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Marinette had huge news, she had just found out that her application to study abroad in New York City had been granted! She had applied months ago, and had been anxiously waiting for the response to whether she was accepted or not to study abroad. She had gotten the letter last night, and was running to school to one: not be late, and two: to tell her friends and classmates about her good news.

The bluenette suddenly stopped in her tracks, what would Paris do without her? She was Ladybug, internationally famous super heroine of Paris, she had a duty to serve with her miraculous, to fight akumas and keep Parisians from harm. Yes, she had Rena, Carapace, Queen Bee, and Chat of course, but there was no other miraculous with the power to cleanse akumas. What would she do? This was the chance of a lifetime for her, the chance to study abroad and discover American styles to inspire her fashion line. But, she had an obligation to uphold, to protect and serve Paris. There was no one else to cleanse akumas or endure Chats annoying yet funny puns. Tiki noticed the change of pace and flew out from her hiding place in the purse, "What's the matter Marinette, you're going to be late!" Tiki squeaked.

"Tikki, what will happen if I do go to New York, who would cleanse akumas? Who would protect Paris?" She asked anxiously.

"I am sure the Master will take care of it all Mari, he does like you being Ladybug, but he also wants you to live your life the way you want." Tikki replied.

"Are you sure?" Marinette pried

"Yes I am. Also doesn't Hawkmoth want both of your Miraculous', so he would probably stop akumatizing people if he knew you were gone." Tikki said.

"Ok, you are right, now I have to go tell everyone at school! Friday is the last day of school!" The bluenette sighed happily.

"And Mari, if you're really worried, go talk to the Master, he will be able to figure everything out." Tikki suggested.

"Thanks Tikki, you're the best." Marinette replied, whilst checking her watch and taking off towards school.

Marinette slid into her seat right as the bell rang, and sighed happily. "Girl! You are really cutting it close today! You know for a girl who lives so close to the school, you are always so late. How?!" Alya said dramatically.

Marinette roller her eyes, and faced the front of the class. Madame Bustier waltzed into class and set her things down to face the class. "Good morning class, I know we only have a few days left of class, but we are still here to learn." The redhead announced, receiving a joint groan from the class. "But, on a happier note, we must give congratulations to Ms. Dupain-Cheng, as she has been accepted to a study abroad program in New York City for her last few years of school!"

Marinette was shocked that her teacher even knew this, of course her parents probably told her, but she didn't think that she would announce it to the class. The whole class gasped at this notion, all turning to face their petit friend. "Mari! Is it true! Why didn't you tell me! I'm your bestie right!" Alya screeched in her friends ear.

The whole class crowded around her bombarding her with questions. She was overwhelmed with all the attention given to her, and started to freeze up a bit. Until someone shouted above them. "Guy! GUYS! Marinette probably has good reason for not telling us about this, and if we just bombard her with questions, she'll never be able to answer them. Please let her speak."

Marinette looked up to see Adrien, standing up on his desk to calm everyone down. He looked down and gave her that ever so dazzling smile, and hopped down from his desk. He held out his hand to help her up, as she had curled up into a tiny ball as a defense mechanism. She accepted his help, and he pulled her up into a hug. She was speechless, because he held her so tight to himself, and she really loved it. When he finally realized that he had been holding her for a bit too long and everyone was staring, he released her, and apologized profusely.

"Thanks Adrien." She stated, and turned to face the rest of her classmates. "It's true, I have been accepted to a prestigious school in America. I didn't tell anyone before, because I had applied months ago, and wasn't sure if I was going to get in, so I didn't want to raise anyone's hopes, or mine with anyone else's hype. I just got the notice in the mail last night, and had been planning to tell you all soon."

"Okay good! I thought oh were hiding this thing from me, and weren't going to tell me at all!" Alya sighed in relief.

"Okay class! Now that that is all done, may we get back to the lesson?" Madame Bustier cut in.

Everyone headed back to their seats and continued the rest of the day happily. As they were all heading home, Adrien realized that he would be saying goodbye to one of his best friends, and got a really sad feeling. He decided to visit her that night as his alter ego, to say goodbye as his true self, Chat Noir.

It was 10pm, and Marinette was sketching some new fashion designs in her room, not knowing that she was about to have a visitor. She had been deep in thought after her conversation with Master Fu.

"Master Fu?" She asked, walking in to see the small man meditating on the floor. "May I speak with you? It's important."

"Of course Ladybug, and if this is about you going to New York, I already know." He told her.

"What?! How?!" She exclaimed.

"Tikki took it upon herself to notify me last night when you were asleep." He informed her.

The girl looked at her Kwami with a thankful look, glad she had such a helpful little friend. "What does this mean as to my future as Ladybug? How will Paris be safe?" She inquired.

"I have taken care of it all. Do not worry. I will notify Chat that he will be missing his partner for a few years." He stated.

"Wait, What? I thought..." She started, a smile starting to creep it's way into her face.

"You thought I would give your miraculous to another? Impossible! There is no one else worthy of this power in this lifetime. It will be hard to fight akumas while you are away, but you never know if America may require your services." He explained.

"Oh thank you Master!" She squealed, hugging Tikki to her cheek. "But what about Chat? I know he will be curious about me leaving, and Ladybug as well?"

"I will take care of that curious cat. Don't you worry. Now go on home, and enjoy your last few days in Paris."

She sighed happily, wondering what the Master would tell Chat. "Hey puuurrincess, can we have a Chat?" A voice said from her balcony.

Startled out of her flashback, Marinette fell out of her chair, and looked up to see the hero poking his head through. "Oh! Hey Chat, what's up?" She asked, regaining her composure.

He hopped down onto her bed, as Marinette climbed up to join him. "While I was it patrolling today, I ran into a good friend of mine, Adrien Agreste, who was looking all sad and told me that my princess was moving to America! I didn't know if it was true, so I had to come and see you! Is it true that my princess is leaving me to go to New York, and never coming back!?" Chat Noir wailed as he flopped down on her bed dramatically.

Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled at his concern. "Yes and no, silly kitty." She started, and at the mention of 'no', Chat sat up instantaneously. "Yes, I am going to New York for the rest of high school, but no, I am not staying there forever. Paris is my home."

Chat was still not satisfied yet at this being goodbye. "But who will dress my wounds when I need it, or laugh at my amazingly smart puns, or take me in when I am a stray kitty in the rain, or or or..." Chat pleaded.

"Kitty! Kitty! Kitty! Calm down," Marinette ordered whilst soothingly stroking his blond hair, to which he purred at. "I promise that someday I will come back. At least to visit, if not to stay. So don't you worry, you will probably be the first to know of my return."

"How would I know before all of your other friends?" Chat sniffed, giving her his best puppy dog eyes.

Marinette giggles slightly at his cuteness. "How about this, I will hunt you down to let you know." Marinette said, but he didn't seem amused at her attempt at comedy. "Or, you will see me in the civilian form, whoever it is. I promise Chat, that you will be one of the first people to know I am back, besides my parents of course."

This soothed his worries nicely. "Challenge accepted Princess!" He exclaimed, making her jump a bit.

She laughed lightly, and was surprised when he embraced her in a hug. Though caught off guard, she embraced her best friend, her partner, her hero, for the last time. "I'll miss you Marinette." Chat whispered into her ear.

"I will miss you too Chat Noir." She replied, as he released the hug. He the checked the time, and realized he had to go. So her gave her a final bow, and hopped out of Marinette's window and into the night sky.

"I'll miss you more than you know." She whispered to herself, letting her tears fall down her face.

The next few days went by in a blur. Alya was over almost every day, helping her pack, and making sure she didn't forget anything. And suddenly the day arrived. It was finally the morning that Marinette will board a plane and move to New York City in the United States. And, of course, she sleeps through her alarm, she may be moving, but she still can't manage to be on time. "Augh! I slept in! I am going to miss my flight at noon!" She squealed.

She scrambled out of bed and rushed through getting ready, and in the rush of grabbing some last minute things for her carryon bag, she doesn't notice the black limousine pull up in front of the bakery. As she ran downstairs, she suddenly stopped when she hears a familiar voice at her door. She walked over calmly towards the noise and gasped when she saw who was awaiting her. "Adrien?! What are you doing here? I thought you had a photo shoot so you couldn't come to the airport." Marinette exclaimed.

Hearing his friends voice, he looked up and smiled. "I told my dad to reschedule the shoot. I wanted to be there to say goodbye with everyone else. I could have the Gorilla drive us there in my limo, if you want, we have perfectly enough room for you, me, and for your parents to come too if you are ready..." Adrien frantically replied

Marinette was at a loss for words, Adrien had defied his father for her. Luckily her father answered for her. "Of course son! We would love to drive with you. Just let us grab the rest of our stuff, since we will be staying for a few days as well, just to help her settle in with the family taking her in.

The all left, and got into the limo, and along the ride, the soulmates regaled over the times they had over that school year, good and bad. Marinette sighed as they got to the airport. "I'm really going to miss you guys, all of you."

"I know, but just think, we will probably all miss you about 100 times more than you will miss us." Adrien said, trying to cheer her up.

She smiled and they all get out to grab all of the luggage because it was difficult for her to hold it all. She gets through baggage check, customs, security, and said her final goodbyes to her friends who were all waiting at the gate for her. Alya, Nino, Alix, Kim, Mylene, Ivan, Max, Sabrina, Juleka, Rose, Nathanael, Marq, Manon, Luka, Kagami, and even Chloe was there to wish Marinette farewell. Once the tearful girl had finally said her final goodbyes, she was ready to board. She was suddenly stopped when Adrien grasped her wrist. "Mari, I wanted to give you this before you leave, to remember me by." He told her.

Marinette opened a small box that Adrien hands her. She gasps at the gift. It is a silver necklace with a small charm. The charm was a black cat wearing a blue scarf around its neck. "Oh Adrien this is the best gift ever." She sighed. "But why the scarf?"

"I realized that my dad would never have given me a scarf like that, so I asked around and Alya told me that you made it for me. So when I saw this necklace, I thought of you. This is a one of a kind necklace, just like you. One of a kind." Adrien said to her, gazing into her bluebell eyes.

"Thank you so much! I will always wear this, wherever I go." She exclaimed, giving him a huge hug.

They released from their embrace, and after a couple nudges from Alya, she boarded the plane, on to her new adventure, unknowing to how much would change you.

Hiya Kitties!
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of Je T'aime! This is my first story ever, and I hope you all like it!


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