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I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at the screen in front of me. ERROR...ERROR... I sighed, not bothering to scan the rest of the screen. Reaching down, I pressed the power button, hard restarting the tower. Watching the blue screen fade to black, I glanced at the rest of my classmates. Mason was texting Charity, a couple of the guys were watching a soccer match, and Adri was working on the assignment, eyebrows furrowed as she studied the screen of code. I watched her, smiling to myself as she gnawed on the end of her pen. I glanced back at my own monitor, sighing as the boot up menu popped up. I let it do its thing, turning my head and resting my chin on my hand, amber gaze studying the teen next to me. I watched as she typed a command into the prompt box, a strand of green hair working its way loose from the braid she had it in. I blinked slowly, entranced by her.

She glanced over. "What, Jay?" She asked, mouth curving into a nervous half-smile.

I returned a smile of my own. "You're too beautiful, you know that?"

She nodded, bangs flopping against her forehead. "You tell me everyday."

"And I'll keep telling you as long as you're mine."

She playfully bat at my arm. "You're being cheesy again."

"Only for you, Adryana." She blushed, hiding her face behind her hand.

"G-Get to work, J-Jay."

"Can't. Got a BSOD." I gestured back to my computer, where the screen had gone blue again.

She sighed, looking back at her screen. I smirked to myself, immediately dropping it in favor of a neutral expression when she glanced back at me. "What?" She shook her head, smiling to herself before turning back to her screen again. I scooted my chair closer to her, gazing at her screen. "You're the only one working, you know that, right?" I asked, burying my face into her neck. She squealed softly, trying to push me away.

"J-Jaz! W-We're in class!" She whisper-shouted, leaning slightly away from me.

"I just wanted to be close to you, Adri," I pouted. "Give you moral support as you work." She sighed, shoulders slumping.

"Fine. Only 'cause you had the BSOD." I smiled, nuzzling my nose into her neck again.

"You love me," I stated, nose pressed against her skin, taking in the scent of acorns and fall leaves. She sighed, nodding.

"Yes, yes I do."


After school, Adri made me finish the assignment at the shop, my laptop resting on her usual table, hers pressed against mine, working on an essay for English. She had a caramel cappuccino with whipped cream and a nutmeg sprinkle, her favorite. I had a black coffee sitting untouched by my papers, more focused on the assignment. 

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