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Harry Potter and Ron Weasley sat in the Aurors office with Draco Malfoy, former rival and Slytherin. They had decided to put whatever differences they still had aside for the sake of their children's safety.

"If he is American," said Ron. "You'd think McGonagall'd have noticed. I mean, don't Americans speak with that funny accent?" Harry nodded.
"But you know just as well as I do about how many rumours there are about them," said Harry.
"And what about that letter?" Malfoy asked. "That's got something to do with him right?"

Again, Harry nodded. He pulled out the letter that he had almost forgotten about.
"I'm not entirely sure what though," Harry admitted.
"I think it all sounds like rubbish," said Ron. "How can lightning have a child anyway?" Thunder rumbled in the sky, shaking the building. All three men instinctively looked up.
"Dumb weather," muttered Harry. "I don't know. Maybe whoever this Poseidon guy is was meaning something else."

"Like what?" asked Ron and Malfoy at the same time.
"How should I know?" said Harry. "A very shocking mother perhaps?" Ron let out a snort.
"Maybe Hermione can find something in -"
"Library? Sorry, Harry. I've already looked. Nothing."
"Well, there goes that plan," said Ron. "Any other ideas?"
"What are you doing here anyway?" asked Malfoy. Hermione stared at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to call her 'mudblood'. But he did not.

"I found something," she said finally. "Another note. It sounds like a prophecy, but nothing like I've ever heard before." She pulled a piece of parchment from her robes and handed it over for them to read.

A hero and a hero's son shall again face death.
The ghost king, he takes a final breath.
By the end of the year of three,
His soul lost at sea.
The hero's son shall weave
Only, his father's enemy's son to believe.
The teacher shall become the pupil
And tides shall turn for a loop hole.

Everyone turned to look at Hermione. "Scorpius and James," she confirmed.
"Hold on you think this is about..." started Malfoy, obviously shocked.
"It's obvious isn't it?" She said. " A hero's son? Father's enemy's son?"
"Shall again face death?" questioned Ron. Hermione shook her head.
"I don't know..." She bit her lip, as if nervous.

Hermione went over to the door, peered outside and then closed it. Turning to face the three men she said, "I think we'll have to look into this further. I think we may even have to....go to America." The three men exchanged looks and then stared at her as if she had just dropped from planet Mars or something...not that Ron and Malfoy would even know what Mars was, it was hard telling with pure bloods....

"Your barking," said Ron.
"No, Ron. I'm actually being quiet literal right now," Hermione told her husband.
"Hermione," said Harry. "If it comes to that well, we wouldn't have much of a choice then would we?... But not unless we absolutely have to. If Jackson has been sent over here to cause trouble, then we don't need to be causing more trouble by sending ourselves over there."

"Right,"agreed Hermione. "In the mean time I'll continue to search the libraries." Suddenly, Harry bent over in his chair, clutching his scar. He hadn't felt pain in his scar for quiet some years.... This was bad. This was very, very, very bad.


Mwhaha!! Cliffhanger!

I don't do A/N to often but I wanted to make this chapter seem a little bit longer. What did you think? Leave your thoughts below and vote if you like!! xD


Now....Disclaimer!! Dun dun DUUUN!!!






Me: Alright disclaimer!!!

Harry : I am liking you less and less.

Me: At least I didn't kill your parents....


Me: You'll never know *cackles evilly.*

Hermione: * Backs away* ....they prophecies mean? And what does Jackson have to do with anything???

Me: Again. You'll never know. Oh, and Draco I'm not going to kill Scorpius.

Draco: * Let's a sigh of relief*

Me: Maybe.

Draco : I hate you.

Me: mwahahahahahahahahaha!!!

James: *Sighs* Ladyawesome45321 does not own any of us

J.K. Rowling: I do!!

Percy: She doesn't own any of us either.

Rick: No. I do.

Ron: Who're you?

Harry: James, why aren't you in school?

James: Uh.....

Scorpius: He's on to us!!!

Albus: RUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!

Albus + James + Scorpius: *Run away*

Harry + Draco: *Exchange confused looks*

Me: mwhahahahahahaha








Annnnnnnddd....done. Okay, so comment, vote, give feed back please I would really like to know what you guys think and how I can improve. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Next one should be up soon!! xD




- Ladyawesome45321









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