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Guess who's on a clothing spree?!

.... obviously me since... why on earth would it be someone else if I am writing in my artbook and have "clothing" written fat in the title?

Anyways, let's get to it then, eh?

First of all we have some adopts! Anyone who read the previous chapter should recognize the following sentence:
'I initially started off with an outfit that resembled the one in the middle here quite a lot, but then didn't quite like the vibes, so I turned them into some adoptable designs over on discord ^-^'

And you've guessed right! Next up we have said adoptable designs.

I started with the one on the left, trying to go with the "crazy doctor" vibes that my oc Esgaron has on the side, but... yeah I didn't feel it, even though I liked the initial sketch a lot. So I changed it up into a more "alchemist"-ish outfit ^-^
For Esgarons war-outfit I then just took the old outfit and changed it up to fit my ideas better (and no worries... the new ower of the design was okay with it)
--> adopted by Limilein

Going with the vibes of that outfit, I went with something less specific. I had an archer or a swordsman in mind when initially going into it. I tried to pick up quite the amount of elements in the first outfit, but making them more practical and something one could fight better in. Halfways through I realised though, that a lot of the things felt... over the top and unnecessary, so I just got rid of most of the things, leaving a rather simple monk-design left ^-^
--> adopted by mah PC-Muse

And last but not least, I thought to myself "Hey... we have a ton of desings that are more practical-based (even though some elements are literally just there because they're cool >w<") So I wanted to have something more decorative. Something a general or officer would wear. Nothing one could properly fight in for sure, but still matched the vibe of the other two designs.
In the end I decided that it didn't look glam enough for a high-ranking person, so I thought a wizard yould be the next best person to wear something as unpractical as this.
--> adopted by Kristallöööööööö

 So here are the outfits! I thought about refining them a bit more, with my usual patterns and details, but I just set them up for adoption, asking whether the people who took them were just happy with the rough sketched, and nobody wanted it fancier (I still might do that for funsies tho.... so beware...):

And since I am in such a clothing mood at the moment, I'm taking some clothing requests over on out discord server. Still working on my request-chapters for my artbook, but I can't see me opening them properly for another while.... still have too many old ones lying around and I keep on getting new ideas for personal pieces, so.... that's that...

Well, on that note, I was allowed to draw an outfit for RedsyDevils OC Hana!! I instantly fell in love and... aaaahhhhhh....

I love making outfits for Redsys OCs... because it's always so... idk. It's easy in some way, since her designs are always very clear in communicating a cothing direction, but it's also a challenge, because *not-muted colours* and a way more... unrealistic approach to cloathing (unrealistic not meant in a negative way of course!!!). She has a lot more extreme form-, theme- and colour-language going on that I usually have, so... it's always nice to thing a bit out of the box here >w<

Anyways here it is! Including a little chibi of Hana that Reds drew, and that I couldn't help myself including in there, for the sake of... including it there I guess ^-^""

Next up we have Mithiell!!
She gave me her oc Rhivion from the game "the Arcana" (Great game. Go play. I love it so so much and if my electronic devices would allow me to download it again, I'd go nuts on it, I swear)

But yeah! She wanted a more practical round-about the city outfit for him, in the direction of Ezras normal clothing. Colour palette was more in the direction of blues and purples and long flowy vests should be in there as well... and whilst I did indeed keep all that in mind, the fancyness of patterns and overlays carried me away, so it's a lot more flowy and.... fancy... than I wanted. I don't know why, but that day I fancied throwing jewellery on everyone, so here we are.

Whilst it does look a lot more "formal"-ish than I initially intended, I still am super super happy with the end result, simply because... AAAAHHHHHHHHH (translation: the colours look so pretty together and gradients are always fun)

Okay! Last but not least er also have something different that I didn't know where else to put... hehe....

So, as most of you know: I have an OC called Feredir.
As only a few of you should know (except I wrote it in here somewhere... in that case... shame on me I guess....): I'm currently working on my own little Discord Server ^-^"

Soooo... let's put em both together and we have Psy drawing some emotes with her characters, because she can.
And since I am the person I am, I had to draw a cute little Feredir:

So yeah. That's all. On the left we have the actual drawing, on the right we have the enlargened version used as the actual Emote, since... those things are tiny, guys....

Anyways, I love it! And there probably will be more of them, that I will just throw at the bottom of chapters since they are too smol for their own chapters and I probably won't draw enough at once, for one collective emote-chapter.

Other than that, I have nothing else to say! So feel cuddled, patted, have a nice day/night and take care of yourself ^-^
>>gives you cookies and some hot chocolate<<

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