was sitting down in my bra and underwear in defeat. Raimundo handed me my dress and helped me up.

"get dressed." He said and then walked over to jack. "jack those dares we're too much!"Jack'a bag turned into a flying thing and he flew up

"maby so but there was not much to work with."jack looked over to me and then cleared his throat. "later xiaolin losers

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