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On the day of the Quidditch match Scorpius was in the stands on the Slytherin side of the pitch. He was examining the text on the parchment from the wall. You're probably thinking 'Why was he there if he wasn't going to watch?'
He could multitask.

He glanced up just as James scored fifty points for Gryffindor. He smirked a little to himself before turning back to the book. Theta. Epsilon. Rho. Omega. Epsilon. Sigma. Heroes. He translated.
"Heroes," he muttered to himself. "Heroes."  He turned, as the seekers raced for the snitch, to the next couple of simples. Fast game, he thought.

Theta. Rho. Omega. Upsilon. Gamma. Theta. Through. Heroes. Through. Heroes through....

He glanced over the symbols a few more times. He didn't need to read the rest of the symbols after he figured out the first few. He just guessed. Heroes... Through...Heroes through....

The? The.... Ages. Heroes. Through. The. Ages.

"Heroes Through the Ages," he whispered, wide eyed. He heard the announcer scream. "GRIFFINDOR WINS!!!!" The Gryffindor side of the pitch erupted into cheers, the Slytherin side into boos and hisses, but he was starring  at the parchment intensely. He caught Rose and Al's eyes on the other side of the pitch and mouthed the words.

"Heroes through the ages."

~***~               ~***~                  ~***~

Harry smirked at the blond man in front of him.
"What's your lot doing here Potter?" asked Dudley, a grin on his face.
"Yeah. What are we doing here, Hermione?" said Harry, suddenly frowning. Hermione turned serious. (But not Sirius.)

"Because we needed more information about the Greek myths," she said.
"Aren't those the gods with the Roman forms, too? Like Jupiter is Zeus, and Neptune is Poseidon?" said Dudley. "....Don't look at me like that, Potter. I do know some things."
"Whoa," said Harry. "The Dementors really had an effect on you."

Dudley ignored him. "What do you need to know?" 
"Do you know anything about the death god?" asked Hermione. Dudley frowned thoughtfully.
"Well there's Hades," he said. "But he's actually only the god of the underworld, so people often get him confused with the devil. His Roman form is Pluto and he's also the god of underground riches. The actual god of death is Thanatoes. He doesn't have a Roman form, the Roman's let him stay Greek. His job is to -"
"Keep all the spirits in the underworld!" finished Hermione.
"Right!" said Dudley.
"Wasn't Hades part of the Big Three or something?" said Harry. The two nodded.

"The other two are...?" said George.
"Poseidon and Zeus," said Dudley. "Or if your going by Romans, Jupiter and Neptune."
"Why did the Romans change the names?" asked Ginny. Dudley shrugged.
"I guess they thought the old names were too boring," he said.
"Who's Earth?" asked Percy.
"Gaea," said Hermione and Dudley at the same time.

"What about sleep then?" asked Bill.
"Actually," said Dudley. "I believe that's a Titian. Morpheus?"
"Yeah," said Hermione. "But actually there is a god of Sleep. Hypnos."
"Ah yes. I forgot about him," said Dudley.
"How do you know so much about this stuff anyways?" Harry asked him. He shrugged. Suddenly a girl ran up, about Lily's age.
"Daddy! Percy's mum just got taken by the Minotaur!!" she sobbed.
"You're reading those books again?"
"I can't help it," sobbed the girl, real tears rolling down her face. "There's so many feels!"

The title read Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The Lightning Thief.

Harry's breath caught. "Jackson," he muttered.
"What?" said Dudley confused.
"Look at that book!" he said, pointing. Hermione gasped.
"Oh my God!" said Draco.
"Jackson," said Audrey.
"Maybe it is a coincidence?" suggested Fleur.
"Maybe..." said Angelina.
"Or maybe not..." said Astoria.
"How do you steal lightning?" asked Ron.

"Actually," said the little girl. "It wasn't Percy. It was - oops! I almost spoiled the ending! Silly me!" She giggled.
"Did you get that here?" Hermione asked the girl.
"Yes," said the girl. "I'm Daisy by the way."
"Nice to meet you," Bill. Harry was still marveling over the title.
"Jackson," he said. Daisy laughed.
"Hello, Uncle Harry. Hi Aunt Ginny."
"Hello," said Ginny and then smacked Harry on the back of the head.
"Oy!" he yelped. "What was that for? Oh. Hello, Daisy." The girl laughed again.
"You look like you could borrow this," she said, holding out the book to him.
"Oh no..." Harry started to protest, but the girl was persistent.
"Honestly," she said. " I have the whole set. I can just go read the Sea of Monsters. When your finished you can read the others if you like, just make sure to return them when you're done. Oh! And be careful when you get to the Heroes of Olympus series! Oh God! That was dreadful!!!! So sad!!!"

"Er - alright..." said Harry, looking at Dudley, who just shrugged.

"She's just going to start fangirling every time she sees you so go head. Knock yourself out," said Dudley. Harry laughed.
"Alright," he said. "I'll give this back to you as soon as we're done with it, Daisy." She beamed at him.
"Wait till you meet Nancy Bobifit. Ugh!" With that she skipped off.

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