ꜰᴀɴᴀʀᴛ - ᴛɪᴍᴍɪᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ (25/1ᴏ - ᴏ2/11)

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So! Heyho kids!

back again with another genshin impact fanart >w<

so... after i drew teppei with a vision, i had to continue with my second favourite npc: timmie.

now, for those who aren't familiar with timmie, he's a little boy, who stands on the bridge, leading to the city of mondstadt. his father died in a hunting accident, after being heftily wounded and dying in the cities infirmary. timmie was in the care of grace (a nun, who works in the church of favonius) ever since and the little boy views her as his mother.

now, the thing with timmie is, that he never knew what happened to his father, simply thinking that he left and never came back.
he also has social problems and doesn't fit in with the other kids in mondstadt, so he spends his days on the bridge with the pigeons. he befriended them and sees them as his companions, feeding them daily and protecting them.

stupidly, whenever we (as the player) walk across the bridge, the pigeons fly away. and when we talk to timmie, this is the dialogue that appears:

now.... because there are always so many birds around this boy, the fandom decided two things:
1. timmie is an evil little bastard and will probably come and kill us in our sleep
2. this is the best place to hunt for fowl..... which is probably why timmie hates us

so, timmie has become more or less a meme, theories popping up, that he might be the end-boss of the entire game, that he might join the fatui (basically an evil organization we fight against) and turns into one of the harbingers... well.... that doesn't tell you a lot until you know how the harbingers look....

so here's the archive entries of the two, that are released as weekly boss-fights ^-^

then we have characters like dottore (dude, who performs, cruel human experiments to figure out the power of the gods, not caring how much he mutilates the people or how many die), scaramouche (a sentient puppet, designed to hold the "heart" of the goddess of eternity), pierro (witnessed the fall of his nation, as it crumbled beneath the wrath of the gods, since his voice of reason wasn't heard. he's probably out for revenge), etc.

i mean... the harbingers really aren't a small deal and the fandom agrees, that timmie would fit perfectly into their ranks.

all jokes aside though, this character has really grown to my heart... to the point where i deliberately avoid crossing the bridge, and instead just use the teleport-waypoints, to get in and out of the city... or maybe even swim through the water below the bridge, when i'm lazy and got a lot of time to kill ^-^""

so after i drew our precious boii teppei, timmie was the obvious next choice.

my main idea was, that he joined the adventurers guild (similar to our boy bennett), and do lowly commissions, threatening the well-being of the wild animals, living in the area. At some point grace probably would have told him about the fate of his father, which would probably amplify timmies fear of being left behind by the person/pigeons he loves.

in addition to that, i thought that he maybe found a foreign, little pigeon with a broken wing on the bridge once, taking it home and caring for it, until it got better... the pigeon afterwards becoming his companion, similar to fishl and oz or xiangling and guoba ^-^

the outfit was mainly consisting of taking the clothing he already has and adding more detail on top, taking inspiration of the other mondstadt playable characters. with my reference mainly being bennett, razor and diluc, i tried my hardest to make something fitting to the region, yet completely unique. and so, i decided to take the vest he already owns and turn it into a jacket with puffy sleeves to resemble his shirt underneath. the shirt he wears, i basically left the same, with some few changes to make it more mature. I also decided to give him a falcon-glove-thingy on one hand, so he could properly carry around other birds, that may have sharper claws than his little pigeon friend >w<

shorts were basically the same as well, the general shape heftily referencing bennett. the boots basically were a mixture between what he already had, bennetts shoes and the fancy boots diluc has.
i also decided to give him a belt with a bag, similar to bennett, amber, and some others, to store food for the pidgeons, and his adventurers handbook ^-^

... also couldn't help myself and just had to add a bandage on his arm, similar to bennetts, since i probably imagine the two being pretty good friends, benny having given pigeon-boy one of his iconic orange bandages >w<

when it came to the details, i focused on the jacket most, as it had the most detail i could work with. it also determined the main colour scheme of (dark) brown with orange. essentially i took the triangle motif that we see on his sides, as well as the dots (that actually are just buttons) as the main reference points, going with more triangular, jagged and geometric shapes, with dots and small curves, to break up the rigid patterns.

now.... the vision was a difficult one, and it took me a whole while to decide between an anemo (air) or hydro (water... duh) vision.
on the one hand, we have hydro being the element of fluidity, trickery and justice. with each hydro-vision bearer having a strict moral code, which they use to spread their ideal of justice.

anemo, on the other hand, is the element of freedom, self-expression and memory. every anemo-vision bearer has had a strong bond with someone, that broke, leaving them to cope with the loss and finding their memories, like ghosts, as whispers in the wind. they also all represent some form of freedom, may it be the freedom to wander, freedom to honour the families name, freedom to explore and experiment, freedom to nap.

now the thing is, that timmie has his duty towards the pidgeons and animals in general. he protects them, as nobody else does so, and wants to make sure, that none of the living beings suffer because of him, or because he couldn't avoid it... we see that when he tells us that we shouldn't chase the pigeons away, or tells us to feed the ducks, because they steal the pigeons food, not wanting either of them to starve. in his perspective, everyone should be treated the same, no matter the species.

in the end, i went with anemo though, as our pigeon boy not only has an alliance with the airborne lifeforms already, but also seems to tick all the other boxes, regarding the anemo element. he doesn't care what the other kids think, and rather spends time with animals, that he really cares about, expressing himself freely. he also has strong ties to his late father, still fearing that the things close to him may leave him forever alone, thus treasuring the moments he has with them. n all that stuff...

as his father used to be a hunter and draff being a good friend of his father, i thought that the bow would probably be his weapon of choice.

so yeah! all in all i then ended up with this:

aaaaand here's close-ups from the portrait and the pigeon >w<

so yeah! i hope you guys like his design about as much as i do... honestly, i think this one went a lot better than teppei, and i feel like i captured the mondstadt-vibe better, than i captured the inazuma-vibe last time around....

either way, i'm pretty happy with the result and had a lot of fun figuring this design out ^-^
um.... yeah.... dunno rlly what else to say, so i'll just end the chapter here...

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives hot chocolate<<

so remember to take care of yourselves (i see y'all dehydrated kiddos out there) and feel loved and valid!

farewell :)

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