Twent - Four

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Sorry about the wait, The only people that belong to me in here are Faith and technically Krymo and dedication goes to maryb416 because she was the only one who commented on my A/N with an idea, so thank you to her :D Enjoy!





It was the third time James, Albus, and Scorpius had visited the paintings/ghost of the Half Blood Hallway - that's what the boys were calling it now. They had met sevel heroes, learnt their stories, made good friends, and even discovered the secret of the glowing thing in the back wall.

"It's Summa's Sphere," exclaimed Beckendorf on their second night, when he had shown it to them. "She was a daughter of Athena, not here though, not yet." It was a glowing sphere of power, swirling with color - a brillant bright blue, a grassy green, a sunny yellow, and a firey red.
"What does it do?" Scorpius had asked. Beckendorf chuckled.
"Almost nothing without Summa here. Percy's been looking for her," he said.
"But it does let us move around like we are now," explained Beckendorf.
"Cool!" said Al.
"So, Jackson brings in all your paintings and you just live here?" asked James.
"Sort of," said Beckendorf. "It's a little more complicated than that, with the reasoning and all. See, there's this big prophecy, aparently about you guys. I don't know what it says or anything, but Jason mentioned it once. Anyway, these paintings are hidden all over the school grounds. Somehow no ones ever found them before. I guess, whoever hid them did a really good job, but the gods think they have something to do with the prophecy, so they sent the most powerful demigod of all time over here to search for them on a solo mission."
"Summa's painting is the most important," guessed Al. "But, where did the sphere come from?"
"Hecate found, my guess sometime around the prophecy was prodicted. I think that's why they sent Percy here, to be honest. That's how they found out about the paintings. I don't know much about magic, so I couldn't tell you much about it. You should talk to a child of Hecate about that."

So, on this night, the third night, that's exactly what they did. After sneaking through the halls with the invisability cloke, they found the openening of the secret entence to the hall, where the three boys would watch as the paintings slowly peeled away from their frams, leaving nothing but a black silhouette along with the paintings background behind them. At some point in the walk James stopped.
"What?" hissed Al, quietly so no one would hear.
"Beckendorf," whispered James. "Last night. He said there was a prophecy about us."
"Well, yeah, didn't Jackson say something about that too?" asked Scorpius.
"Yeah," admitted James. "And Trelawney said something about that book having prophecies. Remember how we could only read those ones? What if this prophecy that's got them all worked up is in there?"
"Could be," agreed Scorpius. Al stared at James.
"Did I just hear something actually intelligent come out of James Sirius Potter's mouth!" he said in mock shock.
"No," said James. "That's just my awesomeness showing again, sorry."
"Let's get going," interupted Scorpius.

          ~****~                                     ~****~                                 ~****~

There was the fimlair faint blue glow of them as the began circling the corridor, ethier reliving their ends over and over, or just chatting amoung themselves. The child of magic was a more resent one - a daughter of Hecate with sandy blonde hair, clear white - blue eyes like all the other spirits, and a beatiful smile. She had fought in the second Titian War, on the Titians side, though the last second she changed her mind, died by her half sister's side. Her name was Faith. Tonight, Faith was chatting with Krymopoleia, a daughter of Poseidon who had fought in the first Titian War on the side of the Olympians. She looked a little like Proffessor Jackson with her faded black hair and easy going posture, but, like all the others, her eyes were a ghostly white - blue color, a faint blue light surrounding her.

"Hi," greeted Faith when she saw the boys.
"Hi," greeted Scorpius.
"So, we were wondering about that sphere thing in the back?" said James, pointing towared the end of the corridor.
"Oh, yeah! Summa's Sphere," said Faith. "Lovely isn't it?"
"I love looking at it," commened Krymo.
"Me too," swooned Faith.
"Yeah, yeah, very pretty," said James, irritated. "What d'you know about this Simba or whatever?"
"Summa!" corrected Faith. "An amazing daughter of Athena! She went to Hogwarts too, blessed by my mom ; died at the age twenty, which was around the time 'Lord'" - she made finger quotes when she said "Lord" - "Voldemort -" the corridor shuddered - "Was being brought to Hogwarts."
"Why did the corridor shudder like that?" asked Al.
"Names have power," shrugged Faith. "I forgot, being dead and all, never really have a need for magic anymore."
"She also created the sphere, as you could probably tell by the name," added Krymo.
"No!" joked James. "I thought it was Lockheart!" Faith snorted.
"That guy can't even do a proper disarming spell, never mind creating something so amazing..." She was swooning again. For crying out loud it was a sphere! Haven't they ever seen a floating ball of light before?
"Anyway," she said, finally. "What do you want to know about Summa?"

"Do you know what her sphere does?" asked Al. Faith shook her head.
"Something powerful," she said. "Probably something that could save or destroy Olympus and the entire wizarding and mortal - muggle world."
"Great," muttered James.
"I'm guessing, you have to find Summa's picture before something bad happens," Krymo put in. "You'll have til the end of the year most likely. Without her, we won't be able to control the sphere proberly and for whatever reason the gods think that's important, and that you three will be able to use it."
"I thought that was Jackson's job, finding the pictures," said James.
"You'll have to help him," said Faith. She eyed each of them carefully, one by one. Her eyes lingured on James a bit longer than they had on the other two.
"You've been blessed by the gods," she said finally. "That's why they think it's about you."
"What?" asked Al, confused. She pursed her lips, exchanging a look with Krymo.
"I'd recognize it anywhere," said Faith. "You've been blessed, by all twelve Olympians, but why...." Her voice trailed off, as if thinking. She shook her head.
"Just find Percy, tell him about this."
"Good luck," said Krymo. Before either of the boys could respond, all the spirits floated over to, up to, or down to their frams, sinking back into their paintings, falling fast asleep.

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