Chapter 2

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Back in Paris, things had also changed drastically, at least for one blonde ex model. Adrien had finally stood up to his father, and decided to follow his heart and do what he really wanted. He was living a simple life in his own private little apartment over the place he worked, which was the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie. Yes, Adrien left his rich, privileged, caged, life behind, and was now happily living a quiet life, baking delicious treats for anyone who comes through the doors. The Dupain-Chengs still work and live there, but they rented out the spare bedroom to him for a small price, and he repays his debt by helping them out with their local business.

There wasn't a day that went by over those thirteen years that Adrien didn't think of Marinette and Ladybug. He missed them so much, and wished that when Marinette had come to visit, he had been available to see her, but he was not yet out of his fathers clutches. His only hope is that he can earn enough money in the near future, to go and visit his friend, and hopefully run into his beloved partner. He wants to possibly help her on the special ops mission given to her by Master Fu. His main question since his Lady left was, why did she have to leave at the same time as his Princess?

He made sure to keep himself busy while the two most important women in his life were away, especially over these past five years since he no longer had strict schedules from his father. No modeling, no fencing, no extra language classes, nothing that kept him from his friends and the people that became his family.

Once he was free, Adrien worked at the bakery. He would help out in the back with Tom, manage the front when other employees had the day off, and use the marketing knowledge that he learned from his father to assist in advertising for new employees and the bakery itself. Since he began to stay with them, Tom has been grooming him to take over the shop when he and Sabine retired, which Adrien was elated to hear. Adrien loved working for them, because he was not only doing something he loved, but his employers had become his family, and they treated him as nothing less than their own son.

On the same day Marinette returned to Paris, Adrien was managing the bakery by himself, since Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng were out celebrating their wedding anniversary for the day, and left Adrien in charge of watching the bakery while they were out. It had been a slow day, with only two or three customers coming through the door. It was just Rochelle, the new waitress, and him working that day. Adrien was kneading dough to make some macaroons when Rochelle shouted from the front. "Adrien! Adrien! Adrien!"

Rochelle was a teenage girl around the age of fifteen, and this was her first job. She was a petite girl with pale skin that color contrasted against her long, deep brown hair, matching her chocolate brown eyes, which she covered with glasses. She was undeniably beautiful, but lacked the confidence to know it, Adrien was honestly surprised that his father had not tried scouting her to model for his new line. She was quite timid at first, but her confidence grew when Adrien had placed her at the front. Her only flaw was whenever something changed, or his father was at the door, she would freak out and call out for him in a high, ear-piercing shriek.

Adrien wiped his hands on his apron, and walked out to see why she was screaming this time, but just assumed that it was his father. "Rochelle, how many times have I told you that when my father comes, just to tell him that I am no-" He started, pinching his nose with his fingers.

"No! There's something outside, in the sky!" She interrupted pointing at the window facing the park.

Adrien then rushed over to the window, and saw something he hadn't seen in thirteen years. The sign of his Ladybug, up in the sky. His mind then escaped him and he grabbed his flour covered jacket, he had dropped it in flour that morning, and ran out the door. "Rochelle! You're in charge! If I am not back when your shift is over, lock up before you leave!" He ordered, breaking a fundamental rule of the bakery, do not ever leave the bakery before closing time.

He ran to the park and just stood in awe like everybody else, it was really there. The symbol. The sign that his lady had returned to Paris, to him. He could not wait to embrace her when they officially reunited, and for the first time in so long, Chat Noir would be excited for that evenings patrol. It would be perfect, exhilarating, miraculous.

Adrien snapped out of his trance when he heard a click, the click of a phone snapping a picture. He gazed at everyone around him, and realized that they were all taking pictures before it went away. He also noticed that there were some reporters around as well, and knowing that they would write a story on this, he quickly snapped a picture and dashed out in the direction of his reporter friends house. Whilst running he suddenly crashed into someone. He knocked this person, who seemed female, on her bottom. She was acting a little dazed, so he helped her up, picked up her stuff, handed it to her, and took off again, not stopping long enough to figure out who it was, or why she smelled really familiar.

He was almost to Alya's place when he stopped in his tracks, literally. He had to pause because a train bus was coming his way. He paused next to a news stand, and saw a paper with his father on the front, above the fold. It read Gabriel Agreste Perd Son Talent?! He sighed unhappily, but continued on. He didn't think that him leaving would stump his father. He felt really bad for his father, and seeing his face on every magazine and poster in Paris, saying that he was "past his time," made Adrien feel guilty. Though, if he had stayed living and working for his father, even if he had his own apartment, he would have been miserable, since it was not what he wanted to do with his life. He would visit his father on occasion, but the most he would ever really see him was when Gabriel would come to the boulangerie to beg his son to love him once again, but Adrien needed time, to deal with the fact that his father needed to learn how to truly care for him.

When the bus passed, Adrien ran one more block toward Alya's. He arrived and climbed the stairs up to her apartment. He knocked on the door and was greeted by his favorite little niece. "UNCLE ADRIEN! UNCLE ADRIEN!" Joly squealed.

He scooped the little girl into a huge hug, she was so kind and sweet, he didn't know how this little person was so optimistic after all that had gone on. "Im gonna go get momma!" She squealed, rushing off to another room.

He got off his knees and looked around the little apartment room. After Alya lost her job because his dad sued her for the personal information she wrote in her article, things hadn't been going well for her. There was a huge pile of laundry by the door, waiting to be taken down to the laundry room downstairs. There were Joly's toys strewn around, along with crumbs from the leftovers Alya would bring home from work. She now worked as a waitress at the hotel now run by Chloé, and helps cater for Mylene from time to time. It really sucked that she would be forced to work their ten year reunion tomorrow. Since it was at the hotel, Chloé is having Alya cater for her, probably since Alya's mom was also out of town.

"Adrien! Hi!" A voice said from around the corner.

Adrien turned around to face his friend. He had to hold in the gasp trying to escape him when he saw her. Alya looked even rougher than her apartment, her messy chestnut brown hair was in un brushed, untamed curls, some sticking out on end, and she was wearing wearing weathered capri pants, one sock on, her orange button down loosely tucked into her pants, and her glasses lopsided on her head. If you looked at Joly compared to Alya, you would think that the kid was a dealer of the devil, a devil child. But Adrien knew it was because of stress, so he held in all of his comments, and went over to greet his friend with a hug. "Hey Alya." He greeted.

"I am so sorry that you have to see the apartment like this, things just haven't been going well since, well you know, and I saw the ladybug symbol in the sky, but my phone died before I could snap a picture, luckily my little detective here saw Ladybug and-" She started, but was cut off by the blonde.

"Wait, Joly saw Ladybug?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah! She's really pretty, even prettier than momma said she was." The little girl interjected. "I even got evilence."

Joly ran into the other room and came back with a piece of paper from the notebook I gave her for halloween, she wanted to be a reporter like her mom. She handed it to me, and this time I let myself gasp. It was a note in his ladys handwriting, and it read.

Hey Alya! I'm back! Tell Paris for me. 

- Ladybug

Adrien couldn't believe his eyes, it was really her, she was really back, not a prank, but real. "Wow, this is amazing, and I have some more proof for your blog Alya." He said, handing the paper back to Joly.

"Really? What?" The brunette asked.

"I got a picture for you, I immediately knew that you needed to be the one to get this story out first, because Chat Noir only reads the Ladyblog for news on Ladybug." He stated, adding an extra incentive for her to write it. Since she got fired, she hadn't been motivated much to write, at least under her own name. Alya has a close friend with the papers that lets her write articles for them under the name Reyna, using a new spelling of her superhero name as a pen name. (Master Fu gave him the identities after Ladybug left in case of an emergency). She writes rants on the power people with the money have, using a lot of profanity, and the people love it. They love her so much, that they started a group dedicated to figuring out who she is, Alya used that to motivate herself, but this would allow her to write as herself, not as Reyna.

"You did?!" She asked, whilst he showed her the picture. "Oh thank you! And thank Chat Noir for keeping with my blog."

Alya dashed around, looking for her computer, moving things around, making a bigger mess. She sat down to write, but realized she was missing her glasses. "My glasses! Where are my glasses?! I can't write without my glasses!" She shouted, frantically looking around for them.

Adrien calmly walked over to her, grasped the glasses off of her head, and handed them to her. "Are these the ones you're looking for?" The blonde chuckled.

"Oh! Hehe, yes. Thank you. You're a lifesaver." The brunette replied. "Adrien!"

"Yes?" He asked, turning to face his friend.

"Can you play with Joly for a moment. I got her ice cream on the way home, and she's bouncing off the walls." She requested.

"Of course. Now get to writing that article!" He told her, sitting her in her chair, and pushing her in towards her desk.

"Joly? Where are you my little munchkin?" He wondered in a playful tone.

He guessed that she was playing hide-and-go-seek, and wandered around looking for the little girl. He finally came upon the tiny bookshelf that Marq designed for her, and sticking right above the top, were a little pair of cat ears. Cat ears that Adrien had given her for her fifth birthday, ones that his mother had given him when he was her age. He quietly laughed, and decided to pretend he didn't see her. "Why I can't see little Joly anywhere. I wonder where she could be!" He exclaimed playfully.

He quietly tip-toed around the bookshelf and then yelled "Boo!" Joly jumped where she was and started pouting. 

"How'd you find me?"  

"Your little ears gave it away." He laughed, flicking them a little. 

"No fair you're bigger than me!" 

"Awe, come on now JoJo, don't be sad. C'mere, and tell me all about Ladybug." Adrien said, hoping to cheer her up. 

Joly's face lit up and she ran into Adrien's lap. "Okay! Momma was looking for a good angle for a picture and I was eating the yummy ice cream momma bought for me. I needed a place to throw away my napkin so I went to look for a trash can, but then I saw a pretty ladybug so I followed it into this alleyway and then there was Ladybug!" She regaled. 

"Wow! That's one lucky ladybug you decided to follow." 

"Yeah! She is so pretty! She's a bit shorter than I expected, but she is still taller than me! She has really pretty blue hair that's really long like Miss Sabrina's, but with bangs, and it was tied in a ponytail with two long ribbons. She has really pretty blue eyes and her mask is super cool! I think she changed her costume though, because momma always said that her costume was all red and black spots, but now it looks like she is wearing black gloves that go almost all the way up her arms and boots that go up to her thighs! And she was really nice! She remembered momma and asked me to tell her to tell people she was here, and then she gave me a piece of redivence!" 

That was his Ladybug, no matter if she cut her hair or her costume changed, she was still Ladybug. Kindhearted, beautiful, amazing. The costumes change with the person, and she must have changed a little too. "Uncle Adrien?" Joly squeaked, snapping him out of his daze. 

"Yeah kitten?" He asked, focusing on the girl again.

"Did you ever meet Ladybug? When you were younger?" She asked. 

"Why as a matter of fact I did, more than once too. One time when an evil super villain called Jaques a dit (simon says) was after my father, she protected me. Another time, when The Mime was wreaking havoc in the city, she stopped him from shooting at the car I was in." 

Wide eyed Joly squealed in excitement, "That's so cool! Were there any more times?" 

"Of course! This one time around Christmas-" Adrien  was interrupted when he heard a knock at the door. 

"I got it!" Alya yelled from the next room. Stumbling out of her office, she waddled towards the door. "It's probably Chloé stopping by to check with me about catering the reunion tomorrow." 

The door was answered and immediately the two left knew that it wasn't Chloé. Adrien picked Joly up and walked towards the entrance, making sure that it was who he thought it was. He peeked around the corner to see a man at the door wearing a red cap that only one person wore. He turned around and walked to Joly's room. As he set her down he whispered, "Hey kitten, I think your dad is here. I think you need to pack up to be ready."

The little girl nodded sadly, hating the joint custody arrangement that the judge and lawyers settled on. It's hard for a little girl to deal with not being able to even remember a time when they were together as a family. Adrien walked around to the entrance and straight into an argument. "You can't be here! You don't get her until 6:00! And the court order says I have to bring her to you!" Alya yelled. 

"Newsflash! It's 6:45 Alya! I was supposed to meet you at the bakery 45 minutes ago! You didn't show!" Nino retorted.

Alya checked her watch, and sighed. "I-I'm sorry okay! Things have been a little hectic lately and I lost track of time." . 

"Of course you didn't see the time, how can you even find a clock in this mess! How do you let our daughter live like this!" 

"I lost my job Nino! I'm doing the best I can! And at least I'm not dragging her to clubs and parties on school nights!" 

"That was one time! It was last minute and I couldn't turn it down! At least I can pay enough for child support!" 

"I am doing all I can!" 

"I should just go to court again and file for sole custody!" 

"You wouldn't!" 

"Watch me!"

Adrien walked back to Joly's room to check on her and saw her sitting on her bed, tears slowly peeking out. Adrien walked over to her and knelt down in front of her, placing a hand on her knee. "Why do they fight so much?" She cried. 

Adrien sighed, "They just love you so much that they fight."

"But why? Why can't they stop? Why can't we be a family again?"

"I-I don't know sweetie."

"Is it really bad this time?"

"Don't worry, come on, let's go."

With a nod they stepped out and Adrien loudly cleared his throat to get their attention. Alya turned around on the verge of tears and Nino's face was so red there could be smoke coming out of his ears. Both parents faces softened as Joly came out with her backpack of stuff that she carried to both apartments. Adrien set her down and told her, "Hey JoJo, why don't you go get in the car while I talk to your mom and dad for a minute." 

Joly nodded and walked out the door, and once she was clear Adrien turned to his friends. "Guys, I know it's hard, but you have to do something about all of this arguing. Every time you even run into each other there is a problem. Joly's only 6, and she shouldn't have to hear this. She was on the verge of tears just now." Adrien scolded. "You both love her so deeply and were doing fine before. But ever since Alya lost her job and Nino took her to the concert, it's been hell. You have to get along, for her." 

"I'm sorry dude. I'll see you tomorrow." Nino said as he turned around and left.

After he closed the door, Alya collapsed in a fit of tears and Adrien consoled her. "I've been working multiple jobs and it's still barely enough to keep a roof over our heads. Every week gets harder and harder. I don't know what I'll do if she gets taken away for good." She cried.

"Nino won't take her away, he wouldn't." 

"How can you be so sure? He's been dating around with these other club girls and now he threatens to take her away." 

"Alya, just because he's moving on, doesn't mean he'll take her. He isn't that guy. You know that." 

Alya twiddled with the engagement ring she still wore, even after three years, she hasn't taken it off. 

"Thank you Adrien." She sighed. Her phone started to ring, "Hello? Oh hi Chloé."

She looked at Adrien and he nodded. He gave her a quick hug and left to head back. He saw Nino strapping Joly into the car and the two made eye contact. Nino sighed sadly and drove away. Adrien knew that he still loved Alya, and the girls that he's dated were only there to fill the void. No one has lasted over a week, just enough time until he got Joly. 

Adrien checked his watch and quickly ran into the nearest alley. "Okay Plagg. Are you ready?" He asked. 

The cat kwami yawned "Yeah yeah lover boy. Time to see Ladybug."

"Plagg! Transform me!" 

Adrien changed into his alter ego, whose costume had also changed with time. Adding a little more grey on the boots, sides of his stomach and his arms, and when he was in his long hair phase, there was a ponytail involved. He leapt over buildings and headed straight to the Eiffel Tower, his and Ladybugs spot where they would meet for patrol. He waited for almost thirty minutes before realizing that she wasn't going to be there that night, so he went by himself.

Disappointed that his Ladybug didn't join him on patrol, he started back towards the bakery. He really hoped that the Dupain-Cheng's were still out at dinner, so he could sneak in, and make it look as though he didn't close early to try to catch a glimpse of Ladybug. Nino being at Alya's to pick up Joly caused a major delay in his time frame, and before he knew it, he had to go out to patrol. Who knew how long it would take to write an amazing article on the Ladyblog, babysit, and argue with your ex-fiancé/the father of your child all at the same time. He honestly didn't know how Alya or Nino could keep up with their jobs with everything that's gone between them. The breakup, finding out Alya's pregnant, getting back together, not being able to work it out, not even for Joly, and the court case to define who got Joly when. So much had gone down after Marinette left, and he hoped that the luck that brought Ladybug back, would bring her back too. She would know how to help. Adrien was completely lost in thought when he landed on the roof across from the bakery.

Suddenly, the hero stopped in his tracks, as he had just seen something he hadn't seen in years. A light was on in Marinette bedroom. Was it? Could it be? Chat thought to himself.

"No. No. No. Marinette left years ago, and she would have called if she was coming back. It was never like her to just visit on a whim. It's probably just Mrs. Cheng doing some reorganizing and storage work." He told himself, and continued on.

Then, he saw a figure in the window that was neither Sabine nor Tom. He didn't recognize them, as it was too feminine to be Nino, and to short to be Alya, and the figure did not have the same measurements as Sabine or anyone else he knew. Maybe it was a burglar! But how? He pondered. Everyone in Paris knew that the Dupain-Chengs were under special protection. No one had tried to rob them since the incident almost ten years ago. Yes, Marinette wasn't there, but just because the princess is somewhere else, doesn't mean that the castle was not in need of protection. People never listen to me anyways, and I will not let harm come to this family.

He leapt across the buildings, and landed on top of the roof lightly. He watched as the figure walked out onto the balcony to see who was there, shook their head, then head back inside. Silently, he leaned over the window, ready to strike, when a necklace on the intruder caught his eye. It was a long silver chain with a small kitten pendant with a light, sky blue scarf around its neck, a one-of-a-kind piece that only one person on this Earth had. Without thinking of what could happen, he impulsively spoke.


Hiya Kitties!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's been a while, I've been swamped with college applications and schoolwork, so I haven't had time to update. Now that we are in quarantine, I'll be updating much more frequently. So, see you in the next chapter!

— miraculouskathy101

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