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There are a lot of types of chaos that is happening.

Whether it's the mess found in the society with different issues or, the mess in your room where your mom tells you that you could barely find anything here but you counter that this is you type of organized mess and even the internal argument of the heart and mind whether to text the girl you found cute in class or trying to get over someone. - at the end of the day it's still chaos. And it can be quite stressful.

That's how Jennie Kim's day started.

Inside a medium-sized dressing room in one of the biggest network companies in New York city lies Jennie Kim with her professional suit on and three people taking turns to get her all glammed up for her upcoming interview with Winona, a woman with a very good reputation in the entertainment industry. While everyone was trying to do their own thing despite being within the walls of a room containing ten people, Jennie was calmly closing her eyes, waiting for her stylist's cue to open them.

"Open." The staff says. Jennie thought that she was finally satisfied with her work. "Alright now that's good." Jennie internally sighs. Thank God it's done. She thinks she couldn't handle one more minute inside the cramped room. It was making her claustrophobic.

"Jennie Kim?" Another staff member calls her out. Jennie sighs again, taking that this was the person in-charge to take her out of this hell hole. "You're up next."

She gives her thanks to everyone in the room before closing the door. "Thank you."

The latter smiles at her and Jennie knew that the staff was aware of why she was saying that. "Well Fridays are a little jam-packed."

"No shit." She says, making the personnel smile.

"Okay so we're basically into commercials right now so I just want to make sure that you're aware of the flow of your time on the set." Jennie nods her head. "Just to give you a quick recap we'll just do a brief interview about yourself, your nickname, your next photo exhibit and just a bit more about yourself." She instructs. "Winona might throw in a bit of a couple of brief follow-up questions. You can be brief or humorous about it just don't be sarcastic. That's her pet peeve."

"Noted." Right on cue the show's music starts to play, indicating that they have returned live.

"Go in after the introduction and don't forget to smile!" She whispers before leaving her to be on her station.

Jennie closes her eyes and shakes off her nerves to calm herself while the host makes an introduction about her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome Miss Jennie Kim!"

Let's do this.

"Jennie do tell me." Winona starts off. "When you held that Jacques Lartigue award in your hand how did it feel?"

"Honestly my mind just went blank. The first few seconds or even a minute all I could do was just stare at the award and my mind repetitively asked- is this really mine? Have I really won?" She answers. "Up until now when I stare at that award still feels surreal."

"And you won it amongst the other nineteen talented individuals with longer experience than you. Here you are, two years of photography experience yet still managed to grab the biggest award that a photographer could see on their shelf." The host compliments. "But I have to ask this and I'm sure everyone's curious about it too... Why did you name yourself The Storyteller?"

"It wasn't really me who decided." Jennie clarifies. "When I won the award, there was this French publicist who wanted to feature me into their local newspaper so I let him see the exhibit I sent during the competition and other works. The title of the article was The Storyteller and the rest was history."

"Well I've seen the work you've done and I must say the name suits you perfectly." The host says with a smile on her face. "Talking about work, the rest of the world is entirely curious... you've posted a lot of snippets from your social media and it looked like you've been traveling a lot."

"That I do."

"So now, the question is- is it because you are preparing for your next photo exhibit?"

Jennie stops and thinks for a while before opening her mouth. "It's true that I have been traveling for a while and it's been a long time since I've released something. I'm kind of taking my time for a moment just trying to get the right inspiration since the recent one is pretty hyped up."

"So are you entertaining the possibility that this year might be the year we get to see your work?"

"Hopefully." She answers vaguely.

"Speaking of traveling did you travel alone all throughout the snippets you've allowed us to see or was there someone special who accompanied you?" The crowd then makes the teasing ooh's making Jennie laugh. "And if you did travel with someone, does this someone go by the name of Lisa."

Hearing the name just made the teasing even louder. Loud enough for Jennie to start to feel warm and she even fanned herself making everyone laugh because of her shyness. The host even starts to point out how Jennie's ears started to turn red making everyone cheer even more.

"So? What is the answer?"

"Yes, Lisa did travel with me." She says with a soft voice.

As soon as they heard the answer the host stood up and celebrated together with the crowd as if Jennie and Lisa's relationship was confirmed. When the hyping up was done, Winona returned obviously catching her breath from being overly-excited making Jennie laugh. "So... does this mean that you're dating the one and only Lisa?"

"We're good friends." Jennie says. "I mean friends do travel together."

Winona didn't even bother to hide her disappointment making Jennie laugh once more. "So you're not dating?"

"We're good friends." She repeats herself still with a smile on her face. "That's all I have to say."


"Jennie look this way!"

"We just have a few questions!"

"Jennie when is the next exhibit and will it be the continuation of your previous one, The Girl from The Moon? Will she meet with your first work ''The Girl Who Lives in the Sun?"

Jennie was quick to ignore the press following her from the back exit giving them nothing but brief smiles and waves as she was being escorted by the security team provided by the network. She then headed towards the elevator where she saw the familiar car waiting for her in the basement. Once the security team finished looking over the area, they parted ways both wishing the other a good day. The famous photographer couldn't even hide her excitement while getting inside and gave a tight hug to the person in the passenger seat.

"Whoa, someone missed me." The other teased, causing Jennie to pull away briefly from the hug and pinch her nose. "Ow!"

"That's what you get for leaving the house earlier."

"Hey, I did leave a note that I'll be the one picking you up."

Jennie couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You left it on the cookie jar. Who would leave a note on a cookie jar?"

"You watched Toy Story last night and you cried again. I know for a fact that the first thing you need in the morning are milk and cookies."

"You know me too well it's getting scary."

"We've been living together for years Jen, of course I'd know you."

"Then by now you should know that what I need is this." Jennie returns from her previous position and hugs the person tightly.

"Are you sure it's safe? No media nearby?"

"One hundred percent sure." Jennie says nonchalantly. "Now can you hug me?"

She heard the latter chuckle in amusement but made no protest with her request as she wrapped her arms around Jennie's small figure. "Happy?"

Jennie smiled and hugged her even tighter. "Yes Lisa, I'm happy."



Jennie couldn't believe it.

A second ago she was happy seeing Lisa and thankful that she doesn't have to do anything for the rest of the day. Happy that Lisa had organized a stress-free day for her, starting with some good food at their restaurant and then spending the rest binge watching their favorite show. Happy that Lisa took some time in buying groceries and driving their pets to their groomer- happy that she has probably done a good job enough not to hear about work today.

But the happiness immediately drifted away when she saw Roseanne brightening up her phone telling her to come to the office immediately with Lisa.

"Care to tell me what's going on?" The woman in her red dress suit asks as she was standing on her side of the room, behind her lavish glass table. "Well?"

"It's just a hug." Lisa was the first to speak.

"Just a hug?" The taller woman couldn't help but scoff. "You think I would make a big fuss out of a 'just a hug'? You think I'd care or give two cents about you guys hugging? Huh Lisa?" Lisa was completely silenced, not even daring to make a counter knowing for a fact that she would never probably win against the other when it comes to argument. "You two can hug for all I care but just not after you publicly announced that you two are just good friends. Now you're trending on social media and my line has been continuously ringing."

"Bet you would like all the attention." Jennie remarks silently.

"What was that?"

Jennie sighs and bites the inside of her cheek. "I'm sorry for being reckless, it won't happen again."

"Yeah, you better wish it won't because the next time my ears will probably bleed for all those repetitive, half-assed apologies you've been saying." The latter spits out. "Go and do your business someplace else."

Jennie didn't even bother to say goodbye and just drags Lisa out of her office, not forgetting to slam the door shut. "Ugh, she's so annoying! How are you even friends with a woman with that attitude?"

"Rosie isn't like that on a daily basis."

"Oh so she just had one of those days where she felt like throwing her tantrum at me is that what you want to call it?"

"I don't know, maybe she is in a lot of stress. Photographer agents aren't exactly used to having all this attention to their clients."

"Not my fault if the public decides to treat me like some Hollywood star." She counters. "Besides, she's the one who wanted this kind of attention on me in the first place. You know I hate this kind of attention."

"Don't worry, even though Rosie threw her frustration at you, I'm sure she's doing her best to get things done and you know her, she'll nag at you now but she'll be okay in a couple of hours."

"Easy for you to say... she probably hates me because up until now I still haven't given a final date for my next show."

"I wouldn't blame her though, with your recent work- everyone in the world would be wondering what you're about to put next."'

Jennie looks to the right where she had a clear view of the picture frame in front of her. She was holding onto the most prestigious award, a grin on her face. It still feels surreal if you ask her. Winning the Jacques Lartigue award despite having the least year of experience was probably just sheer dumb luck. Winning the award back-to-back? Now that's what you call a delusion.

But it wasn't. It was Jennie's reality.

A reality she wishes she could just forget.

"You know I was never in it for the awards or the fame."

"Of course I do." Lisa puts her hand on top of Jennie's head, softly patting her. "Want to hear where I went this morning?"

"To the gym?"

Lisa rolls her eyes. "That- and because I paid auntie a visit." She smiles. "Guess what?"

"What?" Jennie says quickly, not bother to hide her excitement. "Come on Lisa, tell me."

"I know the exact date of the full lunar eclipse."


"Lisa what do you think about this? You'll think she'll like this?"

"Maybe go for a professional look. Put on a coat or something but I love the top already."

Jennie rushes back to her walk-in wardrobe to grab hold on her 'lucky' coat. "Okay how about this?"

"Beautiful." Lisa smiles. "Now don't forget-"

"Tie my hair into a bun."

"Good, now let's hit the road."

There are a lot of things that scare Jennie that Lisa is aware of.

First and foremost, Jennie hates bugs and the mere fact that she has to co-exist with them. Knowing this fact was already enough to make her skin crawl. When Lisa saw a cockroach one time in their apartment, Jennie was found standing on top of their kitchen island with a frying pan in hand holding onto it for dear life.

Jennie wasn't also fond of horror houses and Lisa had to find it the hard way. This happened in Paris one their free day before their flight. Jennie wanted to visit Disneyland France.

They decided that it would be fun to test their bravery by entering a horror house and though Lisa was strongly against the idea because of course- she was scared, she really couldn't let Jennie go there alone. She was even slightly comforted when her companion smiled and told her that she's not afraid of it until Jennie had to be face to face with a zombie that scared the life out of her. Long story short- they never visited any type of horror houses ever again. If Lisa could add one more to the never-ending list- is that Jennie is actually scared of Roseanne.

To be honest, she really couldn't blame the latter for feeling that way. Her long-time friend can be pretty intimidating if she wants to be. She doesn't see the point of beating around the bush nor flowery words. Some people even cower at the sight of her and even more so when they hear her harsh and offensive opinions and she can be like that because she has been in the industry at a very young age. All that attitude can be backed up by reputation and success, something that most people don't have.

Lisa knew all too well what Jennie was going through right now. She then remembers all the times that she had to prepare a proposal for the latter and let's just say giving a presentation to someone like Roseanne Park is like dealing with a very strict professor in your research paper defense.

"Can we stop for a moment?" Lisa ushers Jennie to the side, a few steps away from the woman's office. "I know you're nervous as hell right now and I wish I could tell you that it's alright but it's not Jen. You cannot be shaking like this." She says as she lifts up Jennie's trembling hands.

"You know you really can't blame my hand, right?"

"The moment she sees that you're shaking she's going to scare the shit out of you." Lisa says. "If you feel like shaking or throwing up because of nervousness, remember all the hard work you've put into this and the reason why you're doing this."

Hearing that knocked some sense out of her and like a switch, Jennie was already calmed down. "You're right. I've worked hard for this and I don't want all those years of picture taking and traveling to be put to waste."

"That's my girl." Lisa says smiling as she taps Jennie's head.

The door suddenly opens and out reveals Roseanne looking at them with her blank stare. "There you are, thought you backed out for a second there."

"You do know I'm not that type of person, right?" Lisa says with crossed arms. "A quitter doesn't even exist in my vocabulary."

"I wasn't referring to you though." Jennie gulps silently after hearing the comment. "Enough chit-chatting. Let's all head, inside shall we?" She opens the door wider for them to enter. "So you finally decided to think about your exhibit."

"I'm always thinking about my next output Roseanne."

"Considering the fact that it took you nearly three years then I will assume by now that is a lot of thinking."

"Okay!" Lisa cuts off the tension between the two. "Let's talk about why we're here shall we?"

"Sure." Roseanne agrees with a sly facial expression. "Lisa get out."

The two were stunned after hearing the request, especially Lisa herself. "But I'm here-"

"You're her mentor and not some personal assistant." She says. "Her photo exhibit, her presentation." She then turns to give Lisa a challenging and provoking look. "Unless you believe that she can't do it herself."

"I know she can do it."

"Then wait for her outside." The woman in her perfect and shiny silver-dyed hair says. "If not, then you've just convinced me that booking this meeting is a complete waste of my time."

"Go." Jennie says to Lisa with a smile. "I'll see you later."

And before Lisa could even respond, Roseanne butts in. "You heard your girlfriend Lisa."

Lisa, on the other hand, ignores her remark and keeps her focus on Jennie. "Okay, I'll be outside if you need anything."

After hearing the door clicked and Lisa's absence was evident, Roseanne shoots Jennie a smile. "Now, we begin."


Jennie gets hold of the folder prepared last night and presents it in front of her agent. Jennie wanted to congratulate herself for doing a job well done and not shaking. When Roseanne opened the first page, Jennie couldn't help but swallow the invisible lump on her throat, praying that all things will go well.

She remembered the first time she ever met her agent.

It happened when she was in Paris, an after-party that Lisa had prepared for her and Lisa was even the one who introduced them together, having Roseanne as her long-time friend. She knew from the very beginning what Roseanne wanted from her that day. It didn't even come as a surprise when it came from the latter's mouth that by the time she reaches her 40's, she will be the most famous photographer known to ever live.

But it wasn't Roseanne direct words or her reputation that got Jennie signing into a deal with her and her company. It was the simple truth that Lisa, her most trusted person in this world, trusts Roseanne. Lisa always told Jennie that she should never worry about anything because she was in good hands now. She wasn't entirely sure what it meant but as soon as Jennie arrived at the airport- she was completely surprised at the amount of media that was surrounding her and it was only until then that she understood what the taller woman was saying.

The instant fame however drained the life out of Jennie and it sure did come in a hefty price. It was the fact that she had everything about her private life accessible to the public, the hectic schedule and the left and right media scandals the people are trying to throw at her. One of the things that Jennie is suffering through right now is the constant pressure of answering the question- when will we see another work of yours? One major source of that pressure comes from the woman sitting in front of her.

But Jennie could understand where and why Roseanne was constantly pushing her to create more content. It's just that Jennie hated the approach the latter was using. Now, Jennie just hopes that it was Roseanne's turn to understand why it took this long for her to finally come up with a photo exhibit.

After what seemed like a really long time, Roseanne closes the folder, placing it gently back to the table making Jennie somewhat relieved.

At least she didn't throw the folder away. Jennie consoles herself inside.

"Let me get this straight." Roseanne finally speaks up after a moment of silence. "You've spent two and a half years traveling around the world just to take photos of different events during a lunar eclipse."


"You also want it to be released for the public, which is the third part of your story."

"And you want it to be launched two weeks later, on a weekday where there's a higher possibility that no one would want to attend." Jennie nods her head. "You've got loads of demands right here you know that right."

"I do."

"Then let me ask you this." She says. "You think I wasted a lot of money to keep you relevant despite the years of your absence just to promote you like this?" Now Jennie was starting to get scared. "Give me one good reason why I should give this a go signal Jennie."

"Because I want to share a story." Jennie simply answers. "I want to tell them about the Moon, the Sun and how they meet during an eclipse." She says. "Because this is different from all the works I've done in the past."

"Everyone wants to be different." Roseanne counters. "The question now is this a good kind of difference?"

"Yes." Jennie confidently says. "I never wanted to do something more than anything in the world than to show this for everyone to see." Roseanne looks at her dead, challenging her to prove something. "I promise you, when I'm done with the selection- everything will make sense."

"Jennie out of the years we've been around in each other's lives, you should know I don't gamble with uncertainty."

"That's not gambling." Jennie corrects her. "Gambling is when you took a newbie like me under your wing with only having Lisa's words to back me up." She says. "When you place your bets on certain things, is it really worth calling gamble in the first place?"

The sound of the door opening made Lisa stop from pacing back and forth. Snapping her head towards the said furniture, she sees Jennie looking disappointed at herself. It was completely a no-brainer towards her what the outcome had been and she'd be lying if she said that seeing Jennie with that pout and sad eyes didn't break her even one bit.

As soon as Jennie comes in a closer distance, she pulls the smaller woman towards her arms and engulfed her in a tight hug while soothing her long locks while allowing the silence between them comfort the latter. Seconds into the silence the door opens again, revealing Roseanne and her disgusted look at the sight of affection in front of her.

"I want you all fresh and looking energized tomorrow at seven o'clock." She instructs. "That means no funny business for the both of you tonight." Roseanne adds. "And would you bring your lovey dovey elsewhere? You two are such an eyesore."

The door closes again and Lisa was completely surprised at Roseanne's words. She looks at Jennie again and gone was the defeated look and now replaced by a playful one. "You!"

Jennie finally lets out the laugh that she has been holding onto for a while. "You just got pranked!"

"Come here!"

"No!!!" Jennie utters a squeal when she inevitably gets caught by the black-haired woman. "Lisa put me down."

"No." Lisa even places a firm hold on Jennie while carrying her like she was a sack of potatoes.

"There's people watching."

"That's what you get for pranking me."

"Where are we even going?"

"To the office!" Lisa grins. "We've got loads to do."

It was finally around eleven o'clock in the evening when the announcement was made. As soon as Roseanne's PR Team pressed the upload button suddenly everyone was up. Different people voiced out their reactions in their own social media and others were luckily up on the same were able to post some articles already and most of them told about their excitement and anticipation knowing that whatever Jennie would show to the public would be something breath-taking.

"Jen." Lisa's sleepy voice broke out Jennie's focus in front of the computer. "It's late, what are you doing up until this time?"

"Roseanne released the news."

She looks through the screen with her half-opened eyes. "Well, it's nice to know that people are excited."

"I know."

Lisa then turns off the screen. "But you shouldn't read them anymore."

"Why not?"

"Their excitement causes you pressure." Lisa responds. "I know you're trying to read each post as much as possible in order to adjust to their anticipation but then you'll read some criticisms and hate posts. Then you'll have some self-doubt and have worries that shouldn't even be there to begin with."

"Have I ever told you that I hate the way you know way too much about me?"

"Multiple times but guess who's still here?" Lisa then ruffles Jennie's hair. "I know you want to meet the expectations but I also want you to have fun with this. Don't focus on their reactions or the hate posts. This exhibit is about you and what you truly want to show the world."

Jennie then defeatedly nods her head and intertwines her hand with Lisa's. "Alright, alright. You win."

"Good, let's get some sleep. It's going to be a long day for you tomorrow."

And once again, Lisa was right. It was a long day for Jennie.

As soon as she arrived, Roseanne's secretary immediately assigned a team for Jennie to assist her and laid out her entire schedule for the day which consisted of interviews, meetings and public appearances and even teaching. Jennie even felt like there was no break time at all.

It was tough for Jennie.

Sure, she knows that Roseanne was just doing things to further boost her public reputation and promote her further but maybe her agent had forgotten the fact that she wasn't used to this kind of schedule or the fact that she isn't like any normal human population as she is a member of the minimal percentage of humans who get tired easily.

Jennie arrived home around nine in the evening and she felt like she just had exerted effort similar in attending a survival show where she is the first person to be eliminated. She half-assed did her nightly hygiene routine before slamming herself on the comfort of her bed, finally calling it a day.

"Okay, my turn. Which do you prefer to be reincarnated to? To be the sun? Or to be the moon?"

"Is this the part where you tell me you're going to be the opposite so you can finally push your agenda of us being star-crossed lovers?"

"You're no fun, why do you always know the way I think?"

"I've been with you for five years Jennie, of course I'd know these small things about you. Plus, you've been yapping about some sad stories so it's not really that hard to catch on."

"Okay but you still haven't picked one."

"Hmmm, if I ever get to choose one- then I shall be the moon."

"The moon? Boo..."

"What's not to like about the moon? I get to see the world during night time when it's peaceful. I get to see sparkling buildings, people laughing during dinners, reckless decisions encouraged by alcohol or just two people taking their time in walking after a fun day together." She says. "Plus, I also like watching you sleep."

"Okay Edward Cullen." Jennie playfully rolls her eyes. "So it's fixed then? You're the moon and I'm the sun." The latter nods her head. "Therefore, I conclude that we are indeed star-crossed lovers. Two people who met and loved at the wrong time."

"The sun and the moon aren't star-crossed lovers."

"Of course they are, there's like a dozen references on the internet."

"We can't be star-crossed lovers because the sun and the moon do meet." Jennie looks at her confusingly, making the girl laugh. "We meet during a Solar and Lunar eclipse you dumb dumb."

"Oh." Jennie blinks in realization. "So you mean that we're going to see each other eventually?"

The latter nods her head. "Just like the sun and moon, we'll see each other again."

Jennie woke up as soon as the dream ended and the first thing she sees in the morning is Lisa's worried face. "Thank God, you're awake."

"Why? What happened?"

"I thought you were having a nightmare or something." She then proceeds to wipe Jennie's tears. "Then again, I am actually thankful that you were kind of invested in your dream, otherwise you'd ruin the simple surprise I've prepared." Lisa then pulls up a tray with a complete set of breakfast. "I made your favorite by the way."

"Kimchi fried rice!" Jennie perks up.

"Go on, try it and tell me what you think."

Jennie grabs a generous amount of the food and tries everything in one bite. The moment her taste buds grasp a taste of the food, she widens her eyes and looks at Lisa while munching the food. "Is this..."

Lisa nods her head, smiling as she got her expected reaction from the latter. "The one and only."

When she heard the answer, Jennie couldn't help but be in tears. "You didn't have to go through the hassle."

"I know you like eating it when you need to refill your energy." Lisa says. "Plus, it wasn't really much of a hassle, I've had some help come, it was a tough kind of help but seeing you enjoy it is worth it." She extends her hand and wipes those tears away. "You know I'd do anything for you right?"

Jennie nods her head, fully understanding what those words meant. "I honestly don't know what I would do if it weren't for you."

"How about we have enough of this drama?" Lisa smiles again. "It's way too early for us to have a touching moment like this."

"Your fault idiot."

Lisa chuckles, thankful that the damped mood was gone. "Now, to make things a little brighter, I've got some good news."

"What is it?"

"I talked to auntie last night and she told me where's the most favorable spot for your photo exhibit." She hands Jennie a piece of paper.

Upon seeing the address, Jennie couldn't help but be worried. "Are you really sure that it's this place?"

"The closer to the lunar eclipse the better right?"

"I don't know Lisa." Jennie's voice sounded unsure. "Do you think Roseanne would approve of this?"

"I believe that the odds are in your favor."


Lisa nods her head. "She already agreed to have your photo exhibit under extreme conditions so there's a small chance that she'd say no."

"Are you sure?"

"I've known Rosie for quite some time so you can say that I am one hundred percent sure." Lisa reassures her. "She will not say no."



Lisa's jaw dropped at Roseanne's answer and the fact that it didn't even take her more than ten seconds to respond. "No?"

"I don't like repeating myself."

"But why?"

Now it was Roseanne's turn to be dumbfounded. "What do you mean why? You know exactly the reason."


"That venue contains things I dislike the most. Not a downtown area- an open reception and what else? Ah! I know, it's fucking expensive."

"Then I don't mind paying." Jennie finds her voice. "Heck, I'll pay for the venue."

"You just don't get it do you?" Roseanne shifts her attention towards the photographer.

"But I need that place to be the venue for my photo exhibit."

"Need?" The agent deadpans. "Let's be clear once and for all, you're in no position to demand something from me Jennie. Even Wesley does more for me than you and that says a lot because it's dumb Wesley we're talking about." She says. "The only reason I gave your photo exhibit a go signal is because your arch rival Kang Seulgi also plans to hold another exhibit, her fifth exhibit by the way and you two have the same years of experience."

"It just so happens that your exhibit demands to happen a bit earlier than hers which is why I agreed. I also wouldn't mind getting some of her patrons because honestly between the winner of the Jacques and the runner up, you win by a long shot. But between her venue that only costs a few steps from your workplace versus yours, who do you think will win?" Both Lisa and Jennie remained silent so Roseanne continued with her reasoning. "My decision regarding this matter is final. I'll be the one who gets to decide where your venue will be at, end of discussion."

Upon hearing the verdict, Jennie didn't even bother to waste any more second inside the office and excused herself loudly, slamming the door with all of her force just to show her frustration. Lisa, on the other hand, stays behind with a hope that she could still turn things around.

"Don't give me that look." Roseanne pertains to the disbelief print on Lisa's face. "You know well where I'm coming from."

"You also know well that she can pull that venue off."

"The question isn't about being able to pull off Lisa. Even if Jennie decides to hold her venue at noon in Arizona a hundred people would still decide to come. It's about my resources at the moment. The money I've invested on her all these years is bigger than what she had contributed to me. If she wanted that venue then she should've realized that it's more than being The Storyteller." Roseanne referred to the infamous nickname. "I needed results, exhibits and offers and sad to say, she hasn't given me one since her hiatus."

"Even if we end up booking the place, there's still a lot of things to consider. Time travel, catering services and not to mention fortuitous events like rain or power outage. The ride getting there is way too steep and worse comes to worst, I might as well tell everyone that we're stuck for the night." She says. "Do you have what it takes to calm down 150 guests with a possibility that more than thirty percent of them are Karens? Because I don't."

Lisa decides a different approach. "You know that we have been friends for a long time and not once did I ask a favor from you."

"And I did the same to you right Lali?" Roseanne also decides to use the tactic against her. "Even when you decided to retire at the peak of your photography career and be with Jennie."

"Rosie please." Lisa's voice starts to sound desperate. "All I ask is just one favor..." She trails off. "If you can't do it for Jennie, then do it for me."


Jennie heard Lisa's footsteps closing towards her but she paid no mind and continued to stare at the view of downtown Manhattan from her office window. "Well?"

She hears a sigh, knowing well what that meant. "I'm sorry Jennie."

The photographer couldn't help but feel down as well. "It's okay, we'll figure something out like we always do." She says. "Maybe you can talk to auntie and- why are you smiling?" Lisa says nothing and just smiles wider, making Jennie anxious. "Lisa talk!"

"I'm sorry because Rosie demands you to double your effort since you got the venue."

This time Jennie paused for a moment to connect the dots. "Ar-are you kidding me right now?" Lisa shakes her head, the smile still evident on her face. "Oh my God!"

Jennie ran into Lisa and latched her legs around the woman's torso. "I'm serious though, Roseanne has already filled your schedule for the remaining days so you gotta keep your A-game from here on out. No more demands, no more rebuttals. Whatever she says, you have to do it."

"I promise!" Jennie's practically squealed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" As she said those words, she repetitively kissed Lisa's cheeks over and over again.

The tickets were sold out in less than two hours and when the news was delivered to Roseanne, she couldn't even believe it herself. It even surpassed her prediction of four hours and with the current results, Roseanne gained a little confidence in herself that maybe she could really pull this event off. Just a few more days. She says to herself. A few more days and you'll get the harvest that you want.

After receiving some great news, she decides to give the news to Lisa, which also means that she would have to give the news to Jennie as well since the two are practically glued ever since Jennie was put under her care.

It's not like she didn't like the famous photographer because she did. The quality of the work she displays and the narrative magic she can convey through photos is what made her attracted and intrigued at the same time. Jennie was unique and was even on her own league Roseanne thinks as she recalls the works she has witnessed in the past. She also remembered the very first time she had heard of the latter, and that was when Lisa told her that she had found a photographer she could train, weeks later after her announcement that she would be retiring.

When Lisa told her that she had found the person that could replace her, Roseanne couldn't help but feel doubtful. It was Lisa after all, The Lisa Manoban that was famous for her abstract way of photography. To her eyes, you couldn't just compare Lisa to someone else. Lisa was different. Lisa is different. Lisa will always be different.

Which is why she had decided to gamble on Jennie, despite having zero background of what the industry is. When she saw her works, Roseanne immediately thought of the endless possibilities Jennie has with her talent and despite the constant bickering and not being able to see eye to eye, Roseanne respects the talent Jennie has. Everything requires patience. Lisa would always remind her.

Now, Roseanne just hoped that she had placed good seeds of patience because it's harvest time.

"Come in!" Jennie says from the other side of the door.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something."

"Roseanne." Jennie says out of surprise. "It's you."

"Yeah hate to break it to you but-" She shrugs.

"No, no... that's not what I meant."

"Just wanted to drop by and tell you congratulations." She says. "Your tickets have already been sold out."

"Really!?" The latter nods her head. "Oh my God! That's amazing!"

"Seems like Lisa was right in fighting for the venue." Roseanne adds. "It's the talk of the town... or the talk of the internet town." She dryly chuckles, hoping that Jennie would get that she was trying to throw in a joke.

Thankfully though, Jennie smiled. "Thank you for agreeing despite the sudden notice. I know it wasn't easy on your part."

"What can I say, Lisa does have a way with people." She says with a smile. "Where is she by the way?"

"She's with her aunt, doing some errands."

"Is that the aunt she used to live with back in Chicago?"

Jennie nods her head. "Do you know her?"

"Oh- I know her alright." Roseanne scoffs. "Back in junior high, Lisa was often bullied in our old town because they thought her aunt was some sort of freak." She shares. "In our neighborhood they would often gossip that she lived in a haunted house and that she could see ghosts... Not in a gruesome way though, she just sees them like when they used to be alive."

"And did your parents want you to stay away from Lisa?"

"Quite the opposite actually. It was the first time I had a friend because of racial issues so my parents were kind of relief that Lisa came."

"You didn't mind the rumors?"

"Not at all. I was enjoying the ghost stories every sleepover and besides- Lisa is my best friend. Throwing her under the bus because of that lame reason is just bullshit."

Jennie smiles. "I'm glad Lisa has you as her friend."

"Yeah." The smile was gone on Roseanne's face as Jennie said the last word. "Friends."

"Since you're here, would you like to see the final selection for the exhibit?"

"As long as you're alright with it."

Jennie then hands Roseanne a portfolio. "There's not much but I went with the most fitting pictures that could go well with the title."

Roseanne nods her head. "Where they met." She says the title. "Honestly the title was intriguing enough that it's probably one of the reasons why your tickets have sold out quickly."

She opened the folder and as soon as her eyes landed on the first picture, Roseanne immediately understood what kind of story she wanted to tell the public this time. It was the story of the sun, the moon and where they met.

The Eclipse.

As she browsed through the photo one by one, Roseanne felt like she was on a roller coaster. The first parts were all positive emotions. Like the picture Jennie took during a festival where people could be seen jumping around, the excitement that the runners feel during the Solar Eclipse race which she didn't even know that existed in the beginning and a photo taken of what she assumed to be inside the airport of a Marine Corps hugging his wife that made her feel a sense of relief. An emotion of reunion of two long lost lovers.

Even the transition was beautiful from the Solar Eclipse to the Lunar Eclipse. Roseanne felt the sadness starts to creep in the beginning of the lunar, those stolen moments of people crying on outdoor pubs, dragging walks and the pain finally kicks starts with the woman inside her room, hugging herself with the eclipse in the background. Then followed by broken bottles, tear-stained pillows and messed up sheets all this happened as the moon and sun separated from one another until there was no longer a union between the two.

The photos end there and it even took Roseanne seconds to process everything as she felt like her entire being was spiraled with a mixture of emotions. She closes the portfolio in a soft manner, trying her hand to stop shaking as she swallows the huge lump on her throat. She tries to compose herself for a minute, trying to find a proper and worthy reaction to Jennie but all she could utter at the moment was-

"Wow." Roseanne didn't even mind the fact that her voice just cracked. "T-that was something."

"Do you mean it in a good way or in a bad way?"

"I mean it in a way that when the show's over people are going to be posting about how the ticket is absolutely fucking worth it."

Jennie grins wide that her gums were starting to show up. "Thank you." She says. "That really means a lot to me."

"How'd you do it?" Roseanne asks. "Like- how did you manage to get this idea or to have such photos in the first place?"

"I searched about public events that happen all around the world during a solar and lunar eclipse and they were surprisingly a lot." She answers. "Except the wedding though, that was pure coincidence. We were in Rome that time and the homeowner of the place we rented shared that her niece is about to get married on an eclipse. We asked if we could gatecrash for photos and she said yes."

"And this?" Roseanne points to one specific event on a Lunar Eclipse.

"Ooh, I am in love with this." Jennie smiles. "Lisa told me about a rural practice in a town back in the province of Thailand. On a Lunar Eclipse, people who have lost their loved ones attach their letter to a lantern and fly it away because they believe that the union of the sun and moon is the gateway to the afterlife."

"The woman in the room..." Roseanne trails off, unsure if she could ask such a question. "That was you isn't it?"

"Lisa and I had trouble capturing photos of the sadness I wanted to convey. We were in an argument because that was the last lunar eclipse and I was frustrated that I didn't have any ideas and she was not supportive at the moment so we ended up fighting."

"Jen it's okay, you don't have to share it if you don't feel like doing so."

"It's okay, it's a past issue anyway." She reassures the latter. "That series of photos happened in the last seconds of the eclipse... I literally just told Lisa to stand and take photos while I throw my heart out in my sleeve."

"I, for one, thought that this was going to be a happy story because I knew a lot of people are waiting for their meeting." Roseanne. "It's a nice twist you put there, even though the story is quite sad."

"You do know that the best lessons in come can't be found in Disney stories and happy endings." She shares. "Sometimes, you learn things when it's three o'clock in the morning, crying yourself to sleep wishing that you can go back in time."

"To make things right?"

Jennie shakes her head. "To feel things twice."

Roseanne was lost. "You want to go over all the pain again?"

"The pain also brought me the most wonderful memories in my life. Memories that I will carry with me until I'm old and wrinkled like a crumpled piece of paper." Jennie answers. "So yes, I am willing to go all through the pain again if it meant feeling all those wonderful things twice."

The latter could sense that there was something more to the story but decided that she was in no position to explain further. "This must've been a very personal story."

"It is..." Jennie trails off. "That's why I need this event to succeed."

"Don't worry Jennie, I'll make sure that everyone will be left speechless by the time the exhibit ends."

Jennie smiles at her. "Thank you, Roseanne."


"Oh my God, oh my God."

"Shit, shit, shit."

"Calm down Jennie, calm yourself down."

Jennie finally stops and looks at her own reflection at the mirror. "You look like shit."

After days and long hours of preparation.

The day has finally come.

Today, Jennie Kim will finally showcase to the world about her exhibit.

The night before the said date, Jennie couldn't sleep. All she could do was to sit by her favorite bean bag found in the corner of her office and look at the moon. Next thing she knew, her face was greeted with a bright light. It was finally morning and she looked like shit.

She didn't even have the chance to look fresh as Lisa dragged her out and did some last minute interviews. Then she had to skip lunch to head to the venue with Roseanne to check everything. Then in the late afternoon, Jennie had to meet with her team to do a pre-event meeting and make sure that they're all on the same page. Jennie couldn't even nap and the only rest she had done was when they were back at the venue, again to prepare for hair and make-up.

"Jennie!" Lisa's voice ringed from the other side. "Jen open up!"

"I know! I'll be ready for hair and make-up! Just a sec!"

"No Jen, open up!"

Curious as to why Lisa's voice was suddenly agitated she immediately opened the doors. The look on Lisa's face said it all. This is some bad news. "Please don't tell me it's bad news."

"I'm sorry Jennie." Lisa's voice was saddened too. "There's a storm coming." As if Jennie's heart didn't drop enough because of the reveal- Lisa adds the only thing Jennie had forbidden herself to hear from the very beginning of this plan.

"Your exhibit is cancelled."

Jennie was quite stunned when she heard Lisa tell her that. She blinks once, twice- multiple times before finding her voice to respond. "You're joking."


"You almost got me." She smiles. "Don't worry I'm not mad, you're just lucky I'm way too focused on my exhibit to give you a proper explanation."

"Jen." Lisa calls out.

"Is everything turning out well?" Jennie was still not believing a word she said. "Are the staff in their key positions? Our guests should be arriving any moment."

The bob-hair cut woman knew all too well what Jennie was doing and so she tried to reach out for Jennie's wrist, only to be avoided swiftly by the photographer. "Please Jen, let's talk."

"We'll talk later." Jennie was still in denial. "I'm going to check the food."

"Jennie wait!" And before Lisa could catch up, she saw the glimpse of a paparazzi lurking around the building with obviously-a camera in hand. "Oh for fuck's sake..."

Jennie rushes out of the room with closed eyes marching as she walks to the lobby successfully without bumping against someone else. She stops for a moment, wishing that whatever Lisa had said moments ago was just one big fat lie. There was no storm, no cancellation and no broken promises.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Jennie felt a tug in her stomach. It wasn't just a storm. Right before her very eyes is the storm.

Firm and strong oak trees had its branches and leaves swaying back and forth like they were dancing to the storm's rhythm. Gone was the beautiful and star-filled sky she saw before taking a nap and the once calm sea of night was replaced by bright flashes of threatening thunderstorm. Jennie could hear the ruckus coming from the kitchen a few feet from and saw a glimpse of the catering staff hurrying themselves in packing their food in hopes they could make it back to downtown in time. She also the team on the other side of the hall, each and everyone holding onto their phones notifying everyone about the upcoming storm.

No this can't be happening.

This can't be happening.

The more Jennie looked at the chaos in front of her, the more she felt her heart sink. Her knees were starting to get weak, and she tried to stop herself from swallowing afraid that she would throw up any minute or worse- pass out. She then heads to the Banquet Hall near the gardens where she saw her pieces were slowly being put together and now, all she could see were the staff pulling out the photos bit by bit with Roseanne giving instructions to everyone.


She has to show this event now.

It has to be now.

"Put those back." Jennie speaks out, making everyone turn at her. "Put those back." She repeats.

"Do you want them to be drenched in the rain?"

"Put my pictures back." She says a bit stern this time and when no one decided to make a move Jennie decides to make sure everyone knows that she means what she just said. "I said put my pictures back!"

"Did you hit your head-"

"Goddammit Roseanne!"

Roseanne was surprised with the outburst Jennie made. "Can you please leave us? I'll call you guys later." As soon as they are left alone, she then throws a mean glare towards Jennie. "Are you out of your mind?"

"We had an agreement. My exhibit will be presented today."

"Jennie there's a fucking storm coming!" Roseanne even used her hands just so she could see what was happening a few feet away from her. "Do you not see the chaos in front of you or are you just acting blind and dumb?"

"But we had an agreement!" Jennie lousily rebuts. "We had an agreement Roseanne!"

"Which is fucking cancelled if you haven't noticed!" Roseanne exclaims. "Don't worry okay? I'll take care of this and make sure that we'll reschedule within this week. Now go back to your girlfriend and cry in her arms because I have no time for your whining."

Jennie surprisingly pulls Roseanne who was just about to leave. "We're not done here."

"I believe that we are."

"Fine." Jennie says stubbornly. "Then I guess I'll just have to do this by myself."

Roseanne widens her eyes when Jennie starts to grab a piece of her work and heads back to the garden. "Jennie!" She tries to catch up with the other. "Jennie come back!"

"Go! I don't need you here!"

"Jennie come back here this instant!"

"Just leave me alone! Leave just like everyone else!"

Thankfully enough, Roseanne's long arm was about to grab hold of Jennie's wrist. "What the fuck's wrong with you!? Do you want to be hit by thunder and die!?"

"So what if I die!? Why do you care!?"

This time, she grabs a firm hold on Jennie, hoping it'll come the latter down. "Because Lisa cares about you!" Roseanne lets her emotions speak for the first time. "Lisa doesn't want you to go risking your life on some exhibit so stop risking yourself and just tell what is going on!"

She swats the hand as tears threaten to fall any time soon. "What's wrong is the fact that you don't understand!"

That caught Roseanne by surprise. "Of course I understand!" She defends. "I understand how much this exhibit means to you and how you wanted today to be the day you show it to others but this is something we didn't even see coming." She was lost why the latter was acting this way. Roseanne thought this was just the frustration speaking so she tries to be the bigger person. "I'm sorry it had to be this way, but you also have to understand where I'm coming from." She then places her hand on top of Jennie's shoulder.

"You don't even see what I'm coming from!" She spats back. "Can't you see why I'm so eager to push this through? Huh Roseanne? Can't you see the desperation in every fiber of my being!?" She screams louder than the roaring thunder claps. "I have to do this now because I don't know when the next time is! Heck- I don't even know if there's still a next time!" Jennie was taking huge breaths in between, trying to calm the rapid beating of her heart. "So don't go around telling me that you know or that you understand what I am going through because you don't! You don't and you never will!"

"Jennie!" Lisa finally comes to the rescue and grabs a hold of Jennie. "Calm down Jennie please..."

Jennie clasps away even from Lisa's strong grip due to the adrenaline rush she's feeling. With the chaos that she's currently feeling, she suddenly launches herself at Roseanne, catching the latter completely off guard while Jennie holds onto her collar. "You'll never understand because you've never loved the way I have! You won't understand because you don't understand the kind of pain I am going through!" Roseanne, though terrified at the actions of Jennie, saw the sadness on Jennie's orbs as they shed a few tears. "And I hope you don't... because there's nothing more painful than loving someone who has no plans of coming back to you."

And those were Jennie's last words before Lisa injected Propofol onto Jennie's vein, completely putting her to sleep.


"Her vitals are okay, injecting Propofol was probably a good thing." The doctors say to Roseanne and Lisa. "It's probably just fatigue and mental exhaustion. From her CT scan, I'm guessing she was under a lot of anxiety and stress over the past days."

"I didn't event notice those things..." Lisa says defeatedly. "I'm with her everyday and I didn't even see the suffering that she's going through."

Roseanne decides to be the sober one and talks to the doctor. "Will she be okay?"

"Yes, thanks to the sleeping dose she's able to calm her nerves down. She will be up in a few hours so we'll see later if there's some further complications which is entirely minimal."

She heaves out a sigh of relief. "Okay, thank you for the news."

"Don't mention it."

The doctor excuses himself, leaving Roseanne looking for ways to comfort her best friend. "Lisa, this was never your fault."

"I should've ignored the paparazzi... I should've stopped her first."

"You did what you had to do and I am thankful. If not, there's probably a video of Jennie losing her wits over her exhibit going around right now."

"I promised..." Lisa says in her low and broken tone. "I promised that I will always look after her and look where it got me."

"You protected her from the public."

"I stood there as Jennie launched herself towards you..." She says. "You could've gotten hurt." Lisa just shakes her head. "I couldn't even protect you."

"That's okay." She shrugs as if what Lisa's last sentence didn't make her heart do summersaults. "At the end of the day, you can't protect everyone." Roseanne answers. "But that's okay, because you were able to protect the one who you love. You were there for Jennie and that's all that matters."

"You don't understand..." Lisa trails off. "Jennie and I are not together."

Roseanne's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden confession. "You two are not dating?" Lisa shakes her head, making her more lost than ever. "But I don't understand, you guys are practically glued together. You two even lived together and did all these dates and lovely things like all couples do and-" She was immediately cut off with Lisa's hand on top of hers.

"I think it's time you know the truth." Lisa says. "Want to go and grab some coffee?"


The sound of silence within the small coffee shop made Roseanne anxious. Her conversations with Lisa are anything but this. They were usually fun and light, similar to two old friend walking down memory lane. They would laugh for hours and tease then bicker and laugh all over again.

But something tells her that whatever conversation they're about to have is completely different.

She watches as Lisa takes a huge lump from her iced drink before putting it down and releasing a sigh. "Remember what I told you when you asked when did I meet Jennie?"

"You met her through a common friend."

Lisa nods her head. "That common friend of ours was somewhat my family. She took care of me the moment she found that I was all alone. She really did a good job and made my college life bearable. She saw me through my lowest of lows and was there to comfort me in every way possible. I saw hers too, and the very first time it happened was when she uttered Jennie's name with tears in her eyes as she got home drunk one night." Lisa trails off. "It wasn't just Jennie's potential to become a great photographer I witnessed, but I also got to see how their story went."

"They were just like us- childhood friends ever since and practically glued to the limbs. When Jennie found out that she was going to a different university she rejected the offer to go to Paris to study fashion and studied photography instead When Jennie was having trouble in finding a subject to take photos of- she would always volunteer even if she was ultimately camera shy. Their story was a skinny love that took them nearly two decades to finally realize things out but once they did- they became the perfect couple in my eyes."

"It didn't come as a surprise to me when she told me that she had bought a ring to propose to Jennie three years after graduation." She shares. "She told me that she was going to do it during their fifth anniversary and she wanted all of their friends and family to come and everyone was excited to witness as they move forward into another milestone."

"But just as every cliché story goes- something happened." Roseanne knew that the next things she's about to hear next will not be good. "The day of the proposal, she passed out before even asking Jennie and the next day, the doctor comes and greets us with the results." Lisa swallows the lump on her throat, taking a huge exhale out of her lungs before continuing.

"She was diagnosed with brain tumor and she's only got a few months to live."

Roseanne felt her lungs contracted and the sudden ache on her heart as soon as Lisa spoke. "B-b-brain tumor?"

"I remember Jennie's reaction when she heard the news." Lisa clicks her tongue against the top of her mouth, trying to calm her emotions down. "Her knees immediately gave up on her and she was just lost. She couldn't think, she couldn't function. Jennie was just there in my arms when I caught her safely. I tried my best to be strong for her but I broke down as soon as Jennie said- I'm going to lose her." Lisa repeats Jennie's words then. "It didn't even help when I saw her smiling still when she found out about her condition despite the fact that her initial plan to live forever with Jennie was cut short."

"She was a strong woman and she battled the fuck out of that tumor. The doctor told us that she wouldn't last more than two months, but being the woman we all knew her for, defied everything and exceeded the doctors' assumptions. She was showing progress and the surgery was successful so imagine the joy and relief we all felt with the series of good news..."

"One night, while we were hanging out by the garden, She kept on asking if we could take photos together and she kept asking Jennie to be photographed. We sang songs and talked about our future plans... Before we headed back to her room, she asked Jennie to take a photo of her with the moon in the background." Lisa pulls out her phone and shows a picture of Jennie and what she assumed to be the woman they have been talking about. "Jisoo died later that night during a full eclipse."

Roseanne didn't even know the woman that's in front of her but her heart ached just seeing her face. With a good look at the latter, she figured that this woman was of a good heart and that she lived her life to the fullest. Roseanne was put out of her train of thought when she felt Lisa's thumb wipe the tears flowing from her eyes. Lisa gives her an understanding smile, knowing how Roseanne cries so easy.

"But I still don't understand... if Jennie is in love with this woman then why are you two acting like you're together?"

"When Jisoo died, it was as if she took Jennie along with her. She no longer found the motivation to push through with life and being the closest one to the two of them, I was also in pain. Angry even and questioned a lot of things." She says. "Jisoo didn't deserve to die and I told myself that I would be willing to do anything just to see her again."

"What happened?"

"Remember when I told you back in high school that I decided to live with my aunt in Chicago because she's the only one that could understand me the most?"

Roseanne nods her head only to cut Lisa off by holding her hand. She tries to connect the dots altogether and then look at Lisa with wide eyes. "Lisa... don't tell me."

Lisa nods her head. "I can talk to ghosts Rosie..." She answers. "And the reason why Jennie and I are together is because I am her only source of contact with Jisoo."

The latter couldn't even believe what she was hearing. Lisa can actually talk to ghosts?! She wasn't really in a relationship with Jennie all these years?! Those were just some of the questions that were going through her mind. And out of all the questions she has, only one has been answered.

"There's nothing more painful than loving someone who has no plans of coming back to you."

"Shit." Roseanne reacts after a long moment of silence. "Shit Lisa."

"I know that's probably a lot to take in."

"You think?" She replies sarcastically, as if Lisa hadn't pointed out the obvious. Roseanne sighs and massages her head. Shit. She says to herself. "So all the ghost stories I heard back then were-"


"And the time you told me that you said my granddad wants me to sing his favorite song during the talent show because he missed my voice-"

"Also true."

"How about the time when you saw my pet mice playing around her old cage in the attic?"

"Now, that was a joke. I can only see and talk to people."

"Shit Lisa!" She exclaims and throws her friend a punch.

"What did I do?"

"I believed you that time!"

"I assumed you didn't believe any ghost related so I decided to throw one randomly."

"I didn't say that I didn't believe them."

"I thought you didn't because you still decided to become friends with me."

This is where Roseanne rolled her eyes. "I like being friends with you idiot, in case you didn't notice." Roseanne indirectly mentions their strong communication throughout the years. "Now I understand Jennie was so persistent in showing her exhibit tonight... she must've wanted to feel closer to Jisoo..."

"That wasn't the only reason though." Lisa says again and Roseanne prepares for another bomb to drop. "My aunt told me that spirits can actually show themselves to the people they were the closest to during a full lunar eclipse."

"So that means..."

Lisa nods her head again. "Jennie will get to see Jisoo tonight."

She immediately thought of the desperation and Jennie's choice of words earlier, making her understand the latter better. She looked through the mirror and realized that the eclipse was about to happen soon. "What if Jennie doesn't wake up on time?"

"We have a back-up plan." She answers. "Before the event, Jisoo kept telling me that she needed to say something to Jennie. Said that it was important..." Lisa trails off.

"Is there any way that I can help?"

"Are you sure?"

Roseanne nods her head affirmatively. "For the first time, I finally got the chance to understand Jennie and though we're not really close, I sympathize with her and she's been through so much. I also feel really bad for the way I acted earlier so please Lali-" She uses the oldest trick in the books to make Lisa agree to her offer. "I wanted to help."

Lisa sighs and eventually nods her head. "Okay, I think I have a plan."

"What the hell?" Jennie says as soon as she enters Jisoo's room. Her eyes widen in fear when she found out Lisa was doing the worst possible shave on her girlfriend. "Lisa get your hands off of my girlfriend."

"No need to be jealous Jen! You know I'm no homo when it comes to Jisoo."

"I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your horrible job as Jisoo's hair stylist."

"You do know it's kind of ironic when you say hair stylist because later she won't have-" Lisa shuts herself up when she saw Jennie throwing her a glare. "How about I leave."

"I think that's the safest choice."

"You're right." She places the razor down and lifts both of her hands in defeat. "I'm just going to call Rosie and uh- grab some snacks."

"Can you just tell the girl you love her doofus?" Jisoo teases.

"She's my best friend okay? Like I can't imagine kissing her."

"Jennie's my best friend and she's a good kisser."

Lisa playfully barfs out. "Okay, that's enough gay content for me. Good bye."

Jisoo chuckles at Lisa's 'in-denial' phase. "How long do you think she will play dumb?"

"I don't know, I mean- it took us a long time." Jennie answers. "Plus, this is Lisa we're talking about."

"My hair is probably going to grow back and she probably still wouldn't make a move." Jisoo shakes her head. "And she has the audacity to call herself my friend."

"Look who's talking." Jennie teased as she turned on the razor. "For someone who took most of her life to ask her long-time crush out, you sure are one to talk."

"Okay excuse me, I didn't have any clue that you were having wet dreams about me-ow!" Jisoo winces as Jennie pinched her ear with her long nails. "Not the ear, they cause me headaches."

"Sorry." She leans in to give the pinched ear a kiss. "Why did you let Lisa shave your hair? You do know you can't trust her with anything related to electricity."

"I figured that your interview would take longer and she was here." She answers. "Speaking of interviews, did you get the position?"

Jennie paused for a moment before beginning the shaving. "It was good, not sure but they said they would call."

"You know, I would've believed you for a second there if you didn't take a second to pause." She says. "What happened really?"

This time Jennie sighs. "I didn't go through the job interview."

"You what?" Jisoo turns around this time, allowing Jennie to have a good look on her face. "Why?"

"I calculated my time travel and figured that I won't be here to shave your head so I asked my cab to head me down here instead." Jisoo couldn't help but sigh. "Sorry, I just really want to be the one to shave your hair."

Jisoo knew Jennie too well to know that this was more than about being the one to shave her hair. "I get that you're scared and to be honest I am too... but I don't need you to be scared too Jennie. I want to gain strength from you and I can't do that if you're thinking all these negative things."

"I'm sorry..."

The latter then holds onto Jennie's hands, rubbing her thumb against her girlfriend's soft skin. "Promise me one thing?" Jennie looks and waits for Jisoo to continue. "Promise me that you'll be strong for me from this day on?"

"I promise."

"Whatever happens?"

"Whatever happens." She repeats.

Jisoo squeezed her hand and laid her cheeks against it. "Always?"

Jennie bites her lip hard, trying to hold back the tears. "Always."    

Jennie jolts up from her hospital bed as soon as she regains consciousness. She immediately snaps her head towards the window and rushes to open the blinds.

Please still be there

Please still be there

Please still be there

"No." Jennie whispers to herself as she looks at the moon with its original light-yellow color. "No, no, no..." She says. "No this can't be happening." She says.

"This... the eclipse probably didn't happen just yet. Right, the eclipse is still about to happen." Turning around, she finds her hand phone on the table. "The eclipse will happen at 12 midnight. Just like what Lisa's aunt says. When the eclipse starts, I can finally see Jisoo." Before unlocking her phone, Jennie closes her eyes quickly to utter a quick wish.

Please still be there

Please still be there

Please still be there

Jennie unlocks her phone and sees that it was two in the morning.

It was too late.

She didn't get to see Jisoo.

After realizing the fact that it would take a few more years to see Jisoo again or probably screwing the only chance to see her girlfriend, Jennie lets out the tears she has been holding on for too long. It first started with a silent weep until she opened her mouth to breathe properly and the grunts started to come in. It hurt. It fucking hurt. All she ever wanted was to ease the longing she felt for Jisoo but once again, time wasn't on their side.

The door opened and it didn't help when the first thing Jennie saw was Roseanne, the woman she blamed for everything. Instantly the pain turned into remorse and the regret turned into anger and since the only other person inside the room was her agent- she decided to lash out on her.

"Are you here to gloat? Huh Roseanne?" She hisses. "Do you want to see the product of your plan? Well- here you go! Look at me!" Jennie wipes the tears stained on her cheeks. "I hope you're happy. I hope that you feel happy knowing that you've destroyed the only chance I got."

"Goddammit!" Jennie even messed up the blinds and looked at the moon. "I didn't get to see her." She says as tears fall again. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry Chu."

Jennie could hear the footsteps approaching but she paid no mind for her grief was far more important than Roseanne's explanation or her attempt to comfort her. She just went to continue to bawl her eyes and cry her heart out for the messed-up opportunity of seeing her lover. Then, all of a sudden- Jennie felt a stroke on her head, and it made her stop. She lifts her head and then looks at Roseanne who has this surprising calm demeanor surrounding her. Roseanne then smiles while still giving comfortable strokes on Jennie's crown head.

And for the first time in five years, Jennie finally heard the word that she has always wanted to hear again.

"Hi Jendeukie."


Jennie has always been a fan of Disney movies.

She liked the positivity surrounding the plot, how you cannot name one movie that doesn't include a song break that gets you hooked and watch the movie once again because the soundtrack rocks. How the main character always sees the silver lining in things and has the ending that makes you happy for them both of them, even though you know that they're just made out of someone else's imagination or the fact that every movie has that one specific magical moment you'd call your favorite scene. Jennie liked those moments because it gives her hope.

But never in her wildest dreams would she ever thought that she would be fortunate enough to have a magical moment to call her own.

"You- how- how did you-" A look of puzzlement crossed her face. She eyes the woman in front of her head to foot, stops every now and then just to peer intently at the latter's entire existence. "What did you just say?"

"I said, hi Jendeukie."

"No, no, no... that- only she calls me that."

"How did you think I know?"

Jennie stops and thinks for a moment. "This can't be- I-" She looks at the moon from her window. "The eclipse... it- it ended and you shouldn't- I shouldn't-" It seems like Jennie only knows how to speak the language of stammering and honestly no one could blame her for just being able to talk like that.

"It's me." She answers. "It's me Jendeuk."

"No, you're Roseanne. My agent whom I very despise at the moment..." She trails off. "But Roseanne doesn't know these things... so does Lisa." She looked at the other pair of eyes once more and hesitated to respond, a sign that she was still very confused and found the situation hard to believe in. "H-how do I know you're not playing me?"

"Ask me anything only Jisoo would know. If I don't answer within five seconds then that means I'm just acting and this is all just Lisa's plan."

"When was our first trip?"

"Are we talking about our very first or just the two of us first?"

"Our very first."

"Jeju island. My family adopted you in and allowed you to tag along for the Winter break."

"Where's our dream honeymoon?"

"Spain. Barcelona in particular."

"Our favorite thing to do together?"

"Making tanghulu of course."

"What do I do when you're mad at me?"

"Nothing, you'd get even and be mad with me too."

"First time we clicked?"


"What was my last gift to you?"

"A ring for my birthday. You gave it to me when I had dinner with my friends and you didn't bother to show up because you're still shy to meet them after being together for so long."

"What's our word."

The latter smiles with relief as if she was waiting for that question to come. "Always."

Jennie was a sucker for Disney movies.

She liked magical moments and silver linings.

This was her magical moment. Her very own silver lining.

And as soon as Jennie heard the answer, she threw all her doubts or any logical reason out in the window.

She rushes to hug the person standing in front of her who warmly welcomes her. Jennie quickly sinks her face further onto the latter's chest as she felt those arms securely holding onto her allowing Jennie to feel the hug that Jisoo would always give her when she's home from work or whenever they're apart for days. Jisoo's hugs were always comforting and Jennie even finds herself tearing up not because of the familiarity of the hug but because of the scent she kept on smelling.

Jennie knew that Roseanne always wore that similar strawberry scent all these years they've known one another. The Roseanne she was hugging right now didn't smell anywhere near that.

Roseanne smelled Daisies.

That was her favorite flower.

Their favorite flower.

"It's you..." Jennie pulls away, cupping both of the taller woman's cheeks. "It really is you." Tears escape from her eyes. "You're here."

"In a way, yes, it is me."

"B-but I still don't understand..." She chews on the insides of her cheek. "How did this happen?"

"I told Lisa to have a back-up plan just in case we don't meet on the eclipse."

"And Roseanne?"

"Lisa told her the truth."

"Everything?" The latter nods her head. "Oh boy..."

"She said she wanted to help in any way that she can. When Lisa told her about the back up plan, she didn't even hesitate and agreed right away."

"Who thought about this back-up plan?"

"I did." The woman answers.

"Were you able to sense that we won't be able to meet?"

"I planned just in case plan A doesn't work. I would still like to talk to you even if it isn't me you're really looking at."

Jennie goes back to hugging her once more. "But I wanted to see you as you."

"We're not really in a position to demand are we?" She hugs Jennie back, rocking their bodies back and forth as they remain in their position.

"It's just that I feel like I'm cheating on you." Hearing that made the other chuckle. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to show you the photo exhibit." Jennie says disappointedly. "Everything was going so well until the storm came and then Roseanne tried to stop me, Lisa injected the sleeping medicine- and I slept so long."

"It's okay, what matters is what we have right now."

"How long do we have?"

"Until the sun comes up."

"Not enough." Jennie hugs her even closer. "Don't worry, on the next full lunar eclipse I will make sure that we will see each other. No use of other people, just the two of us until the sun rises again."

"Can we talk?"

"Aren't we doing that already?" Jennie adds a short chuckle in an attempt to create a lighter mood. When the latter didn't answer, she pulled away from the hug and saw how her facial expression changed. "Chu?"

"I'm sorry Jennie..." She says in her low voice. "There's no next time for us."

"What are you talking about?"

"There's a reason why the dead show themselves to their loved ones during a full lunar eclipse." She explains. "It's not because of a reunion and a promise to see each one another on the next." She hangs her head low as her hands find Jennie's. Interlocking their fingers together, she looked up and offered Jennie a sad smile. "It's more of saying good bye."

"Good bye? But, why? What do you mean by good bye? Are you-" Jennie takes a moment to pause and have a better understanding of the situation. "Are... are you saying you're leaving? For good?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't just say sorry to me. Explain." She raises her usual voice up a few higher tones as she was starting to tremble inside. "Or am I just not worth an explanation to you?"

"Of course you do, I would gladly explain things to you."

"Then start doing it now." She pulls herself away from the latter's hold. "What happened to planning things together?"

"Jen, I have to leave."

"Bullshit." She spoke through her teeth with forced restraint. "Don't give me that lousy explanation. You and I both know I deserve more than that." She spats.

"I don't belong here anymore."

"So you're just going to leave me like that?!" Jennie clenches her jaw, quite frustrated that Jiso wasn't even trying to explain things further. "Have you forgotten the pain I felt when you left for the first time? What state I was in then and now you're telling me that you want to go?"


"No. You're not going anywhere. You're going to stay here with me."

"Please don't make this harder than it already is." She tries to use the calm voice she has right now to calm down the raging waves within Jennie's eyes. "I just can't simply stay here anymore."

"Are you saying that you don't want to be here with me anymore?"

"That's not it."

"Then what is it!?" Jennie's voice was strained as she lifted her hands up, demanding for Jisoo to clearly explain things to her.

"Jennie I'm dead!" She raises her voice, unable to hold back the similar frustration she was going through. "I'm a ghost for fuck's sake!"

"And you think I give a shit about what you are right now?"

"We don't live in the same world as we used to!"

"I don't care! I want you hear with me so you better not take a fucking step back because I don't want you to leave. You can't leave me again!" She could feel her chest tightening because of it. "You promised me we'd be together no matter what. You promised me that you'll be there to be with me until I grow old and be the very first person I see when I die."

"Until then what should we do huh? How long are we planning to avoid our inevitable ending? How many people should sacrifice their lives just to make sure that we're living ours?" She asks to which Jennie had a hard time finding the proper answer. "Just take a goddamn look at Lisa Jen, we've been using her as our messenger for years, she had to stop her plans just because she felt liable to be the only bridge of our different worlds."

"What about my pain Jisoo? Huh?" Jennie argues back. "What about the pain I went through when you died? What about the fact that my life stopped the moment I was going to lose you!" She screams back at the ghost of her lover. "Have you ever thought about what I felt ever since? What did I go through?" She was taking heavy breaths in between while her hands slowly turned into fists. "To hear that the woman I've planned to spend the rest of my life with is going away after a few months?"

"Have you considered the pain I experienced after realizing that I found the person for me at the wrong time? The pain I've felt when I heard the sound of your machine and when your heart beat turned into a straight line?" With her fists clenched hard, Jennie could even feel her fingernails biting into the palms as tears started to fall down on her cheeks. "It was fucking painful Chu... and I don't think I can take it for the second time."

"You think I wanted to leave? You think my dream was to find the love of my life and be diagnosed with a sickness in a terminal stage? You think I wanted to die? Huh Jennie?" The latter was starting to feel frustrated too. "I knew it was fucking painful for you. I was there!" She screams. "I was there when you desperately cried and told your pain to the moon every night. I was there when you isolated yourself for months, I was there when you cried every single day!"

"You want to talk about pain? How about experiencing the pain and longing I felt for you! To see you a few feet away from me but not being able to hold you. To comfort you but I couldn't because I know I'm also the reason why you're sad... To desperately let you know that I am here... Right here by your side..." Tears also start to escape from her eyes. "I need to leave because I owe you so much."

"I need to leave because I realized that I'm the only one who's dead Jennie, not you. I need to say good bye because I also have a new path to walk upon. I need to go because you have a long life ahead of you, you have so much to accomplish and you can't do those things if you're still stuck with my death."

And with a soft, defeated and broken voice, Jennie answered-

"What's the point of having a long life without you Chu?"

Once more, Jennie was pulled in for a tight embrace with the latter's arms pressing her ever so close to her. This time, the two cried their hearts out. Cried together for the moments that they were trying to be strong for one another. Cried together for all the times they weren't able to, and cried together for they're about to face a new chapter in their respective lives.

A chapter without one another.

Jennie cried hard like she has never cried before. To her, this was worse than losing Jisoo for the first time. The pain was unbearable as if her heart was about to jump out of her mouth and her lungs about to give up because of the heavy heaves she made and even though Jennie was still too stubborn to admit it and even if she didn't hear it herself, she knew it was time.

She needs to say goodbye to Jisoo.

And it fucking hurts.

Because she knows Jisoo is leaving for good.

"Please..." Jennie's voice muffled against the latter's chest. "Please don't go..."

"If only I could stay."

"I don't want you to leave me." She holds onto her tighter. "I can't lose you, not like this... not like this again."

"You're not going to lose me and you know that." The latter says. "Even if I'm no longer here, I know for a fact that our love will always be with you until the very end and that means, a part of me, will always be with you Jennie. A part of me will live in you."

"No... please just-" Jennie releases a heavy sigh. "Please don't-"

"I was with you then, I am with you now and I will be with you still." The latter pulls away and wipes off Jennie's tears while Jennie tries to wipe off hers. She gave Jennie a smile, as if she wanted the photographer to have a beautiful memory of her. "And just like we promised, I will always be with you."

Jennie closed her eyes as soon as she felt the latter closing in. When Jennie felt a soft pair of lips pressed against her forehead, she couldn't help but tear up again. Despite the ache she feels inside, she tried to focus on this moment, trying to memorize how the kiss felt, how warm her lips were in order to have a perfect memory of this moment.

As the lips moved away from her forehead, so did the smell of Daisies and as soon as the smell disappeared, so did the warmth. When the absence of warmth was evident, so did the soul of the love of her life, her moon, and her greatest heartbreak.

Jisoo was gone. For good.


The next time Jennie opened her eyes was when she felt the sun's rays hitting against her eyelids. She opened her orbs slowly and when she turned to the side, gone was the moon from her window pane and all she could see is the bright day with the blue sky and birds chirping on the oak trees. As she continuously stares at the sun light years away from her, Jennie couldn't help but tear up because seeing the sun was also one of the proofs that last night was real.

"Oh my God Jen are you okay?" Lisa, who just arrived, looked at her friend with worry. "Do you need some help to sit?"

"Yes please." Lisa then grabs hold of the controller located by the side of the bed and places Jennie into a more comfortable position. "Thank you."

"How long have you been up? Do you need something? Are you hungry? Do you need some water?"

Jennie shakes her head slightly as tears could be found on the edge of her eyes. "I believe what I need is no longer here Lisa."

"I'm sorry Jennie, I didn't know that was her plan. If I had, I would've been able to convince her."

"We both know that's impossible. Jisoo never regrets her decisions, not once." She said with a sad smile and looked back at the sun.

"Speaking of decisions, I made mine last night." Jennie turns her head back to her good friend. "Jisoo always reminded me that when she leaves this shit hole, she wanted for me to live my life to the fullest. With that, I've come to a decision to take a break from the industry for a while." She says. "I've always wanted to be a nomad and just travel with nothing but my camera and backpack... I want to take thousands of pictures and fall in love with photography again." Then came a sad smile across on her face. "I'm sorry, you're probably surprised with my decision to leave."

"I think it's about time you take a break too." Lisa snaps her head towards Jennie with a surprise look on her face. "You don't owe me anything Lisa, in fact- it's me who owes you so much that I don't even know how to repay you back."

"Our friendship isn't about counting all the favors we've done for one another. We're far better than that." She says. "But if you really do insist, then I would just pass on what Jisoo told me. I want you to live for yourself from now on."

"Don't worry, starting from now- I'm going to try. For real, this time." Jennie says and it made Lisa sigh with relief. "When will you be leaving?"

"Tonight." She says regretfully. "I'm selfish, am I?"

"You're anything but that. You, Lisa Manoban is one and probably the most selfless individual I've ever come across. Jisoo is right, you should put yourself first this time, do all the things you weren't able to do because you were held back by our cowardness to face the reality." She comforts the bob-haired beauty. "Don't worry about me okay? I'm going to be okay."

Lisa starts to cry and couldn't help but hug Jennie. "Just because I said I want to be a nomadic individual doesn't mean I won't check my phone every now and then. Send me updates, let's do calls and video calls. If you really want to go vintage then we could send letters or postcards." She sniffs. "Don't miss me too much, okay?"

Jennie smiles as she soothes Lisa's back. "I'll try."

The door opened and it revealed Roseanne who stopped midway when she saw Lisa and Jennie pull away from one another. "S-s-sorry! I didn't know that Lisa's already here and that you're awake, I just went for a cup of coffee and uh- forgot to give some tip... my uh, coin purse is-" She stops when she sees Lisa was whispering something to Jennie. She swallows the lump on her throat, feeling conscious about the possibility that they were talking about her. "Uh, sorry to interrupt I should just-"

"Can we talk?"

"T-t-talk?" Jennie nods her head. "Y-yeah I'm done for a talk."

Lisa rolls her eyes at her friend's continuous stuttering. "A-a-alright, I-I'll go." She teases and grabs her things. "Rosie, pick me up early later or else I'm going to be late on my flight."

"I'll be driving home Jennie anyway."

"Good, now if you'll excuse me..."

There was silence surrounding them as soon as Lisa left the premises. For the very first time, Roseanne felt unsure on how to approach the latter after finally figuring out what kind of backstory she has. She was torn whether she was to comfort her first or just shut up and wait for Jennie to make the first move, because the last thing she wanted to imply was her pitying Jennie's situation for Jennie hated anyone who pitied her, as Lisa reminded her last night.

"I'm sorry." Jennie says right away, completely surprising Roseanne. "For the way I acted yesterday. I was irrational, scared and- in love."

"Don't mention it." She shrugs it off like it wasn't a big thing. "Though I have to be honest, seeing you have that strength scared me a bit."

"I remember every agony Jisoo had when she was seriously ill. There were times where she would just groan and cry for minutes and she'd calm down, other days it would take hours and mostly, as the days went by, her headaches could go for a really long time and sometimes I would end up crying while I held her in my arms." She shares. "My heart would be in constant pain because she was in pain... For me, nothing is more painful than to see the love of your life go through that kind of pain and know that you can't do anything about it."

"When Jisoo died, all I could ever think about was how unfair this life works. I was mad for understandable reasons because in my eyes, Jisoo is the most generous person you'll ever know. She's selfless and she is just wonderful." She says. "Whenever she sleeps at night, I was just there sitting beside her crying with frustration as I continuously asked- why her? Out of all the people in the world, why do the good people go ahead?"

"The pain and the anger I had brought with me for so long resulted into bitterness towards the world for taking someone who's so precious. That bitterness that I planted eventually grew into selfishness which resulted me to use Lisa to somehow soothe the pain I was experiencing. I tried to justify that stopping someone else from moving forward with their life was okay because Lisa volunteered to help... She was the most victimized person here in our story. Looking back, I just feel awful knowing I've been so focused on my own pain for too long to not notice that she was in pain too."

"Anyone could've done it you know?" Roseanne says. "If I was in your shoes, I would also feel like I've been cheated. The life I wanted for myself hasn't even started yet and somehow; they took away the biggest part of it. Of course I'd be mad, I'd think it was unfair. So you don't have to blame yourself because I know for a fact Lisa understood."

Jennie smiles, comforted by the fact that Roseanne understands what she went through. "Thank you for understanding Roseanne."

This time Roseanne smiles too. "Anytime."

Jennie had to do some tests and wait for the results before having the go signal to be discharged. It was already nearing sunset when they got it and they were both relieved that it wasn't too serious and all that Jennie had to do was to take some rest. After settling everything, Roseanne meets up with her talent who was standing by the main exit of the establishment.

"The bills have been paid." Roseanne announces her presence. "By yours truly of course."

"Thank you for indirectly telling me that I am a broke ass photographer who's at the bottom part of your talents."

"It's a joke."

"God, Roseanne I know it's a joke." She rolls her eyes playfully. "I'm not that dense."

"What do you think we should have for dinner?" Roseanne asks as they make their way to the car. "I mean, the three of us should have some early dinner before Lisa leaves."

"That's a nice idea. She has this favorite go-to Thai restaurant near the apartment."

"Okay then, Thai dinner is for the Thai nomad."

"Can we drop by a flower shop first?"

"You want to give Lisa flowers?"

Jennie shakes her head. "It's for Jisoo."





Roseanne placed a beautiful set basket of Roses by the tomb. "Jisoo is a beautiful woman. "All it took was a solid stare at her and I couldn't look at anyone else."

"I don't blame you for that." They both chuckled. "By the way, I found something on my coat earlier and I believe it's for you." She hands Jennie a piece of envelope.

"Is this..." Swallowing the lump on her throat, Jennie looked at Roseanne with nervous eyes.

"I don't remember much but I believe that she wrote this before you guys talked." She says. "I think that she decided to write what she couldn't say to you." Jennie starts to get emotional again as she traces the words 'For Jendeukie' on the front face of the envelope. "I only met her for a few hours under not so normal circumstances, but I am awed at the amount of love that she has for you. I think that her love for you will always be stronger than any physical connection in the world and that you should call yourself grateful for being fortunate enough to feel that. It took a lot of her to leave you behind."

"You know I haven't been able to say thank you for what you did last night." She says. "So thank you."

"It was the least that I could do."

"Also, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"If only I wasn't selfish, you and Lisa would've been a couple long time ago." She says. "But just to be clear Roseanne, Lisa likes you and only you. After all this time, more than you or she herself could ever figure out."

"I like Lisa in that way too." She sighs. "Guess this still isn't the time for us to talk about how we really feel." In spite of it, Roseanne still managed to smile. "But nothing worth it ever comes easy right?"

Roseanne excuses herself and allows Jennie her well deserved privacy. As Roseanne's footsteps recede, Jennie places her own set of flowers for Jisoo, a basket of Daisies and places it on the center of the tomb. She gets herself in a comfortable position and gathers as much strength she needs, both physically and emotionally before opening the final memory Jisoo has left behind for her.

My dear Jendeuk,

I just want to say first and foremost that your friend Roseanne has a wonderful writing. Better than the three of us actually, it made me wonder how come someone like Lisa who is silly and goofy will end up with someone amazing? It's kind of unfair and quite saddening for Roseanne. Please don't tell Lisa about this.

It also made me think about being a calligraphy artist in my next life. Of course I'm blessed with writing like this. If not, maybe I can negotiate to the angels to reincarnate me to a turtle perhaps? What do you think? You think I'm weird right?

I never got the chance to say thank you and show my appreciation for the effort you've made on your current exhibit. I didn't know you took our sun and moon conversation into a more meaningful one but this just goes to show how amazing your mind is. You are made for photography, for using art as your voice and how talented you are in this field. So I hope you won't let this go and to put your focus on this.

A few minutes from now I will be entering your room and I'm going to have to tell you something, and I believe it's not some good news. I guess this is just me writing all the words I won't be able to say later for the reasons that it must be too painful to say it or I'm just a coward as you are when it comes to confessing feelings so here are the things I believe I will not be able to say to you in person.

When I decided to stay behind and let Lisa connect the both of us, I also accepted the fact that I would have to go soon. I knew it was wrong to stay because you should go on with life. You, Lisa, my parents, my siblings and even my precious boy Dalgom. But I guess even a dead girl's heart is still powerful in the afterlife and I wasn't able to fight it.

The truth is, I didn't want to leave. To be honest, if there was any other way to make my stay longer on Earth with you, I would go for that because I just can't imagine myself moving forward without you by my side. I'm scared Jennie for I don't know what lies ahead but then I figured that you have been strong for me all this time from the moment of finding out that I was about to die, to my death and to dealing with it. So, I decided to be the braver one between us hoping that it'll give you strength to move forward too.

You deserve to have a wonderful life Jennie. You deserve to do all the things that make you happy, things that make you feel alive. You deserve to get drunk and worry about a hangover the next day and find an acceptable excuse for your boss, you deserve to go on road trips and make silly decisions. You deserve to be known by the entire world and just all the good things, and I know that you can't do those things if I'm still around.

Jennie I want you to know that just because my life stopped earlier than yours doesn't mean your life should be the same. I know that you still have a lot of anger with you, a lot of regrets and a whole lot of pain because believe me, I felt that too. I also felt that life did me wrongly. I remember when you said that you were angry at the world for we loved one another at a wrong time but I would choose to love you at the wrong time over and over again than to not have the chance to love you at all... so I hope that you will find it in your heart to let go of that anger and allow yourself to be free.

Thank you for everything. I seriously cannot stress enough how grateful I am to meet you, to love you and be loved by you. Thank you for every memory we shared, the good and the bad, from having long hair to baldness, from saying hello to saying good bye, I will treasure them all. You are worth every tear that I've shared, every laugh I omit from my mouth and every fiber of my being. This longing we feel for one another will not be long Jennie, for I believe that in some crazy way, the world has planned to give us a happy ending. In that world, I won't be sick and you won't be stubborn. We'll be just two ordinary people and eventually fall in love for the most ordinary reasons. And in that world Jennie, we will love one another for all the times we weren't able to in this life.

I loved you, I love you, and I will love you.

I will always love you.

- Jisoo :)

Jennie finds herself crying for the nth time as she holds the letter close to her heart. Only this time her tears weren't made out of anger nor regret or even sadness. When she finally recollected herself, she lets out a huge exhale before starting her reply.

"Right timing isn't really our thing, huh Chu..." She starts... "I still can't believe that you really know me that much... from the anger I kept with me, from the pain I've suffered down to the endless questions I had. You knew them way before I started to feel them, and I don't think I'll meet someone as great as you."

"I don't know if I can live up to your requests. Deep down, I know that the pain I feel right now will still be with me for a long time and I have this feeling that this won't ever leave me... It still hurts Chu, it hurts to know that we weren't meant to last long, that we weren't able to achieve our dreams together or created enough memories."

"But you know what? I also have a feeling that I will make it one day... One day, I'd wake up and look at the sun and feel better. One day, I'll be able to look at the moon and smile and accept why it had to be this way. Until then, I will try, and I will never stop trying because I don't want you to worry about me. You should be resting now and watch over me with ease... Thank you for everything Chu..." Jennie says through the tears. "And just like you said about loving me at the wrong time, I, too, will choose to love the girl I have a terminal disease- over and over again." Closing her eyes she remembered all the good things that had happened to them. "We will meet again Chu, the longing that I feel for you right now is just temporary and I will patiently wait for that so-called moment you mentioned where we'll meet in a different world and for once, not everything is fucked up as it is now."

"I'm scared Chu..." She sniffs and wipes her tears. "But you'll always be with me right?"

Suddenly a soft breeze passed by Jennie through a humid sunset. Feeling that brief moment of air passing behind her made Jennie cry again while nodding, like she got the answer what she was hoping for. She leans in and kisses the tomb before turning around to leave the cemetery.

Jennie entered Roseanne's car and enjoyed the silence surrounding the ride. And while the farewell between her and her greatest love was bittersweet, Jennie's lips form into a smile knowing that Jisoo's love will always be with her.

Always have and always will be.

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